I can respect Mike Pence.

If you guys are so dazzled by him, YOU vote for him. Most Republican voters wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.
Most republicans are afraid to say they hate trump. Not much there to like in the first place. Even his attempts at humor are very sick.
Pence is evangelical. He has a strong anti-abortion stance and a strong pro-gun stance.

That's pretty right wing.
That's ironic though they say they believe in god but they got to have their guns, it's a complete contradiction and they don't seem to realize it.
That didn't stop him from letting the Democrat filth get away with stealing the election, did it?

All it would have taken to expose the thievery was to have an audit but he didn't have the courage to do it.
They could have done a hundred audits it wouldn't have satisfied trump anyway cuz he did lose fairly and squarely. He lives in a world of lies, he can't accept the truth. That alone makes him unfit to be anybody's leader. His deciet and treachery make him a criminal and enemy of our country.
Most republicans are afraid to say they hate trump. Not much there to like in the first place. Even his attempts at humor are very sick.
Are you a Republican? Do you really think you know what "most of" 75 MILLION other Americans "believe"? If you were near as bright as you think yourself to be... you might just try to figure out WHY 75+ million people disagree with you. Only a person with no integrity makes those kinds of claims. This is ME dismissing YOU...

I disagree with a lot of his ideas but not all of them. But more importantly, when it came time to do his constitutional duty, he did it. He stood up for our country and how our system works and what we stand for. Pence has balls 10 times bigger than Trumps.
I still respect Pence, and indeed it would have been a disaster if he refused to certify the potato.

The entirety of the GOP, and all other opponent's of the global collectivist elite should have unified and resisted the insurrection and forced the courts to do their jobs, forced that swamp rat AG Barr and his parasitic minions to prosecute the criminals we all witnessed stuffing ballots into machines.

Instead, the media was allowed to establish a bogus narrative. Courts shirked their responsibility, The DOJ ignored its duty and the aristocracy was allowed to install a senile trailer trash criminal into the office of POTUS.

Then when people protested, they called THAT an insurrection.

Not the months of riots, window licking bed wetters with koolaid hair dye openly demanding the overthrow of government, fire bombing federal buildings, assaulting federal agents and local police officers, destroying monuments, and burning down police stations.

Indeed had the actual coup been undermined and Trump was acknowledged as the actual winner in spite of the leftist media agitprop, the bed wetters would have stormed the capitol, hundreds if not thousands of "people" would have been killed and the building, as well as half of DC would have been destroyed.

At least one positive aspect of the whole shit show is that the DNC has proven itself to be such a malignancy and utterly incapable of governing that we can expect the 2010 wipeout may look like a minor correction.

But more importantly, when it came time to do his constitutional duty, he did it.

Pence is a traitor. He is a turncoat, a fair-weather friend. When it came time to stand behind his President and be at his side through thick and thin in their darkest hour as he knew he might have to as Trump's running mate, he instead chickened out, turned tail and ran, stabbed Trump in the back, abandoned the will of the people, and thought only of himself and his political career.

In a sense, all of the massive, incalculable harm that Biddum and Kammy have inflicted upon this nation in the past year all lies upon his shoulders.
Pence is a traitor to his country allowing the Democrat filth to get away with stealing the election.

As President of the Senate and a Republican Congress he could have insisted on an audit of the districts in the swing states that the Democrats stole, but he didn't.

I don't think it should have fallen squarely on his shoulders. There were thousands of officials that were obviously either afraid to fight, unwilling to confront the criminals, or actually complicit in the coup.

Had Pence been the "hero", it would have blown up in his face. The way it worked out though, the bed wetters have failed in almost everything they've attempted to do, and the awareness of the globalist power brokers, and especially their nefarious agenda has increased along with the popular resistance to it.

Most republicans are afraid to say they hate trump.

So much so that they continue to poll very highly with him like 98%, donate to his reelection and drive across country to attend his rallies!

Democrats are so much smarter, hiding their love of Joe by not going to any of his functions nor even tuning into one of his speeches. :smoke:

That is REAL popularity!
it wouldn't have satisfied trump anyway cuz he did lose fairly and squarely.

That must be why three states have now revised their election rules with Pa now saying 40% of ballots counted in 2020 were illegal and Pa, Georgia and Wisconsin now concluding that if counted today, Trump should have won those states! That and the confession of a rigged election by 50 shadow leftwing organizations confessed to in Time Magazine last Feb.
If you guys are so dazzled by him, YOU vote for him. Most Republican voters wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.


I'm sure the Dems would just LOVE to run against Mike Pence Mr. Personality rather than Trump!

I don't think it should have fallen squarely on his shoulders. There were thousands of officials that were obviously either afraid to fight, unwilling to confront the criminals, or actually complicit in the coup.

Had Pence been the "hero", it would have blown up in his face. The way it worked out though, the bed wetters have failed in almost everything they've attempted to do, and the awareness of the globalist power brokers, and especially their nefarious agenda has increased along with the popular resistance to it.

The traitors were the cowardly Republicans that decided not to hold the Democrat filth accountable for stealing the election. Not only the officials that you mentioned but also the Courts. For instance that pussy Roberts saying he would not give the states standing because he didn't want the damn Negros rioting again.

The Democrat filth got away with the stealing the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested balloted counted by Democrats in swing districts. The Republican leadership could have stopped it but instead threw Trump under the bus rather than make waves. Cowardly.

It is bad enough when the bad guys do something despicable like the Democrats did but it is even worse when the supposedly good guys let them get away with it.
Are you a Republican? Do you really think you know what "most of" 75 MILLION other Americans "believe"? If you were near as bright as you think yourself to be... you might just try to figure out WHY 75+ million people disagree with you. Only a person with no integrity makes those kinds of claims. This is ME dismissing YOU..
He lost much of his base, that's a fact. Only the real fools and fanatics are left.
Why do democrats continue to act like losers after their first year as the majority party? The Country is falling apart with empty shelves in stores, a forty year inflation spike, looming war over Ukraine and illegals flooding the borders and hidden by agents in the federal government but lefties feel the need to tell the world that they respect the former V.P. (but not the current one?) . What a freaking inane post.
I for one.
Well, actually, my avatar too.
So that makes two of us....
Anyway, we both welcomed Christianist radio DJ Mike getting a bit more testosteroney.
That was cool.
And frankly a bit of a surprise....but then, you know, he WAS being provoked by his ex-boss.
Anyway, he did it. Jumped the shark.
So it oughta be fun to watch what happens with Mike.
I hope he ends up giving testimony in front of the Select Committee.

That could help move this whole thing along and America could maybe get to the bottom of what happened on January 6th, and what role did the major players play. If any. Mike could shorten the timeline on how long this takes. He could help relieve America from its' angst and turmoil.

So, he took a baby step the other day.
Let's all wish he goes all the way.
Do the right thing, Mike.
Sorry bout that,

1. Mike sealed his doom in this world and the next.
2. He betrayed all Americans.
3. Those whoever voted got betrayed, even if you voted for the Dumbass in Chief.
4. Mike had better never been born.

I supported him in the Primaries did you not see the other choices? The first nano second after Biden got the nomination, he bolted to the uber left as if he were shot from a cannon. I left the presidential selection blank in the general because neither are worth pissing on, much less voting for.
So you are a typical Democrat who never takes personal responsibility for his actions?

By the way, who did you give your ballot to?

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