Hurricane Otis' Wind Speed Increased by 115 mph in 24 Hours. That's Normal... Right?


The bar graph in the upper right labeled "Change in Global Temperature" provides the information you've been seeking Frank.

This is from Page 92 of TS.3 from Working Group I's Technical Summary in The Physical Science Basis from AR6.

If you repeat this query, my response will be "ASKED AND ANSWERED".
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When asked if radiation was released at Three Mile Island or Fukushima, you said, "Oh, that is an easy question to answer. None, zero, zilch, nada.". In fact, radiation was released at both locations. That's not word salad. It's the correction of your demonstrably false statement.

Toddsterpatriot said:
How many died from radiation at Three-Mile Island and Fukushima?

Oh, that is an easy question to answer. None, zero, zilch, nada.

Unlike the design the Soviets used, both of those plants had a lot of shielding in their construction, so there was no significant release of radioactive contaminants. Both plants were shut down because of the damage to the plant itself and the contamination inside, but the actual radioactive release was insignificant

You were in such a rush to play gotcha that you didn't bother to read what Mushroom was responding to. The question wasn't if radiation had been released. The question was how many people died as a result of what happened at Three-Mile Island and Fukushima. Your link proved what Mushroom had said was correct. That was a classic strawman argument that you destroyed but didn't come close to a correction of Mushroom's statement.
You were in such a rush to play gotcha that you didn't bother to read what Mushroom was responding to. The question wasn't if radiation had been released. The question was how many people died as a result of what happened at Three-Mile Island and Fukushima. Your link proved what Mushroom had said was correct. That was a classic strawman argument that you destroyed but didn't come close to a correction of Mushroom's statement.

That is why that poster is now dead to me. They do not actually read their sources when they do post them (which as often as not contradict their posts), and spend far more time attacking anybody than actually discussing the issue.

And yes, the answer to the number killed at those disasters was zero. Yes radiation was released at both, I never said otherwise. Once again, that poster trying to claim I said something that I never did, or was responding to something that was never said.

All of that generally falls under "lying". And that is a game I simply refuse to play. People who can post nothing but insults, attacks, and can not tell the truth is right up there with racists with people I will not interact with. People are welcome to "Heil Hisser" all they want, but I want nothing to do with people like that. Therefore long ago I started pruning the dishonest and intolerant individuals that have absolutely nothing to add to a debate.

And I welcome debate, but there is no place in such an activity for personal attacks, distorting facts and things people said, and outright fabricating things.
View attachment 850725

The bar graph in the upper right labeled "Change in Global Temperature" provides the information you've been seeking Frank.

This is from Page 92 of TS.3 from Working Group I's Technical Summary in The Physical Science Basis from AR6.

If you repeat this query, my response will be "ASKED AND ANSWERED".
I love that chart. According to that chart the planet shouldn't have transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet when with CO2 levels of 600 ppm.
Go to the link I provided and look up the new version of the radiative forcing diagram you've seen here a hundred times Frank. That chart now contains the information you've been whining about for so long. I have posted it here multiple times and have pointed out that it answers your old chestnut quite clearly.
Why can’t you answer it? Just circle back to ClimateGate Central
Do you find it embarrassing that you DON"T have a number??? You can easily do an experiment controlling for CO2 and show the increase is far out in decimal places, and NOT 1.5F. Completely embarrassing that the AGWCult never gives a number, only insults
I gave you a number -- 42 -- and "incoherent" simply describes your query accurately. You should be embarrassed. I'm not in the slightest. You keep attacking the messenger and still haven't supplied anywhere near enough information for anyone to respond more intelligently.
The question wasn't if radiation had been released. The question was how many people died as a result of what happened at Three-Mile Island and Fukushima.
Welcome to AGW/ACC denier central. The answer to that query is no one knows regarding Fukushima. As always, the government and industry have acted to prevent related bad news spreading to the wider public. Nonetheless, no one's been buying Japanese fish for quite a while. They've now stopped buying Chinese fish..
Welcome to AGW/ACC denier central. The answer to that query is no one knows regarding Fukushima. As always, the government and industry have acted to prevent related bad news spreading to the wider public. Nonetheless, no one's been buying Japanese fish for quite a while. They've now stopped buying Chinese fish..

The answer to that query is no one knows regarding Fukushima.

No one knows if there were radiation deaths in Japan?

Be serious.
The answer to that query is no one knows regarding Fukushima. As always, the government and industry have acted to prevent related bad news spreading to the wider public.

No, the answer is indeed none. All you are doing is spinning nonsense and conspiracy crapola.

That is all you ever really do. Simplistic one sentence responses that actually discuss nothing, but obfuscate things and answer nothing.
Your belief that the government of Japan does not act to support and protect its own nuclear industry sure is wacko.

And your belief that anything that can not be proven but you believe must be true and is actually part of a conspiracy is almost bordering on insanity.

But once again, I see no reference, therefore using the scientific method I must reject any such claim as completely unverified and therefore garbage.

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