Huntsville Times front page: Stand for decency, reject Roy Moore

Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

Oh? Looks like we got work to to.

It’s Legal for 14-Year-Olds to Marry. Should It Be?

ALBANY — For nearly 90 years, an uncelebrated New York State law has largely escaped attention, allowing what would seem to be unfathomable in this day and age, and particularly in this state: child marriages, by the thousands.

Since 1929, New York has allowed children as young as 14 to marry; 14- and 15-year-olds can do so with judicial and parental approval, and 16- and 17-year-olds can marry with mere parental consent.

New York is hardly alone: Most states allow 16- and 17-year-olds to marry, and more than two dozen other states have no statutory minimum age at all
He didn't ask to marry them. This law makes no never mind to what he did or didn't do.

It adress the claim by another poster that the south has an issue with old men and teenage girls. It proves that poster is an ignorant fuck.
Honestly, I don't think it proves your point, considering Alabamians' reaction to the Moore kerfluffle. A good number of them aren't hiding their heads in the sand and saying it didn't happen. But for a myriad of reasons, they don't seem to care.

Old school implied people in the south are okay with getting with kids. It was pointed out that New York has no minimum age to marry and has and does issue marriage licenses to 14 year olds.
The north does not support middle aged, child raping monsters.
Oh? Looks like we got work to to.

It’s Legal for 14-Year-Olds to Marry. Should It Be?

ALBANY — For nearly 90 years, an uncelebrated New York State law has largely escaped attention, allowing what would seem to be unfathomable in this day and age, and particularly in this state: child marriages, by the thousands.

Since 1929, New York has allowed children as young as 14 to marry; 14- and 15-year-olds can do so with judicial and parental approval, and 16- and 17-year-olds can marry with mere parental consent.

New York is hardly alone: Most states allow 16- and 17-year-olds to marry, and more than two dozen other states have no statutory minimum age at all
He didn't ask to marry them. This law makes no never mind to what he did or didn't do.

It adress the claim by another poster that the south has an issue with old men and teenage girls. It proves that poster is an ignorant fuck.
Wrong you rape supporting piece of garbage. Had the pervert married the children, instead of raping them, maybe you’d have a point. You filth.

Wow, you are a cowardly little liar . Look at the fit you throw when your stupid little blerb is proven to be nothing but he ramblings of a Little cupcake cry baby. Prove what I posted is a lie, or take your childish, tantrum throwing ass back to your puppy’s and coloring books. Thank you for being my first USMB melt down. You will always be special to me.
Your post is off topic. Now go fuck yourself, pervert.

Lol, you made the allegations then run off when you are called out. Even pussys have more balls then you. Go report it to a mod like you always do . That or stop crying fag.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

Oh Gawd - I saw this interview yesterday. She's just creepy as hell.


A truly disgusting old monster. I hope her grandkids never run into a Roy Moore type.

Why do you hope that? She's admitted she's ok with it.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

Oh Gawd - I saw this interview yesterday. She's just creepy as hell.


A truly disgusting old monster. I hope her grandkids never run into a Roy Moore type.

Why do you hope that? She's admitted she's ok with it.

Good point.

Good luck right wing perverts! May you all find perverted old creeps to fool around with your underaged daughters!
Old school implied people in the south are okay with getting with kids. It was pointed out that New York has no minimum age to marry and has and does issue marriage licenses to 14 year olds.

Yes, we saw that lie. They USED to allow 14 year olds to marry with parental AND a judge's permission. There were precious few judges who approved such nonsense. I'll wager you can count the number of 14 year olds given such approval in past ten years on two hands.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.
Still the troll has no proof.
Do I need any, as Moore won’t deny that he dated teenagers as a creepy 30+ year old pervert?
Your kind never needs any proof. I dated a teenager also.
At 30+?
as a practical matter it is best for Alabama voters to vote for MOORE the republican over the democrat . And then consider that all allegations against MOORE are UNPROVED and are about 40 years old .

So the word of a cop who said that everybody in town knew about Creepy Roy's charming habit of badgering high school girls at the mall not good enough for ya eh?

--------------------------------------- MALL MANAGER says that Moore was not banned from MALL !! --- WATCH: Former Alabama Mall Manager Says Roy Moore WASN'T Banned Over Harassment Claims ---

The mall manager is a close personal friend of Moore’s. There are a couple of store managers who have said that they asked Roy to leave and stay out of their stores because he was bothering and upsetting their staff. Coworkers who said they warned girls when Roy was headed their way so the girls could hide in back.

Moore has never denied dating these women but claimed to have their parents permission. The girls and their parents say otherwise.
------------------------ all boils down to , what is best for Alabama Americans and then the rest of the Americans in the USA . That answer is , RoyMoore is best and thats it DLady !!

Yes, Washington needs more men who will screw over the little people to line their own pockets. There aren’t nearly enough of them in Washington.

I’ll bet Roy is smacking his lips at the prospect of all those lobbyists lining up to pay him off.
Yes, Washington needs more men who will screw over the little people to line their own pockets. There aren’t nearly enough of them in Washington.

I’ll bet Roy is smacking his lips at the prospect of all those lobbyists lining up to pay him off.

I kinda missed the details on this scam. Unfukingbelievable

Undisclosed deal guaranteed Roy Moore $180,000 a year for part-time work at charity

There are so many reasons why this huckster shouldn’t even be the Republican Party candidate in the first place. This being just one of them.
Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)

Roy Moore will be as much of a disaster as a senator as he was as a judge. Having been twice removed from the bench, the entertainment value alone makes it a joyous prospect. I actually hope he is elected. Alabamans will get the representation they deserve.

Although Trump will probably get upset at all of the press and attention going to Moore

Looking at the current line up of old players as well as new, Roy Moore ain’t hurting anything.

Soliciting donations for his phony family values charity and then using the money to line his own pockets? We call that “fraud” where I come from.
Just more "Southern Heritage".
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.

Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?
Old school implied people in the south are okay with getting with kids. It was pointed out that New York has no minimum age to marry and has and does issue marriage licenses to 14 year olds.

Yes, we saw that lie. They USED to allow 14 year olds to marry with parental AND a judge's permission. There were precious few judges who approved such nonsense. I'll wager you can count the number of 14 year olds given such approval in past ten years on two hands.

Not a lie, and doesn’t change the fact that Alabama is more strick then New York as well as many other states. You are using your lies to sully pretty much all the states on the Gulf of Mexico. Say, I wonder if we looked at the age difference between say, denis Kusinich and his lil’trophy piece of ass what the age difference would be?
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.

Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?

Did that really happen?
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.

Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?

Here, what I call this makes it an open and shut case?

Roy Moore accuser Leigh Corfman shares why she went public in exclusive interview
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.

Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?

I think she plucked the story right out of one of the Harlequin Romance novels she admits to being fond of reading. She remember it, right after some democrat reporter for WaPo gave her $1,000.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.

Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?

Did that really happen?
A lot of Alabamans believe it did, including the governor, but are voting for Moore anyways. Because down there, middle aged men fucking children is well accepted.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.

Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?

Did that really happen?

The current governor of Alabama has said she believes it did. And she is still voting for Ol' Roy.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.

Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?

I think she plucked the story right out of one of the Harlequin Romance novels she admits to being fond of reading. She remember it, right after some democrat reporter for WaPo gave her $1,000.

Oh, so now it is all a political job? Before you just thought it was ok. lol
as a practical matter it is best for Alabama voters to vote for MOORE the republican over the democrat . And then consider that all allegations against MOORE are UNPROVED and are about 40 years old .

So the word of a cop who said that everybody in town knew about Creepy Roy's charming habit of badgering high school girls at the mall not good enough for ya eh?

--------------------------------------- MALL MANAGER says that Moore was not banned from MALL !! --- WATCH: Former Alabama Mall Manager Says Roy Moore WASN'T Banned Over Harassment Claims ---

The mall manager is a close personal friend of Moore’s. There are a couple of store managers who have said that they asked Roy to leave and stay out of their stores because he was bothering and upsetting their staff. Coworkers who said they warned girls when Roy was headed their way so the girls could hide in back.

Moore has never denied dating these women but claimed to have their parents permission. The girls and their parents say otherwise.
------------------------ all boils down to , what is best for Alabama Americans and then the rest of the Americans in the USA . That answer is , RoyMoore is best and thats it DLady !!
Well, with the "Southern Heritage" of 30+ somethings dating teen girls, etc......I could see why you'd think that.

Of course, the Democrat with his record of successfully prosecuting the church bombers cannot be abided.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.

Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?

Did that really happen?

The current governor of Alabama has said she believes it did. And she is still voting for Ol' Roy.

She believes he molested a child? Specifically, Leigh Corfmen, or that they knew he liked barely leagles?

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