Hypocrite-In-Chief Makes America LESS Safe With The Stroke Of A Pen


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former border patrol chief: Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen
Former border patrol chief:
Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen

"Biden signed an executive order on Inauguration Day which halted any further construction of the wall along the southern border. The 46th president proclaimed that building the barricade is “not a serious policy solution” and is a “waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.”

....so MILLIONS of unvetted, unidentified, disease/virus-carrying illegals crossing our borders and overwhelming our taxpayer-funded social benefit programs intended for American citizens does not pose a threat to our National Security? REALLY?

IMO an expert whose Job it has been for DECADES to protect our borders, and thus our national security is smarter and knows more about it than a man who has NEVER been right about any foreign policy decision in his life and who was part of an administration that armed, financed, supplied, trained, protected, and defended this nation's terrorist enemies and admittedly violated the Constitution by personally altering Immigration Law on their own.

"The U.S.-Mexico barrier is one of former President Donald Trump’s signature policies, which has seen 450 miles of wall built since 2017. Trump officials said that an additional 350 miles is funded.

“By doing this ... the border patrol agents defending it are less safe. It's outrageous. And I hope every American citizen in this country pays attention to what's coming next,” Morgan said."


"when Biden, as a U.S. Senator, he supported the Secure Fence Act, which partially funded the construction of 650 miles of fencing along the Mexican border through his first term as vice president."

"It was hailed then as something very effective to safeguard our nation's border. But now all of a sudden, it's not needed. It's hypocrisy and it's unbelievable"...

..."the move is “one step further to fueling the perception and the reality that our borders are going to be open."

..."It is driving the next illegal immigration crisis, one that will pale in comparison to 2019 if they continue with these policies."



1. Ended the program to build a border wall that HE SUPPORTED as a Senator...


2. Broke his own Mask Edict

What a great start!
Former border patrol chief: Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen'less safe' with the stroke of a pen
Former border patrol chief:
Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen

"Biden signed an executive order on Inauguration Day which halted any further construction of the wall along the southern border. The 46th president proclaimed that building the barricade is “not a serious policy solution” and is a “waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.”

....so MILLIONS of unvetted, unidentified, disease/virus-carrying illegals crossing our borders and overwhelming our taxpayer-funded social benefit programs intended for American citizens does not pose a threat to our National Security? REALLY?

IMO an expert whose Job it has been for DECADES to protect our borders, and thus our national security is smarter and knows more about it than a man who has NEVER been right about any foreign policy decision in his life and who was part of an administration that armed, financed, supplied, trained, protected, and defended this nation's terrorist enemies and admittedly violated the Constitution by personally altering Immigration Law on their own.

"The U.S.-Mexico barrier is one of former President Donald Trump’s signature policies, which has seen 450 miles of wall built since 2017. Trump officials said that an additional 350 miles is funded.

“By doing this ... the border patrol agents defending it are less safe. It's outrageous. And I hope every American citizen in this country pays attention to what's coming next,” Morgan said."


"when Biden, as a U.S. Senator, he supported the Secure Fence Act, which partially funded the construction of 650 miles of fencing along the Mexican border through his first term as vice president."

"It was hailed then as something very effective to safeguard our nation's border. But now all of a sudden, it's not needed. It's hypocrisy and it's unbelievable"...

..."the move is “one step further to fueling the perception and the reality that our borders are going to be open."

..."It is driving the next illegal immigration crisis, one that will pale in comparison to 2019 if they continue with these policies."

Well his EO's screwed every tax payer in America. He wants to unify the country yet he just hand cuffed the Border Patrol and will allow thousands of illegals to flood the country. They already cost us billions and will now cost us more.

What a jack ass he is and I'm looking forward to every lefty loon on this board defending his stupid ass. I'll enjoy every minute of it.
"Walls don't work".

Former border patrol chief: Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen'less safe' with the stroke of a pen
Former border patrol chief:
Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen

"Biden signed an executive order on Inauguration Day which halted any further construction of the wall along the southern border. The 46th president proclaimed that building the barricade is “not a serious policy solution” and is a “waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.”

....so MILLIONS of unvetted, unidentified, disease/virus-carrying illegals crossing our borders and overwhelming our taxpayer-funded social benefit programs intended for American citizens does not pose a threat to our National Security? REALLY?

IMO an expert whose Job it has been for DECADES to protect our borders, and thus our national security is smarter and knows more about it than a man who has NEVER been right about any foreign policy decision in his life and who was part of an administration that armed, financed, supplied, trained, protected, and defended this nation's terrorist enemies and admittedly violated the Constitution by personally altering Immigration Law on their own.

"The U.S.-Mexico barrier is one of former President Donald Trump’s signature policies, which has seen 450 miles of wall built since 2017. Trump officials said that an additional 350 miles is funded.

“By doing this ... the border patrol agents defending it are less safe. It's outrageous. And I hope every American citizen in this country pays attention to what's coming next,” Morgan said."


"when Biden, as a U.S. Senator, he supported the Secure Fence Act, which partially funded the construction of 650 miles of fencing along the Mexican border through his first term as vice president."

"It was hailed then as something very effective to safeguard our nation's border. But now all of a sudden, it's not needed. It's hypocrisy and it's unbelievable"...

..."the move is “one step further to fueling the perception and the reality that our borders are going to be open."

..."It is driving the next illegal immigration crisis, one that will pale in comparison to 2019 if they continue with these policies."

Does anyone here really believe PROGS do the things they do for the benefit of our country or the intent our forefather's?
Four years and hundreds of millions of dollars later with only a few miles of wall built on a 2,000 mile plus border, can anyone say boondoggle.
Four years and hundreds of millions of dollars later with only a few miles of wall built on a 2,000 mile plus border, can anyone say boondoggle.
Can you say massive drop in illegals flooding over the border committing crimes and getting on welfare while bankrupting local hospitals thanks to Trump?

Four years and hundreds of millions of dollars later with only a few miles of wall built on a 2,000 mile plus border, can anyone say boondoggle.
Only a few miles?

It's over 450 miles, Dumbass.
Four years and hundreds of millions of dollars later with only a few miles of wall built on a 2,000 mile plus border, can anyone say boondoggle.
Biden supported this as a Senator. He declared it necessary for our National Security.

Now he doesn't care about National Security.
He doesn't care about the spread of C-19
He doesn't care about Americans losing their jobs....
Former border patrol chief: Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen'less safe' with the stroke of a pen
Former border patrol chief:
Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen

"Biden signed an executive order on Inauguration Day which halted any further construction of the wall along the southern border. The 46th president proclaimed that building the barricade is “not a serious policy solution” and is a “waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.”

....so MILLIONS of unvetted, unidentified, disease/virus-carrying illegals crossing our borders and overwhelming our taxpayer-funded social benefit programs intended for American citizens does not pose a threat to our National Security? REALLY?

IMO an expert whose Job it has been for DECADES to protect our borders, and thus our national security is smarter and knows more about it than a man who has NEVER been right about any foreign policy decision in his life and who was part of an administration that armed, financed, supplied, trained, protected, and defended this nation's terrorist enemies and admittedly violated the Constitution by personally altering Immigration Law on their own.

"The U.S.-Mexico barrier is one of former President Donald Trump’s signature policies, which has seen 450 miles of wall built since 2017. Trump officials said that an additional 350 miles is funded.

“By doing this ... the border patrol agents defending it are less safe. It's outrageous. And I hope every American citizen in this country pays attention to what's coming next,” Morgan said."


"when Biden, as a U.S. Senator, he supported the Secure Fence Act, which partially funded the construction of 650 miles of fencing along the Mexican border through his first term as vice president."

"It was hailed then as something very effective to safeguard our nation's border. But now all of a sudden, it's not needed. It's hypocrisy and it's unbelievable"...

..."the move is “one step further to fueling the perception and the reality that our borders are going to be open."

..."It is driving the next illegal immigration crisis, one that will pale in comparison to 2019 if they continue with these policies."

Poor Sleazy. For the next four years, we're going to be laughing at your pathetic attempts to smear Democrats, once again. And you won't even have Hillary to kick around.

Biden will clean up Trump's mess while Trump fights his second impeachment, the fraud case brought by his niece and nephew, tax fraud cases brought by the State of New York, and you go on and on about corrupt and incompetent Democrats.

Even the Q-anons are expressing disappointment in their Saviour, and the Proud Boys are feeling used and abused by a total phony.

This is going to be so much fun!!!
Former border patrol chief: Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen'less safe' with the stroke of a pen
Former border patrol chief:
Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen

"Biden signed an executive order on Inauguration Day which halted any further construction of the wall along the southern border. The 46th president proclaimed that building the barricade is “not a serious policy solution” and is a “waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.”

....so MILLIONS of unvetted, unidentified, disease/virus-carrying illegals crossing our borders and overwhelming our taxpayer-funded social benefit programs intended for American citizens does not pose a threat to our National Security? REALLY?

IMO an expert whose Job it has been for DECADES to protect our borders, and thus our national security is smarter and knows more about it than a man who has NEVER been right about any foreign policy decision in his life and who was part of an administration that armed, financed, supplied, trained, protected, and defended this nation's terrorist enemies and admittedly violated the Constitution by personally altering Immigration Law on their own.

"The U.S.-Mexico barrier is one of former President Donald Trump’s signature policies, which has seen 450 miles of wall built since 2017. Trump officials said that an additional 350 miles is funded.

“By doing this ... the border patrol agents defending it are less safe. It's outrageous. And I hope every American citizen in this country pays attention to what's coming next,” Morgan said."


"when Biden, as a U.S. Senator, he supported the Secure Fence Act, which partially funded the construction of 650 miles of fencing along the Mexican border through his first term as vice president."

"It was hailed then as something very effective to safeguard our nation's border. But now all of a sudden, it's not needed. It's hypocrisy and it's unbelievable"...

..."the move is “one step further to fueling the perception and the reality that our borders are going to be open."

..."It is driving the next illegal immigration crisis, one that will pale in comparison to 2019 if they continue with these policies."

The border wall is not very effective. And, right wingers are just being Hypocrites like usual by eschewing free market Capitalism solutions at every opportunity.
Former border patrol chief: Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen'less safe' with the stroke of a pen'less safe' with the stroke of a pen'less safe' with the stroke of a pen
Former border patrol chief:
Biden made US 'less safe' with the stroke of a pen

"Biden signed an executive order on Inauguration Day which halted any further construction of the wall along the southern border. The 46th president proclaimed that building the barricade is “not a serious policy solution” and is a “waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.”

....so MILLIONS of unvetted, unidentified, disease/virus-carrying illegals crossing our borders and overwhelming our taxpayer-funded social benefit programs intended for American citizens does not pose a threat to our National Security? REALLY?

IMO an expert whose Job it has been for DECADES to protect our borders, and thus our national security is smarter and knows more about it than a man who has NEVER been right about any foreign policy decision in his life and who was part of an administration that armed, financed, supplied, trained, protected, and defended this nation's terrorist enemies and admittedly violated the Constitution by personally altering Immigration Law on their own.

"The U.S.-Mexico barrier is one of former President Donald Trump’s signature policies, which has seen 450 miles of wall built since 2017. Trump officials said that an additional 350 miles is funded.

“By doing this ... the border patrol agents defending it are less safe. It's outrageous. And I hope every American citizen in this country pays attention to what's coming next,” Morgan said."


"when Biden, as a U.S. Senator, he supported the Secure Fence Act, which partially funded the construction of 650 miles of fencing along the Mexican border through his first term as vice president."

"It was hailed then as something very effective to safeguard our nation's border. But now all of a sudden, it's not needed. It's hypocrisy and it's unbelievable"...

..."the move is “one step further to fueling the perception and the reality that our borders are going to be open."

..."It is driving the next illegal immigration crisis, one that will pale in comparison to 2019 if they continue with these policies."

The border wall is not very effective. And, right wingers are just being Hypocrites like usual by eschewing free market Capitalism solutions at every opportunity.
Biden put 52,000 Americans out of work in his 1st day in office and made America less safe by ending the wall, miles of which are yet to be built but already paid for.

Biden wants to keep Trump's Travel Ban to keep the virus out, but is ok letting millions of unidentified South Americans and others infected with TB, COVID-19, & God knows what else cross the border & into the US at will...
This rooster-fish has no sympathy for Americans who have suffered the extreme masculine violence of the Chinese virus. The last thing Americans want to think about is immigration or those waiting to be legalized. The dem-whore China Joe, along with his sleep-up trollop, immediately introduce the spectre of invasions at the hem of America’s skirts, showing that they don’t truly care about her exhausted thighs, but do care about their shit-hole agenda.


1. Ended the program to build a border wall that HE SUPPORTED as a Senator...


2. Broke his own Mask Edict

What a great start!

Come on man, the stupid shit Biden breaking his own mask mandate the next day was hilarious :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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