I know this isn't the right forum for this but please leave it here for at least a day.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Everyone on this forum has their beliefs and convictions but we all seem to leave out the human element when we talk to each other. I'm no exception, in fact I'm one of the worst. I cuss everyone out (both sides) every other post.

There is a member here, GT, who does podcasts, or whatever the hell the kids call talking to each other these days.
I called in a few weeks back and there was a WIDE variety of personalities from this site on the phone.
Lonelaugher who is so God damn snarky on here I have to leave him on ignore was actually fun to converse with IN REAL LIFE. I will NEVER agree with his politics but I can respect his point of view when I realize it comes from a flesh and blood American rather than an online douchebag hiding behind a keyboard.
It diffuses the need to knee-jerk react to a post you don't like and causes you to think because you feel connected to the person you're arguing with.
We are more than the first impressions we give off and I think we do a disservice to ourselves when we stoop to the level of anonymity.

If someone knows how to tag GT go ahead and do it cause I'm too stupid to figure it out.

Let's all have a chat! Mods included
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I always call GT's podcast drunk. I'd love to talk to Grampa.
I just want a few people who aren't flame zone regulars to see this. Hence the plea in the title. Even if I don't get to participate I think It would or could do wonders for members if they were faced with humanity rather than a screen name. Course I'd love to call in but as a grandparent who is helping raise a child because I apparently did a poor job parenting the first go round my time in the evenings can be some what limited.

After that long run on sentence I need a breath and a shot....

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