I Had No Idea All Smokers Were Mega Wealthy


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Works for me

Can‘t ban cigarettes, tax them out of existence
$8.50 a pack now
If we just have to tax something we should tax advertising. All the signs and billboards clutter and cheapen the view. It interrupts TV and internet and simple conversations. It deliberately distracts while providing no benefit to anyone. Also I'm pretty sure second-hand advertising is dangerous.
Most of the smokers I see look just like low and middle income people. But now that I know they’re rich, tax the bastards.

Just think how pissed off all those ghetto trash are going to be that voted for Potatohead.

He told them he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than $450K a year and now he is going to put a big tax on their cigs. LOL!
Most of the smokers I see look just like low and middle income people. But now that I know they’re rich, tax the bastards.

You missed it. They have been doing it for years. Here it funds children's health initiatives and other things, but definitely not smokers health problems. Funny, I don't know any children that smoke. Whatever. I have never been much of a tax crusader.
Biden says no one earning less than $400k will pay higher taxes….then Biden raises taxes on people earning less than $400k.


You dumb fucking commie sheep.
Wow, this going to hit the poor very hard.

But the dems don't care about the poor

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