I envy you folks who are older. Because you got to grow up in a much better country.

Not what the FF's has intended, Toro.
There are those who will like the US no matter what type
of government is running the show.

Well first, you'd rather live another 15 years than another 75 years? Really?


Second, it's not about the government. It's about the society, norms and values.

America is the most awesome concept on the planet.

I'm an American by choice. Too many Americans don't see how THEY'VE contributed to the negative culture. A culture that I think most Americans are modestly aware.
I’m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle class today. We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.
Yep back then you could relax and sit down and watch the news with Walter Cronkite and he'd tell you about Vietnam on the TV and we'd watch people kill each other, then the story went to the radical gangs in the US that were fighting with cops and the cops would blowed up their apartment and burn down neighborhoods along with the gangs, and then stories of serial bombers like Kazinsky, then more murders and assassinations, the world at war, you know the usual stuff.
But did you learn anything from the experience that carries you through to today?

We were poor and yet I learned early the skills that make a man. One of which was you make it on your own hook and don't depend on the .gov to help you out with free shit.
I build beach houses on the gulf. I do fine.
Well first, you'd rather live another 15 years than another 75 years? Really?


Second, it's not about the government. It's about the society, norms and values.

America is the most awesome concept on the planet.

I'm an American by choice. Too many Americans don't see how THEY'VE contributed to the negative culture. A culture that I think most Americans are modestly aware.
Yes, yes I would like to live 15 years and not another 75.
America was the most awesome concept on the planet, the concept is rapidly
changing, by the people, and by the government. More power to the central
government and less power to the state governments. Ass backwards from the what
the FF's had invisioned.
Good sentiment. But most of us have kids and grandkids.

There's nothing these satanic, soulless fucks can do to me - I've lived out of this shithole more than I've lived in it - and I could leave forever, on a moment's notice.

But what about my kids and grandkids? I don't feel right leaving them behind with the child molesters and the rest of the depraved filthy fucking animals.
Life has always been filled with good and evil. I think his feelings are pretty accurate with living back in the mid 20th Century to about 1990. I remember being able to leave doors unlocked, roam around as a pre-teen and teen late at night without worrying about gangs and bad people. They were around but a lot less than now. We weren't judging the past founding fathers of America by woke standards of our day like the Woke are judging them today by their woke standards of today. We understood what it was to be American and the humility we had up to about the end of the Viet Nam War. Things began to change about that time and have progressed downward slowly until about 6 years ago. Then, the Progressive Left saw an opening to rush the country far left to tear us down for a rebuild to Communism.
Those lucky bastards didn’t need to go to college to get a great job that paid them enough to raise a family of 5. Pension if they make it to 20 years. Retire at 65.
Actually, it's not needed today. Have you seen your pluming bill lately?

I envy you folks who are older. Because you got to grow up in a much better country.​

You betcha. I grew up in the 1960s and 70s. I was perfectly normal then, today, I'd be locked up a criminal.
  • We took knives and guns to school, and nobody minded. And nobody was ever hurt, because we weren't crazy.
  • Cars were made to look great and run well, not be streamlined to get better mileage or loaded with pollution junk because there wasn't enough cars that it mattered!
  • There was no such thing as homosexuality, LGBTQ or trans-women, because everyone was too busy chasing good looking ladies!
  • You almost never saw a minority. People of different regions from other parts of the world LIVED in other parts of the world!
  • There were jobs for everyone and they paid well, because you needed people for everything, there were no machines doing it for you.
  • On Sunday, EVERYTHING was CLOSED. You went to church, got your heads right, then took a long drive out in the country and enjoyed being an American.
  • A pack of cigarettes was 35¢
  • You could buy five hamburgers for a dollar.
  • You got a load of groceries for the week for the family for maybe $35, brought them home in paper bags then burned all your trash in the backyard pit.
  • A nice car was about $2500. If you were loaded, you could by a luxury car like a Cadillac for $4,000.
  • No one had or needed credit cards. No one had or needed health insurance. The doctor always saw you within an hour of calling and you didn't need an appointment. And you seldom needed to see him a second time for the same thing because his first treatment worked and you almost never needed referred to a "specialist."
  • Kids raised hell and no one minded because it was part of growing up. There was no such thing as zero-tolerance, we learned from our mistakes.
  • Kids who did better got better grades and got farther ahead and no one apologized for it.
  • We got out of school on June 1st and went back on September 5th. We headed out on bikes in the morning and went MILES, over hill, over dale, through woods, etc., and no one bothered us, then we came back for dinner and all our folks asked is if we had a good day.
  • There were few street lights so at night, there were a million stars out and you needed a flashlight to see where you were going.
  • If you were an American, it did not matter which party. D or R, you both valued and defended America against our enemies with only slight differences in how you applied social policies, some to the advantage of better business while others balanced that with better social programs and benefits for people. It all worked.
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I build beach houses on the gulf. I do fine.
Sounds sorta like the guy I used to hunt with.

His mom basically gave him away because she was too poor to feed him. Lucky for him the guy was a tradesman and taught him the value of work and the carpenter trade.

He started his own home renovation business down in Clearwater, FL and his specialty was waterfront renovations.

He raised a great family and retired a few years back a very wealthy man when he sold the business to one of his sons who owns a architectural firm.

His other son had some issues and never graduated HS (GED) but was a skilled welder and started building custom meat smokers and now owns a thriving business doing that.
Yes, yes I would like to live 15 years and not another 75.
America was the most awesome concept on the planet, the concept is rapidly
changing, by the people, and by the government. More power to the central
government and less power to the state governments. Ass backwards from the what
the FF's had invisioned.

Wait a second. Do you really think that the concept of America is the power of state government? Government is government, regardless of the location. I don't know where COTUS emphasizes state government as an exemplary of Americanism.

And I would add that most government spending - SS and Medicare - is supported by most Americans.
I’m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle class today. We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.
If you young folks would get your noses out of your electronic devices and started looking at who is destroying this country, you might be able to turn it around, before the final plunge over the cliff. Too many idiots wont look up from their cell phones, even if it might kill them..

Do you live in a building project? In a ghetto? In a very poor neighborhood?

Because those are the shitholes in this country, not some fucking whining old geezer neighborhood who golfs and is skeered of the world changing around him.
You didn't get past Sentence A, did you....

I can buy and sell your Slutz With Nutz ass with the change under the seat of my '23 GV-80. And there's not a fucking thing you can ever do about that.

I wasn't around, but I miss the days when the women of the village would fling something like you off the nearest cliff while the men were out hunting. Later, they would describe your effeminate screams to the men around the campfire and everyone would laugh like hyenas.

Yeah.... I miss the Universe being in balance.
You didn't get past Sentence A, did you....

I can buy and sell your Slutz With Nutz ass with the change under the seat of my '23 GV-80. And there's not a fucking thing you can ever do about that.

I wasn't around, but I miss the days when the women of the village would fling something like you off the nearest cliff while the men were out hunting. They would describe your effeminate screams to the men around the campfire and everyone would laugh like hyenas.

Yeah.... I miss the Universe being in balance.
It's never been in balance.

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