I Had an Excuse To Be a Democrat. What's Your's ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I started out in my political life as a Democrat. I stayed that way for 40 years (except for registering Green Party and voting for Ralph Nader twice). Other than the 2 Nader votes, I voted for every Democrat presidential candidate from McGovern in 1972 to Obama in 2008. I was not only left, I was FAR left. I knew every word of the Communist Manifesto, and had a dozen suggestions for the fufillment of Lenin's "withering away of the state", noted in "The State & Revolution"

I read every word of the thick books of the era (60's & 70s) regarding economic class stratification ( The Rich & the Super Rich by Ferdinand Lundberg, The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills, and Who Rules America ? by Eugene Domhoff). My point of reference for everything political, was the working class. I was cool with Castro, Che Guevara, Mao, William Kuntsler, the Yippies, the Black Panthers, etc. I could on and on with this, for brevity sake, you get the idea.

But there was a BIG REASON why I was so much to the left. It was because there was a military draft back in 1964, when I turned 18 years of age. There was also the beginning of the Vietnam War, which I was adamantly opposed to (still am). So I was in the position of being forced to go into the military, with a very high probablility of being sent to Vietnam, to fire a rifle at people who never attacked the US, never threatened us, never even said an unkind word about us, and most of them probably didn't even know we existed.

You can't imagine how furious I was about this. I wound up joining the National Guard, and serving in both the US Army and Army National Guard, and managed to stay out of Vietnam, but I did serve my time, and came out with 2 honorable discharges, tinnitus caused by gunfire, and a lifetime of free medical care.

Initially, when I was 18, it was Democrats who were waging this stupid war. Lyndon Johnson was doing it, and all his henchmen were Democrats. A few years later, Nixon, a Republican (who said he was going to end the war), broke his promise and escalated the war with round the clock bombings of North Vietnam, including the use of that dreaded stuff called napalm. Luckily for me, I got out of the Army in 1969, right when Nixon was revving all this up. I then became a protestor, and from that, I morphed into a radical, not much different than what we see with Antifa today. I saw the Republicans as being too war hawkish, and as I entered college, it wasn't difficult for the leftist radicals to scoop me into their ranks.

So that is what got me into being a Democrat. I was so wrapped up in the "cause" of the left, that for decades, I somehow managed to look past the hypocrisy of Affirmative Action discrimination being accepted ( as long as blacks were the beneficiaries, and whites were the victims). I got past decades of seeing illegal immigration getting a pass from Democrats, even though I knew it was hell for American workers. Well, the Democrat leaders liked it, so I guess I had to go along.

For cryin out loud, I voted for Dukakis in 1988, even being aware of the Willie Horton furlough affair, and then voted for Bill Clinton in 1992, although I was unaware of his serial killer status at the time ( which continued on for years afterward). Hell, even the 9-11 attacks didn't stop me from voting Democrat in 2004, and 2008.

In 2009, finally I flipped, and went Independent, after Obama let Nidal Hasan massacre 13 US soldiers in Fort Hood, TX. At first, I began to make excuses for Obama, after all I voted for him, right ? There were no excuses. Against the advice and requests for dishonorable discharge for Hasan, from about every Fort Hood officer rank of Major and higher, Obama let this nutjob disobey a multitude of Army regulations for months, until he finally wound up killing 13 troops and wounded 35 more.

So now, I speak to 2020 Democrats, and I know you don't like tax cuts on the rich (I'm not crazy about it either), but all in all, Trump has done a fantastic job of fixing the US economy (sinking in Obama's last 2 years), has rebuilt the military (weakened under Obama), gotten unemployment to lowest levels in US history, gotten median wage to highest in US history, protecting our guns (yes, you need them), and reversed the process of China taking over our economy & saturating our stores with "Made in China" junk.

I know that the mainstream media has a strong grip on you guys, and you may not relaize how much of it is false, but it's time for you all to look around and not confine yourself (as I did for 40 years) to whatever is Democrat, and use that as your point of reference. The issues just don't point to supporting the Democratic party. Not for blacks, Asians, Hispanics, the disabled, the working class, or even people needing health care (join the military).

You see what got me to become Democrat, back in 1969. WHY you, now ?
I started out in my political life as a Democrat. I stayed that way for 40 years (except for registering Green Party and voting for Ralph Nader twice). Other than the 2 Nader votes, I voted for every Democrat presidential candidate from McGovern in 1972 to Obama in 2008. I was not only left, I was FAR left. I knew every word of the Communist Manifesto, and had a dozen suggestions for the fufillment of Lenin's "withering away of the state", noted in "The State & Revolution"

I read every word of the thick books of the era (60's & 70s) regarding economic class stratification ( The Rich & the Super Rich by Ferdinand Lundberg, The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills, and Who Rules America ? by Eugene Domhoff). My point of reference for everything political, was the working class. I was cool with Castro, Che Guevara, Mao, William Kuntsler, the Yippies, the Black Panthers, etc. I could on and on with this, for brevity sake, you get the idea.

But there was a BIG REASON why I was so much to the left. It was because there was a military draft back in 1964, when I turned 18 years of age. There was also the beginning of the Vietnam War, which I was adamantly opposed to (still am). So I was in the position of being forced to go into the military, with a very high probablility of being sent to Vietnam, to fire a rifle at people who never attacked the US, never threatened us, never even said an unkind word about us, and most of them probably didn't even know we existed.

You can't imagine how furious I was about this. I wound up joining the National Guard, and serving in both the US Army and Army National Guard, and managed to stay out of Vietnam, but I did serve my time, and came out with 2 honorable discharges, tinnitus caused by gunfire, and a lifetime of free medical care.

Initially, when I was 18, it was Democrats who were waging this stupid war. Lyndon Johnson was doing it, and all his henchmen were Democrats. A few years later, Nixon, a Republican (who said he was going to end the war), broke his promise and escalated the war with round the clock bombings of North Vietnam, including the use of that dreaded stuff called napalm. Luckily for me, I got out of the Army in 1969, right when Nixon was revving all this up. I then became a protestor, and from that, I morphed into a radical, not much different than what we see with Antifa today. I saw the Republicans as being too war hawkish, and as I entered college, it wasn't difficult for the leftist radicals to scoop me into their ranks.

So that is what got me into being a Democrat. I was so wrapped up in the "cause" of the left, that for decades, I somehow managed to look past the hypocrisy of Affirmative Action discrimination being accepted ( as long as blacks were the beneficiaries, and whites were the victims). I got past decades of seeing illegal immigration getting a pass from Democrats, even though I knew it was hell for American workers. Well, the Democrat leaders liked it, so I guess I had to go along.

For cryin out loud, I voted for Dukakis in 1988, even being aware of the Willie Horton furlough affair, and then voted for Bill Clinton in 1992, although I was unaware of his serial killer status at the time ( which continued on for years afterward). Hell, even the 9-11 attacks didn't stop me from voting Democrat in 2004, and 2008.

In 2009, finally I flipped, and went Independent, after Obama let Nidal Hasan massacre 13 US soldiers in Fort Hood, TX. At first, I began to make excuses for Obama, after all I voted for him, right ? There were no excuses. Against the advice and requests for dishonorable discharge for Hasan, from about every Fort Hood officer rank of Major and higher, Obama let this nutjob disobey a multitude of Army regulations for months, until he finally wound up killing 13 troops and wounded 35 more.

So now, I speak to 2020 Democrats, and I know you don't like tax cuts on the rich (I'm not crazy about it either), but all in all, Trump has done a fantastic job of fixing the US economy (sinking in Obama's last 2 years), has rebuilt the military (weakened under Obama), gotten unemployment to lowest levels in US history, gotten median wage to highest in US history, protecting our guns (yes, you need them), and reversed the process of China taking over our economy & saturating our stores with "Made in China" junk.

I know that the mainstream media has a strong grip on you guys, and you may not relaize how much of it is false, but it's time for you all to look around and not confine yourself (as I did for 40 years) to whatever is Democrat, and use that as your point of reference. The issues just don't point to supporting the Democratic party. Not for blacks, Asians, Hispanics, the disabled, the working class, or even people needing health care (join the military).

You see what got me to become Democrat, back in 1969. WHY you, now ?
I don't believe yous but thanks for playing.
Because I’m a superior human being.
I don't believe yous but thanks for playing.
You're welcome, but why would you not believe ? You're that much programmed ?

Maybe you don't WANT to believe ?

PS - there is documented proof to substantiate everything in the OP.
I have never really been a huge democrat or advocate for any party, but I used to believe some of the leftist bullshit they spew.

Young and dumb and easily influenced was the reason.
I am a Democrat (this year) because Trump exhibits the worst leadership skills of anybody that has occupied the office during my lifetime.
I am a Democrat (this year) because Trump exhibits the worst leadership skills of anybody that has occupied the office during my lifetime.

When you say you're voting for Biden, OBVIOUSLY that isn't a standard to you. If you said you were a Go for Jo, I could believe it. But you're going to show Trump by voting for a guy who's worse? Yeah, that makes sense. Not
If Democrats are voting for Joe Biden because they think they're superior that would explain why they're shitting on the working class and helping the rich get richer with their policies on trade and immigration.
I am a Democrat (this year) because Trump exhibits the worst leadership skills of anybody that has occupied the office during my lifetime.
You are a DUPE of the worst degree, and have no idea how much you don't know.
If Democrats are voting for Joe Biden because they think they're superior that would explain why they're shitting on the working class and helping the rich get richer with their policies on trade and immigration.
Democrats' free trade and open borders policies have long made them the enemy of the common working man in America. Now, in the past 2 presidential elections, they have accumulated massive donations$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from WALL ST big boys.

At this point, anybody still believing the Democratic party to be a friend of the American working class, could well be institutionalized.

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