I admit I'm wrong ..one of many ways I'm different then non-conservatives...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
and that's true generally of intelligent, logical people compared to non-conservatives!
I also am not the smartest knife in the drawer... I admit that which is contrary to non-conservatives who not only "feel" (NOT THINK) they are more intelligent but will tell you they are!
I am not prone to hyperbole, not saying I sometimes lapse.. but again unlike non-conservatives I not only recognize BUT I can admit it!

I AM prone to substantiating with sources my comments.
For example..
I did a "google" for "liberals are more intelligent"
and one of the first citation was:
"Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives"
LiveLeak.com - Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives

Not only am I "substantiating" BUT the title is so illustrative of the liberal pomposity!
THINK of it.. the pomposity to WITHOUT ANY VALIDATION, empirical studies..
This liberal bent site just went on the arrogant assumption LIBERALS ARE more intelligent!
Didn't cite any studies, facts,etc. "Liberals JUST ARE!" Assumption!

So as a NON-LIBERAL at least in most "conventional" labeling,
I am not more intelligent!
Unlike most liberals "I KNOW that I don't KNOW" and I generally don't assume!
I admit I'm wrong.. not frequently BUT MORE OFTEN then Liberals!
I would rather provide FACTS then hyperbole!
And I am proud unlike most liberals to be an American!
I am proud that the USA is an exceptional country made up of "exceptional" people that
were confined by their home countries because of religious (Iran) ,limited educational institutions,by their countries societies (caste system!), politics (Syria?) and government ideologies!

And I am not the exception.. by a 2 to 1 margin!
1) 2 times as many people consider themselves as conservatives then liberal!
2) More "independents" lean towards conservatives then towards liberals!

The Gallup survey found that 40 percent of Americans consider themselves conservative; 35 percent consider themselves moderate; and 21 percent see themselves as liberal.
Meanwhile, independents are mostly moderate (41 percent), but skew more toward conservatism (35 percent) than liberalism (20 percent).

Read more:Gallup poll: Conservatives outnumber liberals - Tim Mak - POLITICO.com

So if you are NOT the smartest, OK with your self identity to admit "hey I'm wrong" sometimes, definitely find FACTS more reliable then hyperbole and really understand when people describe America as "exceptional" that is NOT a bragging or jingoistic statement but a realization it is a fact... you are definitely NOT a non-conservative and join our growing numbers!
You are making generalizations about a group of people that you consider to be wrong for making generalizations about you.

I just thought I would point that out, please continue......
You are making generalizations about a group of people that you consider to be wrong for making generalizations about you.

I just thought I would point that out, please continue......

DID I USE the term "GENERALIZATION" OR "IN GENERAL" anywhere in my comments?

And If I were to make "generalization" I "GENERALLY" substantiate the statement..i.e.
non-liberal or independents leaning to "non-liberal" outnumber "liberals" nearly 2 to 1.

The "non-conservative" smug position they are "more intelligent" is just their characterization.. doesn't seem to be any supporting data.

When looking at the threads on this forum hyperbole, "generalizations", hysteria, juvenile name calling more often then not originate with non-conservatives!
I admit I'm wrong ..one of many ways I'm different then non-conservatives...

and that's true generally of intelligent, logical people compared to non-conservatives!

This is as far as i got.
Right in the first line he makes a grammar error, while beginning a tirade into calling everyone with liberal outlooks stubborn and stupid. What a spork.

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