I dont get it, why would progressive slaves vote for the very freedoms that allow them to be free?

So, the mantra of the progressive left is Orange Man bad, orange man bad.
But lets see what the progressive Masters are offering the people of the United States.
1. Free education, but who will pay for it, because nothing in life is free, Billionaires? Not all the billionaires in the world can pay for all the free education.
2. Free healthcare, and again, do doctors, nurses work for free, and are medical supplies somewhat costly to make?
3. A guaranteed $1,500 a month check from the government, who ends up paying for that?

Now, with what is going on, with the One Party control, of the media , education and politics, seems that the 1st amendment is under attack and will soon be takem away, but not until guns are taken away from the free people.
With the violence of the left, who is burning, looting and murdering in the progressive streets of blue cities, the prog masters want to ban certain types of weapon that make a large noise and sends a projectile out of the font of it. Knives, forks, spoons, hammers, bombs, cars, and other weapons will be dealt with later, but to the progs the 2nd amendment must go.
After the 2nd amendment is gone, and free people can no longer stand up to tyrannical governments, soon all the other rights under the constitution are also gone, thus making uneducated progs, slaves of their masters..


Why is it that every other developed nation can afford free healthcare and education, but the U.S. can not?

Why are the 'European Socialist' countries ranked higher than the U.S. in quality of life?

A lot of it has to do with the fact that the US shoulders the cost of defense for all of those nations. You can talk all you want about what the average joe gets in those nations but it is rather clear that our system generates not only prosperity that far outstrips any other nation but also innovation.

US spends a lot on defence but against who? EU could beat Russia in a conventional war in about a couple of weeks...

US has left themselves wide open to cyber attack.

This isn't shoulder the cost thing, the US got themselves into very costly wars (Iraq and Afgan) which were pretty unnecessary and are not sabre rattling with Iran... It is not Europe's fault they thought they were misadventures in the middle east, they were right.

We are just showing that this idea that US is number one at everything is just not true... Germany has lower unemployment, a surplus, free Third level education, universal heath insurance, environmental standards, low crime, elections that don't end up in a farce...
And they do that with out a 11 million sub class workers who have very limited right....

I am not saying America is wrong but this constant accusation that universal heathcare and free third level education is communism is just ridiculous OR you are saying that communist countries can be successful... So can you explain how Germany is so successful by doing all these evil things like looking after workers....
Germany is flooded with Muslims who have been raping their woman.
I guess you never read Lucy Hamilton's posts.
Stats are just not your friend

The statement of Donald Trump is mostly false. The number of crimes has been decreasing for the past three years. The development “since migrants were accepted“ shows a decrease of 3.7% from 2015 to 2018. With regard to offences against personal freedom, we do not see a ten percent increase in this period. There is a ten percent increase in the sector of offences against life but the high level of 2018 is due to a single terrorist attack in Berlin. The large increase of 40% regarding offences against sexual-determination could be attributed to a reformed legislation about what counts as such an offence: The numbers before and after 2016 do not allow a useful comparison. But in the years after the refomation, an increase of more than ten percent is found.
Look, schmuck, I don't give a 2 shits about any news outlet these days because I see them lying about NYC.
I believe what a resident says.
So, the mantra of the progressive left is Orange Man bad, orange man bad.
But lets see what the progressive Masters are offering the people of the United States.
1. Free education, but who will pay for it, because nothing in life is free, Billionaires? Not all the billionaires in the world can pay for all the free education.
2. Free healthcare, and again, do doctors, nurses work for free, and are medical supplies somewhat costly to make?
3. A guaranteed $1,500 a month check from the government, who ends up paying for that?

Now, with what is going on, with the One Party control, of the media , education and politics, seems that the 1st amendment is under attack and will soon be takem away, but not until guns are taken away from the free people.
With the violence of the left, who is burning, looting and murdering in the progressive streets of blue cities, the prog masters want to ban certain types of weapon that make a large noise and sends a projectile out of the font of it. Knives, forks, spoons, hammers, bombs, cars, and other weapons will be dealt with later, but to the progs the 2nd amendment must go.
After the 2nd amendment is gone, and free people can no longer stand up to tyrannical governments, soon all the other rights under the constitution are also gone, thus making uneducated progs, slaves of their masters..


Why is it that every other developed nation can afford free healthcare and education, but the U.S. can not?

Why are the 'European Socialist' countries ranked higher than the U.S. in quality of life?

A lot of it has to do with the fact that the US shoulders the cost of defense for all of those nations. You can talk all you want about what the average joe gets in those nations but it is rather clear that our system generates not only prosperity that far outstrips any other nation but also innovation.

US spends a lot on defence but against who? EU could beat Russia in a conventional war in about a couple of weeks...

US has left themselves wide open to cyber attack.

This isn't shoulder the cost thing, the US got themselves into very costly wars (Iraq and Afgan) which were pretty unnecessary and are not sabre rattling with Iran... It is not Europe's fault they thought they were misadventures in the middle east, they were right.

We are just showing that this idea that US is number one at everything is just not true... Germany has lower unemployment, a surplus, free Third level education, universal heath insurance, environmental standards, low crime, elections that don't end up in a farce...
And they do that with out a 11 million sub class workers who have very limited right....

I am not saying America is wrong but this constant accusation that universal heathcare and free third level education is communism is just ridiculous OR you are saying that communist countries can be successful... So can you explain how Germany is so successful by doing all these evil things like looking after workers....
Germany is flooded with Muslims who have been raping their woman.
I guess you never read Lucy Hamilton's posts.
Stats are just not your friend

The statement of Donald Trump is mostly false. The number of crimes has been decreasing for the past three years. The development “since migrants were accepted“ shows a decrease of 3.7% from 2015 to 2018. With regard to offences against personal freedom, we do not see a ten percent increase in this period. There is a ten percent increase in the sector of offences against life but the high level of 2018 is due to a single terrorist attack in Berlin. The large increase of 40% regarding offences against sexual-determination could be attributed to a reformed legislation about what counts as such an offence: The numbers before and after 2016 do not allow a useful comparison. But in the years after the refomation, an increase of more than ten percent is found.
Look, schmuck, I don't give a 2 shits about any news outlet these days because I see them lying about NYC.
I believe what a resident says.

This is EU news outlets quoting hard facts... I know that actual facts are hard for you but it is how places like Europe run there country. You want hyperbole and baseless arguments...

That is why Trump is disliked in Europe. They don't blame him (don't like either) but Europe can't understand how a President who has been so awful was is even in the running for re-election... Trump was a dismal failure and comparing to Merkel comes off like an idiot. Just look at the way Germany handled the COVID crisis. They have 25% of the population and only 6% of the deaths compared to US.
So, the mantra of the progressive left is Orange Man bad, orange man bad.
But lets see what the progressive Masters are offering the people of the United States.
1. Free education, but who will pay for it, because nothing in life is free, Billionaires? Not all the billionaires in the world can pay for all the free education.
2. Free healthcare, and again, do doctors, nurses work for free, and are medical supplies somewhat costly to make?
3. A guaranteed $1,500 a month check from the government, who ends up paying for that?

Now, with what is going on, with the One Party control, of the media , education and politics, seems that the 1st amendment is under attack and will soon be takem away, but not until guns are taken away from the free people.
With the violence of the left, who is burning, looting and murdering in the progressive streets of blue cities, the prog masters want to ban certain types of weapon that make a large noise and sends a projectile out of the font of it. Knives, forks, spoons, hammers, bombs, cars, and other weapons will be dealt with later, but to the progs the 2nd amendment must go.
After the 2nd amendment is gone, and free people can no longer stand up to tyrannical governments, soon all the other rights under the constitution are also gone, thus making uneducated progs, slaves of their masters..


Why is it that every other developed nation can afford free healthcare and education, but the U.S. can not?

Why are the 'European Socialist' countries ranked higher than the U.S. in quality of life?

A lot of it has to do with the fact that the US shoulders the cost of defense for all of those nations. You can talk all you want about what the average joe gets in those nations but it is rather clear that our system generates not only prosperity that far outstrips any other nation but also innovation.

US spends a lot on defence but against who? EU could beat Russia in a conventional war in about a couple of weeks...

US has left themselves wide open to cyber attack.

This isn't shoulder the cost thing, the US got themselves into very costly wars (Iraq and Afgan) which were pretty unnecessary and are not sabre rattling with Iran... It is not Europe's fault they thought they were misadventures in the middle east, they were right.

We are just showing that this idea that US is number one at everything is just not true... Germany has lower unemployment, a surplus, free Third level education, universal heath insurance, environmental standards, low crime, elections that don't end up in a farce...
And they do that with out a 11 million sub class workers who have very limited right....

I am not saying America is wrong but this constant accusation that universal heathcare and free third level education is communism is just ridiculous OR you are saying that communist countries can be successful... So can you explain how Germany is so successful by doing all these evil things like looking after workers....
Germany is flooded with Muslims who have been raping their woman.
I guess you never read Lucy Hamilton's posts.
Stats are just not your friend

The statement of Donald Trump is mostly false. The number of crimes has been decreasing for the past three years. The development “since migrants were accepted“ shows a decrease of 3.7% from 2015 to 2018. With regard to offences against personal freedom, we do not see a ten percent increase in this period. There is a ten percent increase in the sector of offences against life but the high level of 2018 is due to a single terrorist attack in Berlin. The large increase of 40% regarding offences against sexual-determination could be attributed to a reformed legislation about what counts as such an offence: The numbers before and after 2016 do not allow a useful comparison. But in the years after the refomation, an increase of more than ten percent is found.
Look, schmuck, I don't give a 2 shits about any news outlet these days because I see them lying about NYC.
I believe what a resident says.

This is EU news outlets quoting hard facts... I know that actual facts are hard for you but it is how places like Europe run there country. You want hyperbole and baseless arguments...

That is why Trump is disliked in Europe. They don't blame him (don't like either) but Europe can't understand how a President who has been so awful was is even in the running for re-election... Trump was a dismal failure and comparing to Merkel comes off like an idiot. Just look at the way Germany handled the COVID crisis. They have 25% of the population and only 6% of the deaths compared to US.
A media outlet quoting hard facts...you are a dimwit.
So, the mantra of the progressive left is Orange Man bad, orange man bad.
But lets see what the progressive Masters are offering the people of the United States.
1. Free education, but who will pay for it, because nothing in life is free, Billionaires? Not all the billionaires in the world can pay for all the free education.
2. Free healthcare, and again, do doctors, nurses work for free, and are medical supplies somewhat costly to make?
3. A guaranteed $1,500 a month check from the government, who ends up paying for that?

Now, with what is going on, with the One Party control, of the media , education and politics, seems that the 1st amendment is under attack and will soon be takem away, but not until guns are taken away from the free people.
With the violence of the left, who is burning, looting and murdering in the progressive streets of blue cities, the prog masters want to ban certain types of weapon that make a large noise and sends a projectile out of the font of it. Knives, forks, spoons, hammers, bombs, cars, and other weapons will be dealt with later, but to the progs the 2nd amendment must go.
After the 2nd amendment is gone, and free people can no longer stand up to tyrannical governments, soon all the other rights under the constitution are also gone, thus making uneducated progs, slaves of their masters..


Why is it that every other developed nation can afford free healthcare and education, but the U.S. can not?

Why are the 'European Socialist' countries ranked higher than the U.S. in quality of life?

A lot of it has to do with the fact that the US shoulders the cost of defense for all of those nations. You can talk all you want about what the average joe gets in those nations but it is rather clear that our system generates not only prosperity that far outstrips any other nation but also innovation.

US spends a lot on defence but against who? EU could beat Russia in a conventional war in about a couple of weeks...

US has left themselves wide open to cyber attack.

This isn't shoulder the cost thing, the US got themselves into very costly wars (Iraq and Afgan) which were pretty unnecessary and are not sabre rattling with Iran... It is not Europe's fault they thought they were misadventures in the middle east, they were right.

We are just showing that this idea that US is number one at everything is just not true... Germany has lower unemployment, a surplus, free Third level education, universal heath insurance, environmental standards, low crime, elections that don't end up in a farce...
And they do that with out a 11 million sub class workers who have very limited right....

I am not saying America is wrong but this constant accusation that universal heathcare and free third level education is communism is just ridiculous OR you are saying that communist countries can be successful... So can you explain how Germany is so successful by doing all these evil things like looking after workers....
Germany is flooded with Muslims who have been raping their woman.
I guess you never read Lucy Hamilton's posts.

Usual bullshit...

Germany crime levels are way lower than US... The police in Germany a few years ago shot in total 120 bullets for the whole year in the whole country.

Rape levels way lower too... So you are trying to scaremonger a far safer country... Murder is lest than a fifth of US.
Germany doesnt have the prog ghettos anymore since the iron works were removed after WWII. Also that country is about 95% white, while the prog slaves of the inner city are murdering each other, but this isnt what Burning Looting and Murder are fighting for, it is the one white cop shooting the one black criminal, and the BLM guess what? Burn loot and murder minority businesses.

But here is why Germany doesnt have the dumbass inner city problem that we do.

Largest Ethnic Groups In Germany - WorldAtlas

6African German1.0%

I mean come on man if you didnt vote for Joe, you aint black enough......
So, the mantra of the progressive left is Orange Man bad, orange man bad.
But lets see what the progressive Masters are offering the people of the United States.
1. Free education, but who will pay for it, because nothing in life is free, Billionaires? Not all the billionaires in the world can pay for all the free education.
2. Free healthcare, and again, do doctors, nurses work for free, and are medical supplies somewhat costly to make?
3. A guaranteed $1,500 a month check from the government, who ends up paying for that?

Now, with what is going on, with the One Party control, of the media , education and politics, seems that the 1st amendment is under attack and will soon be takem away, but not until guns are taken away from the free people.
With the violence of the left, who is burning, looting and murdering in the progressive streets of blue cities, the prog masters want to ban certain types of weapon that make a large noise and sends a projectile out of the font of it. Knives, forks, spoons, hammers, bombs, cars, and other weapons will be dealt with later, but to the progs the 2nd amendment must go.
After the 2nd amendment is gone, and free people can no longer stand up to tyrannical governments, soon all the other rights under the constitution are also gone, thus making uneducated progs, slaves of their masters..


Why is it that every other developed nation can afford free healthcare and education, but the U.S. can not?

Why are the 'European Socialist' countries ranked higher than the U.S. in quality of life?

A lot of it has to do with the fact that the US shoulders the cost of defense for all of those nations. You can talk all you want about what the average joe gets in those nations but it is rather clear that our system generates not only prosperity that far outstrips any other nation but also innovation.

US spends a lot on defence but against who? EU could beat Russia in a conventional war in about a couple of weeks...

US has left themselves wide open to cyber attack.

This isn't shoulder the cost thing, the US got themselves into very costly wars (Iraq and Afgan) which were pretty unnecessary and are not sabre rattling with Iran... It is not Europe's fault they thought they were misadventures in the middle east, they were right.

We are just showing that this idea that US is number one at everything is just not true... Germany has lower unemployment, a surplus, free Third level education, universal heath insurance, environmental standards, low crime, elections that don't end up in a farce...
And they do that with out a 11 million sub class workers who have very limited right....

I am not saying America is wrong but this constant accusation that universal heathcare and free third level education is communism is just ridiculous OR you are saying that communist countries can be successful... So can you explain how Germany is so successful by doing all these evil things like looking after workers....
Germany is flooded with Muslims who have been raping their woman.
I guess you never read Lucy Hamilton's posts.

Usual bullshit...

Germany crime levels are way lower than US... The police in Germany a few years ago shot in total 120 bullets for the whole year in the whole country.

Rape levels way lower too... So you are trying to scaremonger a far safer country... Murder is lest than a fifth of US.
Germany doesnt have the prog ghettos anymore since the iron works were removed after WWII. Also that country is about 95% white, while the prog slaves of the inner city are murdering each other, but this isnt what Burning Looting and Murder are fighting for, it is the one white cop shooting the one black criminal, and the BLM guess what? Burn loot and murder minority businesses.

But here is why Germany doesnt have the dumbass inner city problem that we do.

Largest Ethnic Groups In Germany - WorldAtlas

6African German1.0%

I mean come on man if you didnt vote for Joe, you aint black enough......
The Liberal brain cannot process facts.
Maybe collectively we can do better. ...

Every time those words have been uttered by someone with a lot of guns, millions of people have died (starting with stupid farm animals like you).
You know who else keeps saying we are all in this together? A lot of CEO's of Americans companies

True to form, since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, brands have been quick to invoke ambiguous yet arguably commodified notions of connectivity, care and community, in the service of capitalism.

Move to China. You wouldn't last a week.
Coming from the guy who works for a public school, is in a union and is relying on a pension us tax payers have to give you when the rest of us don't get pensions.

You also don't get the shitty pay that teachers get either.
WE dont get 3 months off for summer vacation, or Winter Break, or Easter Break, or friday teachers day off day. Out of the year a teacher might work 7 months out of the year, and still get $50,000.
$50,000 divided by 12 is $4,200 a month
$50,000 divided by 7 is $7,200 a month

But teachers unions dont want the public to know this, because "teachers" are so under paid....
View attachment 423398

If education and healthcare are going to be free then perhaps $15.00 an hour is a good wage for everyone, including the educated.

But!.But!!..But!!!..... I graduated from Harvard!

It doesn't matter your education was free...



I see you get where this is going.


Of course. Apparently the progressives don't like the direction I wish to lead them. Here I thought they were all for that leap forward into the future where money isn't a issue and if we improve ourselves it's not for the money. They should be happy that they were able to help their fellow man and accept a piece of paper that simply lists their achievement. After all it shouldn't be about the money because it was for the betterment of mankind.


View attachment 423398

If education and healthcare are going to be free then perhaps $15.00 an hour is a good wage for everyone, including the educated.

But!.But!!..But!!!..... I graduated from Harvard!

It doesn't matter your education was free...



I see you get where this is going.

View attachment 423683

Of course. Apparently the progressives don't like the direction I wish to lead them. Here I thought they were all for that leap forward into the future where money isn't a issue and if we improve ourselves it's not for the money. They should be happy that they were able to help their fellow man and accept a piece of paper that simply lists their achievement. After all it shouldn't be about the money because it was for the betterment of mankind.



Gene Roddenberry was ahead of his time, but he was a Socialist lover. I found it very interesting how in Star Trek, where everyone is supposed to be equal, there were still some people more equal than others. Why need a captain if everyone is the same? They should have a vote anytime they needed action, why should 1 bald headed white guy make the decisions?
View attachment 423398

If education and healthcare are going to be free then perhaps $15.00 an hour is a good wage for everyone, including the educated.

But!.But!!..But!!!..... I graduated from Harvard!

It doesn't matter your education was free...



I see you get where this is going.

View attachment 423683

Of course. Apparently the progressives don't like the direction I wish to lead them. Here I thought they were all for that leap forward into the future where money isn't a issue and if we improve ourselves it's not for the money. They should be happy that they were able to help their fellow man and accept a piece of paper that simply lists their achievement. After all it shouldn't be about the money because it was for the betterment of mankind.



Gene Roddenberry was ahead of his time, but he was a Socialist lover. I found it very interesting how in Star Trek, where everyone is supposed to be equal, there were still some people more equal than others. Why need a captain if everyone is the same? They should have a vote anytime they needed action, why should 1 bald headed white guy make the decisions?


Someone has to be in charge and make decisions while others have to take the orders.

But the manager is still be paid the same as the burger flipper...




  • 1606788510714.png
    28.9 KB · Views: 6
View attachment 423398

If education and healthcare are going to be free then perhaps $15.00 an hour is a good wage for everyone, including the educated.

But!.But!!..But!!!..... I graduated from Harvard!

It doesn't matter your education was free...



I see you get where this is going.

View attachment 423683

Of course. Apparently the progressives don't like the direction I wish to lead them. Here I thought they were all for that leap forward into the future where money isn't a issue and if we improve ourselves it's not for the money. They should be happy that they were able to help their fellow man and accept a piece of paper that simply lists their achievement. After all it shouldn't be about the money because it was for the betterment of mankind.



Gene Roddenberry was ahead of his time, but he was a Socialist lover. I found it very interesting how in Star Trek, where everyone is supposed to be equal, there were still some people more equal than others. Why need a captain if everyone is the same? They should have a vote anytime they needed action, why should 1 bald headed white guy make the decisions?

View attachment 423696

Someone has to be in charge and make decisions while others have to take the orders...



But then out goes everyone is equal shit.......Socialism is where everyone is equal, but how can it be when someone has to be in charge? This is why Socialism always fails.
View attachment 423398

If education and healthcare are going to be free then perhaps $15.00 an hour is a good wage for everyone, including the educated.

But!.But!!..But!!!..... I graduated from Harvard!

It doesn't matter your education was free...



I see you get where this is going.

View attachment 423683

Of course. Apparently the progressives don't like the direction I wish to lead them. Here I thought they were all for that leap forward into the future where money isn't a issue and if we improve ourselves it's not for the money. They should be happy that they were able to help their fellow man and accept a piece of paper that simply lists their achievement. After all it shouldn't be about the money because it was for the betterment of mankind.



Gene Roddenberry was ahead of his time, but he was a Socialist lover. I found it very interesting how in Star Trek, where everyone is supposed to be equal, there were still some people more equal than others. Why need a captain if everyone is the same? They should have a vote anytime they needed action, why should 1 bald headed white guy make the decisions?

View attachment 423696

Someone has to be in charge and make decisions while others have to take the orders...



But then out goes everyone is equal shit.......Socialism is where everyone is equal, but how can it be when someone has to be in charge? This is why Socialism always fails.


Sh.h..h... :www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:

I agree. :smoke:

However I want to see what crawls out of the rubble of their Great Reset.:popcorn:

Will those who deserve more education, instead of those legacy students, be allowed to pursue that free education unhindered by financial restrictions?

After all this is what the Great Reset should be all about... Isn't it?

If one has the smarts to be a rocket scientist or neurosurgeon they should be allowed to pursue that goal without financial restraints and those that don't measure up end up flipping burgers. Sounds like a much better system than those that do have the smarts having to sell their souls to some financial institution in student loans or having to enter the military for that college education, while those rich legacy kids get first pick at the colleges.

After all there won't be any rich legacy kids applying for college after the Great Reset... :cool:

We might have to be really strict on the SAT and ACT scores and who gets sent to which prestigious or unprestigious institution after the Great Reset.




  • 1606789101387.png
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So, the mantra of the progressive left is Orange Man bad, orange man bad.
But lets see what the progressive Masters are offering the people of the United States.
1. Free education, but who will pay for it, because nothing in life is free, Billionaires? Not all the billionaires in the world can pay for all the free education.
2. Free healthcare, and again, do doctors, nurses work for free, and are medical supplies somewhat costly to make?
3. A guaranteed $1,500 a month check from the government, who ends up paying for that?

Now, with what is going on, with the One Party control, of the media , education and politics, seems that the 1st amendment is under attack and will soon be takem away, but not until guns are taken away from the free people.
With the violence of the left, who is burning, looting and murdering in the progressive streets of blue cities, the prog masters want to ban certain types of weapon that make a large noise and sends a projectile out of the font of it. Knives, forks, spoons, hammers, bombs, cars, and other weapons will be dealt with later, but to the progs the 2nd amendment must go.
After the 2nd amendment is gone, and free people can no longer stand up to tyrannical governments, soon all the other rights under the constitution are also gone, thus making uneducated progs, slaves of their masters..


Why is it that every other developed nation can afford free healthcare and education, but the U.S. can not?

Why are the 'European Socialist' countries ranked higher than the U.S. in quality of life?

A lot of it has to do with the fact that the US shoulders the cost of defense for all of those nations. You can talk all you want about what the average joe gets in those nations but it is rather clear that our system generates not only prosperity that far outstrips any other nation but also innovation.

US spends a lot on defence but against who? EU could beat Russia in a conventional war in about a couple of weeks...
I doubt that tbh, the EU may have the tech which has a lot to do with their partnership with the US, but they are a small fraction of what we have in overall military capability.

It is not against any particular threat either. It is more about keeping the world out of major wars, something that has notibly decreased since the US took the lead as the main global superpower.

US has left themselves wide open to cyber attack.

This isn't shoulder the cost thing, the US got themselves into very costly wars (Iraq and Afgan) which were pretty unnecessary and are not sabre rattling with Iran... It is not Europe's fault they thought they were misadventures in the middle east, they were right.
Yes, it is even if we have made major errors in judgment in trying to do something that should or cannot be done.
We are just showing that this idea that US is number one at everything is just not true... Germany has lower unemployment, a surplus, free Third level education, universal heath insurance, environmental standards, low crime, elections that don't end up in a farce...
And they do that with out a 11 million sub class workers who have very limited right....

I am not saying America is wrong but this constant accusation that universal heathcare and free third level education is communism is just ridiculous OR you are saying that communist countries can be successful... So can you explain how Germany is so successful by doing all these evil things like looking after workers....
I have not and never stated to my knowledge that universal healthcare makes a nation communist. If I did my statements were incorrect. It is a socialist way in running those institution however and there is an argument as to weather or not running those systems in a socialistic manner is superior to a commercial one - particularly when it comes to education. The US has the best educational institution in the world and it is our public education system that is not up to par. The private one is generally really damn good at what they do.
So, the mantra of the progressive left is Orange Man bad, orange man bad.
But lets see what the progressive Masters are offering the people of the United States.
1. Free education, but who will pay for it, because nothing in life is free, Billionaires? Not all the billionaires in the world can pay for all the free education.
2. Free healthcare, and again, do doctors, nurses work for free, and are medical supplies somewhat costly to make?
3. A guaranteed $1,500 a month check from the government, who ends up paying for that?

Now, with what is going on, with the One Party control, of the media , education and politics, seems that the 1st amendment is under attack and will soon be takem away, but not until guns are taken away from the free people.
With the violence of the left, who is burning, looting and murdering in the progressive streets of blue cities, the prog masters want to ban certain types of weapon that make a large noise and sends a projectile out of the font of it. Knives, forks, spoons, hammers, bombs, cars, and other weapons will be dealt with later, but to the progs the 2nd amendment must go.
After the 2nd amendment is gone, and free people can no longer stand up to tyrannical governments, soon all the other rights under the constitution are also gone, thus making uneducated progs, slaves of their masters..


Why is it that every other developed nation can afford free healthcare and education, but the U.S. can not?

Why are the 'European Socialist' countries ranked higher than the U.S. in quality of life?

A lot of it has to do with the fact that the US shoulders the cost of defense for all of those nations. You can talk all you want about what the average joe gets in those nations but it is rather clear that our system generates not only prosperity that far outstrips any other nation but also innovation.

US spends a lot on defence but against who? EU could beat Russia in a conventional war in about a couple of weeks...

US has left themselves wide open to cyber attack.

This isn't shoulder the cost thing, the US got themselves into very costly wars (Iraq and Afgan) which were pretty unnecessary and are not sabre rattling with Iran... It is not Europe's fault they thought they were misadventures in the middle east, they were right.

We are just showing that this idea that US is number one at everything is just not true... Germany has lower unemployment, a surplus, free Third level education, universal heath insurance, environmental standards, low crime, elections that don't end up in a farce...
And they do that with out a 11 million sub class workers who have very limited right....

I am not saying America is wrong but this constant accusation that universal heathcare and free third level education is communism is just ridiculous OR you are saying that communist countries can be successful... So can you explain how Germany is so successful by doing all these evil things like looking after workers....
Germany is flooded with Muslims who have been raping their woman.
I guess you never read Lucy Hamilton's posts.
Stats are just not your friend

The statement of Donald Trump is mostly false. The number of crimes has been decreasing for the past three years. The development “since migrants were accepted“ shows a decrease of 3.7% from 2015 to 2018. With regard to offences against personal freedom, we do not see a ten percent increase in this period. There is a ten percent increase in the sector of offences against life but the high level of 2018 is due to a single terrorist attack in Berlin. The large increase of 40% regarding offences against sexual-determination could be attributed to a reformed legislation about what counts as such an offence: The numbers before and after 2016 do not allow a useful comparison. But in the years after the refomation, an increase of more than ten percent is found.
Look, schmuck, I don't give a 2 shits about any news outlet these days because I see them lying about NYC.
I believe what a resident says.

This is EU news outlets quoting hard facts... I know that actual facts are hard for you but it is how places like Europe run there country. You want hyperbole and baseless arguments...

That is why Trump is disliked in Europe. They don't blame him (don't like either) but Europe can't understand how a President who has been so awful was is even in the running for re-election... Trump was a dismal failure and comparing to Merkel comes off like an idiot. Just look at the way Germany handled the COVID crisis. They have 25% of the population and only 6% of the deaths compared to US.

Merkel invaded her own country... universally one of the most hated leaders if you look past fake news.

You absolutely should move to some other place though, clearly freedom is too much for you too stomach, moocher.
So, the mantra of the progressive left is Orange Man bad, orange man bad.
But lets see what the progressive Masters are offering the people of the United States.
1. Free education, but who will pay for it, because nothing in life is free, Billionaires? Not all the billionaires in the world can pay for all the free education.
2. Free healthcare, and again, do doctors, nurses work for free, and are medical supplies somewhat costly to make?
3. A guaranteed $1,500 a month check from the government, who ends up paying for that?

Now, with what is going on, with the One Party control, of the media , education and politics, seems that the 1st amendment is under attack and will soon be takem away, but not until guns are taken away from the free people.
With the violence of the left, who is burning, looting and murdering in the progressive streets of blue cities, the prog masters want to ban certain types of weapon that make a large noise and sends a projectile out of the font of it. Knives, forks, spoons, hammers, bombs, cars, and other weapons will be dealt with later, but to the progs the 2nd amendment must go.
After the 2nd amendment is gone, and free people can no longer stand up to tyrannical governments, soon all the other rights under the constitution are also gone, thus making uneducated progs, slaves of their masters..


Why is it that every other developed nation can afford free healthcare and education, but the U.S. can not?

Why are the 'European Socialist' countries ranked higher than the U.S. in quality of life?

A lot of it has to do with the fact that the US shoulders the cost of defense for all of those nations. You can talk all you want about what the average joe gets in those nations but it is rather clear that our system generates not only prosperity that far outstrips any other nation but also innovation.

US spends a lot on defence but against who? EU could beat Russia in a conventional war in about a couple of weeks...
I doubt that tbh, the EU may have the tech which has a lot to do with their partnership with the US, but they are a small fraction of what we have in overall military capability.

It is not against any particular threat either. It is more about keeping the world out of major wars, something that has notibly decreased since the US took the lead as the main global superpower.

US has left themselves wide open to cyber attack.

This isn't shoulder the cost thing, the US got themselves into very costly wars (Iraq and Afgan) which were pretty unnecessary and are not sabre rattling with Iran... It is not Europe's fault they thought they were misadventures in the middle east, they were right.
Yes, it is even if we have made major errors in judgment in trying to do something that should or cannot be done.
We are just showing that this idea that US is number one at everything is just not true... Germany has lower unemployment, a surplus, free Third level education, universal heath insurance, environmental standards, low crime, elections that don't end up in a farce...
And they do that with out a 11 million sub class workers who have very limited right....

I am not saying America is wrong but this constant accusation that universal heathcare and free third level education is communism is just ridiculous OR you are saying that communist countries can be successful... So can you explain how Germany is so successful by doing all these evil things like looking after workers....
I have not and never stated to my knowledge that universal healthcare makes a nation communist. If I did my statements were incorrect. It is a socialist way in running those institution however and there is an argument as to weather or not running those systems in a socialistic manner is superior to a commercial one - particularly when it comes to education. The US has the best educational institution in the world and it is our public education system that is not up to par. The private one is generally really damn good at what they do.

You can look at this way:

US - invented every modern medicine there is.

Europe - invented jack shit.

They would be still doing leeches without our system. In fact, in more literal sense than that. As Trump has been saying, we need to control prescription drug prices, the EU is taking advantage of us by controlling the prices which means we need to pay higher costs.

The socialists want to nationalize health care for primarily two reasons:
1) The control freaks want to control health. As in UK, they can then exclude people with the wrong opinion from it.
2) They want free shit, and in public health care there is the implicit assumption that people who work for a living pay for it so they get to mooch.

That said, they are free to do whatever they want in my book. But to dictate the whole of US how to live, especially when it goes against the American ethos - that is indeed Satanic, there is every reason to fight such authoritarian idiots by any means necessary.

As for Europe, it is failing just like all the West for the same reason as all the West - letting moochers vote free shit to their heart's content. Indeed, at this point there is simply no more money left for free shit, the boomers already voted all of it for themselves.
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Maybe collectively we can do better. ...

Every time those words have been uttered by someone with a lot of guns, millions of people have died (starting with stupid farm animals like you).
You know who else keeps saying we are all in this together? A lot of CEO's of Americans companies

True to form, since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, brands have been quick to invoke ambiguous yet arguably commodified notions of connectivity, care and community, in the service of capitalism.

Of course the CEOs of major corporations are all on board with collectivism - concentrating the power is the most reliable way for them to not only seize it but ensure that no one else is able to topple them and take their place.

I will never understand why it is such a hard concept to understand that large corporate power LOVES powerful government - they are the butter to their bread.
So now you are anti large corporations and the power they have over our government? Finally we are on the same page.
It’s not going to be free. You pay for healthcare now and you’ll pay when healthcare is provided to everyone. Instead of you and your corporation paying blue cross you’ll pay medicare.

View attachment 423555

What corporations, agencies, or institutions???

They'll be nationalized for the Great Reset to make everyone equal.

Why would a government owned corporation, agency, or institution, be paying for medicare or blue cross?

So after the Great Reset everyone will be equal and $15.00 an hour sounds like reasonable wage for everybody no matter how educated or where they went to school.

It's free!!! So don't worry about what you get paid we're all the same.



Nonsense. If a poor little black kid gets cancer, he should get the same treatment that a guy making $500,000 a year gets.

UNLESS of course that rich guy has supplimental insurance which I'm sure rich people will get if we passed universal healthcare.

But at least our poorest people will be treated when they are sick. No more will they be denied because they don't have insurance.

And no one is suggesting everyone make $15 hr. That's just right wing babble talk.

We won WWII because of the excellent leadership of FDR.......

Bullshit. We won despite that scumbag.

Your personal revisionist history?

Can't stand the truth??
Yup. Some Sloppy Joe on a messageboard thinks he knows history.

Playing the apologist for the worst scumbag ever to soil the Oval Office is worse than ignorant.
No one but you and some asians see it this way.

We won WWII because of the excellent leadership of FDR.......

Bullshit. We won despite that scumbag.

Your personal revisionist history?

Can't stand the truth??
Yup. Some Sloppy Joe on a messageboard thinks he knows history.

Playing the apologist for the worst scumbag ever to soil the Oval Office is worse than ignorant.
No one but you and some asians [sic] see it this way.

Wrong again.

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