I like how Jordan reacted to their hostage who was killed.

Again with insisting governments follow Biblical commands. You seem to be stuck on this, would you like a multi-page exposition on the subject?
No, I'd like to see an honest answer. If the government follows the teachings of Jesus why should any Christian have a problem with that?

How can that even happen? How can a government follow teachings that were only intended for the individual?
Is the government immune from following the laws of God, the Teachings of Jesus? Can they just do whatever they like, including evil?

Why would you have an issue with the government acting like a Christian would? Should they not feed the poor, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, clothe the naked? It is only when the promote peace as the Christians have been tught to do that you have an issue with them acting like Jesus? Why peacemakers for people and an eye for an eye for governments?

God judges nations. Not individuals. YOU are to obey the law of the land - not play judge, jury, executioner to civilians of that land and to the authority of that land. That is called Rebellion and the bible identifies it as Witchcraft - so in reality ISIS are practicing witchcraft - Rebellion against God Almighty and the laws of the land. He puts leaders in authority. He didn't put THEM in authority.
So if a nation requires you, by law, to do evil then you should obey?

When a nation requires me by law to disobey God, no.
Americans and Jordanians should actually watch the latest ISIS video. Shame on YouTube and all others in the corrupt Government/Corporate Media for choosing censorship. All Americans should be exposed to these videos. Ignorance by way of Censorship, is just Un-American and wrong.

What is the latest? I haven't heard. I do believe our govt. is doing the American people a disservice by not being straight with them about Islam. There isn't a second version of Islam. Islam is Islam. Isis is Islam.

The videos are very difficult to access, due to Government/Corporate Media censorship. But Americans should be fully exposed to them. They should have full access to all propaganda. That's the American Way. Ignorance by way of censorship, is absolutely Un-American.
No, I'd like to see an honest answer. If the government follows the teachings of Jesus why should any Christian have a problem with that?

How can that even happen? How can a government follow teachings that were only intended for the individual?
Is the government immune from following the laws of God, the Teachings of Jesus? Can they just do whatever they like, including evil?

Why would you have an issue with the government acting like a Christian would? Should they not feed the poor, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, clothe the naked? It is only when the promote peace as the Christians have been tught to do that you have an issue with them acting like Jesus? Why peacemakers for people and an eye for an eye for governments?

God judges nations. Not individuals. YOU are to obey the law of the land - not play judge, jury, executioner to civilians of that land and to the authority of that land. That is called Rebellion and the bible identifies it as Witchcraft - so in reality ISIS are practicing witchcraft - Rebellion against God Almighty and the laws of the land. He puts leaders in authority. He didn't put THEM in authority.
So if a nation requires you, by law, to do evil then you should obey?

When a nation requires me by law to disobey God, no.
Well ISIS believes that they are doing God's Will. How do you know they are not? Let's say that you were the person giving the order to execute these two people, would you do it? If you wouldn't then why would you want your nation to do so?

And did God put Obama in charge of this nation?
Again with insisting governments follow Biblical commands. You seem to be stuck on this, would you like a multi-page exposition on the subject?
No, I'd like to see an honest answer. If the government follows the teachings of Jesus why should any Christian have a problem with that?

How can that even happen? How can a government follow teachings that were only intended for the individual?
Is the government immune from following the laws of God, the Teachings of Jesus? Can they just do whatever they like, including evil?

Why would you have an issue with the government acting like a Christian would? Should they not feed the poor, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, clothe the naked? It is only when the promote peace as the Christians have been tught to do that you have an issue with them acting like Jesus? Why peacemakers for people and an eye for an eye for governments?

Governments exist to punish evil-doers and maintain order, Christ followers are not. Note that Jesus didn't complain about the Roman government of His day, though it dominated the entire region and made second-class citizens of His own people. Do you not see the fallacy of your argument that a government can or should act like an individual?
I'm not saying it should, I'm saying why would a Christian have a problem if their government acted as they are taught to?

That would be like asking if someone would have a problem with a herd of cows acting like a new-born calf. Tell you what, give me a specific example of what you are talking about.
How can that even happen? How can a government follow teachings that were only intended for the individual?
Is the government immune from following the laws of God, the Teachings of Jesus? Can they just do whatever they like, including evil?

Why would you have an issue with the government acting like a Christian would? Should they not feed the poor, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, clothe the naked? It is only when the promote peace as the Christians have been tught to do that you have an issue with them acting like Jesus? Why peacemakers for people and an eye for an eye for governments?

God judges nations. Not individuals. YOU are to obey the law of the land - not play judge, jury, executioner to civilians of that land and to the authority of that land. That is called Rebellion and the bible identifies it as Witchcraft - so in reality ISIS are practicing witchcraft - Rebellion against God Almighty and the laws of the land. He puts leaders in authority. He didn't put THEM in authority.
So if a nation requires you, by law, to do evil then you should obey?

When a nation requires me by law to disobey God, no.
Well ISIS believes that they are doing God's Will. How do you know they are not? Let's say that you were the person giving the order to execute these two people, would you do it? If you wouldn't then why would you want your nation to do so?

And did God put Obama in charge of this nation?

How can that even happen? How can a government follow teachings that were only intended for the individual?
Is the government immune from following the laws of God, the Teachings of Jesus? Can they just do whatever they like, including evil?

Why would you have an issue with the government acting like a Christian would? Should they not feed the poor, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, clothe the naked? It is only when the promote peace as the Christians have been tught to do that you have an issue with them acting like Jesus? Why peacemakers for people and an eye for an eye for governments?

God judges nations. Not individuals. YOU are to obey the law of the land - not play judge, jury, executioner to civilians of that land and to the authority of that land. That is called Rebellion and the bible identifies it as Witchcraft - so in reality ISIS are practicing witchcraft - Rebellion against God Almighty and the laws of the land. He puts leaders in authority. He didn't put THEM in authority.
So if a nation requires you, by law, to do evil then you should obey?

When a nation requires me by law to disobey God, no.
Well ISIS believes that they are doing God's Will. How do you know they are not? Let's say that you were the person giving the order to execute these two people, would you do it? If you wouldn't then why would you want your nation to do so?

And did God put Obama in charge of this nation?

I know ISIS is not doing God's will, because He was very clear on how He wants us to act. What if games are for children, and yes, God put Obama in charge of the this nation. We're not immune to punishment for our stupidity.
ISIS has threatened the entire region...........Under it's Califate or ideology all countries in the region including Jordan are to be under it's control..............

Jordan sees them for what they are today...........a threat to the region and themselves...............so they are smacking them down along with other arab countries.

Jordan does what it's told. It's a Western puppet-regime in power there. They were ordered by the U.S. and others to bomb Syria. And now they have to pay a price for that meddling. It is what it is.

Umm, is there any tinfoil left in the store?

Is he justifying ISIS?
Could be interpreted that way I suppose.
Was a strange statement either way

Not justifying, but i can see why ISIS sees the Jordanian bombing in Syria as an unprovoked attack. Jordan has no legitimate justification for meddling in Syria's Civil War. They've just provoked a whole lot of unnecessary problems for themselves.

You have just legitimized ISIS!

Good lord

Get a clue
No, I'd like to see an honest answer. If the government follows the teachings of Jesus why should any Christian have a problem with that?

How can that even happen? How can a government follow teachings that were only intended for the individual?
Is the government immune from following the laws of God, the Teachings of Jesus? Can they just do whatever they like, including evil?

Why would you have an issue with the government acting like a Christian would? Should they not feed the poor, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, clothe the naked? It is only when the promote peace as the Christians have been tught to do that you have an issue with them acting like Jesus? Why peacemakers for people and an eye for an eye for governments?

Governments exist to punish evil-doers and maintain order, Christ followers are not. Note that Jesus didn't complain about the Roman government of His day, though it dominated the entire region and made second-class citizens of His own people. Do you not see the fallacy of your argument that a government can or should act like an individual?
I'm not saying it should, I'm saying why would a Christian have a problem if their government acted as they are taught to?

That would be like asking if someone would have a problem with a herd of cows acting like a new-born calf. Tell you what, give me a specific example of what you are talking about.
Jordan saying we know from the teachings of many that an eye for an eye is wrong, that one cannot respond to evil with even more evil, and we are praying that our enemies, who have just committed such a profound evil upon our citizen, reflect upon that and see our example of not acting out of vengeance as the path towards peace of Godliness.
Is the government immune from following the laws of God, the Teachings of Jesus? Can they just do whatever they like, including evil?

Why would you have an issue with the government acting like a Christian would? Should they not feed the poor, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, clothe the naked? It is only when the promote peace as the Christians have been tught to do that you have an issue with them acting like Jesus? Why peacemakers for people and an eye for an eye for governments?

God judges nations. Not individuals. YOU are to obey the law of the land - not play judge, jury, executioner to civilians of that land and to the authority of that land. That is called Rebellion and the bible identifies it as Witchcraft - so in reality ISIS are practicing witchcraft - Rebellion against God Almighty and the laws of the land. He puts leaders in authority. He didn't put THEM in authority.
So if a nation requires you, by law, to do evil then you should obey?

When a nation requires me by law to disobey God, no.
Well ISIS believes that they are doing God's Will. How do you know they are not? Let's say that you were the person giving the order to execute these two people, would you do it? If you wouldn't then why would you want your nation to do so?

And did God put Obama in charge of this nation?

I know ISIS is not doing God's will, because He was very clear on how He wants us to act. What if games are for children, and yes, God put Obama in charge of the this nation. We're not immune to punishment for our stupidity.
How can your nation do evil and that not reflect upon you? And I'll be sure to let those here know that you will obey Obama because God put Obama in charge. They will be thrilled to know that.
How can that even happen? How can a government follow teachings that were only intended for the individual?
Is the government immune from following the laws of God, the Teachings of Jesus? Can they just do whatever they like, including evil?

Why would you have an issue with the government acting like a Christian would? Should they not feed the poor, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, clothe the naked? It is only when the promote peace as the Christians have been tught to do that you have an issue with them acting like Jesus? Why peacemakers for people and an eye for an eye for governments?

Governments exist to punish evil-doers and maintain order, Christ followers are not. Note that Jesus didn't complain about the Roman government of His day, though it dominated the entire region and made second-class citizens of His own people. Do you not see the fallacy of your argument that a government can or should act like an individual?
I'm not saying it should, I'm saying why would a Christian have a problem if their government acted as they are taught to?

That would be like asking if someone would have a problem with a herd of cows acting like a new-born calf. Tell you what, give me a specific example of what you are talking about.
Jordan saying we know from the teachings of many that an eye for an eye is wrong, that one cannot respond to evil with even more evil, and we are praying that our enemies, who have just committed such a profound evil upon our citizen, reflect upon that and see our example of not acting out of vengeance as the path towards peace of Godliness.

I nominate PMH to take the above message of peace love and charity to the leaders of ISIS.

Don't worry, we got your back. Text us if anything should go wrong.

We execute American criminals. Does a fucking terrorist deserve better?

This is the problem with liberals. They're too damn soft.
2 And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
12 "Peace through superior firepower."
God judges nations. Not individuals. YOU are to obey the law of the land - not play judge, jury, executioner to civilians of that land and to the authority of that land. That is called Rebellion and the bible identifies it as Witchcraft - so in reality ISIS are practicing witchcraft - Rebellion against God Almighty and the laws of the land. He puts leaders in authority. He didn't put THEM in authority.
So if a nation requires you, by law, to do evil then you should obey?

When a nation requires me by law to disobey God, no.
Well ISIS believes that they are doing God's Will. How do you know they are not? Let's say that you were the person giving the order to execute these two people, would you do it? If you wouldn't then why would you want your nation to do so?

And did God put Obama in charge of this nation?

I know ISIS is not doing God's will, because He was very clear on how He wants us to act. What if games are for children, and yes, God put Obama in charge of the this nation. We're not immune to punishment for our stupidity.
How can your nation do evil and that not reflect upon you? And I'll be sure to let those here know that you will obey Obama because God put Obama in charge. They will be thrilled to know that.

Actually, Obama doesn't make the laws in this country, he merely enforces them. Please do try again, though.

Now, he DOES occasionally forget his Constitutional limits and attempts to rule like a despot, but he'll be gone in a few years and we'll start undoing the damage he's caused.

But yes, please. Do tell the world that we are peaceful, law abiding citizens.
How can that even happen? How can a government follow teachings that were only intended for the individual?
Is the government immune from following the laws of God, the Teachings of Jesus? Can they just do whatever they like, including evil?

Why would you have an issue with the government acting like a Christian would? Should they not feed the poor, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, clothe the naked? It is only when the promote peace as the Christians have been tught to do that you have an issue with them acting like Jesus? Why peacemakers for people and an eye for an eye for governments?

Governments exist to punish evil-doers and maintain order, Christ followers are not. Note that Jesus didn't complain about the Roman government of His day, though it dominated the entire region and made second-class citizens of His own people. Do you not see the fallacy of your argument that a government can or should act like an individual?
I'm not saying it should, I'm saying why would a Christian have a problem if their government acted as they are taught to?

That would be like asking if someone would have a problem with a herd of cows acting like a new-born calf. Tell you what, give me a specific example of what you are talking about.
Jordan saying we know from the teachings of many that an eye for an eye is wrong, that one cannot respond to evil with even more evil, and we are praying that our enemies, who have just committed such a profound evil upon our citizen, reflect upon that and see our example of not acting out of vengeance as the path towards peace of Godliness.

1. That's Jordan. I was talking about the United States.
2. I don't believe for a minute that the Jordanian leadership is attempting to behave like Christ told His followers to behave.
All morally blind people do. But hey, bin Laden got what he wanted thanks to people like you. Congrats on that.

At least Isis won't be negotiating for that woman anymore.

I think all violent criminals should be put to death but not until we've experimented on them. Better them than an innocent monkey or beagle like we do now.

Let their death and the lives they took mean something. Maybe cures can be found and lives saved

ISIS are not worth what is scraped off the bottom of my shoe after stepping in dog mess................

The rape and kill little girls and anyone who dares not to obey their way of life or ways.................

They deserve NO RESPECT, and NO MERCY on the battlefield.................

They say they slaughter for their religion........Chose it or die................Over 150 girls were executed as they'd rather me dead than be married to these animals................

The world is tired of their BS............as is JORDAN.............

One poster child for BLP paints is amused by the subject and takes the path of attacking Christians for saying we'd like to see every animal of ISIS killed.

He is a troll and like ISIS deserves no respect. DON'T FEED THE TROLL.
So if a nation requires you, by law, to do evil then you should obey?

When a nation requires me by law to disobey God, no.
Well ISIS believes that they are doing God's Will. How do you know they are not? Let's say that you were the person giving the order to execute these two people, would you do it? If you wouldn't then why would you want your nation to do so?

And did God put Obama in charge of this nation?

I know ISIS is not doing God's will, because He was very clear on how He wants us to act. What if games are for children, and yes, God put Obama in charge of the this nation. We're not immune to punishment for our stupidity.
How can your nation do evil and that not reflect upon you? And I'll be sure to let those here know that you will obey Obama because God put Obama in charge. They will be thrilled to know that.

Actually, Obama doesn't make the laws in this country, he merely enforces them. Please do try again, though.

Now, he DOES occasionally forget his Constitutional limits and attempts to rule like a despot, but he'll be gone in a few years and we'll start undoing the damage he's caused.

But yes, please. Do tell the world that we are peaceful, law abiding citizens.
We warned when bush gave the presidency more power the next president might not give them up. And don't expect a republican president to either. They'll be even more aggressive.
Americans should be fully exposed to the videos ISIS releases. It's a real shame censorship has become the 'new-norm' in America today. Shame on YouTube and the rest, who consistently choose censorship. People can learn something from seeing these videos. They need to listen and and see what these people are saying and doing.

The People shouldn't be forced to rely solely on a corrupt American Government/Corporate Media to inform them. Because the Government/Corporate Media lies. It's essential that the People be exposed to these videos free of any Government/Corporate Media censorship. The People should demand it.
You like that kind of stuff, eh?
I like how Jordan reacted to their hostage who was killed.

Eye for an eye.

Love it

Well, it was a step in the right direction. But every jet Jordan owns, flying into Iraq dropping as many bombs on ISIS, until they run out of Bombs or Jet fuel, would have been a better response, Or... one well placed bomb on the White House, given that THAT is where ISIS started. Would have been a better response... .

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