I Knew There'd Be Hell To Pay, Now Calls For An Explanation...

Because the National Guard can't really apply force to protect civilian assets unless Martial Law is declared.
When the Governor of ANY State calls out the National Guard He or She may use them as He or She sees fit. Keeping within the Law of course.

You call in the big guns to protect businesses and people because you KNOW there will be trouble and when the SHTF you don't use them? All I saw were Cops in Riot Gear standing in front of Police and Fire Depts.

It's either fear or incompetence.
All Missourians will pay & have payed for the inept response from the authorities.

We should all just thank god that the National Guard & police protected the forward command post & government buildings...... *facepalm*

These institutions are created to protect US. They are not created to protect themselves.

Nixon must go
Missouri Lieutenant Governor was just on TV, LIVID, and wants the governor to explain WHY THE NATIONAL GUARD WAS NOT CALLED IN LAST NIGHT AS FERGUSON WAS LOOTED AND BURNED TO THE GROUND.

Who told the National Guard to STAND DOWN? Who told the governor not to call them in? Holder? OBAMA?
I dunno, maybe something is to be said for letting the demons run wild and exhaust themselves. That way all the trouble gets done all at once?

Gov Nixon said he was prepared for the worse, obviously that was NOT true. He has some explaining to do.

The "terrorists" said they are not done and there would be more to come.

I feel the decision was fair and just. I pray for the good people left in that burnt up city. I do not live far away and to watch this last night tore at my heart. I was angry, sad and shocked at the same time.

For all of you who say let the city burn that you don't care, karma comes back at you.

I am DEEPLY disappointed in this F****** up system that we have.

Those people were not protesters and could care less about MB. They were thugs and I sat in my living room and literally watched them commit their crimes live.
That to me is mind blowing.

Lastly, I will NOT depend on the gov to protect me and my family. That became clear last night. We are locked and loaded!
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Regarding the car lot that was set on fire. While watching the tv, the camera panned the lot BEFORE the cars were set ablaze. I saw with my own eyes...the little fuckers run away. There were about 6 or 7 of them and I said to my husband, look at the bottom right of the screen they are doing something. No cops, no NG, no one but the terrorist! Soon one car started to flame and another.....and another.

It was so sad to watch these fuckers get away with this crime. They ran into the side streets.
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Eric Holder had homeland security there. The FBI was there. They were there to maaka
Good times to be had in the deep south!

Ferguson burning after grand jury announcement
If you think that Missouri is in the deep south, you are seriously in need of a geography lesson.

Just trying to annoy some rubes.
You wanted to annoy people by appearing to be utterly stupid? I don't know what's more disturbing, being that ignorant or pretending to be that ignorant.
The FBI was in Ferguson. Homeland security was in Ferguson. They were there to make sure that the police showed restraint. That's was their function. The police did what they were supposed to do, show restraint.
There's nothing a conservative would like to see more than news of a few more dead negroes in the paper with their morning coffee.

Comments like this are why Ferguson happened.....progs projecting their own racism on cons because blacks terrify them. Someday the brothers and sisters are going to see through your kind and when they do, you better find a nice Mormon community in the mountains of Utah because that's the only place your chicken ass will be safe.
Eric Holder had homeland security there. The FBI was there. They were there to maaka
Good times to be had in the deep south!

Ferguson burning after grand jury announcement
If you think that Missouri is in the deep south, you are seriously in need of a geography lesson.

Just trying to annoy some rubes.
You wanted to annoy people by appearing to be utterly stupid? I don't know what's more disturbing, being that ignorant or pretending to be that ignorant.

Being that ignorant is more disturbing. You should know as you have so much experience with that.
Regarding the car lot that was set on fire. While watching the tv, they camera panned the lot BEFORE the cars were set ablaze. I saw with my own eyes...the little fuckers run away. There were about 6 or 7 of them and I said to my husband, look at the bottom right of the screen they are doing something. No cops, no NG, no one but the terrorist! Soon one car started to flame and another.....and another.

It was so sad to watch these fuckers get away with this crime. They ran into the side streets.
They are part and parcel of the 'Special Needs Tree Dweller' race.
Never expect anything more from them. Nothing will ever change.
The best thing for you to do is move as far away from the Tree Dwellers as possible. Let them destroy in their own shithole towns.
Now that BOBO is letting 5 million Hispanics AKA NEW DEM VOTERS, get green cards watch for even more negro violence.
The odd one is sentient enough to grasp that BOBO has thrown them under the bus since they didn't turn out to vote DEM.
There's nothing a conservative would like to see more than news of a few more dead negroes in the paper with their morning coffee.

Comments like this are why Ferguson happened.....progs projecting their own racism on cons because blacks terrify them. Someday the brothers and sisters are going to see through your kind and when they do, you better find a nice Mormon community in the mountains of Utah because that's the only place your chicken ass will be safe.

Hopefully someday the brothers and sisters won't be turned off by the racists in the GOP. And you can keep the Mormons.

EDIT: Case in point look at the post above this one. You can sure as hell bet he wasn't voting for Obama 2 years ago. :laugh:
Missouri Lieutenant Governor was just on TV, LIVID, and wants the governor to explain WHY THE NATIONAL GUARD WAS NOT CALLED IN LAST NIGHT AS FERGUSON WAS LOOTED AND BURNED TO THE GROUND.

Who told the National Guard to STAND DOWN? Who told the governor not to call them in? Holder? OBAMA?
I was asking that same question last night as they started burning Ferguson. No tax dollars should go to rebuild Ferguson, let those who had their businesses destroyed move out and let these rioting idiots live in the shit hole they created.
Missouri Lieutenant Governor was just on TV, LIVID, and wants the governor to explain WHY THE NATIONAL GUARD WAS NOT CALLED IN LAST NIGHT AS FERGUSON WAS LOOTED AND BURNED TO THE GROUND.

Who told the National Guard to STAND DOWN? Who told the governor not to call them in? Holder? OBAMA?

Yes, why is it just now that 5 busloads of the National Guard are being bussed in. :rolleyes-41:
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There's nothing a conservative would like to see more than news of a few more dead negroes in the paper with their morning coffee.

Comments like this are why Ferguson happened.....progs projecting their own racism on cons because blacks terrify them. Someday the brothers and sisters are going to see through your kind and when they do, you better find a nice Mormon community in the mountains of Utah because that's the only place your chicken ass will be safe.
Why worry. The 'Special Needs Tree Dwellers' think 'Utah' is a crack house.
The "Brothers and Sisters" are a failed race world wide already. All they ever do is shit in their own nests like they did in Ferguson.
Think the Hispanics and Asians and Caucasians are worried? That's a fucking joke.
A 308 can remove a negro's head from four hundred yards away.
'Come Get Some'.
Hopefully someday the brothers and sisters won't be turned off by the racists in the GOP. And you can keep the Mormons.

EDIT: Case in point look at the post above this one. You can sure as hell bet he wasn't voting for Obama 2 years ago. :laugh:

So where are the jobs you've been promising ghetto blacks for almost 50 years? You bulldozed their neighborhoods and stuck them in housing project prisons and then didn't maintain those places. You chased the fathers out of the black homes with your ADC payments only if the father wasn't present....what did you think would happen to black boys raised without a father around? You infiltrated the public schools teaching leftist garbage about white racism to kids who already had a chip on their shoulder. Then you passed them from grade to grade without them knowing how to read or do simple math. And after your handiwork took effect, you asked us who you blamed YOUR outcomes on, to rebuild the burned down neighborhoods. But the tax base you counted on had already fled the cities so your voting bloc had to live in them....imagine seeing that landscape every morning and keeping a cheery attitude and bright outlook on the future. What you see in Ferguson is your handiwork.....it's you who's enjoying it with your morning coffee.
One more thing, I REALLY HATE the thought that MY tax dollars are paying for these terrorists food, housing, healthcare!
Start showing them who has the upper hand and that this behavior WILL NOT be tolerated!

Missouri Lieutenant Governor was just on TV, LIVID, and wants the governor to explain WHY THE NATIONAL GUARD WAS NOT CALLED IN LAST NIGHT AS FERGUSON WAS LOOTED AND BURNED TO THE GROUND.

Who told the National Guard to STAND DOWN? Who told the governor not to call them in? Holder? OBAMA?
I was asking that same question last night as they started burning Ferguson. No tax dollars should go to rebuild Ferguson, let those who had their businesses destroyed move out and let these rioting idiots live in the shit hole they created.

Exactly, and lets take away all gov assistance to these losers
One more thing, I REALLY HATE the thought that MY tax dollars are paying for these terrorists food, housing, healthcare!
Start showing them who has the upper hand and that this behavior WILL NOT be tolerated!

Missouri Lieutenant Governor was just on TV, LIVID, and wants the governor to explain WHY THE NATIONAL GUARD WAS NOT CALLED IN LAST NIGHT AS FERGUSON WAS LOOTED AND BURNED TO THE GROUND.

Who told the National Guard to STAND DOWN? Who told the governor not to call them in? Holder? OBAMA?
I was asking that same question last night as they started burning Ferguson. No tax dollars should go to rebuild Ferguson, let those who had their businesses destroyed move out and let these rioting idiots live in the shit hole they created.

Exactly, and lets take away all gov assistance to these losers
I don't want my tax dollars paying for this crap. However I don't mind helping business owners who's businesses were destroyed moving out this city to a place where people appreciate having them.

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