i agree with Bill Maher: abolish the Senate...let's have just the House

'i agree with Bill Maher: abolish the Senate...let's have just the House'

Yeah, F* the Constitution...let's all just listen to Bill Maher!

Wild swings in policy from one extreme to the other back and forth is a really bad idea. It should be difficult to get things done in Washington, its the only way to control that bunch of dumb asses.

I guess it's too much to hope for mature leadership that establishes reasonable middle ground solutions for the long term.

We defeat the left we don't negotiate with them.
It is rather amazing how stupid Bill Maher is....he thinks he is politically incorrect because he constantly drops F bombs....like that is some sort of accomplishment. You see similar types on here who saturate their posts with cuss words...why? Possibly because they had strict parents who did not allow them to cuss...so they come on here and cuss and cuss. ridiculous.

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