I may have gotten the impeachment thing all wrong

I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

Nice try. Prior posts expose you as a biased Leftist. You're also probably a bandwagon 49ers fan. Loser.
i love it when ignorant trolls act so sure of themselves as they peddle out completely false information. Thanks for the laugh

If you want a laugh look in the mirror.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The House had their clown show and nobody on the left objected. They did what they want, silenced who they wanted, and conducted it their way. Now the Senate is doing the same, and all of a sudden it's unfair.

Let me tell you what's unfair, and that is having this impeachment without knowing who is responsible for making the charges. The so-called whistleblower is anonymous, so is the person that provided him or her the information, and they cannot be addressed.

Can you tell me why the Senate Republicans would help the Democrats after these phony charges were made; charges with no crime; charges that aren't even impeachable according to the US Constitution? It's ridiculous already. The Senate Republicans are not going to support the deep state. Election is less than a year away, if Americans don't want Trump in office anymore, that should be our decision, not the commies.
The house did an inquiry. The senate is responsible for having a trial. Two very different things and as I just said. Two wrongs, don’t make a right

And the Senate IS having a trial, but they are not about to allow the Democrats tell them how to proceed with one or extend their clown show with the House. You wanted an impeachment trial, then here it is. If you don't like how they are conducting it, then it's only fair because we didn't like how they conducted their inquiry.
why do you think it’s a clown show to see documents showing direct communication and witnesses who had direct access to trumps directives? Wouldn’t that clear Trump if he did nothing wrong?
The Clown Show ENDED at THE House. The Never Ending Subpoena Cannon has run out of gunpowder. BTW, Pelosi I think looses not just her speakership, but I think she loses her re-election bid.
Sorry if I don’t trust your predictions after losing the house during the midterms.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

Nice try. Prior posts expose you as a biased Leftist. You're also probably a bandwagon 49ers fan. Loser.
i love it when ignorant trolls act so sure of themselves as they peddle out completely false information. Thanks for the laugh
They were impeaching him 2 years before the election. And long before the Ukraine smear.

Please stop lying.

Please stop talking to yourself.
why do you think it’s a clown show to see documents showing direct communication and witnesses who had direct access to trumps directives? Wouldn’t that clear Trump if he did nothing wrong?
The charge of abuse of power rests on the claim that the President wanted the investigation of the Bidens to advance his chances for reelection, so the only relevant witnesses or documents would have to directly show that was his motivation and clearly, the House was unable to find and such witnesses or documents so all the fuss the Democrats are making is just to extend their political stunt to advance their own political interests.
I agree that the Dems messed up emphasizing the “political interest”point. It’s very hard to prove intent, even when it’s obvious. There should be a process to follow when working with foreign countries to investigate political rivals. If that system isn’t in place then it needs to be set up. If it is in place and Trump didn’t follow it then he should be held accountable. He held up funds to progress this investigation agenda, that was deemed illegal. He used his personal attorney instead of regular channels to pursue his agenda, there could be something wrong there too. And he’s blocked information and spread false narratives in the aftermath which is not OK. There’s a lot of crap there

Trump didn't ever say he held up funds for the investigation. The Democrats made that up. Trump said he held up aid to investigate what other members of the UN were contributing. But don't listen to Trump, listen to what the Democrats concluded because Democrats can read minds. Forget about what Trump said.
Wrong. The Dems didn’t make that up. Trumps own staffers who were in charge of the funds and relations with Ukraine testified to that. I also think you know it’s true, I would push to hard with the Trump never said it argument. We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually

What a minute, which staffers? I didn't see any. The only person to testify that he or she spoke directly with the President on the matter was ambassador Sondland, and he testified when he spoke to President Trump directly, Trump told him no quid pro quo; he didn't want anything from President Zelensky.
Trump said no quid pro quo after he found out he was being accused of a quid pro quo. You can’t be that gullible can you ray?
The evidence is overwhelming. Let's vote to impeach.

Later in the senate:

We need more evidence because we don't have enough.

That’s not what I’m hearing... they think they have enough. But they also want more, why wouldn’t they want more?. They want the stuff Trump blocked them from getting. Can you blame them?

Yes I can. EVERY president we've had has blocked congress from shit they wanted. Executive Privilege. Look it up. They could have gone to court and the court decides what witnesses/documents Trump's administration has to give up. But they're in a fucking hurry because ELECTION! If he gets elected, they know they are fucked for another 4 years.

They said the evidence was OVERWHELMING. Why would they need more. Look up the definition of OVERWHELM. I posted it above. Go read it. They impeached him based on the evidence they gathered. That should be MORE than enough. They are looking for discovery in a trial. They should have done all of the discovery in the inquiry in the house. That's ass backwards and it's only because more shit keeps coming forward. Kinda like the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. Dribble, dribble, dribble. They figured they could get around the courts by having the Senate do the job of the house and that's BULLSHIT.

Don't be fooled so easily. Look at it objectively.

Trump wasn't even allowed to defend himself in the House Impeachment Inquiry. Why should he give up anyFUCKINGthing.

Would you participate in your own impeachment if YOU couldn't defend yourself?
You’ve got to be joking!! Yes all presidents invoke privilege, as they should, but none have even come close to what Trump is doing. We aren’t talking about private strategy meetings or national security issues. We are talking about state department business, transcripts, complaints made by staffers to attorneys and a slew of other relevant pieces to this situation.

What are you talking about? DumBama did it during Fast and Furious. He refused to surrender subpoenaed documents to the Republican House.
the Fast and Furious situation stayed in court for 7 years. And you all were bitching about Nancy holding the articles for a couple weeks?! Come on!

Yes, that's the process it's supposed to follow, not impeachment. If there is a disagreement about how EP is used, it goes to the courts like the Republicans did. The Democrats didn't even consider it. Instead, they chose to charge him with obstruction.
The charge of abuse of power rests on the claim that the President wanted the investigation of the Bidens to advance his chances for reelection, so the only relevant witnesses or documents would have to directly show that was his motivation and clearly, the House was unable to find and such witnesses or documents so all the fuss the Democrats are making is just to extend their political stunt to advance their own political interests.
I agree that the Dems messed up emphasizing the “political interest”point. It’s very hard to prove intent, even when it’s obvious. There should be a process to follow when working with foreign countries to investigate political rivals. If that system isn’t in place then it needs to be set up. If it is in place and Trump didn’t follow it then he should be held accountable. He held up funds to progress this investigation agenda, that was deemed illegal. He used his personal attorney instead of regular channels to pursue his agenda, there could be something wrong there too. And he’s blocked information and spread false narratives in the aftermath which is not OK. There’s a lot of crap there

Trump didn't ever say he held up funds for the investigation. The Democrats made that up. Trump said he held up aid to investigate what other members of the UN were contributing. But don't listen to Trump, listen to what the Democrats concluded because Democrats can read minds. Forget about what Trump said.
Wrong. The Dems didn’t make that up. Trumps own staffers who were in charge of the funds and relations with Ukraine testified to that. I also think you know it’s true, I would push to hard with the Trump never said it argument. We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually

What a minute, which staffers? I didn't see any. The only person to testify that he or she spoke directly with the President on the matter was ambassador Sondland, and he testified when he spoke to President Trump directly, Trump told him no quid pro quo; he didn't want anything from President Zelensky.
Trump said no quid pro quo after he found out he was being accused of a quid pro quo. You can’t be that gullible can you ray?

Then show me somebody who testified that Trump told them the reason he was withholding aid was for a quid pro quo. We have all the testimony on video. Nobody except Sondland testified that they spoke with Trump directly on the matter.
They are presenting that case. The docs and witnesses they are asking for are just further credible accounts of what happened. We should all want to see it. You especially because it would vindicate trump without the appearance of the cover up which it currently looks like he is doing.

The House Coup Leaders dragged out the Rules portion of the Senate Impeachment process until almost 2am begging the Senate to allow them to call new witnesses and look at new information that MIGHT contain information to help their case.

They begged the Senate to allow them to ignore the same Executive Privilege Barry invoked during his Fast and Furious scandal - the bid difference being that during Fast and Furious there was actual evidence of criminal wrongdoing that required investigating.

Even the #1 accusation they have based their Impeachment on - the abuse of power by the President to force the Ukraine PM to open an investigation has been proven to be FALSE. Evidence already released / reported proved the new Ukraine prosecutor opened up an investigation of Burisma BEFORE the President's call to the Ukraine PM.

Schiff's House Impeachment hearing was such a disaster that he attempted to present his own personally authored fictional account of the phone call as evidence...and got almost immediately busted for it. (THAT and his attempt to tell 400+/- House LAWYERS that a non-existent law that affords whistle blowers anonymity and immunity, a lie he was immediately busted for telling, tells everyone not only is Schiff a pathologically lying criminal but he's STUPID, too!)

The articles of Impeachment do not have 1 single prosecutable crime in them.

During the House's Impeachment hearings not one of their 'witnesses' could name 1 crime or Impeachable Offense the President had committed when asked to d so.

Their own Constitutional Expert testified the President did not violate the Constitution, did not break the law, and did not abuse his power.

All of this proves Democrats an easily-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes will NEVER admit this last 4 years have been nothing but Democrats treason and revenge for Hillary losing in 2016.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on
Maybe you need a better understanding of what's going on.
What's happening right now is that the demodumbasses are attempting to change the rules by getting more witness testimony to hopefully bolster their ridiculous case. However, McConnell is holding their feet to the fire forcing them to present their case before any more witness testimony is heard.
The issue is they had no real reason to be there in the first place presenting a case of impeachment when they have never really had one.
In short, he's calling their bluff and telling them to lay their cards on the table but they want to keep bluffing because they damn well know when the hand is done, that they are done. Again!
i don’t think Trump should be impeached but if you really think the accusations against him are a hoax or that there was no wrong doing then you aren’t seeing clearly. What Trump did was wrong, he deserves to be called out for it. The lies being told to cover it up are pathetic and embarrassing for both Trump and the Republicans. We all know what went down. It’s fine to say that you don’t think it’s impeachable... but denying it altogether just feeds the dishonest hyperbole being spewed onto the American people

its the job of POTUS to seek out corruption where ever it hides its ugly head,and as for biden the mountain of evidence leaves trump no choice
Good, then own that argument. Admit that everything the Dems are accusing Trump of actually happened bit it was him doing his job and not impeachable offenses
Not every head is turned when Jerry Nadler lies his ass off.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on
I'm sorry that 3 years of false accusations by Democrats refuted by 6 inquiries that the Democrats billed American taxpayers and voters for, failed to get your attention, Mr. or Ms. Slade.

There hasn't been any false accusations. There has been blocked witnesses from testifying who would have changed this situation.

IM2 sez: "There hasn't been any false accusations. There has been blocked witnesses from testifying who would have changed this situation."
IM2, I mean this in a nice way, but plz lay off the oxycontin. It been killing off at least a thousand Americans every year recently, although it makes people feel like they're gonna live forever and that their hallucinations are fact.

The rest of the nation has noticed that the false accusations laid on President Trump by the Democrats in the House have been refuted by the 6 inquiries the Democrats taxed the American people to levy against President Trump to try to steal the next election with. They keep tapping their press friends to arrange false "surveys" favoring the lying lies with support, when actually, the Democrats have alienated half their party against themselves and 98 percent of the 63,000,000 Republicans who elected President Trump and defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Seems an innocent person would want the evidence to exonerate him.

I believe this will backfire on the republican senators at the polls.

in this country its the job of the prosecution to prove guilt, not the accused to prove innocence,,,

not sure how you do it in your country,,,
yet in most every trial I’ve heard of the defense calls witnesses and produces documents to counter the charges filed against them, do they not?

Wrong analogy. The trial was held. The prosecution concluded it's case. The judge ordered the jury to deliberate the case. The prosecutor can't barge into the jury room and say "I have more witnesses!!! I have more witnesses!!"
youre mixed up Ray. The House did an inquiry, not a trial. The Senates job is to handle the trial.

No, I have it right. You're the one who's mixed up. What case in history ever had two trials: one for the prosecution and one for the defense? I never heard such a case. This is not a trial, this is a judgement. You said it yourself. You said Republicans had their say in the inquiry. That's the trial. Both sides spoke, both had witnesses, the prosecution rested their case and made a decision to impeach. Now it goes to the Senate (the jury) for deliberation, not another trial.
Sorry Ray, I can’t argue with stupid. You’re trying to convince me that 2+2=5 and the only thing I can say in response is... no it’s not.
The House had their clown show and nobody on the left objected. They did what they want, silenced who they wanted, and conducted it their way. Now the Senate is doing the same, and all of a sudden it's unfair.

Let me tell you what's unfair, and that is having this impeachment without knowing who is responsible for making the charges. The so-called whistleblower is anonymous, so is the person that provided him or her the information, and they cannot be addressed.

Can you tell me why the Senate Republicans would help the Democrats after these phony charges were made; charges with no crime; charges that aren't even impeachable according to the US Constitution? It's ridiculous already. The Senate Republicans are not going to support the deep state. Election is less than a year away, if Americans don't want Trump in office anymore, that should be our decision, not the commies.
The house did an inquiry. The senate is responsible for having a trial. Two very different things and as I just said. Two wrongs, don’t make a right

And the Senate IS having a trial, but they are not about to allow the Democrats tell them how to proceed with one or extend their clown show with the House. You wanted an impeachment trial, then here it is. If you don't like how they are conducting it, then it's only fair because we didn't like how they conducted their inquiry.
why do you think it’s a clown show to see documents showing direct communication and witnesses who had direct access to trumps directives? Wouldn’t that clear Trump if he did nothing wrong?
The Clown Show ENDED at THE House. The Never Ending Subpoena Cannon has run out of gunpowder. BTW, Pelosi I think looses not just her speakership, but I think she loses her re-election bid.
Sorry if I don’t trust your predictions after losing the house during the midterms.

Some unfortunate people bought it, and voted for Democrats. People don't like being lied to and conned.



Harmeet Dhillon: Trump impeachment -- If Schiff were a prosecutor, he'd be in serious trouble
The problem here is that the witnesses will not vindicate trump.
Dear brainwashed, easily-manipulated, TDS-suffering, hate-driven snowflake, contrary to what your MASTERS have told you, in this country Americans are INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. The President does not need anyone to 'vindicate' him when the Democrats have produced no crime, no evidence, no witnesses, and they have been on record since 5 minutes after taking his oath of office vowing to Impeach him.

Also, not one 'witness' in the House's Impeachment actually 'witnessed ' anything, and none of them could name 1 crime or Impeachable offense the President committed when they were directly asked to do so.
in this country its the job of the prosecution to prove guilt, not the accused to prove innocence,,,

not sure how you do it in your country,,,
yet in most every trial I’ve heard of the defense calls witnesses and produces documents to counter the charges filed against them, do they not?

Wrong analogy. The trial was held. The prosecution concluded it's case. The judge ordered the jury to deliberate the case. The prosecutor can't barge into the jury room and say "I have more witnesses!!! I have more witnesses!!"
youre mixed up Ray. The House did an inquiry, not a trial. The Senates job is to handle the trial.

No, I have it right. You're the one who's mixed up. What case in history ever had two trials: one for the prosecution and one for the defense? I never heard such a case. This is not a trial, this is a judgement. You said it yourself. You said Republicans had their say in the inquiry. That's the trial. Both sides spoke, both had witnesses, the prosecution rested their case and made a decision to impeach. Now it goes to the Senate (the jury) for deliberation, not another trial.
Sorry Ray, I can’t argue with stupid. You’re trying to convince me that 2+2=5 and the only thing I can say in response is... no it’s not.
You stated The House Inquiry Perfectly
That’s not what I’m hearing... they think they have enough. But they also want more, why wouldn’t they want more?. They want the stuff Trump blocked them from getting. Can you blame them?

Yes I can. EVERY president we've had has blocked congress from shit they wanted. Executive Privilege. Look it up. They could have gone to court and the court decides what witnesses/documents Trump's administration has to give up. But they're in a fucking hurry because ELECTION! If he gets elected, they know they are fucked for another 4 years.

They said the evidence was OVERWHELMING. Why would they need more. Look up the definition of OVERWHELM. I posted it above. Go read it. They impeached him based on the evidence they gathered. That should be MORE than enough. They are looking for discovery in a trial. They should have done all of the discovery in the inquiry in the house. That's ass backwards and it's only because more shit keeps coming forward. Kinda like the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. Dribble, dribble, dribble. They figured they could get around the courts by having the Senate do the job of the house and that's BULLSHIT.

Don't be fooled so easily. Look at it objectively.

Trump wasn't even allowed to defend himself in the House Impeachment Inquiry. Why should he give up anyFUCKINGthing.

Would you participate in your own impeachment if YOU couldn't defend yourself?
You’ve got to be joking!! Yes all presidents invoke privilege, as they should, but none have even come close to what Trump is doing. We aren’t talking about private strategy meetings or national security issues. We are talking about state department business, transcripts, complaints made by staffers to attorneys and a slew of other relevant pieces to this situation.

What are you talking about? DumBama did it during Fast and Furious. He refused to surrender subpoenaed documents to the Republican House.
the Fast and Furious situation stayed in court for 7 years. And you all were bitching about Nancy holding the articles for a couple weeks?! Come on!

Yes, that's the process it's supposed to follow, not impeachment. If there is a disagreement about how EP is used, it goes to the courts like the Republicans did. The Democrats didn't even consider it. Instead, they chose to charge him with obstruction.
No that’s not the process it is supposed to use otherwise any impeachment can get stonewalled and then get lost in court. The pres would serve out his/her term before the case finishes in court. That makes no sense
Sorry Ray, I can’t argue with stupid. You’re trying to convince me that 2+2=5 and the only thing I can say in response is... no it’s not.
A common core snowflake trying to teach others math......bwuhahahaha.......
I agree that the Dems messed up emphasizing the “political interest”point. It’s very hard to prove intent, even when it’s obvious. There should be a process to follow when working with foreign countries to investigate political rivals. If that system isn’t in place then it needs to be set up. If it is in place and Trump didn’t follow it then he should be held accountable. He held up funds to progress this investigation agenda, that was deemed illegal. He used his personal attorney instead of regular channels to pursue his agenda, there could be something wrong there too. And he’s blocked information and spread false narratives in the aftermath which is not OK. There’s a lot of crap there

Trump didn't ever say he held up funds for the investigation. The Democrats made that up. Trump said he held up aid to investigate what other members of the UN were contributing. But don't listen to Trump, listen to what the Democrats concluded because Democrats can read minds. Forget about what Trump said.
Wrong. The Dems didn’t make that up. Trumps own staffers who were in charge of the funds and relations with Ukraine testified to that. I also think you know it’s true, I would push to hard with the Trump never said it argument. We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually

What a minute, which staffers? I didn't see any. The only person to testify that he or she spoke directly with the President on the matter was ambassador Sondland, and he testified when he spoke to President Trump directly, Trump told him no quid pro quo; he didn't want anything from President Zelensky.
Trump said no quid pro quo after he found out he was being accused of a quid pro quo. You can’t be that gullible can you ray?

Then show me somebody who testified that Trump told them the reason he was withholding aid was for a quid pro quo. We have all the testimony on video. Nobody except Sondland testified that they spoke with Trump directly on the matter.
Why would Trump have to specifically tell them? They testified to what the agenda was, an agenda that was set by the president. What if Trumps chief of staff told them or sec of state, or National security advisor??!! Gee it would sure be great to talk to those guys wouldn’t it?
They are presenting that case. The docs and witnesses they are asking for are just further credible accounts of what happened. We should all want to see it. You especially because it would vindicate trump without the appearance of the cover up which it currently looks like he is doing.

The House Coup Leaders dragged out the Rules portion of the Senate Impeachment process until almost 2am begging the Senate to allow them to call new witnesses and look at new information that MIGHT contain information to help their case.

They begged the Senate to allow them to ignore the same Executive Privilege Barry invoked during his Fast and Furious scandal - the bid difference being that during Fast and Furious there was actual evidence of criminal wrongdoing that required investigating.

Even the #1 accusation they have based their Impeachment on - the abuse of power by the President to force the Ukraine PM to open an investigation has been proven to be FALSE. Evidence already released / reported proved the new Ukraine prosecutor opened up an investigation of Burisma BEFORE the President's call to the Ukraine PM.

Schiff's House Impeachment hearing was such a disaster that he attempted to present his own personally authored fictional account of the phone call as evidence...and got almost immediately busted for it. (THAT and his attempt to tell 400+/- House LAWYERS that a non-existent law that affords whistle blowers anonymity and immunity, a lie he was immediately busted for telling, tells everyone not only is Schiff a pathologically lying criminal but he's STUPID, too!)

The articles of Impeachment do not have 1 single prosecutable crime in them.

During the House's Impeachment hearings not one of their 'witnesses' could name 1 crime or Impeachable Offense the President had committed when asked to d so.

Their own Constitutional Expert testified the President did not violate the Constitution, did not break the law, and did not abuse his power.

All of this proves Democrats an easily-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes will NEVER admit this last 4 years have been nothing but Democrats treason and revenge for Hillary losing in 2016.
I didn’t hear any begging. If your skills of observation and deduction are that poor or if you are willing to be that dishonest just to degrade your opponent... it isn’t really worth engaging with somebody who is so out of touch. Come back when you can have an honest debate.
The house did an inquiry. The senate is responsible for having a trial. Two very different things and as I just said. Two wrongs, don’t make a right

And the Senate IS having a trial, but they are not about to allow the Democrats tell them how to proceed with one or extend their clown show with the House. You wanted an impeachment trial, then here it is. If you don't like how they are conducting it, then it's only fair because we didn't like how they conducted their inquiry.
why do you think it’s a clown show to see documents showing direct communication and witnesses who had direct access to trumps directives? Wouldn’t that clear Trump if he did nothing wrong?
The Clown Show ENDED at THE House. The Never Ending Subpoena Cannon has run out of gunpowder. BTW, Pelosi I think looses not just her speakership, but I think she loses her re-election bid.
Sorry if I don’t trust your predictions after losing the house during the midterms.

Some unfortunate people bought it, and voted for Democrats. People don't like being lied to and conned.



Harmeet Dhillon: Trump impeachment -- If Schiff were a prosecutor, he'd be in serious trouble
I have no doubt youlll have another slew of excuses once your proven wrong again.
Trump didn't ever say he held up funds for the investigation. The Democrats made that up. Trump said he held up aid to investigate what other members of the UN were contributing. But don't listen to Trump, listen to what the Democrats concluded because Democrats can read minds. Forget about what Trump said.
Wrong. The Dems didn’t make that up. Trumps own staffers who were in charge of the funds and relations with Ukraine testified to that. I also think you know it’s true, I would push to hard with the Trump never said it argument. We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually

What a minute, which staffers? I didn't see any. The only person to testify that he or she spoke directly with the President on the matter was ambassador Sondland, and he testified when he spoke to President Trump directly, Trump told him no quid pro quo; he didn't want anything from President Zelensky.
Trump said no quid pro quo after he found out he was being accused of a quid pro quo. You can’t be that gullible can you ray?

Then show me somebody who testified that Trump told them the reason he was withholding aid was for a quid pro quo. We have all the testimony on video. Nobody except Sondland testified that they spoke with Trump directly on the matter.
Why would Trump have to specifically tell them? They testified to what the agenda was, an agenda that was set by the president. What if Trumps chief of staff told them or sec of state, or National security advisor??!! Gee it would sure be great to talk to those guys wouldn’t it?
Maybe you should have helped Pencil Neck with his House Inquisition. That'd be helpful, wouldn't it?
And the Senate IS having a trial, but they are not about to allow the Democrats tell them how to proceed with one or extend their clown show with the House. You wanted an impeachment trial, then here it is. If you don't like how they are conducting it, then it's only fair because we didn't like how they conducted their inquiry.
why do you think it’s a clown show to see documents showing direct communication and witnesses who had direct access to trumps directives? Wouldn’t that clear Trump if he did nothing wrong?
The Clown Show ENDED at THE House. The Never Ending Subpoena Cannon has run out of gunpowder. BTW, Pelosi I think looses not just her speakership, but I think she loses her re-election bid.
Sorry if I don’t trust your predictions after losing the house during the midterms.

Some unfortunate people bought it, and voted for Democrats. People don't like being lied to and conned.



Harmeet Dhillon: Trump impeachment -- If Schiff were a prosecutor, he'd be in serious trouble
I have no doubt youlll have another slew of excuses once your proven wrong again.
You did not have the courage to rebut the points I made when I outted you as a partisan pathological liar engaged in partisan hyperbole, rhetoric and propaganda.

You are persona non grata to me, snow flake.

You won't even defend your indefensible post.

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