I envy you folks who are older. Because you got to grow up in a much better country.

I just love that every time we have this conversation, conservatives suggest everyone go be a plumber. What a douche. My republican politician buddy did the same thing. It's as if you guys have been mailed your talking points. Of course he went to college and his son is now in college. Fucking assholes.

But, I am trying to see it your way. And in a way, I agree. IF you mean we need to stop this bullshit of requiring people to have a college degree or they won't get hired.

I'll be honest. I should not have gone to college just to get a bachelor degree just so I could put it on my resume. What a waste of 4 years. Totally unnecessary. I'm in sales. I should have found a company like a car dealership or furniture store to get some experience and then use that to move my way up from those companies to corporations who will pay a lot more. Companies should only care that I have sales experience, not a college degree.

And the funny thing is, my boss, the President of my company, didn't finish college. He worked for our major competitor. Worked in many different departments before going into sales. Then he came to our company. A much smaller company but still, he eventually became the President. Pretty impressive with no college degree.
So, I don't get your first paragraph. The fact is, my daughter has a BS degree in chemistry and earns less than my son who once was a plumber and now a locksmith. Although, my son does have a BS degree as well in computer graphics. He makes lots more now. Although, his wife, has a BS degree in technical writing and works for Amazon pulling in $200 grand a year. So, it depends on what you want and think you can get later on. Doesn't always work that way. I'm in sales as well after being a teacher for 20 years. Same results.
The demise of djt has really brought out the

Doom and Gloom crowd.
noun. : sad and tragic events : a feeling or attitude that things are only getting worse. The papers are filled with stories of gloom and doom.
I go by the facts man. I see Republicans and many democrats across the country who support Robert F Kennedy junior and they are against things like BLM and mandatory vaccines. Why does your side call those people racist you know you’re calling Black people, you’re calling white people, hospital, workers, janitors, factory workers, policeman you’re side is calling these people racist with zero evidence.

All throughout the thread, there are examples of far left wingers or people maybe even independent who are against Trump ….being unable to respond to points being made by Trump supporters. this is the mass of problem your side has they look at a statement by somebody who says I want white people and Black people to have success and we need to oppose BLM. Your side hear that and you use the word racism an evil. This is your sides fault you side are engineering problems in America. when I say your side, I’m talking about those critical of Donald Trump. Maybe not you exactly, but anyway don’t turn things around and invent what people say.

the conversations go way better if you folks want to have a conversation instead of only using personal attacks and making fun of Donald Trump..

You can make fun of Trump all you want me or you can call anybody a racist as much as we want hell we could say whatever we want right now prices are higher compared to when they were under Trump. What’s Joe Biden and the Democrats going to do the change that ? are they going to continue to blame the global situation or are they going to take a leadership role like Americans did in the past. That’s it man I want to see a better economy.

I don’t care if the president is gop or democrat …most Americans are against the racism and societal ills that the far left is preaching to us. And people like you maybe not you …but your side who cannot hold a conversation and instead use name-calling.
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Another big thing is the far left wing incorrect idea that guns are a problem. That’s a new thing it did not occur with senior citizens.

Here are the facts and this was shown on a PBD podcast just this morning.

gun ownership ship was higher or in par in the American past compared to today …. This is going by number of guns per 100 American citizens. So therefore one can’t make the argument it’s the guns fault. We would have if you look at the 20th century one or sometimes zero school shootings per year in the United States. So take a look at what was just said in response the far left Will again lie and they will say “oh no, you’re wrong. We had mass shootings in the past. “

And maybe for some people on the far left it’s not a lie to them, but they have been brainwashed so bad that facts don’t matter anymore. One or zero school shootings occurred in multiple years in the 20th century in the United States. Now the point is the number of mass shootings was extremely lower in the American past compared to today Where you have these events on a daily basis.

When is this going to end for the far left? They are no different than the small portion of white racist Americans who existed throughout our countries history. They defy logic. They defy Christianity, it’s amazing actually because some portion of the far left is openly against Christianity. They don’t care that much of Africa and South America actually has similar ideologies to conservative Republicans. So sure bring us the African immigrants bring us the South American Catholic immigrants. They’re gonna be the ones who oppose abortion and BLM.
I was born in 1947.

I grew up in the greatest country the world has ever seen.

I will die in a Socialist shithole thanks to the stupidity of the Leftest Moon Bats and the greed of the welfare queens.
Enjoy your misery.
Why does your side

And people like you maybe not you …but your side who cannot hold a conversation and instead use name-calling.
There you go again with the "your Side" bullshit.
You claim to be ......
I don’t care if the president is gop or democrat
But I definitely have a side.
I will mostly vote (D) because the (R) are haters that claim others are doing the hating. It's bullshit, the (R) or the right wing are the dividers.

I will call out liars, then be expected to be called a liar by the 'side' (the right wing crazies) that can't keep their lies in line.

Here is an example:
Screenshot 2023-06-13 at 1.21.18 PM.png

trump is a pathological liar.
And no right wingers on this site will acknowledge this LIE ^^^^ by trump.
I’m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle class today. We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.
I’m in my mid-30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, and the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle-class today.

I'm a socialist, and I recognize that America does indeed still have a middle class, but it's smaller today than it was 40 years ago, with the advent of trickle-down Reaganomics. In 1981, when Reagan became president, 1/3rd of the American workforce was unionized and 67% of workers belonged to the middle class. Today only 40% belong to the middle class. That % decreases every couple of years, due to our government's adoption of neo-liberal economics:



When Reagan became president in 1981 the highest tax rate was 70%, and when he left office it was only 28%, and it was all downhill from there. We lost practically all of our manufacturing, with over 60 thousand factories closing and moving abroad, putting millions of Americans out of work. Our economy transitioned from a production-based economy to a finance and service sector economy, run by Wall Street and bankers. Wages since the 1980s have stagnated, we have fewer benefits, and the cost of living has dramatically increased.

We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country.

The Republicans are always talking about "family values" and then support policies that undermine the family. There was a time when one person in the family, working a blue-collar job, could support the family, allowing mom to stay home and raise the kids. After school, the children would go home and mom was there. I was a latchkey kid in the 1980s. When I would get home from school, I would open the door with the key and I would be alone until my parents returned from work or I was up to no good, smoken weed with my buddies, watching MTV and playing Dungeons & Dragons. That lack of a parental presence and authority at home after school gave room to activities, that otherwise wouldn't have happened.

Reaganomics hurt the good family-oriented, traditional morals that you're mentioning and defending.

We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history.

Yes, it has a history of racism. To deny it is absurd. Ever heard of slavery and Jim Crow laws?

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.

Many of the senior citizens on this forum are part of the problem. They supported and still support all of the destructive policies responsible for undermining our nation's prosperity and security. Handing our country to the billionaires, at the expense of the working class (i.e. middle class).
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I’m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle class today. We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.

America is still a great country.

I got to grow up in grinding poverty in Appalachia. Not that nostalgic.

Those lucky bastards didn’t need to go to college to get a great job that paid them enough to raise a family of 5. Pension if they make it to 20 years. Retire at 65.

Yep back then you could relax and sit down and watch the news with Walter Cronkite and he'd tell you about Vietnam on the TV and we'd watch people kill each other, then the story went to the radical gangs in the US that were fighting with cops and the cops would blowed up their apartment and burn down neighborhoods along with the gangs, and then stories of serial bombers like Kazinsky, then more murders and assassinations, the world at war, you know the usual stuff.

Remember when the nation had 'morals'.....and segregation. Remember the 'middle class'......and interracial marriage bans?

Remember when there weren't any pesky sexual harassment laws and you could grab your secretary by the pussy?

Remember the lynchings, 'white only' water fountains, the wild disparities of college education levels between white men and everyone else?

Remember redlining to keep black folks out of white neighborhoods?

Remember when you could be arrested for being gay? When homosexuality was criminalized?

Remember when we didn't have clean water and air acts, and the pollution was *so* much worse?

Perhaps this is what y'all mean by 'great' when you say MAGA? Because it *really* depended on who you were if it was 'great' or not.

Which do you think were the golden years and for whom?

The 1950s - when a "colored" man or woman would not be served at a fucking Woolworth? Or, the 1980s when we did not have the internet and computers were limited to colossal machines with dumb terminals and were accessible to only a few?

Nope. The past was never as great or as golden as one imagines. It is what you make of your present.

I am going to be 66 this year. Had a great career (some ups/some downs) and still going strong working for a major software company. Still learning, still working, and happy.

I started when computers took a whole room and by mid-career, was building software on laptops. And now? Looking forward to being part of the next Information wave - AI tools.

So, forget the past. Use the present to build a great future. Good luck.

That this was put into Politics shows why things are the way they are today. For far too many politics is everything.

You're half right.

Hadn't seen a dumb post from you lately....you get out of your 72 hour psych hold or was it the two week variety?

What do you know? Like you said you weren’t there. I can remember road trips to FL where gas stations had three rest rooms, Men, Women & Colored. You’ve fallen for the lies of the scummiest members of our society. They are the ones now engaged in stochastic terrorism over the Trump indictment. If today is bad, it’s the morally delinquent and their fellow travelers that are causing it.

Reminds of a cartoon or just a video where a bum from a dump says that he lives in the greatest country on earth.

i will be 70 this month....i have always lived in interesting times....the good old days of polio....who remembers those? the good old days of civil strife during the vietnam war...the racial strife of the 70s...rodney king...the la riots..the good old days when simple diseases could kill you...lets ignore the advancements in the medical field thet keep us alive...or the safety innovations....i dont see a lot of you with the ability to do shit on your own...good old days...outhouses..remember those

stop glorifying shit that never existed....

You sound like my grand mother whining about the country.

Looks like I'm WAY the hell up in her head. MDS.

Not pleasant in there.

Looks like you're in there, too.

I’m in my 50’s. I don’t think you would have liked it all that much.

First, we didn’t have the internet. So to get your radical conspiracy theory nonsense you would have to find one of the little publishers of a nut job newsletter and pay the fellow to send insanity to your mailbox. Instead of dozens, or even hundreds of websites to constantly reinforce your radical nonsense.

Fascists and Nazi’s were denounced, not encouraged. They were free to march, the Courts had to say so. But they were not loved and appreciated.

White Supremecists and Sepretists were viewed with disdain. People eschewed the message, generally speaking.

Conservatives believed in smaller government, during the campaign. They never actually did anything when elected.

AIDS was the turning point. When the Conservatives called it a Gay Disease, and ignored it for almost a decade, that was the death blow for the Conservative Movement of the era.

It was a different time. Radical Conservatives of that era wanted to isolate those with AIDS in Quarantine to keep them from infecting others. Conservatives today, act as if Social Distancing was locking them up in Concentration Camps.

No, you wouldn’t have liked it very much. You wouldn’t have found the kindred souls you draw strength from easily. You might have found some in the mountains of Idaho, where White Radicals went to create Minority Free zones. But the majority would reject your idealism because it was the opposite of what our Nation stood for.

I'm in my 90s. In fact, 94. While it takes me longer to do things I'm still going. I think more younger adults being single is good. That means less unwanted kids and will help rid us of abortion. So on that aspect that's a big plus. Win all around. The 50s, referred to as great times, were anything but. Old creeky houses, cars that broke down, unhappy women stuck at home and tired out men. People lived scantily. Quality of comforts today are infinitely better than ever before. I just ignore the attention seekers.

The demise of djt has really brought out the

Doom and Gloom crowd.
noun. : sad and tragic events : a feeling or attitude that things are only getting worse. The papers are filled with stories of gloom and doom.

In 50 years, these will be the good old days.

I envy you folks who are older. Because you got to grow up in a much better country.​

Based on the facts and racist data available today…all white, all christian, all moral, all heterosexual, all likemninded, all english speaking America must have been an absolute, real-world utopia.
The great experiment has failed miserably.

I envy you folks who are older. Because you got to grow up in a much better country.​

Based on the facts and racist data available today…all white, all christian, all moral, all heterosexual, all likemninded, all english speaking America must have been an absolute, real-world utopia.
The great experiment has failed miserably.
You would be wrong. Every era has it’s good and bad points.

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