“I know the Boston Bombers” … Deeply Religious Family

One of the books in the New Testament that is never talked about or preached in the Church is the book of Philemon.

Where Paul tells an escaped slave to return and submit to his master. .. :cool:
Muslim and Islam did worse to blacks and Africans than whites and Christians ever could. In fact the word "black" in Arabic and in the Koran literally means slave. I wonder if all these black Muslims understand the horrific legacy of Islam in Africa.
LOL, millions of black Africans were brought to both North and South America on Christian slave ships and sold to Christian land owners who became their masters for almost 3 centuries. .. :cool:

Arabs did it for 12 1/2 centuries.

The very earliest external slave trade was the trans-Saharan slave trade. Although there had long been some trading up the Nile River and very limited trading across the western desert, the transportation of large numbers of slaves did not become viable until camels were introduced from Arabia in the 10th century. By this point, a trans-Saharan trading network came into being to transport slaves north. Zanzibar was once East Africa's main slave-trading port, and under Omani Arabs in the 19th century as many as 50,000 slaves were passing through the city each year. Most historians estimate that between 11 and 18 million African slaves crossed the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara Desert from 650 AD to 1900 AD
The Islamic slave trade is doing great.

They're doing a booming business in the US now that we've decided to make things easy for them.
One of the books in the New Testament that is never talked about or preached in the Church is the book of Philemon.

Where Paul tells an escaped slave to return and submit to his master. .. :cool:

No - not to submit to his master but to return and be equals.
Paul asks Philemon to forgive the run away slave and to receive him as a beloved brother.
Verse 16-
no longer as a slave but more that a slave, as a beloved brother, especially to me but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord.
Paul never instructed the master to free the slave.

But to treat him better as a slave. .. :cool:
Ha ha ha. Mohammad invaded lands and after raping and looting its people and forcing them into Islam at the point of the sword, took their men and women in as slaves. That's a fact, jack.
Arabs did it for 12 1/2 centuries.

The very earliest external slave trade was the trans-Saharan slave trade. Although there had long been some trading up the Nile River and very limited trading across the western desert, the transportation of large numbers of slaves did not become viable until camels were introduced from Arabia in the 10th century. By this point, a trans-Saharan trading network came into being to transport slaves north. Zanzibar was once East Africa's main slave-trading port, and under Omani Arabs in the 19th century as many as 50,000 slaves were passing through the city each year. Most historians estimate that between 11 and 18 million African slaves crossed the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara Desert from 650 AD to 1900 AD
Read your Bible.

The Old Testament is full of Jews owning slaves.....also the Romans, Greeks, etc.
One of the books in the New Testament that is never talked about or preached in the Church is the book of Philemon.

Where Paul tells an escaped slave to return and submit to his master. .. :cool:

No - not to submit to his master but to return and be equals.
Paul asks Philemon to forgive the run away slave and to receive him as a beloved brother.
Verse 16-
no longer as a slave but more that a slave, as a beloved brother, especially to me but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord.
Paul never instructed the master to free the slave.

But to treat him better as a slave. .. :cool:

you are ignoring the words no longer as a slave
Arabs did it for 12 1/2 centuries.

The very earliest external slave trade was the trans-Saharan slave trade. Although there had long been some trading up the Nile River and very limited trading across the western desert, the transportation of large numbers of slaves did not become viable until camels were introduced from Arabia in the 10th century. By this point, a trans-Saharan trading network came into being to transport slaves north. Zanzibar was once East Africa's main slave-trading port, and under Omani Arabs in the 19th century as many as 50,000 slaves were passing through the city each year. Most historians estimate that between 11 and 18 million African slaves crossed the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara Desert from 650 AD to 1900 AD
Read your Bible.

The Old Testament is full of Jews owning slaves.....also the Romans, Greeks, etc.

Yes that is the way the world was.
Each concurred the lands and made them slaves.
Jews also Jewish salves.
Egyptians had Jewish salves
Romans had anyone as slaves when they concurred their lands.
Greeks had Greek slaves and prisoners of war were slaves.
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Hopefully congress will make all Muslims applying for citizenship in the US swear a loyalty oath to forgo Shariah and Islamism.

That is what the oath to uphold the constitution of the united states is all about, Roudy. Still commiting perjury is not a conflict of interest for the person who believes in al takeyya. How convenient, eh?

Dear Roudy:
I'm still trying to figure out how to get lawyers, judges, and party leaders to
put the Constitution before personal and political beliefs and interests.

Maybe if we can achieve that, we can set a better example for citizens and corporations
to respect Constitutional principles of due process, equal representation and protections of law, and consent of the governed.

Shouldn't we practice what we preach?
you know, i agree with sunni, there is o such thing as a islamic terrorist. These guys are simply devout muslims following the tenements of islam. It's not their fault.
actually, they weren't because the killing of innocent civilians is forbidden in islam. .. :cool:


Yes, moreover, Mohammad taught to respect all sent by God namely
the Jewish Torah, Christian Scriptures and Muslim Quran.

So under Christian Scripture, citizens are supposed to respect
civil laws and authority; so if you are in America that means Constitutional laws.

You can laugh or cry, whichever releases more stress at this shocking idea.
Hopefully congress will make all Muslims applying for citizenship in the US swear a loyalty oath to forgo Shariah and Islamism.

That is what the oath to uphold the constitution of the united states is all about, Roudy. Still commiting perjury is not a conflict of interest for the person who believes in al takeyya. How convenient, eh?

Dear Roudy:
I'm still trying to figure out how to get lawyers, judges, and party leaders to
put the Constitution before personal and political beliefs and interests.

Maybe if we can achieve that, we can set a better example for citizens and corporations
to respect Constitutional principles of due process, equal representation and protections of law, and consent of the governed.

Shouldn't we practice what we preach?
As I mentioned before, unfortunately it might take a few more horrific atrocities committed by Islamic terrorists (such as a biological weapon or dirty bomb) where the casualties are in the thousands, for us to remove our heads from the sand, and recognize this ideology as a clear and imminent threat.
actually, they weren't because the killing of innocent civilians is forbidden in islam. .. :cool:


Yes, moreover, Mohammad taught to respect all sent by God namely
the Jewish Torah, Christian Scriptures and Muslim Quran.

So under Christian Scripture, citizens are supposed to respect
civil laws and authority; so if you are in America that means Constitutional laws.

You can laugh or cry, whichever releases more stress at this shocking idea.
You need to study up Islam and Mohammad a little more. There are two Mohammads, before and after Mecca. In other words, when Mohammad was not powerful and didn't have many followers, he tried to attract Jews and Christians into his faith, by claiming to "respect those of the book". However, the Mohammad that seems to appear later on after Mecca, is one who says "slaughter the unbelievers, and be harsh with them" As for the Christians and Jews "they either submit to Islam, agree to live as second class citizens with less rights than Muslims and pay and extra 'non Muslim tax', or get slaughtered". Those are not exact words but captures the essence.
Local Muslim leader denounces bombings

— The Muslim community in the Boston area is denouncing the unspeakable tragedy at the Boston Marathon and praying for the victims of the bombing, saying the men involved, reportedly from Chechnya and possibly linked to Islam, are radicals.

The 37-year-old delivered a powerful sermon to hundreds of Muslims Friday afternoon, saying the Muslim community here in Boston are mourning for the victims of Monday's bombings and praying for Boston.

"We're hurt, were shocked, and we're in pain, and we're mourning for the loss of life from this unspeakable act of violence against all the people of Massachusetts," he said. "It is one of the most unspeakable acts I have witnessed as a Bostonian, and we condemn them. Islam is categorically against this behavior. We're praying for Boston and that its citizens are given justice and hoping (the suspect) is caught without anymore harm or destruction."

He called for an end to the radicalization of Islam and said terrorists who commit such heinous acts in the name of Islam "hijack" the Muslim faith.

"Theses acts are categorically condemned in the Koran and by the Muslim majority," he said. "Muslims have to begin to speak out against these acts more assertively and collaborate with other faiths and local governments so that the true tenets of our faith can be known. In the future, we need to do a better job countering it by educating the public against those who are ignorant and evil and hijack our faith."
Local Muslim leader denounces bombings

— The Muslim community in the Boston area is denouncing the unspeakable tragedy at the Boston Marathon and praying for the victims of the bombing, saying the men involved, reportedly from Chechnya and possibly linked to Islam, are radicals.

The 37-year-old delivered a powerful sermon to hundreds of Muslims Friday afternoon, saying the Muslim community here in Boston are mourning for the victims of Monday's bombings and praying for Boston.

"We're hurt, were shocked, and we're in pain, and we're mourning for the loss of life from this unspeakable act of violence against all the people of Massachusetts," he said. "It is one of the most unspeakable acts I have witnessed as a Bostonian, and we condemn them. Islam is categorically against this behavior. We're praying for Boston and that its citizens are given justice and hoping (the suspect) is caught without anymore harm or destruction."

He called for an end to the radicalization of Islam and said terrorists who commit such heinous acts in the name of Islam "hijack" the Muslim faith.

"Theses acts are categorically condemned in the Koran and by the Muslim majority," he said. "Muslims have to begin to speak out against these acts more assertively and collaborate with other faiths and local governments so that the true tenets of our faith can be known. In the future, we need to do a better job countering it by educating the public against those who are ignorant and evil and hijack our faith."

Good for him!
Local Muslim leader denounces bombings

— The Muslim community in the Boston area is denouncing the unspeakable tragedy at the Boston Marathon and praying for the victims of the bombing, saying the men involved, reportedly from Chechnya and possibly linked to Islam, are radicals.

The 37-year-old delivered a powerful sermon to hundreds of Muslims Friday afternoon, saying the Muslim community here in Boston are mourning for the victims of Monday's bombings and praying for Boston.

"We're hurt, were shocked, and we're in pain, and we're mourning for the loss of life from this unspeakable act of violence against all the people of Massachusetts," he said. "It is one of the most unspeakable acts I have witnessed as a Bostonian, and we condemn them. Islam is categorically against this behavior. We're praying for Boston and that its citizens are given justice and hoping (the suspect) is caught without anymore harm or destruction."

He called for an end to the radicalization of Islam and said terrorists who commit such heinous acts in the name of Islam "hijack" the Muslim faith.

"Theses acts are categorically condemned in the Koran and by the Muslim majority," he said. "Muslims have to begin to speak out against these acts more assertively and collaborate with other faiths and local governments so that the true tenets of our faith can be known. In the future, we need to do a better job countering it by educating the public against those who are ignorant and evil and hijack our faith."

Well of course they are Sunni,they always do that to save their asses. They are in Boston and might get skinned alive by locals. I live in CT,three hours away. Nothing is happening here,hence no public denouncements are forth coming. From what I've seen since 9/11,it's all lip service. What should be happening is every mosque in the nation should be releasing statements the bigger ones making a very public declaration against jihad. East coast is getting tired of Muslim B.S.. Just tonight the FBI announced that a terrorist plot to blow up a NYC to Canada train was thwarted. Had it taken place I'm not sure folks would be as civilized as they were last week.
Emphasize “Family” something the media is completely ignoring.

Here is an infidel who knew the family for years. She describes a deeply religious family. The daughters suffered forced marriages and in one case, the unhappy union was accompanied by the requiste beatings prescribed in that culture. The writer decribes the Boston jihadis' mother this way, "The hijab shouldn’t have surprised me so much, because she had become increasingly religious while I was in college. She often mentioned Allah, and the lessons of the Koran. “Allah will reward him."

Read more @ "I know the Boston bombers" .... deeply religious family - Atlas Shrugs

And, of course, this is totally biased as it comes from Islamophobe Pamela Geller. And yeah, she also reports that the FBI is seeking an Islamic “sleeper cell” in Boston as they believe these two did not act alone. Read @ Boston bombers: FBI hunting 12-strong terrorist ?sleeper cell? linked to brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Mirror Online

I think it is too early to rule out any involvement by the rest of the family. Every suicide bomber is 'deeply religious.' They are willing to die for that 72 virgins thing. These two werren't. Not deeply religious, IMO. They were deeply stupid. Cury and Moe. Larry is waiting in the sleeper cell.
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It's too early to rule anything out. They could have acted alone or with others, this could be an extreme Islamic issue but the fact that we are hearing about how the older brother and mother are total conspiracy nutcases could be a factor too.

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