I have $50 to anyone who can prove Critical Race Theory is being taught in any US public school K-12

Seems you have an issue. You expound on white racism but fail to even mention your black racism. Sad.
You have issue you need to address, possibly some professional help will rid you of your hatred.
If CRT is a theory then it's not fact and IS a concept. So fuck who ever you like, stud, but it won't be me.
No, you have the issue. I am opposing the rampant white racism in this forum.

You are delusional. You need the help.

Black racism?

Show me laws and policies made by blacks that were implemented to deny whites of opportunity or equal rights
No, you have the issue. I am opposing the rampant white racism in this forum.

You are delusional. You need the help.

Black racism?

Show me laws and policies made by blacks that were implemented to deny whites of opportunity or equal rights
All I have to do is read your posts, IM2. You reek with racism, and it's sad that you're too damn blind to see it.
Hatred is a bitch, and it really has to suck to be you. Now stomp your feet with your hatred as the driving force.
What a buffoon you are, IM2.
CRT or another name for it is Social Engineering. Get over yourself and your issues.

Again you show your pychosis. Laws and policies created by whites for the past 245 years socially engoneered this society to give whites advantages.
No, you have the issue. I am opposing the rampant white racism in this forum.

You are delusional. You need the help.

Black racism?

Show me laws and policies made by blacks that were implemented to deny whites of opportunity or equal rights
You don't have the equal rights and opportunity that I do? Really? I call bullshit, sounds like
you're pushing a case for reparations.
All I have to do is read your posts, IM2. You reek with racism, and it's sad that you're too damn blind to see it.
Hatred is a bitch, and it really has to suck to be you. Now stomp your feet with your hatred as the driving force.
You read my posts from the position of a white racist who dwells in white victimhood and suffers from white fragility. You cannot handle the truth. You are the one full of hate. You are trying to gaslight, and it's you stomping your feet becsaue you cannot offer a rebuttal. You truly are a stupid person.
You don't have the equal rights and opportunity that I do? Really? I call bullshit, sounds like
you're pushing a case for reparations.

I have to laugh at whites like you. What's written on paper is diffenent thsn how its applied. My stance on reparations is clear. So when you turn black and live, then we'll talk about how wrong I am. Until then, just understand that blacks and white do have different experiences in this country.
You don't have the equal rights and opportunity that I do? Really? I call bullshit, sounds like
you're pushing a case for reparations.
Funny how I asked you to show me laws and policies made by blacks to deny whites of aythibng, which I said due to your claim of black racism, and you couldn't do anything but dodge.
Need links to precise ciriculum by that name & not merely American History. Thx! :D

I got more.

Need links to precise ciriculum by that name & not merely American History. Thx! :D
Loudoun County Forces Parents To Sign NDA-Style Form To View CRT-Inspired Curriculum

loudoun County Forces Parents To Sign NDA-Style Form To View CRT-Inspired Curriculum​

That's the point. A thing is what it is. Calling it by another name doesn't make it that other thing.
Why are we gladhandling these jackasses? Here is their problem with CRT:

For decades, the racists have been asking the rhetorical question, "If we have removed racism from society, why are minorities still failing?" They, of course, already have a prescribed answer to that question.

CRT is the attempt by intelligent, educated people to answer that question. And because nowhere in CRT does it appear, "Because brown people are inherently inferior.", they hate CRT. It makes them look and feel stupid.

It's just that simple.
Why are we gladhandling these jackasses? Here is their problem with CRT:

For decades, the racists have been asking the rhetorical question, "If we have removed racism from society, why are minorities still failing?" They, of course, already have a prescribed answer to that question.

CRT is the attempt by intelligent, educated people to answer that question. And because nowhere in CRT does it appear, "Because brown people are inherently inferior.", they hate CRT. It makes them look and feel stupid.

It's just that simple.
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Loudoun County Forces Parents To Sign NDA-Style Form To View CRT-Inspired Curriculum

loudoun County Forces Parents To Sign NDA-Style Form To View CRT-Inspired Curriculum​

Bowtie Boy's DailySmeller is the best you've got? "CRT inspired" my ass. These are the courses. They look very VERY dangerous! :lol:

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Here's the website that tracks it. But you have black white thinking so you won't accept it. You'll hyperventilate, caterwall , deflect

What is it that you don't understand about HIGHER EDUCATION. K-!2 does not qualify as such. That's two swings and misses. One more strikeout and I'm gonna have to bench you. :)


The main focus of CriticalRace.org is Critical Race Theory and its applications in higher education, as this is where the ideology was first developed and where many individuals are trained. Our database does not yet cover primary or secondary schools.
I'm not really interested in it, doc. That's the gosh honest truth, man.

Really the only online curriculum to which I dedicate any of my time is our own stuff.

Being about it > talking about it.


In fact, the only reason I'm even on here right now is because it's raining outside.

You're teaching your kid to be a Paulie?
I guess that's okay so long as you're not teaching them to be a RAND Paulie ;)
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CRT is a concept, just stating a fact. CRT can have several names.
Seems like you're trying to cancel your opposition by saying "triggered".
grow up

I'm all growed up Meister. That this is a faux outrage is a FACT.
Just trying to draw out the facts my friend.
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