I am seeing more and more violatons of free speech

Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.

Leave it to a leftist to think labeling speech you don't like "Lying, slander, and libel" makes it okay to silence those who disagree with you.

Yeah, you'll spend a lot of time gassing about your judgements of who is and isn't a "good Christian", but you'll never tell us what authority you have on the subject that should make your opinion matter.

It's difficult to know if being delusional is what made you become a leftist, or if becoming a leftist made you delusional.

Personally, if the likes of you approved of me, that would be proof that I was doing something wrong.

You don't know squat. I'm not a leftist. I've never joined any political party. I'm fairly moderate on most issues, but I'm mostly conservative on economic issues, and more liberal on social issues. But I'm not a bleeding heart liberal by any stretch of the imagination. I've worked hard all my life, and I'm the quintessential example of a person who's pulled himself up by his own bootstraps. I'm not prejudiced, but I have to admit that I really don't like liars or people who always have their hands out expecting freebies like when I get off of work and someone is standing by the side of the road expecting me to give him some of my hard earned money.

I've voted for Republicans, and I've voted for Democrats, but I would never vote for Trump or any of his Trumpist acolytes under any circumstances because they're the most unscrupulous group of liars I've ever experienced in public life. However, they do seem to be cut from the same cloth as Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay, only worse and more unapologetically shameless while also possessing what can best be described as the exact same sense of entitlement as the guy standing on the side of the road expecting me to give him my money. In their case, they think they deserve to be in power regardless of how self-serving they are or how bad of a job they do. And to that end, they'll say anything and make up any lie to further their self-interest. They're all a scourge on our land like a plague of lying locusts devouring everything that's good and decent in their path on their way to political power.

I hate to break it to you, but I can see your posts. You may not want to admit being a leftist - and who the hell would? - but you are one anyway.

The rest of your "Stop seeing me for what I am!!!" rant is summarily ignored, as is most of the sewage you spew.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.

Leave it to a leftist to think labeling speech you don't like "Lying, slander, and libel" makes it okay to silence those who disagree with you.

Yeah, you'll spend a lot of time gassing about your judgements of who is and isn't a "good Christian", but you'll never tell us what authority you have on the subject that should make your opinion matter.

It's difficult to know if being delusional is what made you become a leftist, or if becoming a leftist made you delusional.

Personally, if the likes of you approved of me, that would be proof that I was doing something wrong.

You don't know squat. I'm not a leftist. I've never joined any political party. I'm fairly moderate on most issues, but I'm mostly conservative on economic issues, and more liberal on social issues. But I'm not a bleeding heart liberal by any stretch of the imagination. I've worked hard all my life, and I'm the quintessential example of a person who's pulled himself up by his own bootstraps. I'm not prejudiced, but I have to admit that I really don't like liars or people who always have their hands out expecting freebies like when I get off of work and someone is standing by the side of the road expecting me to give him some of my hard earned money.

I've voted for Republicans, and I've voted for Democrats, but I would never vote for Trump or any of his Trumpist acolytes under any circumstances because they're the most unscrupulous group of liars I've ever experienced in public life. However, they do seem to be cut from the same cloth as Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay, only worse and more unapologetically shameless while also possessing what can best be described as the exact same sense of entitlement as the guy standing on the side of the road expecting me to give him my money. In their case, they think they deserve to be in power regardless of how self-serving they are or how bad of a job they do. And to that end, they'll say anything and make up any lie to further their self-interest. They're all a scourge on our land like a plague of lying locusts devouring everything that's good and decent in their path on their way to political power.

I hate to break it to you, but I can see your posts. You may not want to admit being a leftist - and who the hell would? - but you are one anyway.

The rest of your "Stop seeing me for what I am!!!" rant is summarily ignored, as is most of the sewage you spew.

You have a lot of nerve.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.

Leave it to a leftist to think labeling speech you don't like "Lying, slander, and libel" makes it okay to silence those who disagree with you.
"Leftists"? :lol:

TDS lives strong in this one--No one else has mentioned him in this thread--but you. Is he still rattling around in your empty head rent free.

I love that it strikes a nerve when y'all get busted accusing others of that which your lord and savior, Donnie Covidseed, actually DOES. :lol:
Nothing could be further from the truth--I really couldn't care less what he does. He is irrelevant to the discussion or anything else. Where, exactly, does a thread on free speech restrictions have anything to do with a former POTUS's legal problems. You have Trump on the brain and can't carry on a dialogue without him. Now, as a reminder, the thread is about censorship--please keep up and stay on topic.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.

Leave it to a leftist to think labeling speech you don't like "Lying, slander, and libel" makes it okay to silence those who disagree with you.

Yeah, you'll spend a lot of time gassing about your judgements of who is and isn't a "good Christian", but you'll never tell us what authority you have on the subject that should make your opinion matter.

It's difficult to know if being delusional is what made you become a leftist, or if becoming a leftist made you delusional.

Personally, if the likes of you approved of me, that would be proof that I was doing something wrong.

You don't know squat. I'm not a leftist. I've never joined any political party. I'm fairly moderate on most issues, but I'm mostly conservative on economic issues, and more liberal on social issues. But I'm not a bleeding heart liberal by any stretch of the imagination. I've worked hard all my life, and I'm the quintessential example of a person who's pulled himself up by his own bootstraps. I'm not prejudiced, but I have to admit that I really don't like liars or people who always have their hands out expecting freebies like when I get off of work and someone is standing by the side of the road expecting me to give him some of my hard earned money.

I've voted for Republicans, and I've voted for Democrats, but I would never vote for Trump or any of his Trumpist acolytes under any circumstances because they're the most unscrupulous group of liars I've ever experienced in public life. However, they do seem to be cut from the same cloth as Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay, only worse and more unapologetically shameless while also possessing what can best be described as the exact same sense of entitlement as the guy standing on the side of the road expecting me to give him my money. In their case, they think they deserve to be in power regardless of how self-serving they are or how bad of a job they do. And to that end, they'll say anything and make up any lie to further their self-interest. They're all a scourge on our land like a plague of lying locusts devouring everything that's good and decent in their path on their way to political power.

I hate to break it to you, but I can see your posts. You may not want to admit being a leftist - and who the hell would? - but you are one anyway.

The rest of your "Stop seeing me for what I am!!!" rant is summarily ignored, as is most of the sewage you spew.

Yeah, of course you know me better than I know myself. Spoken like a true conservative who thinks that every thought that passes through his conscious mind is factually true just because he believes it to be so.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.

Leave it to a leftist to think labeling speech you don't like "Lying, slander, and libel" makes it okay to silence those who disagree with you.
"Leftists"? :lol:

TDS lives strong in this one--No one else has mentioned him in this thread--but you. Is he still rattling around in your empty head rent free.

I love that it strikes a nerve when y'all get busted accusing others of that which your lord and savior, Donnie Covidseed, actually DOES. :lol:
Nothing could be further from the truth--I really couldn't care less what he does. He is irrelevant to the discussion or anything else. Where, exactly, does a thread on free speech restrictions have anything to do with a former POTUS's legal problems. You have Trump on the brain and can't carry on a dialogue without him. Now, as a reminder, the thread is about censorship--please keep up and stay on topic.

What censorship? You are free to express yourself and other Americans are free not to listen to you. Newspapers are free not to publish you. Social media is free to ban you.. No one OWES you an audience.
These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.
To be fair, fascism isn't the easiest thing in the world to define.

But first and foremost, it's ultra-nationalistic. That's the most defining characteristic if you ask me.
These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.
To be fair, fascism isn't the easiest thing in the world to define.

But first and foremost, it's ultra-nationalistic. That's the most defining characteristic if you ask me.

Yes. Fascism is nationalistic, aggressive, racist and authoritrian. Overthrowing an election would be Fascist..
These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.
To be fair, fascism isn't the easiest thing in the world to define.

But first and foremost, it's ultra-nationalistic. That's the most defining characteristic if you ask me.

Yes. Fascism is nationalistic, aggressive, racist and authoritrian. Overthrowing an election would be Fascist..
So would claiming an election to be stolen from you when you lost fair and square.
These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.
To be fair, fascism isn't the easiest thing in the world to define.

But first and foremost, it's ultra-nationalistic. That's the most defining characteristic if you ask me.

Yes. Fascism is nationalistic, aggressive, racist and authoritrian. Overthrowing an election would be Fascist..
So would claiming an election to be stolen from you when you lost fair and square.

When they had elections in Syria, Bashar Assad always chose the opposition candiate.
They are private organizations, but when they are in bed with a political party, there's an inherent conflict of interest. It is the definition of fascism.
That's not the definition of fascism.

These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.


Definition of fascism

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality

You leftists don't give a shit about the nation, but you're ALL about exalting race and other identity groups over the individual, you constantly make excuses and cheer for centralized autocratic power, and you can't suppress your opposition fast enough.

Thanks for playing.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Private entities aren’t subject to the First Amendment; they can’t ‘violate’ free speech.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven
You should see USMB go after free speech.
They are private organizations, but when they are in bed with a political party, there's an inherent conflict of interest. It is the definition of fascism.
That's not the definition of fascism.

These clots don't know the definition of Fascism.


Definition of fascism

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality

You leftists don't give a shit about the nation, but you're ALL about exalting race and other identity groups over the individual, you constantly make excuses and cheer for centralized autocratic power, and you can't suppress your opposition fast enough.

Thanks for playing.

Don't you understand what you read? Look up Fascists of the 20th. century. Fascism is hard right conservative.

Most people that hate government, promote paranoia and conspiracy theories are losers who failed and they need to blame someone other than themselves. They are bitter because they haven't had a fulfilling life.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Private entities aren’t subject to the First Amendment; they can’t ‘violate’ free speech.

But it just felt so true, deep down in his gut!
No, the Nazis would be the ones controlling the information and destroying those who oppose the State.

The Nazis would be the ones who want the government to shut down Twitter and Facebook – as most on the right seek to do.
Think again. Goebbels and Hitler just turned the media into state controlled outlets. The same way that the left has done with msm and social media in this country. Take off the blinders--there is a lot of truth that you are missing.
Think again. Goebbels and Hitler just turned the media into state controlled outlets. The same way that the left has done with msm and social media in this country. Take off the blinders--there is a lot of truth that you are missing.

<Insert> Right wing radio concerned the market the 90's and have been broadcasting a democrat attack ad 24/7/365 ever since. El Rushbo even got a Metal for it! They are now Main Stream NEO-GOP.

<right before the left did anything.>

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