“I hate that thug music.”

How is it possible to get convicted of three counts of attempted murder, but not murder? If that doesn't expose the lunacy of Florida, how about the black woman that got twenty years for firing a warning shot to ward off her abusive husband? The stand your ground law must be for whites only. The legalization of bigotry.

you are confused as to what SYG is

as for self defense the law applies to all races
One has to wonder why anyone with any sanity would listen to such. Again they shouldn't be murdered for listening to it....

If they got out an attacked this man that would be another story but they didn't do anything besides try to drive off.
How is it possible to get convicted of three counts of attempted murder, but not murder? If that doesn't expose the lunacy of Florida, how about the black woman that got twenty years for firing a warning shot to ward off her abusive husband? The stand your ground law must be for whites only. The legalization of bigotry.

It's fucking insane that they'll punish someone for a warning shot far more so then a rapist. I'll agree florida is kind of nuts.
One has to wonder why anyone with any sanity would listen to such. Again they shouldn't be murdered for listening to it....

If they got out an attacked this man that would be another story but they didn't do anything besides try to drive off.

I know as a kid I thought that about punk rock. Why would anyone listen to that crap? Turns out not all punk rock was bad just like the majority of rap is not bad.
AC has a long history of 'over-charging' so she can intimated people charged with a crime into 'pleading' to a lesser charge. This says the State money. It increase AC's conviction record. And it is morally reprehensible.
Once in a blue moon some one charged will tell AC to fuck off like George did. Then AC is forced to steal evidence from the evidence lock-up. Lie to the judge. Do whatever it takes to win no matter what the moral cost.
I don't know how some one like her has the nerve to be seen in public. BTW, the vast majority of her victims of over-charging are Blacks.
Thug For Life Lyrics - Kool G Rap
This is 'thug' music. No one in his right mind can claim it's anything but evil. This is the kind of filth our 'little Black cherubs' were blasting out of the SUV helping reinforce the image of what many 'young Black men' are like.
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I don't know much about this case at all, but from what I've read this guy shot at a retreating car filled with people. This is worlds apart from being on your back having your head bashed on the concrete. You don't shoot at people over loud music. How could he have thought his life was threatened if they were driving away? If they were instead trying to run him over that'd be a justification. This isn't.

And on the music itself, I can't stand that kind of thuggish noise, because most of the songs I hear denigrate women, promote violence, drugs, and the gang lifestyle, and are typically anti-intellectual. Much of it has no respect for humans, life, or decency.
What's funny is that this shooting is far worse then the Dunn and Zimmerman shootings, but people and the media don't care because it was a black man that was the shooter. :lol:
Not sure what you're smoking, but this story has gone national and has received about the same attention in the media as Dunn did during the couple of days following that incident and far more media attention than Zimmerman received in the days following that incident.
Thug For Life Lyrics - Kool G Rap
This is 'thug' music. No one in his right mind can claim it's anything but evil. This is the kind of filth our 'little Black cherubs' were blasting out of the SUV helping reinforce the image of what many 'young Black men' are like.

I dont get how that means a white guy should shoot at them, killing one of them? Its your responsibility to exercise some intelligence and realize that listening to a certain type of music doesn't change you into something you are not. Its not Black peoples responsibility to seek your approval on our music choices. You better wake up white boy.
What's funny is that this shooting is far worse then the Dunn and Zimmerman shootings, but people and the media don't care because it was a black man that was the shooter. :lol:

Whats really funny is that you felt the need to bring it up since your hero is going to be doing some serious time if someone doesnt get to him first. Classic case of "but what about Jimmie?" going on.
Dunn claims to be the victim! BWAH HA HA! Now that's a typical republican response to his hate crime. He kills a kid because he hated their music, and says he was the one that was attacked. Maybe he's thinking about what's going to happen to him when he gets behind those bars. A former convict said today on CNN that Dunn is going to have to align himself with the Aryans if he wants to avoid the black gangs. Sounds like he's going to be an Aryan's butt buddy. Karma is such a bitch.

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