I am seeing more and more violatons of free speech

Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.

Leave it to a leftist to think labeling speech you don't like "Lying, slander, and libel" makes it okay to silence those who disagree with you.

Yeah, you'll spend a lot of time gassing about your judgements of who is and isn't a "good Christian", but you'll never tell us what authority you have on the subject that should make your opinion matter.

It's difficult to know if being delusional is what made you become a leftist, or if becoming a leftist made you delusional.

Personally, if the likes of you approved of me, that would be proof that I was doing something wrong.

You don't know squat. I'm not a leftist. I've never joined any political party. I'm fairly moderate on most issues, but I'm mostly conservative on economic issues, and more liberal on social issues. But I'm not a bleeding heart liberal by any stretch of the imagination. I've worked hard all my life, and I'm the quintessential example of a person who's pulled himself up by his own bootstraps. I'm not prejudiced, but I have to admit that I really don't like liars or people who always have their hands out expecting freebies like when I get off of work and someone is standing by the side of the road expecting me to give him some of my hard earned money.

I've voted for Republicans, and I've voted for Democrats, but I would never vote for Trump or any of his Trumpist acolytes under any circumstances because they're the most unscrupulous group of liars I've ever experienced in public life. However, they do seem to be cut from the same cloth as Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay, only worse and more unapologetically shameless while also possessing what can best be described as the exact same sense of entitlement as the guy standing on the side of the road expecting me to give him my money. In their case, they think they deserve to be in power regardless of how self-serving they are or how bad of a job they do. And to that end, they'll say anything and make up any lie to further their self-interest. They're all a scourge on our land like a plague of lying locusts devouring everything that's good and decent in their path on their way to political power.

I hate to break it to you, but I can see your posts. You may not want to admit being a leftist - and who the hell would? - but you are one anyway.

The rest of your "Stop seeing me for what I am!!!" rant is summarily ignored, as is most of the sewage you spew.

You have a lot of nerve.

I know how you neo-fascists hate that.

They are private organizations, but when they are in bed with a political party, there's an inherent conflict of interest. It is the definition of fascism.
That's not the definition of fascism.

These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.


Definition of fascism

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality

You leftists don't give a shit about the nation, but you're ALL about exalting race and other identity groups over the individual, you constantly make excuses and cheer for centralized autocratic power, and you can't suppress your opposition fast enough.

Thanks for playing.

Autocratic? Who best fits that description? Is it the president who recently placed sanctions on Putin and expelled some of his Russian spies? Or s it the Putin-loving Trump who always seemed to be taking Putin's side over the American intelligence community? Hint: this is not a coin flip kind of answer.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.

Leave it to a leftist to think labeling speech you don't like "Lying, slander, and libel" makes it okay to silence those who disagree with you.
"Leftists"? :lol:

TDS lives strong in this one--No one else has mentioned him in this thread--but you. Is he still rattling around in your empty head rent free.

I love that it strikes a nerve when y'all get busted accusing others of that which your lord and savior, Donnie Covidseed, actually DOES. :lol:
Nothing could be further from the truth--I really couldn't care less what he does. He is irrelevant to the discussion or anything else. Where, exactly, does a thread on free speech restrictions have anything to do with a former POTUS's legal problems. You have Trump on the brain and can't carry on a dialogue without him. Now, as a reminder, the thread is about censorship--please keep up and stay on topic.

What censorship? You are free to express yourself and other Americans are free not to listen to you. Newspapers are free not to publish you. Social media is free to ban you.. No one OWES you an audience.

"Just because we're limiting the places you can express yourself to the back of your closet with the door shut doesn't mean you aren't free to express yourself!! We're not censoring you; we're just protecting people from being forced to listen to you by denying them the ability to freely access your words!!"

That's some fascinating rationalization you've done to allow yourself to pretend you're a decent person while continuing to be evil scum. Does it actually work, or at the end of the day, do you still know how despicable you are?
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.

Leave it to a leftist to think labeling speech you don't like "Lying, slander, and libel" makes it okay to silence those who disagree with you.
"Leftists"? :lol:

TDS lives strong in this one--No one else has mentioned him in this thread--but you. Is he still rattling around in your empty head rent free.

I love that it strikes a nerve when y'all get busted accusing others of that which your lord and savior, Donnie Covidseed, actually DOES. :lol:
Nothing could be further from the truth--I really couldn't care less what he does. He is irrelevant to the discussion or anything else. Where, exactly, does a thread on free speech restrictions have anything to do with a former POTUS's legal problems. You have Trump on the brain and can't carry on a dialogue without him. Now, as a reminder, the thread is about censorship--please keep up and stay on topic.

What censorship? You are free to express yourself and other Americans are free not to listen to you. Newspapers are free not to publish you. Social media is free to ban you.. No one OWES you an audience.

"Just because we're limiting the places you can express yourself to the back of your closet with the door shut doesn't mean you aren't free to express yourself!! We're not censoring you; we're just protecting people from being forced to listen to you by denying them the ability to freely access your words!!"

That's some fascinating rationalization you've done to allow yourself to pretend you're a decent person while continuing to be evil scum. Does it actually work, or at the end of the day, do you still know how despicable you are?

Start your own social media site.

You're pathetic.
These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.
To be fair, fascism isn't the easiest thing in the world to define.

But first and foremost, it's ultra-nationalistic. That's the most defining characteristic if you ask me.

Yes. Fascism is nationalistic, aggressive, racist and authoritrian. Overthrowing an election would be Fascist..
So would claiming an election to be stolen from you when you lost fair and square.

Go tell Stacy Abrams and Hillary Clinton that, hypocrite.
They are private organizations, but when they are in bed with a political party, there's an inherent conflict of interest. It is the definition of fascism.
That's not the definition of fascism.

These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.


Definition of fascism

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality

You leftists don't give a shit about the nation, but you're ALL about exalting race and other identity groups over the individual, you constantly make excuses and cheer for centralized autocratic power, and you can't suppress your opposition fast enough.

Thanks for playing.

Don't you understand what you read? Look up Fascists of the 20th. century. Fascism is hard right conservative.

Most people that hate government, promote paranoia and conspiracy theories are losers who failed and they need to blame someone other than themselves. They are bitter because they haven't had a fulfilling life.

Don't YOU understand what I read? Because I showed it to you, and here you are telling me how I have to accept something that isn't actually there, but that you read somewhere else and decided should be.

Your surrender is noted, and the rest of your pitiful excuses to yourself are ignored. To paraphrase you: "You can freely express your self-justifications, but you can't force people who aren't your therapist to listen."
These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.
To be fair, fascism isn't the easiest thing in the world to define.

But first and foremost, it's ultra-nationalistic. That's the most defining characteristic if you ask me.

Yes. Fascism is nationalistic, aggressive, racist and authoritrian. Overthrowing an election would be Fascist..
So would claiming an election to be stolen from you when you lost fair and square.

Go tell Stacy Abrams and Hillary Clinton that, hypocrite.

They both publicly accepted their respective electoral loss. Trump has yet to do so almost 6 months full months after his Nov 3, 2020 electoral defeat.
These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.
To be fair, fascism isn't the easiest thing in the world to define.

But first and foremost, it's ultra-nationalistic. That's the most defining characteristic if you ask me.

Yes. Fascism is nationalistic, aggressive, racist and authoritrian. Overthrowing an election would be Fascist..
So would claiming an election to be stolen from you when you lost fair and square.

Go tell Stacy Abrams and Hillary Clinton that, hypocrite.
Al Gore too.
These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.
To be fair, fascism isn't the easiest thing in the world to define.

But first and foremost, it's ultra-nationalistic. That's the most defining characteristic if you ask me.

Yes. Fascism is nationalistic, aggressive, racist and authoritrian. Overthrowing an election would be Fascist..
So would claiming an election to be stolen from you when you lost fair and square.

Go tell Stacy Abrams and Hillary Clinton that, hypocrite.
Al Gore too.

Al Gore also accepted his electoral loss despite the fact that he received 540,000 more popular votes than Bush 43. In Clinton's case, she accepted her electoral defeat despite the fact that she received 3,000,000 more votes than Trump.

Do you honestly think that Trump would have accepted an electoral loss if he received 3,000,000 more votes than Clinton when he has refused to acknowledge his defeat when he lost both the electoral vote to Biden and lost the popular vote by 7,000,000 votes? Fat chance.
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These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.
To be fair, fascism isn't the easiest thing in the world to define.

But first and foremost, it's ultra-nationalistic. That's the most defining characteristic if you ask me.

Yes. Fascism is nationalistic, aggressive, racist and authoritrian. Overthrowing an election would be Fascist..
So would claiming an election to be stolen from you when you lost fair and square.

Go tell Stacy Abrams and Hillary Clinton that, hypocrite.

They both publicly accepted their respective electoral loss. Trump has yet to do so almost 6 months full months after his Nov 3, 2020 electoral defeat.

Trump will always be low class.
They are private organizations, but when they are in bed with a political party, there's an inherent conflict of interest. It is the definition of fascism.
That's not the definition of fascism.

These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.


Definition of fascism

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality

You leftists don't give a shit about the nation, but you're ALL about exalting race and other identity groups over the individual, you constantly make excuses and cheer for centralized autocratic power, and you can't suppress your opposition fast enough.

Thanks for playing.

Autocratic? Who best fits that description? Is it the president who recently placed sanctions on Putin and expelled some of his Russian spies? Or s it the Putin-loving Trump who always seemed to be taking Putin's side over the American intelligence community? Hint: this is not a coin flip kind of answer.

"We're not autocratic because LOOK at all the stuff we've decided to believe about TRRRRRUUUUUUMMMP!!! There is no topic in the world except TRRRRUUUUMMMP!!!"

Yeah, whatever, Mr. I'm-Not-A-Leftist-I'm-Just-Their-Fluffer. Why don't you hold your breath waiting for your declaration of the debate parameters to matter to me. I'm thinking you're probably really good at holding your breath, given how much time you spend with Democrat dick in your mouth.
These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.
To be fair, fascism isn't the easiest thing in the world to define.

But first and foremost, it's ultra-nationalistic. That's the most defining characteristic if you ask me.

Yes. Fascism is nationalistic, aggressive, racist and authoritrian. Overthrowing an election would be Fascist..
So would claiming an election to be stolen from you when you lost fair and square.

Go tell Stacy Abrams and Hillary Clinton that, hypocrite.

They both publicly accepted their respective electoral loss. Trump has yet to do so almost 6 months full months after his Nov 3, 2020 electoral defeat.

Trump will always be low class.

Sadly, I think his low class behavior and constant vulgarity (including cursing in public) were some of the things that endeared him to his followers. I got the impression that they perceived those behaviors as making him more "authentic" than politicians who spoke in measured tones despite his incessant lying on every subject under the sun.
“I am seeing more and more violatons [sic] of free speech”

No, you’re not.

What you’re seeing are private social media and search engines editing their content as they see fit, as they have a right to do, and that in no manner ‘violates’ free speech.

What you’re seeing are private social media and search engines exercising their right to freedom of association, as guaranteed by the First Amendment.

The right’s desire to subject private social media and search engines to punitive measures by government is the epitome of neo-fascist authoritarianism.
These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.
To be fair, fascism isn't the easiest thing in the world to define.

But first and foremost, it's ultra-nationalistic. That's the most defining characteristic if you ask me.

Yes. Fascism is nationalistic, aggressive, racist and authoritrian. Overthrowing an election would be Fascist..
So would claiming an election to be stolen from you when you lost fair and square.

Go tell Stacy Abrams and Hillary Clinton that, hypocrite.

They both publicly accepted their respective electoral loss. Trump has yet to do so almost 6 months full months after his Nov 3, 2020 electoral defeat.

Trump will always be low class.

Sadly, I think his low class behavior and constant vulgarity (including cursing in public) were some of the things that endeared him to his followers. I got the impression that they perceived those behaviors as making him more "authentic" than politicians who spoke in measured tones despite his incessant lying on every subject under the sun.
Hypocrite--I guess you didn't see dementia Joe when he called US service members "stupid bastards" The exact quote was "Clap for that, you stupid bastards," Biden said. "C'mon man. Man, you are a dull bunch. Must be slow here, man." Maybe you like him because his vulgarity makes him more "authentic." WATCH: Biden Calls US Troops 'Stupid Bastards'
Al Gore also accepted his electoral loss
Apparently you didn't watch the fiasco in FL. Gore accepted his loss after the SCOTUS shoved it up his ass.

I'm aware of what happened with the poorly printed and confusing butterfly ballots that led thousands of people to be confused as to which hole punch corresponded with their preferred candidate, not to mention the so-called hanging chads. ANY candidate for public office would not just blindly accept an electoral defeat when there were so many doubts as to the accuracy of the count. But ultimately, Gore accepted defeat which everyone knows is not the SOP of Trump who clearly is incapable of accepting a clear electoral and popular vote defeat.

People can make any derogatory statements about candidates or presidents like Nixon, Gore, or Clinton, but when push came to shove, they ALL placed the good of the country ahead of their personal interests. I don't think that there's anyone who could honestly say that Trump would do the same thing under any circumstances, and the Jan 6th insurrection is definitive proof of his lifelong desire and need to place his interests above that of any other consideration including the peace and prosperity of our country.
Al Gore also accepted his electoral loss
Apparently you didn't watch the fiasco in FL. Gore accepted his loss after the SCOTUS shoved it up his ass.

I'm aware of what happened with the poorly printed and confusing butterfly ballots that led thousands of people to be confused as to which hole punch corresponded with their preferred candidate, not to mention the so-called hanging chads. ANY candidate for public office would not just blindly accept an electoral defeat when there were so many doubts as to the accuracy of the count. But ultimately, Gore accepted defeat which everyone knows is not the SOP of Trump who clearly is incapable of accepting a clear electoral and popular vote defeat.

People can make any derogatory statements about candidates or presidents like Nixon, Gore, or Clinton, but when push came to shove, they ALL placed the good of the country ahead of their personal interests. I don't think that there's anyone who could honestly say that Trump would do the same thing under any circumstances, and the Jan 6th insurrection is definitive proof of his lifelong desire and need to place his interests above that of any other consideration including the peace and prosperity of our country.
Didn't take you long to back pedal that one. Run along. You contradict yourself as badly as Fauci does.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven
It's a conspiracy!!!
Al Gore also accepted his electoral loss
Apparently you didn't watch the fiasco in FL. Gore accepted his loss after the SCOTUS shoved it up his ass.

I'm aware of what happened with the poorly printed and confusing butterfly ballots that led thousands of people to be confused as to which hole punch corresponded with their preferred candidate, not to mention the so-called hanging chads. ANY candidate for public office would not just blindly accept an electoral defeat when there were so many doubts as to the accuracy of the count. But ultimately, Gore accepted defeat which everyone knows is not the SOP of Trump who clearly is incapable of accepting a clear electoral and popular vote defeat.

People can make any derogatory statements about candidates or presidents like Nixon, Gore, or Clinton, but when push came to shove, they ALL placed the good of the country ahead of their personal interests. I don't think that there's anyone who could honestly say that Trump would do the same thing under any circumstances, and the Jan 6th insurrection is definitive proof of his lifelong desire and need to place his interests above that of any other consideration including the peace and prosperity of our country.
Didn't take you long to back pedal that one. Run along. You contradict yourself as badly as Fauci does.

There was no backpedaling.

Nixon resigned his presidency before there was even an impeachment vote. I sincerely believe that he did so not just because he was convinced that he would lose such a vote, but also because he didn't want to put our country through the additional trauma heaped on top of the Viet Nam War protests. Nixon was clearly a flawed man, but I believe that he didn't want to drag the country through more trauma for little more than egotistical reasons.

Is there ANY reason to believe that Trump would do the same thing under similar circumstances? I can't imagine so. Under the exact same circumstances, Trump would have dragged our country through hell in the pursuit of his egomaniacal need for affirmation even if it led to unprecedented social discord from coast to coast. In fact, that kind of conflict would have been in keeping with the way he organized his staff, and how he viewed the Capitol insurrection which he watch from the WH without lifting a hand to stop it for at least a couple of hours.
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