Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Democrat Congress Members


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Dems Demand Hearings On Trump Officials’ First Class Flights

(1) "Democratic members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform want Congress to hold hearings on how cabinet officials have spent allegedly exorbitant amounts of taxpayer money on air travel.

(2) “Many agencies — including the White House — have refused to provide the information our Committee has requested to conduct our investigation, and without subpoenas, we cannot effectively investigate this matter,” Democratic Reps. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the ranking member of the Oversight Committee, and Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois wrote in a
letter Tuesday.

In the letter, Cummings and other Democrats on the committee urged GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina to hold hearings on “extent of these improper flights and why the White House and several agencies have refused to provide the requested documents.”

(3) Cummings wants the hearings to address whether the Trump administration “has adequate controls in place to protect taxpayer money when it comes to the travel of members of this administration.”

Ok, let me start off by saying I believe all elected govt officials have an obligation to be good stewards of the tax payers' money and I believe anyone found not doing that should be held accountable..... THAT BEING SAID....

Couple of Observations from above:

(1) Cummings Is Worried About Tax Dollars Wasted.... Uh-Huh

It is comical that the Democrats - especially (D) Elijah Cummings - should be the ones demanding hearings to investigate wasted tax payer dollars. It was Cummings and his Democrat Brethren, after all, that were responsible for the nearly $1 Trillion dollar Obama spending bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of Democrat-ONLY PORK.

And if we are going to start scrutinizing the use of 1st Class airfare it probably should not be started by hypocrites who fly 1st class, private jets, or us the US Military airlift as their own personal Taxis
--- Pelosi's Speaker Shuttle: The Inside Story

And despite supposedly working for the American people, politicians usually take their 'company planes', hitching a ride on the jets of those they really work for - CORPORATE JETS.
-- Politicians are frequent fliers on corporate jets

In 2014 Politicians spent $1 Million on chartered Jets...
- Senators spent $1 million on charter flights last year

Their desire to seal themselves off from 'the peasants' has only increased as their popularity has decreased....

(2) Many agencies have refused to provide requested documents...

'Monkey see, monkey do....'

The Obama administration set a new record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act while President.....According to the FBI, Hillary violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act more than 30,000 times through the use of her illegal server.....and Special Prosecutor Muller still refuses to turn over documents requested by Congress.....but Mueller is suddenly interested in an agency refusing to hand over requested documents. Again.....uh-huh....

(3) Cummings wants to hold hearings to ensure the Trump administration has adequate controls to prevent government abuse.

This is humorous considering evidence showed Cummings was involved in the illegal use of the Obama IRS in the targeting of US citizens during Obama's re-election. It was proven Cummings authored specific improper / abusive questions the IRS used word-for-word in the illegal / abusive scrutiny of Conservative groups seeking tax exemption status.

It is also funny that Cummings would be concerned about government abuse when Obama illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, news agencies, US Senators, and even USSC Justices...which he had no problem with.

Good on Cummings for wanting to protect tax payer dollars. I just wish he was not a hypocritical weasel who only wants to hold Republicans accountable for their abuses.
Lock him up
Lock him up

Trump does not care about our tax dollars
Listening to a Democrat lecture us on fiscal responsibility is like listening to a porn star lecturing on morality.
Listening to a Democrat lecture us on fiscal responsibility is like listening to a porn star lecturing on morality.
Yeah, and it’s like listening to Trump say, “God bless you and God bless the United States of America”

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