Hypothetical Scenario; Democrat Open/Brokered Convention; Who Could Plausibly Beat Trump?

Who would have a GOOD chance of beating Trump?

  • Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Stacey Abrams, rock star and moral genius

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Kerry

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Mark Cuban

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Oprah Winfrey

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Robert Iger of Disney

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Howard Schultz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gavin Newsom

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Alexander Soros

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other, please post who that is

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None can beat Trump

    Votes: 13 68.4%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have long felt that Trumps tactic of rebranding his opponents would make the use of a proxy candidate till the post convention run a smart strategy. Biden would be the perfect proxy candidate and could be dropped by simply opening the first round of the nomination process by the convention leadership opening to the delegates the freedom of choosing who they prefer on the first round. Anti-Trumpers wanted to do that in the first round of the 2016 Republican Convention and Manafort successfully prevented it. (Now he is paying for that, rotting in jail).

So if that happened and Democrats had a brokered convention as a result, who could they pick that would have the best chance of defeating Donald J Trump?
I have long felt that Trumps tactic of rebranding his opponents would make the use of a proxy candidate till the post convention run a smart strategy. Biden would be the perfect proxy candidate and could be dropped by simply opening the first round of the nomination process by the convention leadership opening to the delegates the freedom of choosing who they prefer on the first round. Anti-Trumpers wanted to do that in the first round of the 2016 Republican Convention and Manafort successfully prevented it. (Now he is paying for that, rotting in jail).

So if that happened and Democrats had a brokered convention as a result, who could they pick that would have the best chance of defeating Donald J Trump?
I truly believe NONE of them have a good chance of beating Trump. I believe the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics who post on these threads have finally realized this, and this why they've been SO desperate, hateful, and miserable as of late. It's been just dreadful.
I have long felt that Trumps tactic of rebranding his opponents would make the use of a proxy candidate till the post convention run a smart strategy. Biden would be the perfect proxy candidate and could be dropped by simply opening the first round of the nomination process by the convention leadership opening to the delegates the freedom of choosing who they prefer on the first round. Anti-Trumpers wanted to do that in the first round of the 2016 Republican Convention and Manafort successfully prevented it. (Now he is paying for that, rotting in jail).

So if that happened and Democrats had a brokered convention as a result, who could they pick that would have the best chance of defeating Donald J Trump?

Provided that you're suggesting the 2020 election will be fair, follow election laws, and be allowed to happen at all, then no one—no democrat candidate for President we've seen—has a snowball's chance in hell of winning over Donald Trump. That said, many Americans who vote democrat will vote blind and against their conscience. Blind because their hatred of our POTUS has removed their sight, literally and metaphorically. Against their conscience because no well meaning, family loving human being stands for the mass murder of infants, the trans mutilation of children, the LGTBQ indoctrination of their children or any one of many, many other democratic party running platforms. No one can beat Trump fairly, however, the 2020 election will be a close one, likely.
I truly believe NONE of them have a good chance of beating Trump. I believe the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics who post on these threads have finally realized this, and this why they've been SO desperate, hateful, and miserable as of late. It's been just dreadful.
OK, maybe not 'good' as in wagerable, but how about merely plausible chance?

Mark Cuban has enough cash, photogenic, is brilliant, and can handle the media talk show circuit well.

I dont think he would have a good chance of beating Trump but would have a very plausible one.
I truly believe NONE of them have a good chance of beating Trump. I believe the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics who post on these threads have finally realized this, and this why they've been SO desperate, hateful, and miserable as of late. It's been just dreadful.
OK, maybe not 'good' as in wagerable, but how about merely plausible chance?

Mark Cuban has enough cash, photogenic, is brilliant, and can handle the media talk show circuit well.

I dont think he would have a good chance of beating Trump but would have a very plausible one.
Not even plausible to me. I think Cuban's a moron when it comes to politics. I believe Trump would win 40 states against him. I understand what you're saying about Cuban, I just don't think he'd have a chance. Maybe in 2024 if he ran against Pence, but not against Trump.
Since we're talking wild hypotheticals, Elon Musk could beat Trump. Political realities, however, currently lead to the conclusion that the incumbent will be re-elected. What this all says about America, that neither side of the duopoly offers a candidate who is worthy of the position of President, is obvious, onerous and ominous.
The only way Biden is replaced on the ticket is if he is stricken by some disease such as COVID-19. Don't be ridiculous!!!
Given American elections over the last decades, the case could be made that only the ridiculous happens.
Well, I would agree if you said the 2016 election, since it created Trump, the Fakest of Fake presidents!!!
I truly believe NONE of them have a good chance of beating Trump. I believe the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics who post on these threads have finally realized this, and this why they've been SO desperate, hateful, and miserable as of late. It's been just dreadful.
OK, maybe not 'good' as in wagerable, but how about merely plausible chance?

Mark Cuban has enough cash, photogenic, is brilliant, and can handle the media talk show circuit well.

I dont think he would have a good chance of beating Trump but would have a very plausible one.

He couldn't beat Trump, but he would get closer than anybody else on the list. It's still possible for Trump to beat himself, though, which will happen if continues to pander to the class warfare agendas of his own Party as well as the Democrats' agenda. The margins are too thin to get arrogant at this point, on top of the mail in ballot fraud coming down the pike. Doesn't matter much really, since the middle class lost the ability to govern itself a long time ago, and now just eats lots of Prozac and plays with its toys, no 'country' left.
The only way Biden is replaced on the ticket is if he is stricken by some disease such as COVID-19. Don't be ridiculous!!!
Given American elections over the last decades, the case could be made that only the ridiculous happens.
Well, I would agree if you said the 2016 election, since it created Trump, the Fakest of Fake presidents!!!
Well, there was "W", the President who wasn't even President ("vice" was). Then Obama, a nice guy totally unqualified to be President. Of course, going back a bit, Truman was gloriously unequipped as well. Reagan was another joke. Trump is a real American phenomenon, true, and it will be interesting, if perhaps not enjoyable, to see just how far his term takes us.
I truly believe NONE of them have a good chance of beating Trump. I believe the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics who post on these threads have finally realized this, and this why they've been SO desperate, hateful, and miserable as of late. It's been just dreadful.
OK, maybe not 'good' as in wagerable, but how about merely plausible chance?

Mark Cuban has enough cash, photogenic, is brilliant, and can handle the media talk show circuit well.

I dont think he would have a good chance of beating Trump but would have a very plausible one.
Not even plausible to me. I think Cuban's a moron when it comes to politics. I believe Trump would win 40 states against him. I understand what you're saying about Cuban, I just don't think he'd have a chance. Maybe in 2024 if he ran against Pence, but not against Trump.

But it's the moron vote that will decide the election, and morons are what morons relate to the best.
I truly believe NONE of them have a good chance of beating Trump. I believe the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics who post on these threads have finally realized this, and this why they've been SO desperate, hateful, and miserable as of late. It's been just dreadful.
OK, maybe not 'good' as in wagerable, but how about merely plausible chance?

Mark Cuban has enough cash, photogenic, is brilliant, and can handle the media talk show circuit well.

I dont think he would have a good chance of beating Trump but would have a very plausible one.
Not even plausible to me. I think Cuban's a moron when it comes to politics. I believe Trump would win 40 states against him. I understand what you're saying about Cuban, I just don't think he'd have a chance. Maybe in 2024 if he ran against Pence, but not against Trump.

But it's the moron vote that will decide the election, and morons are what morons relate to the best.
You're saying, then, that everything will be normal?
I'm picking Oprah. Americans seem to like TV personalities as president, and it's hard to get a more well-known TV star than her. I tend to think people vote for president based almost entirely on party affiliation, name recognition, or sound-bites, and I think she'd do well on the latter 2. Sure, she'd be hated by a decent number of people from the 'other side', but that's almost inevitable. She might be able to draw in undecided voters, Bernie bros, etc.

She might make an absolutely horrible president, but on that list, I think she'd have the best shot. That's pretty sad, but I think Trump getting elected was pretty sad, so there's that.
Biden is a placeholder. He's not going to be the nominee. Everyone knows it.
  • Oprah hates white people and wants us to die off, so she's probably the leading non-Bernie choice.
  • Big Mikey said he has no desire to run.
  • It can't be Bernie or they would have let him win the nomination outright.
  • Cuomo is killing off white seniors who tend to vote Republican so he's probably in the running. In addition, he can win NY for the democrats
  • Hillary learned from her 2016 loss and she'll be living in the Swing States
It's up to President Xi. He's already coordinated with the democrat on the impeachment which was timed with the Obama funded Wuhan flu outbreak. Who knows who they will actually want to run?

They will probably kill off Biden before the convention to make the nominee look like a Savior

Who would be their storybook nominee? I keep coming back to Big Mikey/Michelle. But maybe Trump has the DNA test ♂
I truly believe NONE of them have a good chance of beating Trump. I believe the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics who post on these threads have finally realized this, and this why they've been SO desperate, hateful, and miserable as of late. It's been just dreadful.
OK, maybe not 'good' as in wagerable, but how about merely plausible chance?

Mark Cuban has enough cash, photogenic, is brilliant, and can handle the media talk show circuit well.

I dont think he would have a good chance of beating Trump but would have a very plausible one.

The media elite candidate is Stacey Abrams. But the want to impose her as Vice President for now. Nobody can beat Trump and they know it and they don’t want her tainted.
The Democrat party lacks the ability to not coronate the next power waiting in line which is Joe Biden. Add to that the fact that blacks block vote like sheep for who they are told. Biden could die and still get nominated. If it becomes necessary they can just get a judge to replace him after the convention as they have done in senatorial elections twice recently when faced with a losing candidate.

That corrupt party is limited by its sexism and must appoint a female as VP to ready her for post Trump run. And even Biden has bragged that whites are almost defeated.

So no brokered convention. Just raw power plays they are known for. The real news and fight is the VP.

The Washington Post just wrote a major, sycophantic article claiming Abrams is so amazing that even Hillary and Barack Hussein are in awe. The push is on from the wealthy and powerful and there is no subtlety about it. The Leftist American media speak of Abrams like the North Korean media speak of Kim
This is how the sycophantic “journalists” at the Washington Post do “journalism” when it comes to Stacey Abrams”. I’m embarrassed for them.

Pandemonium ensues as she walks to the far left of the stage, like a runway supermodel, stops on a dime, poses, tilts her head slightly and smiles. Camera flashes explode. She next pivots and walks slowly to the center of the stage, freezes there and repeats the pose. Again, the flashes explode. Abrams is summoning her inner actress, and she is both enjoying the moment and getting through it to get to the conversation. She then pivots and walks to the far right of the stage, same."


Since we're talking wild hypotheticals, Elon Musk could beat Trump. Political realities, however, currently lead to the conclusion that the incumbent will be re-elected. What this all says about America, that neither side of the duopoly offers a candidate who is worthy of the position of President, is obvious, onerous and ominous.
I think the Thailand cave rescue thing kind of killed Elons chances, though I do think he is a genius and a visionary about space exploration and development.

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