I am ashamed to be an American

I have never watched a single unreality TV show. Not one.
never watched survivor, wife swapping, bridezilla or any other bullshit.
I watch the greatest invention since the TV remote...DVR.
I have over 30 episodes of That 70's show, Judge Judy, Pawn Stars...all kinds of documentaries.
I love DVR.
There is only one true reality tv show....

JB, just be ashamed of the American's that watch reality shows, they are the reason the TV people keep making this kind of trash.

Oh, and you can also be ashamed of the people that are ON the shows.

If nobody watched, there would be no market for it!
I have never watched a single unreality TV show. Not one.
never watched survivor, wife swapping, bridezilla or any other bullshit.
I watch the greatest invention since the TV remote...DVR.
I have over 30 episodes of That 70's show, Judge Judy, Pawn Stars...all kinds of documentaries.
I love DVR.

You consider Judge Judy to be non-trash TV? :confused: :lol:
Come on. I bet every one of these people are Republican.


One or two may be a Democrat, but I doubt it.
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No, this is not American culture, this is the lowest common denominator....you know the people who elect Democrats:lol::lol::lol:
First, all 'reality' shows are bunk.

But to tie this, or any reality show, to the tail of American culture is unfair. America gave the world Jazz, Rock and Roll, the Golden Age of cinema, Frank Lloyd Wright, Aaron Copeland, Tennesee Williams, John Steinbeck, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Bing Crosby.

and then along came TV....
No, this is not American culture, this is the lowest common denominator....you know the people who elect Democrats:lol::lol::lol:

Lowest common denominator? Oh please. Every time someone points out a new way Republicans are screwing the country, their answer is always, "But Democrats did that". As if it makes every sordid thing they do OK. They start at the lowest thing the assume Democrats did and then go five lower.
No, this is not American culture, this is the lowest common denominator....you know the people who elect Democrats:lol::lol::lol:

Lowest common denominator? Oh please. Every time someone points out a new way Republicans are screwing the country, their answer is always, "But Democrats did that". As if it makes every sordid thing they do OK. They start at the lowest thing the assume Democrats did and then go five lower.

Oh deanie, poor deanie. You remind me of Randi Rhodes, a "smart" woman who has no sense of humor and hasn't got a clue about sarcasm. Kind of like when she got bent out of shape over Stephen Colberts humerous take on Rosa Parks when she sadly passed away. She didn't get it and neither do you...
And for your information I am a Democrat. Just one who thinks.
First, all 'reality' shows are bunk.

But to tie this, or any reality show, to the tail of American culture is unfair. America gave the world Jazz, Rock and Roll, the Golden Age of cinema, Frank Lloyd Wright, Aaron Copeland, Tennesee Williams, John Steinbeck, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Bing Crosby.

and then along came TV....
And even with TV, American culture gave us and shaped us by Ernie Kovacs, Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, Edward R. Murrow, Fred Rogers, Lucile Ball, Gilligan, Good night Chet, Good night David, Carol Burnett and Archie Bunker.

When the writers went on strike back in the 90s, the producers ran cheaper programming. "Reality" doesn't have to be written, just sketched out for the amateur troupe. They improv their way to getting kicked off the island or out of fat camp or whatever scenario draws the biggest share in the Neilsen's.

But still, American TV culture still impresses. I'm a PBS fan and I'm rarely insulted but not always satisfied either. Just like when I chose Barney Miller over The Montifuscos.
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Pbs is the overall best "network" there is. I like BBC America second best. Then pretty much catch various ssicence, nature and movies.
I watch no surreality shows and have only liked maybe 6 or 7 sickcoms in my lifetime.
I also watch no freddy kruger types of movies. Not scary to me just gross and disgusting.
Pbs is the overall best "network" there is. I like BBC America second best. Then pretty much catch various ssicence, nature and movies.
I watch no surreality shows and have only liked maybe 6 or 7 sickcoms in my lifetime.
PBS programming is the best on television. Discovery, The Science Channel, The History Channel never deliver like Nova, The American Experience, Frontline or Sesame Street.

Instead, the cable private market channels give us shows about lumberjacks or truckers on the tundra or guys catching crabs. All worthy subjects of a show, but not a series. Once you've seen the ice on the boat/truck,mountainside, you don't need to see it 26 episodes a season.
Pbs is the overall best "network" there is. I like BBC America second best. Then pretty much catch various ssicence, nature and movies.
I watch no surreality shows and have only liked maybe 6 or 7 sickcoms in my lifetime.
PBS programming is the best on television. Discovery, The Science Channel, The History Channel never deliver like Nova, The American Experience, Frontline or Sesame Street.

Instead, the cable private market channels give us shows about lumberjacks or truckers on the tundra or guys catching crabs. All worthy subjects of a show, but not a series. Once you've seen the ice on the boat/truck,mountainside, you don't need to see it 26 episodes a season.

A big AMEN brother.

And one of the items on the republican agenda for 30 years has been to wipe out PBS.
they keep whittling away at it.
The ONE network not controlled by corporations yet.