I Did Not Vote For Obama

Current Topics - Changes to Prime Service Areas (PSAs)

On October 1, 2013, some PSAs—areas where TRICARE Prime is offered in the United States—are being eliminated. This will affect about 3% of current 5.25 million TRICARE Prime enrollees. Go to the ZIP Code Look-up Tool to see if you live in an area that is affected by the PSA changes. All beneficiaries remain eligible for TRICARE Standard, and the PSA changes do not affect any other TRICARE benefits, such as pharmacy or dental coverage.

Put in your zip code. See if you are affected.

The letter I received actually suggested I might want to get insurance from my civilian employer!

Retired Service Members and Family enrolled in TRICARE Prime:
You will be disenrolled from TRICARE Prime on September 30, 2013. You will remain enrolled until September 30, 2013 as long as your enrollment fees are paid, you do not disenroll early or otherwise lose eligibility.

Once disenrolled from TRICARE Prime, you'll begin to use TRICARE Standard and Extra, or you can enroll in the US Family Health Plan if it's offered where you live.
In some cases, you may be able to re-enroll in TRICARE Prime by waiving your drive-time standards. By waiving your drive-time standards, you will have to drive long distances for primary and specialty care so you should carefully consider this option.

If I stay where I am, I'll be fine. If I move to where I want to be, I'm screwed. I can't stay where I am...too expensive. Property taxes too high.

Then go rent a trailer home.
Wants to reduce SS, VA and Military Retiree Compensation.

Lots of taxes on the way to hurt all citizens, including the Middle Class.

Happy you voted for Obama?

Don't blame me, I did not vote for Obama,

Blame the republicans, actually.

If you nominate candidates like McCain and Romney you’ll guarantee a democratic win every time.

Huntsman was probably the best candidate of the lot. Outside of Romney and Huntsman, the entire group was rabid dogs, with Newt Gingrich leading the pack. That he made it as far as he did spoke volumes about how corrupt the very core of the GOP is today.

That someone like Alex Jones is living outside a sanitarium and actually has a loyal following speaks volumes about the incredible decline in intelligence in the right wing today.

The never ending avalanche of manufactured bullshit that is copied and pasted onto this forum is postively astonishing. The right wing is now completely unable to discern truth from fiction.

Wait a sec, Newt Gingrich? The guy that does global warming commercials with Nancy Pelosi?

The issue is alot of good people have been tarred by the libtard attack machine, George Allen, Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, and so when liberals call someone a witch like with Christine McDonnell...an educated person with a background in political history should ask some questions..ok first

how is she a witch?
Second arent liberals for that kind of stuff? I thought they were for "altenative" religions.....This attack was to try and get conservatives to not like her........yet those conservatives, who are accused of hating any non WASP....did vote for her.
I thought they didnt like christians, so now they do???
Sorry man, that stuff was bs, and the media helped them bring alot of them down......
Todd Akin, ok he said legitimate rape......which meant people who didnt FALSELY ACCUSE others.......liberals said he meant some kinds of rape were legitimate.....huh????

Whats funny about that, is it's liberals that get rapists off and sllow them out of jail.
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