42 Dead In US Jihad Attacks; Liberals Still Shout "Fear Mongering"

42 over 5 years. 8 a year.
And what if suddenly, the "8" becomes 8 MILLION, and whole cities are destroyed with nuclear bombs ? If you think this is not the plans of ISIS et al jihadists, you are clueless. You want to wait until the damage is already done, and then stand around saying "Oh Wow! Oh shit!" Are you really that stupid ? (or programmed by leftist loons)

Want to wait until we have 200 of THESE in one day, in America >>THEN you'll get your head out of your ass ?

Bataclan Theater in Paris

Dec. 2015...

There Have Been 19 Hate Crimes Against Muslims in the Past Week

A wave of violence targeting Muslims has spread across the country since Donald Trump’s incendiary remarks.


In the days since Donald Trump proposed banning Muslims from the US in a December 7 speech, there has been a wave of anti-Muslim attacks across the US, with some being prosecuted under hate crime laws. Because all of these incidents took place just in the past week, none of the alleged perpetrators mentioned here have been convicted. And while not all of the victims mentioned are Muslims, they were undoubtedly targeted due to the perpetrator’s false perception that the victim was Muslim.

2015 has been the deadliest year on record for American Muslims, with 63 recorded attackson mosques. The previous high was 2010, with 53 attacks targeting Islamic worship centers.17 of those attacks took place in November. That’s also three times as many Mosque attacks when compared to last year. In 2014, Muslims were the target of 154 hate crimes. The number for 2015 hasn’t yet been tallied, although this year’s hate crime number is expected to surpass the 2014 total.

Here’s a list of violent acts carried out against Muslims and perceived Muslims in just the past week:

December 7
North Palm Beach, Florida: 27-year-old Joshua Killets was arrested for smashing windows and overturning furniture at the Islamic Center of Palm Beach. Killets had previously posted Islamophobic content on his Facebook profile. Killets even bragged about committing the act to the person who reported the incident to local police.

Saint Louis, Missouri: A man who identified as a “former Marine” called the Saint Louis office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-STL), threatening to chop off the headsof any Muslims who came to his home.

Manhattan, New York: 26-year-old Robert Murino, of Brooklyn, was arrested for assaulting employees of a Midtown restaurant and accusing them of supporting ISIS in an Islamophobic rant. After telling one employee he would “fuck [her] up,” Murino punched an employee who attempted to intervene. After being escorted out of the restaurant, Murino later returned and threw a chair through a glass partition. He has been charged with a hate crime.

Washington, DC: U.S. Rep. André Carson (D-Ind.), one of only two Muslims members of Congress, received a death threat. Rep. Carson blamed the death threat on the “toxic environment” of US politics, created in part by Donald Trump’s escalating rhetoric targeting ethnic minorities.

“What concerns me is you have the demagoguery taking place from people seeking to become president of the United States,” Rep. Carson told CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: A red pickup truck threw a pig’s head at the front door of the Al-Aqsa Islamic Society early Monday morning before driving off. Islam is well-known for forbidding Muslims from eating pork or coming into contact with pigs. No arrests have been made.

Twin Falls, Idaho: The Islamic Center of Twin Falls was vandalized on Monday, with the words “HUNT CAMP?” spray painted on its windows. The man who reported the vandalism to police speculated that the vandal’s words are likely in reference to an internment camp in Idaho for Japanese-Americans during World War II, commonly referred to as the Hunt Camp. In this case, it seems the vandal is calling for American Muslims to be detained in similar camps.

December 8
Jersey City, New Jersey: A mosque in Jersey City received an anonymous threatening lettertelling members to “go back to the desert,” and calling Muslims “evil.” The letter also mentioned Donald Trump’s claim that Muslims in Jersey City were celebrating the 9/11 attacks — a claim that Politifact rated as “Pants on Fire.”

Grand Forks, North Dakota: 25-year-old Matthew William Gust set fire to the Somali-owned Juba Coffee House and Restuarant with a molotov cocktail, causing $90,000 in damages. Gust has been charged with a class B felony for arson, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

State College, Pennsylvania: 19-year-old Nicholas Tavella, a Penn State student, grabbed an Indian student by the throat while he was crossing an intersection, telling him, “Don’t make me put a bullet in your chest.” Tavella admitted to police he racially profiled the student, saying he appeared to be Middle Eastern. Tavella is charged with felony ethnic intimidation, and faces misdemeanor charges of terroristic threatening, simple assault, disorderly conduct and stalking and harassment.

Queens, New York: Sarker Haque, owner of the Fatima Food Mart in Queens, was assaulted by 55-year-old Piro Kolvani, who said “I kill Muslims” during the attack. Kolvani has been charged with a hate crime.

December 9
Buena Park, California: A Sikh temple was vandalized on Wednesday, just 50 miles from San Bernardino. Anti-Muslim graffiti, expletives, and references to ISIS were left on the walls of the Gurdwara Singh Sabha. While Sikhism is different than Islam, Sikhs are often perceived as Muslims due to their appearance and clothing. A hate crime inquiry has been opened in regard to the vandalism.

Seattle, Washington: Just before 9 PM local time Wednesday night, a ride-share driver wasassaulted by a man in a group of three passengers, who accused him of being a terrorist. The driver demanded the trio exit his car, but as they were leaving, the aforementioned man reached inside the car and began punching the driver. The man in question has been arrested and charged with Washington’s hate crime statute.

Seattle, Washington: Hamza Warsame, a 16-year-old Somali-born teen, was severely beaten and thrown from a sixth-story window in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. Hamza’s family claims his attackers were from Seattle Central College, where Hamza went to school.

Plano, Texas: A Muslim family had their windows smashed twice this week by an unknown assailant. The family had been in their new home for less than a month, and they believe the attacks are due to their religion.

“More than the damage — it’s not the window — it’s the terrifying factor of it,” the homeowner told a local CBS affiliate. “It is them trying to terrorize us or scare us. The kids are scared, they don’t want to go up or down alone.”

December 10
Sacramento, California: On December 10, a hate crimes investigation was opened against Denise Slader, an employee for the California Department of Corrections. Slader was caught on video attacking two Muslim men praying in a public park with her fists and a cup of hot coffee.

Santa Clara, California: Police had to evacuate a local office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations after a letter containing a suspicious white powder was discovered. While the substance came back as harmless, the letter ominously read, “Die a painful death, Muslims.” Two similar letters were also sent to the Washington, DC CAIR office.

Tampa, Florida: Two Muslim women wearing head scarves were violently attacked on different occasions by angry Islamophobes in Tampa. One woman reported being shot at as she was leaving a mosque in Tampa. Another woman reported that a man cut her off in traffic, threw rocks at her vehicle from the window of his car, and at one point, exited his vehicle and screamed at her.

December 11
Phoenix, Arizona: Windows were smashed and an office under construction was ransacked at the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix on Friday.

“It makes me sad. I’ve been a resident of Phoenix for almost 20 years and this is my home. We have a lot of support from the community and it just takes one person like that to poison the atmosphere,” Usama Sharmi, president of the mosque, told ABC 15.

Coachella, California: On Friday afternoon, a mosque in Coachella, California, not far from San Bernardino, was firebombed while people were inside. While no injuries were reported, the possible hate crime is under investigation by the FBI and the ATF.

There Have Been 19 Hate Crimes Against Muslims in the Past Week

Yes, in one week.
Politifact is a joke. Dozens of Muslim FBI agents (Arabic translators) held an entire PARTY in a large room in FBI HQ (with US taxpayers $$) with ou'derves and wine, celebrating the 9-11 attacks. They showed the video of it on a huge screen TV, and cheered every time the repeatedly watched the towers coming down. Let Politifact refute that. It was covered in US Congressional committees. What TRUMP TALKED ABOUT IS TRIVIAL.

As for the rest of these attacks, GOOD!!! The more the merrier. Fact is, Islam is banned by the Constitution's Supremacy Clause, so every mosque in America should not exist , or any Koran either. All of it should be eliminated. All are illegal/unconstitutional.
Yes it is fearmongering. 42 people killed over the last 5 years compare that to the 171 white people police have shot and killed this year alone.
In just one month, March in just one city, Chicago, 46 people were shot and killed.
...and nothing is done about it other than politicians grandstanding on gun control.
Yes it is fearmongering. 42 people killed over the last 5 years compare that to the 171 white people police have shot and killed this year alone.
In just one month, March in just one city, Chicago, 46 people were shot and killed.

And that is a statistic related to the other terrorist group in America.

There is a group for whom, if you removed the casualties from the cities they govern, US gun violence would look better than most nations in Europe.

There is a group for whom the use of racial issues, the history of our nation, and social policies are intended to terrorise various minority groups in our nation into alienation from the rest of the nation.

There is one group who has, since the end of WW2, given aid and comfort to our enemies repeatedly, who have caused catastrophic foreign policy failures across the globe for our nation in the last 20 years.

I will leave it to the reader to draw their own conclusions as to whom I am referring, and the usual libtard suspects will, of course get it totally wrong and try to make counter charges, will lie and engage in ridicule.

And this group, my friends is the Democratic-Republican Political Establishment, the two sides of the same duopoly, who are not enemies but friendly rivals who play fight, with each other, while they polarize the working Middle Class against each other with each election, and this polarization risks dividing our nation geographically as well as socially and politically.
42 over 5 years. 8 a year.
And what if suddenly, the "8" becomes 8 MILLION, and whole cities are destroyed with nuclear bombs ? If you think this is not the plans of ISIS et al jihadists, you are clueless. You want to wait until the damage is already done, and then stand around saying "Oh Wow! Oh shit!" Are you really that stupid ? (or programmed by leftist loons)

Want to wait until we have 200 of THESE in one day, in America >>THEN you'll get your head out of your ass ?

Bataclan Theater in Paris
If your data is irrelvant to point your t
42 over 5 years. 8 a year.
And what if suddenly, the "8" becomes 8 MILLION, and whole cities are destroyed with nuclear bombs ? If you think this is not the plans of ISIS et al jihadists, you are clueless. You want to wait until the damage is already done, and then stand around saying "Oh Wow! Oh shit!" Are you really that stupid ? (or programmed by leftist loons)

Want to wait until we have 200 of THESE in one day, in America >>THEN you'll get your head out of your ass ?

Bataclan Theater in Paris
You presented the data, 42 killed in terrorist attacks in 5 years to counter liberal claims of fear mongering. Now that it's clear to you that such a low number doesn't justify your premise, you say what if we increased it a millions time. I would say that would certainly justify some fear mongering.
You presented the data, 42 killed in terrorist attacks in 5 years to counter liberal claims of fear mongering. Now that it's clear to you that such a low number doesn't justify your premise, you say what if we increased it a millions time. I would say that would certainly justify some fear mongering.
It is NOT a low number, and it most certainly DOES justify my premise. And the threat of ISIS and nucleqr destruction justifies it all the more. And the notion of 'fearmongering", is leftist propaganda/IDIOCY.
You presented the data, 42 killed in terrorist attacks in 5 years to counter liberal claims of fear mongering. Now that it's clear to you that such a low number doesn't justify your premise, you say what if we increased it a millions time. I would say that would certainly justify some fear mongering.
It is NOT a low number, and it most certainly DOES justify my premise. And the threat of ISIS and nucleqr destruction justifies it all the more. And the notion of 'fearmongering", is leftist propaganda/IDIOCY.

It's a very low number. Thank you, Mr. President.
It's a very low number. Thank you, Mr. President.
Tell the families of the 42 dead, that it's a low number. I dare ya. As for the president, he is responsible for the gun-free zones we have in the VA hospitals. Maybe also at the place in San Bernardino. If so, he caused that massacre.
You presented the data, 42 killed in terrorist attacks in 5 years to counter liberal claims of fear mongering. Now that it's clear to you that such a low number doesn't justify your premise, you say what if we increased it a millions time. I would say that would certainly justify some fear mongering.
It is NOT a low number, and it most certainly DOES justify my premise. And the threat of ISIS and nucleqr destruction justifies it all the more. And the notion of 'fearmongering", is leftist propaganda/IDIOCY.
We can agree on one thing. The data you provided certainly does not support your premise. 8 people a year dying in terrorist attacks is certainly a low number compared to other countries and does not justify radical changes in current policy.
You presented the data, 42 killed in terrorist attacks in 5 years to counter liberal claims of fear mongering. Now that it's clear to you that such a low number doesn't justify your premise, you say what if we increased it a millions time. I would say that would certainly justify some fear mongering.
It is NOT a low number, and it most certainly DOES justify my premise. And the threat of ISIS and nucleqr destruction justifies it all the more. And the notion of 'fearmongering", is leftist propaganda/IDIOCY.
We can agree on one thing. The data you provided certainly does not support your premise. 8 people a year dying in terrorist attacks is certainly a low number compared to other countries and does not justify radical changes in current policy.

You must not be counting 9-11 with almost 3,000 killed. The muslims make war on western civilization and are willing to take down train stations and subways, airports and skyscrapers. They haven't got to the dams and other infrastructure yet but they wil,l eventually, especially since obama's wreckless act of bringing thousands more here, stupidly thinking that they will assimilate and become good citizens, will give them more opportunities. Look at what's happening in france, germany, sweden. Random acts against people whom they don't know other than those people don't worship allah, is what separates them from ordinary criminals. Look at those san bernardino killers during last xmas season. Killing co workers and others who were supposedly their friends.
We can agree on one thing. The data you provided certainly does not support your premise. 8 people a year dying in terrorist attacks is certainly a low number compared to other countries and does not justify radical changes in current policy.
Current policy is to not have any Islam in existence in America. This is mandated in the Constitution. For some strange reason it's just not enforced.
You must not be counting 9-11 with almost 3,000 killed. The muslims make war on western civilization and are willing to take down train stations and subways, airports and skyscrapers. They haven't got to the dams and other infrastructure yet but they wil,l eventually, especially since obama's wreckless act of bringing thousands more here, stupidly thinking that they will assimilate and become good citizens, will give them more opportunities. Look at what's happening in france, germany, sweden. Random acts against people whom they don't know other than those people don't worship allah, is what separates them from ordinary criminals. Look at those san bernardino killers during last xmas season. Killing co workers and others who were supposedly their friends.
You are talking to a deranged, fully programmed robot.
Just imagine the liberal hysteria had these been 40 black people killed by the KKK, lol.

They would be screaming that a real crisis was at hand, lol.

You want a "real crisis"?

100 people dare shot dead in the US every day.

A child is shot dead every other day in the US.

RWNJs need to stop pretending they give a fuck about American deaths.
We can agree on one thing. The data you provided certainly does not support your premise. 8 people a year dying in terrorist attacks is certainly a low number compared to other countries and does not justify radical changes in current policy.
Current policy is to not have any Islam in existence in America. This is mandated in the Constitution. For some strange reason it's just not enforced.

What!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????? Goddam!
We can agree on one thing. The data you provided certainly does not support your premise. 8 people a year dying in terrorist attacks is certainly a low number compared to other countries and does not justify radical changes in current policy.
Current policy is to not have any Islam in existence in America. This is mandated in the Constitution. For some strange reason it's just not enforced.


EXACTLY where is it "mandated in the Constitution"?


Please be precise.

Thanks very much.
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Just within the past 5 years, inside the USA, 42 people lost their lives in Muslim terror attacks. Yet, liberals still claim it is "fearmongering" to object to the immigration of 185,000 people CLAIMING to be Syrian refugees, who the FBI says can't be vetted (of course they can't), and who surely will have ISIS killers tucked in among them.
Along with that lunacy, in January, Donald Trump remarked about how bad it has become in Brussels, and he was attacked by liberals in the New York Times and elsewhere as "Xenophobic". 2 months later, his words were confirmed in the Brussels attack killing 35 and injuring 340.

Is there a doctor in the house ? Or better yet, a DEPROGRAMMER. Oh well, I guess I'm left with that job.

April 30, 2011 – Rahim Abdul Alfetlawi, 46, shot his step-daughter in the head at point-blank range in Warren, Michigan, after she refused to strictly adhere to Muslim customs. The family claimed the motive was not religion.

Sept. 11, 2011 – Three Jewish men are discovered in Waltham, Massachusetts, with their throats slit from ear to ear and nearly decapitated. Authorities believed the murders were not random, and thousands of dollars in cash and marijuana were left at the scene. According to reports, authorities believe Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother, both Muslims, may have been responsible for the triple homicide.

Jan. 15, 2012 – A Jordanian Muslim man, Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan, 57, gunned down Iranian medical student, Gelareh Bagherzadeh, a friend of his daughter and a Christian convert who widely denounced Islam. He later killed his Christian son-in-law after his daughter married him without permission. Assistant Harris County District Attorney Tammy Thomas told a district judge, “He said, ‘I killed that b–ch, and you’re next. No one insults my honor as a Muslim and gets away with it.'”

Dec. 11, 2012 - A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.

Feb. 7, 2013 – Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot two Coptic Christians to death and beheaded them in Buena Vista, New Jersey. He also removed their hands before burying their bodies in the backyard of an abandoned house. Quran 8:12 states, “When thy Lord was revealing to the angels, ‘I am with you; so confirm the believers. I shall cast into the unbelievers’ hearts terror; so smite above the necks, and smite every finger of them!”

March 31, 2013 – Reshad Riddle walked into an Ashtabula, Ohio, church and fatally shot his father after an Easter service. After the shooting, witnesses say, walked through the church holding the gun and shouted that the slaughter was “the will of Allah. This is the will of God.”

April 15, 2013 – Muslim Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev detonate two pressure cooker bombs during the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring an estimated 264 others. After the bombing, they killed an MIT policeman, stole an SUV and exchanged gunfire with police. Tamerlan was shot and his brother drove over him with the stolen SUV. Tamerlan was pronounced dead at the scene. After a manhunt, police found Dzhokhar hiding in a boat in a man’s backyard. Dzokhar has been sentenced to death.

Aug. 4, 2013 – A Muslim convert, Daymond Agnew, 34, went to an Ace Hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before he fatally stabbed employee Daniel Joseph Stone 17 times.

March 6, 2014 – Registered sex offender James Cosby, 46, is accused of bludgeoning his lesbian daughter to death and shooting her lover in Port Bolivar, Texas. Police believe he then dumped the bodies near a ferry gate. In his bedroom, Cosby had the Quran open to a page that says homosexuality is a sin, family advocate Quanell X told KHOU-TV. “It’s quite unfortunate but he had a real, real warped understanding, in my opinion, of the religion of Islam and its position on the gay lifestyle and what one should do,” Quanell X said.

April 27, 2014 – A 30-year-old Muslim man, Ali Muhammad Brown, is accused of shooting to death two men in Seattle, Washington and a man in New Jersey. According to local reports, he told police the killings were “vengeance” for U.S. actions in the Mideast. According to court documents, he said they were “just kills” and that he was “just doing my small part” as a self-styled jihadist.

June 1, 2014 - Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist, in Washington state.

Sept. 25, 2014 – Alton Nolen is accused of beheading a woman in Moore, Oklahoma. Co-workers reported that Nolen had been trying to convert them to Islam. Nolen reportedly used “some Arabic terms” during his attack and had an interest in beheadings. Nolen told a judge, “I’m Muslim. My question is, do you have any Muslims that can represent me as a Muslim?”

December 18, 2014 - A 74-year-old man is shot several times in the head, in Morganton, North Carolina, by a 'radicalized' ISIS supporter.

May 3, 2015 – In Garland, Texas, Pamela Geller, along with her group the American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted a “Draw Muhammad” event. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi of Phoenix responded to a call to “avenge the prophet” and traveled to Garland, where they were shot and killed by a security guard after opening fire in an apparent attempt to get into the building. The guard was wounded in the attack. Islamic radicals have since called for Geller’s head, and vow to kill anyone who “blasphemes” Muhammad.

July 16, 2015 – Four U.S. Marines have been shot dead in an attack, reportedly by a lone Islamic gunman, on U.S. Navy facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke said five people died in all, including the gunman. Two law enforcement sources told CBS News that the shooting suspect was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24. Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait and emigrated to the U.S. where he reportedly became a naturalized U.S. citizen.

The FBI is investigating two crime scenes, a Navy recruiting center at a strip mall where the first shots were fired, and a Navy reserve center about 7 miles away. More than 100 rounds were reportedly fired in a shootout with police at the recruitment center parking lot. The shooter then drove to the Navy reserve center and started shooting Marines, four of whom were killed. The Marines would not have been armed at a reserve Navy installation or at a recruitment center, both of which were described as “soft targets.”

The four Marines who were fatally shot reportedly were attacked at the Navy Reserve Center on Amnicola Highway. A police officer at the first location was injured and was being treated at a local hospital for a gunshot wound to the ankle.

Dec. 2, 2015 - A 'very religious' Muslim couple, connected to ISIS, shoot up a Christmas party , leaving fourteen dead, in San Bernardino, California.

Note: These are only attacks in which fatalities occurred in inside the US. Attacks outside the US number well into the hundreds, with as many as 300 killed in one ISIS attack alone in Syria. An attack in Lahore, Pakistan last week killed 70, right after the ISIS Brussels attack which killed 35, and the Paris attack which killed 130.

Islamic Attacks on America

BIG LIST of Muslim terror attacks in U.S. since 9/11

1. Aug 2012 - Wisconsin - terror attack on Sikh temple - 8 killed.
2. Aug 2012 - Sovereign Citizen attack on police - 2 killed.
3. Apr 2014 - Neo-Nazi attack on Jewish center Overland Park Kansas - 3 killed.
4. Jun 2014 - Las Vegas attack by rightwing anti-government couple - 5 killed
5. Sep 2014 - rightwing terrorist attack on police - 1 killed
6. Jun 2015 - rightwing terror attack on Charleston Church 9 killed
7. Nov 2015 - rightwing terror attack on planned parenthood 3 killed

How do we keep the conservative American terrorists out of our country?
You presented the data, 42 killed in terrorist attacks in 5 years to counter liberal claims of fear mongering. Now that it's clear to you that such a low number doesn't justify your premise, you say what if we increased it a millions time. I would say that would certainly justify some fear mongering.
It is NOT a low number, and it most certainly DOES justify my premise. And the threat of ISIS and nucleqr destruction justifies it all the more. And the notion of 'fearmongering", is leftist propaganda/IDIOCY.
We can agree on one thing. The data you provided certainly does not support your premise. 8 people a year dying in terrorist attacks is certainly a low number compared to other countries and does not justify radical changes in current policy.

You must not be counting 9-11 with almost 3,000 killed. The muslims make war on western civilization and are willing to take down train stations and subways, airports and skyscrapers. They haven't got to the dams and other infrastructure yet but they wil,l eventually, especially since obama's wreckless act of bringing thousands more here, stupidly thinking that they will assimilate and become good citizens, will give them more opportunities. Look at what's happening in france, germany, sweden. Random acts against people whom they don't know other than those people don't worship allah, is what separates them from ordinary criminals. Look at those san bernardino killers during last xmas season. Killing co workers and others who were supposedly their friends.
No, I'm not counting 911. That was 15 years ago. The US is not the same today as it was then. Although another 911 is not likely, it could happen. However, I see nothing in this tread that would make any difference.
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