i agree with Bill Maher: abolish the Senate...let's have just the House

The Progs tried to silence the power of the states as best they could at the turn of the 20th century by not allowing states to appoint Senators and instead have direct elections.

Apparently, they want state rights diminished even more.


Apparently they want to monkey's in mass to vote for one man to run the world......except Trump.

Yep, the freaks want Calif and NY running the show.

They want every state to be a shithole like they are.

Well that's only "fair".
Equality is what animates the left. But it’s always dragging everyone down to the lowest denominator, never building up.
always has and always will. drain desire, drains humanity.
Abolish the House. Go to direct voting by the people. Keep the Senate in order to reign in excesses of populism.
The Progs tried to silence the power of the states as best they could at the turn of the 20th century by not allowing states to appoint Senators and instead have direct elections.

Apparently, they want state rights diminished even more.


Apparently they want to monkey's in mass to vote for one man to run the world......except Trump.


They hate everything about limiting government power
The two party system is clearly tilted towards the elite. Money talks. I think the House of Representatives needs to be more representative of the people and not just the two controlling parties.
The Progs tried to silence the power of the states as best they could at the turn of the 20th century by not allowing states to appoint Senators and instead have direct elections.

Apparently, they want state rights diminished even more.


Apparently they want to monkey's in mass to vote for one man to run the world......except Trump.


They hate everything about limiting government power
While at the same time whining how the government goes around shooting innocent Americans.
Abolish the House. Go to direct voting by the people. Keep the Senate in order to reign in excesses of populism.

I was thinking more in the terms of abolishing the state of New York and California from the Union.

Then both Dims and the rest of the normal people can coexist in peace.
107 years ago a motion was made in the House to dissolve the Senate. (the only helpful motion the minority party could make.)

Anyone know anything about this?

If Bill Mahrer could find this on the I-net -- EVEN YOU could have done it.. :banana:

A Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Dissolve the United States Senate | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

Historical Highlights
A Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Dissolve the United States Senate
April 27, 1911
Image courtesy of Library of CongressA newspaper editor and labor leader, Representative Victor Berger of Wisconsin lead a brief yet storied career in the Congress.

On this date, freshman Representative Victor Berger of Wisconsin introduced a resolution to amend the Constitution to dissolve the United States Senate. H.J. Res 79, read, “Whereas the Senate in particular has become an obstructive and useless body, a menace to the liberties of the people, and an obstacle to social growth. . . . All legislative powers shall be vested in the House of Representatives. Its enactments, subject to referendum . . . shall be the supreme law, and the President shall have no power to veto them, nor shall any court have the power to invalidate them.” The resolution would have transformed Congress into an all-powerful unicameral legislature. For decades reformers had agitated for changing the method for electing U.S. Senators–from elections by state legislatures to direct election by the people. It became a central cause of Progressives seeking to make government more democratic. Berger’s farcical proposal was meant to draw attention to that cause. “The Senate has r


Same "progressives" we have to contend with TODAY. They just get whackier and whackier.
Hell why even have a House the people can just vote on everything online .....just think how much would get done
107 years ago a motion was made in the House to dissolve the Senate. (the only helpful motion the minority party could make.)

Anyone know anything about this?
I say we just have a pit. However many that want to go in, 3 come out alive. Each gets to write 1 law. They can use their law for something new or to offset another's proposed law. Booyah.
Maher said we should abolish the electoral college and count actual votes.

Needless to say, RWNJs are terrified of that one.
For good reason. There is no logical reason to allow a handful of massive cities be the only ones with a say so in our government.
Course the thought of a near dictatorship led by a handful of liberal cities wouldn't bother you because you lack integrity & empathy
There are states that have only a single congressman because their population is so low.
Having two senators gives them a voice. It was set up that way for a reason. We don't need it fuked up.
Abolish the House. Go to direct voting by the people. Keep the Senate in order to reign in excesses of populism.

I was thinking more in the terms of abolishing the state of New York and California from the Union.

Then both Dims and the rest of the normal people can coexist in peace.
The two states that nearly carry the country by themselves. Abolish them and we can all be like Appalachia.
Anyone who would want to dissolve the Senate (and the electoral college for that matter) is someone who truly doesn't give a fuck about the little guy.

That's an awfully stupid thing to say. The Senate has never been the chamber of the "little guy." That's the House of Representatives.
Wild swings in policy from one extreme to the other back and forth is a really bad idea. It should be difficult to get things done in Washington, its the only way to control that bunch of dumb asses.

I guess it's too much to hope for mature leadership that establishes reasonable middle ground solutions for the long term.
That's an awfully stupid thing to say. The Senate has never been the chamber of the "little guy." That's the House of Representatives.
The Senate sends 2 people from each state, regardless of the population of that state. Which means the little guy states like Wyoming get just as much say as California and New York as to what gets past them. The House is where the various population densities get their say, with California having 53 seats to Wyoming's 1.

I guess we're both right, just in different ways.

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