I fell into the donut hole


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And Obamacare pulled me out.

Because of radical right wing strong hand budget cuts I did not get a COLA, food stamps and section 8 housing but I did get out of the donut hole and thanks to Obamacare. I went to pick up my prescriptions and got out my ATM care to pay for them and I was told I did not owe any thing. I take 13 medications and Copaxone for MS.
My hero, Obamacare.:clap2::cool::razz:
Obamacare increased employee costs in my area, so my property tax rose $700, and my Social Security was reduced to $700. My entire life's savings will be gone in less than 10 years just to meet tax payments I will have to pay to live in my own paid-for home.

Obama shut down oil drilling in the gulf, raised costs for the energy businesses in America and doubled unemployment. My gas went from $30 a tank to $72 a tank, and food prices went through the roof in the past 3 years due to extra costs to the transportation businesses along with cost of living demands made by unions.

Thanks for higher prices, Obamacare and Obama. You have pushed many average people into lives of poverty in their old age and decimated the American dream.

Now Congress can't count on me for its planned-on bonanza to feed the federal pig when I die, because I will have nothing left for them to take away from my children, who by then will be retiring.

I will eat dog food before I will accept food stamps.
And Obamacare pulled me out.

Because of radical right wing strong hand budget cuts I did not get a COLA, food stamps and section 8 housing but I did get out of the donut hole and thanks to Obamacare. I went to pick up my prescriptions and got out my ATM care to pay for them and I was told I did not owe any thing. I take 13 medications and Copaxone for MS.
My hero, Obamacare.:clap2::cool::razz:
Nothing like the foul stench of moocher pride in the morning. :doubt:
And Obamacare pulled me out.

Because of radical right wing strong hand budget cuts I did not get a COLA, food stamps and section 8 housing but I did get out of the donut hole and thanks to Obamacare. I went to pick up my prescriptions and got out my ATM care to pay for them and I was told I did not owe any thing. I take 13 medications and Copaxone for MS.
My hero, Obamacare.:clap2::cool::razz:

It is good to read about someone for whom the system is actually working.

Its working for me, too, only in my case the VA picks up most of my medical expenses.

Not that I have any, but it's good to know they're there for me if I need it.
Health care costs goin' up in spite of Obamacare...
Obamacare Has Increased Cost of Health Insurance, Says Kaiser Foundation
September 27, 2011 – According to a Kaiser Family Foundation study of employer-provided health insurance plans, the ObamaCare health reform law could have accounted for as much as 50 percent of the spike in insurance premiums in 2011.
The Employer Health Benefits Survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, which specializes in health care issues, found that health insurance premiums had jumped by 9 percent in 2011, up from a 5 percent annual increase since 2007. Drew Altman, president and CEO of Kaiser, first said that the premium increase was not because of ObamaCare but then went on to say that the ObamaCare law probably accounted for 1 to 2 percentage points of that increase, which he further explained in a column today. "In a world where some blame almost everything on what they call ObamaCare -- I certainly blame the collapse of my Red Sox on Obamacare -- one thing we can say about the premium increase this year is that it is not because of the Affordable Care Act," Altman told reporters in a conference call on Tuesday.

However, he continued, “Our analysis is that the Affordable Care Act [ObamaCare] could have been responsible for about one-and-a-half percentage points – we say 1 to 2 percentage points – of the increase that we’re documenting this year,” he said. “And that reflects the costs of providing prevention benefits without cost-sharing,” he said. “It reflects the costs of covering young adults up to 26 years of age under their parents’ policies. Those are also very popular benefits, according to our tracking polls.” Altman pointed out that the Affordable Care Act was not responsible for the entire premium increase, explaining that most health plans would be grandfathered in and would not be subject to the full force of the law’s new regulations.

According to the study, health insurance premiums for employer-provided coverage – the most common type – have been rising at a steady rate of about 5 percent each year. This year, however, that rate jumped to 9 percent for family coverage and 8 percent for single coverage. This means that ObamaCare was responsible for anywhere from 25 to 50 percent of the 4 percentage point jump in insurance premiums this year. When later asked on the conference call to clarify about how ObamaCare could have been responsible for “1 to 2 percentage points – of the increase” in premiums, Kaiser Foundation Vice President Gary Claxton said: “Yes, that would be 1 to 2 percentage points of the 9 percentage points – 1/9 to 2/9, yes.” When asked if that were insignificant, Claxton said, “No.”


See also:

'Obamacare' Closer to Supreme Court Review After Administration Declines to Appeal Latest Ruling
September 26, 2011 | The Obama administration has decided not to ask a federal appeals court in Atlanta for further review of a ruling striking down the centerpiece of President Barack Obama's sweeping health care overhaul.
The administration's decision makes it more likely that the U.S. Supreme Court would hear a case on the health care overhaul in the court's term starting next month, and render its verdict on the law in the midst of the 2012 presidential election campaign. Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler disclosed the administration's decision. She declined to elaborate on next moves. The Atlanta circuit ruling sided with 26 states that had sued to stop the law from taking effect. In another case, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati upheld the individual mandate in June.

A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., rejected two lawsuits on technical grounds. In one, it ruled that the penalty for not buying insurance amounts to a tax and that a tax can't be challenged before it's collected. In the other, the panel said the plaintiff, the state of Virginia, lacked legal standing to file its lawsuit. In a ruling in August, a divided three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta concluded Congress overstepped its authority when lawmakers passed the individual mandate provision that requires people to buy health insurance. The administration could have asked the full 11th circuit court to hear the case, potentially delaying high court review. The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, the fourth appeals court to deal with a case over the law, heard oral arguments last Friday but hasn't issued a ruling.

The Supreme Court is widely expected to have the final say on the law, especially now that the appeals courts that have considered the law have disagreed, and one of them has struck down a key provision. The real question has been over timing, which has political as well as legal ramifications. In order to hear and decide the case by late June, when the court wraps up its work until resuming in October, the justices would have to act by January to accept and schedule an appeal. It typically takes a couple of months or more from the time an appeal is filed at the court until the justices decide whether or not to hear it.

In arguments leading up to the appeals court decision in Atlanta, the Obama administration said the legislative branch was using a "quintessential" power -- its constitutional ability to regulate interstate commerce, including the health care industry -- when it passed the overhaul law. Administration officials said at the time they were confident the 11th Circuit ruling would not stand. In that August ruling, Chief Judge Joel Dubina and Circuit Judge Frank Hull said that lawmakers cannot require residents to "enter into contracts with private insurance companies for the purchase of an expensive product from the time they are born until the time they die." In a lengthy dissent, Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus accused the majority of ignoring the "undeniable fact that Congress' commerce power has grown exponentially over the past two centuries." He wrote that Congress generally has the constitutional authority to create rules regulating large areas of the national economy.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...ter-administration-declines-to/#ixzz1ZDS1nFXH
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And Obamacare pulled me out.

Because of radical right wing strong hand budget cuts I did not get a COLA, food stamps and section 8 housing but I did get out of the donut hole and thanks to Obamacare. I went to pick up my prescriptions and got out my ATM care to pay for them and I was told I did not owe any thing. I take 13 medications and Copaxone for MS.
My hero, Obamacare.:clap2::cool::razz:

It is good to read about someone for whom the system is actually working.

Its working for me, too, only in my case the VA picks up most of my medical expenses.

Not that I have any, but it's good to know they're there for me if I need it.

After the insurance companies denied me insurance coverage, for the simple reason that I moved to a different state, I can now purchase health insurance again. It isn't super cheap and it goes up every year, but at least I can get it now. My cost this year is $408 per month with a $2500 deductible. I will never hit my deductible unless something catastrophic happens, but that is what I need insurance for, something the insurance companies felt they should deny me from after having paid for insurance for the last few decades. But hey, we need less regulation so these companies can fuck over as many people as possible.

Most of you don't understand any of this, because you get your insurance through your employer and only see a small portion of the costs. You are falsely led to believe you have choices, but you do not, because you are tied in to what your employer makes available to you. The good thing for you is that you can't be denied, unless of course you get sick and then lose your job. Then you get 18 months of Cobra, but after that, you are fucked too. Just hope you never get sick.
Considering their decision on corporate political funding, I don't think the American public has a prayer...
Obama to ask Supreme Court to hear health care case
Sep 28, 2011 - The Obama administration announced today it will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to decide on the legality of its health care law.
Appeals courts have split on the question of whether the administration can constitutionally require most Americans to buy health insurance, but Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said the president is confident of prevailing at the high court. "We know the Affordable Care Act is constitutional," Cutter wrote on the White House website in making the announcement. "We are confident the Supreme Court will agree." Opponents of the law said they also welcome a Supreme Court hearing.

"The regulatory burden and economic uncertainty -- let alone direct financial cost -- that Obamacare imposes on individuals, businesses, states, and the nation as a whole are part and parcel of noxious scheme centered on the individual mandate," said Ilya Shapiro of the libertarian Cato Institute. Congress did not exceed its authority in passing the law because "people who make a decision to forego health insurance do not opt out of the health care market." "Their action is not felt by themselves alone," she added. "Instead, when they become ill or injured and cannot pay their bills, their costs are shifted to others." Those costs added up to $43 billion in 2008, and were "borne by doctors, hospitals, insured individuals, taxpayers and small businesses throughout the nation," Cutter wrote.

Opponents of the law -- including the National Federation of Independent Business and 26 state attorneys general -- also asked the Supreme Court today to take the case. Stephen Presser, a Northwestern University law professor working with NFIB, said the health care law is "the boldest move yet by the federal government to regulate the lives of all Americans," and the insurance purchase requirement is the key to all of its features. "In effect, it takes over 1/6 of the national economy," Presser said on the law that some critics call 'Obamacare.' "It flies in the face of the Constitution's structure of a federal government of limited and enumerated powers."

An Atlanta-based appeals court ruled against the health care law, while other appeals court sided with the Obama administration. The case has always seemed bound for the Supreme Court in any event, but the administration's announcement could speed up the process. If the court accepts the case and rules in its 2011-2012 term, the decision would come down by July -- four months before the presidential election.


See also:

26 states appeal health care law to Supreme Court
WASHINGTON – States and a business group opposed to President Barack Obama's health care overhaul asked the Supreme Court on Wednesday for a speedy ruling that puts an end to the law aimed at extending insurance coverage to more than 30 million people.
The high court should strike down the entire law, not just the main requirement that individuals purchase insurance or pay a penalty beginning in 2014, their appeals said. The filings, on behalf of 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Business, also said the justices should act before the 2012 presidential election because of uncertainty over costs and requirements. On the issue of timing, their cause got an unexpected boost from retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, who said voters would be better off if they knew the law's fate law before casting their ballots next year.

The 91-year-old Stevens said in an Associated Press interview that the justices would not shy away from deciding the case in the middle of a presidential campaign and would be doing the country a service. "It would be better to have that known about than be speculated as a part of the political argument," Stevens said in his Supreme Court office overlooking the Capitol. The appeals seek to overturn a portion of the ruling by the federal appeals court in Atlanta that struck down the individual insurance requirement.

That court upheld the rest of the law, which the states and the business group say would impose huge new costs. The law would extend coverage mainly through subsidies to purchase private insurance and an expansion of Medicaid. The states object to the Medicaid expansion and a provision forcing them to cover their employees' health care at a level set by the government. The filings came on the same day that the Obama administration's response was due at the Supreme Court in a different challenge to the same law. In that case, the federal appeals court in Cincinnati upheld the law.

The individual insurance mandate "indisputably served as the centerpiece of the delicate compromise that produced" the law, according to the states, with Florida taking the lead. The administration said in the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that reforms in the insurance market, including requiring insurers to cover people without regard for pre-existing health conditions, would not work without the mandate. The insurance requirement is intended to force healthier people who might otherwise forgo insurance into the pool of insured, helping to reduce private insurers' financial risk. Both appeals stressed the importance of resolving the overhaul's constitutionality as soon as possible, which under normal court procedures would be by June 2012.

Obamacare increased employee costs in my area, so my property tax rose $700, and my Social Security was reduced to $700. My entire life's savings will be gone in less than 10 years just to meet tax payments I will have to pay to live in my own paid-for home.

Obama shut down oil drilling in the gulf, raised costs for the energy businesses in America and doubled unemployment. My gas went from $30 a tank to $72 a tank, and food prices went through the roof in the past 3 years due to extra costs to the transportation businesses along with cost of living demands made by unions.

Thanks for higher prices, Obamacare and Obama. You have pushed many average people into lives of poverty in their old age and decimated the American dream.

Now Congress can't count on me for its planned-on bonanza to feed the federal pig when I die, because I will have nothing left for them to take away from my children, who by then will be retiring.

I will eat dog food before I will accept food stamps.

Obam is not responsible for local property taxes
Obama does not control the price of gas.
death tax is for rich people, are you rich, do u have 500,000 dollars saved?
Dog food has rancid meat product in it for dogs, I doubt you will be able to stomach dog food
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And Obamacare pulled me out.

Because of radical right wing strong hand budget cuts I did not get a COLA, food stamps and section 8 housing but I did get out of the donut hole and thanks to Obamacare. I went to pick up my prescriptions and got out my ATM care to pay for them and I was told I did not owe any thing. I take 13 medications and Copaxone for MS.
My hero, Obamacare.:clap2::cool::razz:
Nothing like the foul stench of moocher pride in the morning. :doubt:

try not to be too green with envy
And Obamacare pulled me out.

Because of radical right wing strong hand budget cuts I did not get a COLA, food stamps and section 8 housing but I did get out of the donut hole and thanks to Obamacare. I went to pick up my prescriptions and got out my ATM care to pay for them and I was told I did not owe any thing. I take 13 medications and Copaxone for MS.
My hero, Obamacare.:clap2::cool::razz:

It is good to read about someone for whom the system is actually working.

Its working for me, too, only in my case the VA picks up most of my medical expenses.

Not that I have any, but it's good to know they're there for me if I need it.

I go to the VA and get good medical treatment, $8 dollar copay on meds
Thanks to Obamacare My insurance Deductable is going up so high that If I keep the insurance I will be paying for nothing because I could never reach the Deductable. Thanks Obama for taking my Insurance from me.
Obama's policies helped me winterize my house.

I think its saving me about 20% of my former oil use.

I can't say for sure since I haven't gone through an entire years winter heating yet, but I suspect that's about the efficiency gains.
You wrote: so my property tax rose $700, !
Well look out cause it will climb even higher thanks to Obama wanting to put property tax paying health insurance companies out of business!
Every year the 1,400 private health companies pay over $100 billion in Federal, State and local taxes AS WELL as local property taxes!
In my town alone,a major health company paid $53 million in Federal taxes in 2009 and their landlord for their corporate headquarters paid in TOTAL AD-VALOREM PROPERTY TAXES $1,110,981 in 2010!
So Obama wants a "single payer" system which means ALL the above private for profits that pay property taxes (possibly in your town.. I can find out if you care to share your town if you might be affected) will go out of business! Not pay $100 billion in taxes!
Where will that lost tax revenue come from??? THE WEALTHY???
And Obamacare pulled me out.

Because of radical right wing strong hand budget cuts I did not get a COLA, food stamps and section 8 housing but I did get out of the donut hole and thanks to Obamacare. I went to pick up my prescriptions and got out my ATM care to pay for them and I was told I did not owe any thing. I take 13 medications and Copaxone for MS.
My hero, Obamacare.:clap2::cool::razz:

So, how much do your medications cost the taxpayer, and why is it my duty to pay for them?
Obamacare increased employee costs in my area, so my property tax rose $700, and my Social Security was reduced to $700. My entire life's savings will be gone in less than 10 years just to meet tax payments I will have to pay to live in my own paid-for home.

Obama shut down oil drilling in the gulf, raised costs for the energy businesses in America and doubled unemployment. My gas went from $30 a tank to $72 a tank, and food prices went through the roof in the past 3 years due to extra costs to the transportation businesses along with cost of living demands made by unions.

Thanks for higher prices, Obamacare and Obama. You have pushed many average people into lives of poverty in their old age and decimated the American dream.

Now Congress can't count on me for its planned-on bonanza to feed the federal pig when I die, because I will have nothing left for them to take away from my children, who by then will be retiring.

I will eat dog food before I will accept food stamps.

Obam is not responsible for local property taxes
More oil drilling rigs are in Gulf of Mexico than before BP oil spill
More oil drilling rigs are in Gulf of Mexico than before BP oil spill | NOLA.com
Obama does not control the price of gas.
death tax is for rich people, are you rich, do u have 500,000 dollars saved?
Dog food has rancid meat product in it for dogs, I doubt you will be able to stomach dog food
Re-read the first line again, this time for comprehension, fool.
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Obamacare increased employee costs in my area, so my property tax rose $700, and my Social Security was reduced to $700. My entire life's savings will be gone in less than 10 years just to meet tax payments I will have to pay to live in my own paid-for home.

Obama shut down oil drilling in the gulf, raised costs for the energy businesses in America and doubled unemployment. My gas went from $30 a tank to $72 a tank, and food prices went through the roof in the past 3 years due to extra costs to the transportation businesses along with cost of living demands made by unions.

Thanks for higher prices, Obamacare and Obama. You have pushed many average people into lives of poverty in their old age and decimated the American dream.

Now Congress can't count on me for its planned-on bonanza to feed the federal pig when I die, because I will have nothing left for them to take away from my children, who by then will be retiring.

I will eat dog food before I will accept food stamps.

Obam is not responsible for local property taxes
More oil drilling rigs are in Gulf of Mexico than before BP oil spill
Obama does not control the price of gas.
death tax is for rich people, are you rich, do u have 500,000 dollars saved?
Dog food has rancid meat product in it for dogs, I doubt you will be able to stomach dog food
Re-read the first line again, this time for comprehension, fool.

I don't understand how an employee's health care contribution would have any effect on your property tax. You offer a string of events as if they were related all so you can blame Obama. The fact of the matter is all winning streaks eventually come to an end. American prosperity was a boom, now we have a bust. No one man is to blame. If you took Obama care out of the picture, things would be different, but not better. Did Obama cause the housing crisis? I bet you can tie together some flawed logic to claim he did.

The real culprit here is rap music. Raps message of easy money has created a culture of non-working rap wann- bees and their welfare baby's mommas. See, I can do it too.
Long term care gets the boot from Obamacare...
Obama team axes part of health care plan
Oct 14, 2011 - The Obama administration announced today it will not move forward with a new long-term-care insurance plan -- a major part of its health care law -- because of problems with paying for it.
"Despite our best analytical efforts, I do not see a viable path forward," wrote Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in a letter to Congress. Congressional Republicans had vowed to kill the program, calling the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports program (CLASS) too expensive.

Some Republicans also say they will try and repeal the entire Obama health care law, calling it too much of a government intrusion into the health care system. A key part of the law -- the requirement that nearly all Americans buy some form of health insurance -- is also being challenged in court; the Supreme Court is likely to rule on the case next summer.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., welcomed the administration's decision to abandon the CLASS Act. "The Obama administration today acknowledged what they refused to admit when they passed their partisan health bill: The CLASS Act was a budget gimmick that might enhance the numbers on a Washington bureaucrat's spreadsheet but was destined to fail in the real world," McConnell said.

And Obamacare pulled me out.

Because of radical right wing strong hand budget cuts I did not get a COLA, food stamps and section 8 housing but I did get out of the donut hole and thanks to Obamacare. I went to pick up my prescriptions and got out my ATM care to pay for them and I was told I did not owe any thing. I take 13 medications and Copaxone for MS.
My hero, Obamacare.:clap2::cool::razz:

So, how much do your medications cost the taxpayer, and why is it my duty to pay for them?

Because, through FICA, every American that has ever worked has paid into the system and the government should keep it's end of the bargain.

I don't get why you guys think Medicare is an "entitlement", and this notion that you alone are paying someone bills is silly.

I mean, if your insurance company simply decided not to cover you after a lifetime of paying premiums, you'd be having a fit.

If you don't like the system, then try and change it (or destroy it), but it's absurd to fault people who want the government to use all that money that was deducted from their paycheck to actually pay for their healthcare.
And Obamacare pulled me out.

Because of radical right wing strong hand budget cuts I did not get a COLA, food stamps and section 8 housing but I did get out of the donut hole and thanks to Obamacare. I went to pick up my prescriptions and got out my ATM care to pay for them and I was told I did not owe any thing. I take 13 medications and Copaxone for MS.
My hero, Obamacare.:clap2::cool::razz:

Can you Please explain exactly how Obamacare pulled you Out of the Donut Hole that you fell into. You're getting Copaxone for Free from Medicare part D or a Shared Solutions Program??
What your claiming doesn't make sense unless you've maxed out on your out of pocket & Part D takes over. That's NOT Obamacare!!
Please Explain..

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