I dont think theyre gonna let her back on the Teee Veee

Surrender to the Globalists? Putin is literally the only world leader since JFK standing up for his nation's sovereignty. Not even Trump went this far!
What the hell do you think Zelenski is doing if not standing up for the sovereignty of Ukraine against a foreign invader?
Perhaps not.

But she sounds like a nutcase so you are not going to get enough people that really give a damn.

She is lamenting the spread of propaganda while spreading asinine propaganda. All she was doing was regurgitating bullshit.
regurgitating bullshit?......sounds like Wash DC.....
Lara Logan is amazing, she is another one who is not afraid of the truth!

Bless her and keep up the good fight! :clap:
Zelensky is a puppet! The Globalists installed him and directed him to put Ukraine on a collision course with Russia.


He was elected in something we really don't have anymore, a free election and won over 70% of the vote.

When was the last time any US president picked up 70% of the popular vote?

He ran on a strong platform of Ukrainian Nationalism and independence far more like Trump than any of the "globalists".

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