I like Presidents who dont get FBI raids or plead the 5th

He wasn't dealing with the FBI, he did not claim the 5th versus the FEDS, he claimed it versus the NY AG, mostly because he was set-up, like a bowling pin, to be knocked down.

"Former President Donald Trump declined to answer questions on Wednesday during a deposition with the office of New York Attorney General Tish James, asserting his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination."

The issue seems to be this, the NY AG is running TWO parallel investigations, one criminal, and one civil, and the Trump organization, is somewhat concerned, that any evidence uncovered in the civil investigation, will be used in the criminal investigation.


". . .The possibility of Trump pleading the Fifth was discussed at length over the past few months in state court litigation over Trump’s and his children’s depositions. Trump’s lawyers argued that James had exceeded her authority by running two parallel investigations — one civil and one criminal, with the Manhattan district attorney’s office — and that taking the Fifth was not a practical option for the former president. But New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron in February rejected the lawyers’ attempts to dodge the testimony and asserted that Trump and his children all had the right to show up to the depositions and claim their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. . . ."


". . In a subsequent appeal of Engoron’s decision to force the former president to sit for the deposition, Trump’s lawyers argued that the subpoenas violated the Trumps’ constitutional rights because their statements could be used in a parallel criminal investigation. But a four-judge panel concluded in May that there is no constitutional right that would grant immunity from prosecution to individuals who were called to testify before a grand jury. They also cited the Fifth Amendment as an option for the president in his deposition. . . ."

I honestly hadn't known of the legal witchcraft they were subjecting him too. Such trickery! :eusa_think:

One way or another, this darkness got to give...💀
I like my presidents to be people who dont have to get their homes searched by law enforcement and dont need to plead the 5th in court . Biden is ok for now. For 2024, Im kinda liking either Liz Warren or Mayor Pete
How Ironic. Because the Demonuts just opened ONE HELL of a Pandora's box they will regret. Come 2022, then 2024. Biden. Pelosi, Schiff and the democratic party better run.
I like my presidents to be people who dont have to get their homes searched by law enforcement and dont need to plead the 5th in court . Biden is ok for now. For 2024, Im kinda liking either Liz Warren or Mayor Pete

I like my presidents who win elections honestly, have the backing of the people, are able to answer questions without permission not reading from cue cards, then work for the betterment of America, not foreign governments, and don't need to set up FBI raids against their political opponents to try to desperately hold onto power with 7 year long witch hunts never proving anything but how pathetic democrats are.

Poor whiny bitch is mad because Trump would say nothing in court to further feed your baseless trolling.
I like my presidents to be people who dont have to get their homes searched by law enforcement and dont need to plead the 5th in court . Biden is ok for now. For 2024, Im kinda liking either Liz Warren or Mayor Pete
What does a Perjury Trap mean in yer sheltered existence.
What does an Open Border mean.
What does being a Moderate mean.
Or pleading to Unite the Country
and maintaining The Rule of Law.

You like { Love } ballbusting Radicals.
Who's Religion is Not Valuing Truth.
I like my presidents to be people who dont have to get their homes searched by law enforcement and dont need to plead the 5th in court . Biden is ok for now. For 2024, Im kinda liking either Liz Warren or Mayor Pete
Yeah, you can tell an idiot from a mile away. He/she/it votes for high taxes, with more IRS agents to make sure that they pay those taxes, high gasoline prices, still twice as high as before Joe Biden came in office, extremely high inflation which we havent seen since Carter was in office, failure at the southern border where millions of diseased illegal immigrants are crossing our southern border buying up gas guzzling cars so they can put more CO2 into the air, and a President's son Hunter who lied on a government form so he could illegally buy a weapon, and nothing has been done about it.....Ladies and Gentlemen, i present to you the intelligence of a Joe Biden Voter.

Why do you suppose that the folks doing that searching, did not want the president's lawyers to watch them, while they did the searching? Why do you suppose they wanted them to turn the security cameras off, so that nobody would film them doing that search?

Would you trust police that would not allow you to film them?


Though, I have to agree with you, that is particularly shady as shit, taking the fifth in court. Even Alex Jones answers questions put to him.
Because the shits like Adam Shitface wants him to say something then try to catch him in a lie later on...standard practice of the Stalinist regime.
  • I like my presidents to be people who dont have to get their homes searched by law enforcement and dont need to plead the 5th in court
  • I also don't like presidents who lose an election and then whine about it.

And, as I've read on this very forum, there are also posters who:
  • 'Don't like their presidents to be impeached twice.'
  • Or, 'Prefer a president who won't ---when fired ---- have people dancing in the streets.'

So yeah, my avatar can see how there are any number of qualifications for choosing a leader.

Though, I have to agree with you, that is particularly shady as shit, taking the fifth in court. Even Alex Jones answers questions put to him.
Duly noted.

"....while Ivana who was buried at hole number 1 will always be remembered like the USS Arizona, when everyone goes off hole number 1."
(emphasis by my avatar)

Ah, poor MikeOX, you seem to be dissin' the first wife in DonT's serial adultery cheats.

I mean by that, you seem to think Ivana being buried on the golf course will cause her to be remembered by DonT like he remembers a sunken battleship?
Probably not flattering to the first victim-wife.

Or alternatively, you simply weren't aware that DonT didn't know anything about the sunken battleship 'Arizona'?

Reported .......
"And during a November 2017 visit to the USS Arizona Memorial, which commemorates the surprise December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, he asked his then-Chief of Staff John Kelly what it was about.........'Hey, John, what's this all about? What's this a tour of?' he said.
"Of that Pearl Harbor visit with first lady Melania Trump, the two write: 'Trump had heard the phrase 'Pearl Harbor' and appeared to understand that he was visiting the scene of a historic battle, but he did not seem to know much else.' And they quote a former senior White House adviser saying: 'He was at times dangerously uninformed.'"

From Business Insider and Daily Mail...about the Leoning & Rucker book 'A Very Stable Genius'.
A US President has NEVER had their home raided in US history...

....and instead of blaming the proven criminal, treasonous pitically partisan FBI that has been proven to have violated Constitution and law, tge FBI that violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, participated in a failed coup, and just perpetrated the 1st-ever raid on a US President...

....you want to blame Trump?

Of course he is to blame. He should have just given the stuff back.
He should quit lying about how the search warrant was carried out. He knows there are witnesses, including one of his lawyer and security cameras are in place.
He has a copy of the search warrant. He could tell the American people exactly what they were looking for, but has not. It is not because he doesn't know.
He has a copy of the inventory of what was taken with them. He could share that with the American people. It is not because he doesn't know.
He is just a lying cocksucker, hamming it up for confusion, entertainment and sucking in donations, while poorly playing the victim.
He hasn't told any of the MAGA nut-balls, that he knows all that, has he?
He is a modern PT Barnum, in that he knows, There is a sucker born, ever minute.
Of course he is to blame. He should have just given the stuff back.
He should quit lying about how the search warrant was carried out. He knows there are witnesses, including one of his lawyer and security cameras are in place.
He has a copy of the search warrant. He could tell the American people exactly what they were looking for, but has not. It is not because he doesn't know.
He has a copy of the inventory of what was taken with them. He could share that with the American people. It is not because he doesn't know.
He is just a lying cocksucker, hamming it up for confusion, entertainment and sucking in donations, while poorly playing the victim.
He hasn't told any of the MAGA nut-balls, that he knows all that, has he?
He is a modern PT Barnum, in that he knows, There is a sucker born, ever minute.
This did not happen in TN. Why do you care? And your post is propaganda.
I like my presidents to be people who dont have to get their homes searched by law enforcement and dont need to plead the 5th in court . Biden is ok for now. For 2024, Im kinda liking either Liz Warren or Mayor Pete

Neither will be the nominee but there is nothing wrong with window shopping I suppose. Secretary Mayor Pete just doesn't have the gravitas and Liz, well after Biden gives away a trillion dollars in student aid payola, she isn't going to have much momentum to give away trillions more. You might as well get used to hearing Newsom's name. He will be the nominee. He is already out there courting high dollar donors. His war chest will be too huge to overcome. The others will be nipping at each other for the VP slot.
Don't post lies.
What? You are saying there are no security camera at Mar-A-Lago? Bullshit
Are you saying one of trump's lawyers was not there? Bullshit
Are you saying they did not have to present a copy of the search warrant to gain entry and search? Bullshit
Are you saying they do not inventory and give a list of what is taken? Bullshit
So just what statement are you disagreeing with? None
Which one did you not like seeing in print for everybody to see? Every damn one.
Well, tough shit.
What? You are saying there are no security camera at Mar-A-Lago? Bullshit
Are you saying one of trump's lawyers was not there? Bullshit
Are you saying they did not have to present a copy of the search warrant to gain entry and search? Bullshit
Are you saying they do not inventory and give a list of what is taken? Bullshit
So just what statement are you disagreeing with? None
Which one did you not like seeing in print for everybody to see? Every damn one.
Well, tough shit.
He is just a lying cocksucker, hamming it up for confusion, entertainment and sucking in donations, while poorly playing the victim.

I am saying you post propaganda. See above.
Trump didn’t have to have his home raided. That was a sordid choice made by vile and probably corrupt politicians. And he wouldn’t need to take the 5th if he wasn’t a target of corrupt government officialdom.

The senile old racist hasn’t been asked to testify about his and Hunter’s criminal behavior YET.

So? You have shitty taste in politicians.
Yeah, the corrupt government made Trump submit falsified tax returns and asset appraisals.

I wonder how they did that!

Yeah, the corrupt government made Trump submit falsified tax returns and asset appraisals.

I wonder how they did that!

You don’t know if his returns were anything but honest. And your choice of topic is not related to the search, anyway.

Why do you try to deflect so much?

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