Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Finally In the News


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Finally In the News
Hunter Biden's Laptop Is Finally In the News - Our Reporting from October Is Making a Splash (
8 Apr 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After covering for the Bidens before the 2020 Election, the media is finally touching upon the Hunter Biden saga.
Kyle Becker at Trending Politics notes today:
The mainstream news media covered for future president Joe Biden during his election campaign by referring to the Hunter Biden laptop scandal as likely “Russian disinformation.” Twitter even went so far as to block the New York Post’s story on its account, despite the evidence that the report was authentic.​
Now, the Daily Mail has come forward with a forensic audit that shows the “Hunter Biden laptop” is indeed Hunter Biden’s. The Daily Mail has authenticated that the “103,000 text messages, 154,000 emails, more than 2,000 photos and dozens of videos” belong to the president’s son. This is its summary overview:​
  • How he begged his father to run for president in 2019 to salvage Hunter’s own reputation
  • How he repeatedly dodged police action against him, despite constantly dealing with drug pushers and prostitutes and having multiple run-ins with law enforcement
  • Hunter was guarded by a Secret Service agent while on a 2018 drug and prostitute binge in Hollywood, despite not being entitled to protection at the time and amid denials from the federal agency
  • Joe Biden was afraid his text conversations with Hunter were being hacked even as they discussed his White House bid
  • How Hunter’s laptop is brimming with evidence of apparent criminal activity by Hunter and his associates including drug trafficking and prostitution
This reporting finally is coming out nearly six months since we first reported on Hunter’s collection of texts and photos found on his laptop that he left with a computer repairman.
In late October only a week before the 2020 election, we reported on many disturbing files, pictures, and videos found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
We reported on very disturbing videos of Hunter Biden doing drugs while having sex which were published on an Asian website.
The photos and video were from Hunter Biden’s computer that was abandoned in a computer shop in 2019.
In the first few paragraphs of the very long text message, Hunter claims he loves a certain person and that he and she have problems staying sober:
The person claims Hunter got her hooked on drugs and then Hunter says: “She has told people that I was sexually inappropriate with xxxx and that’s why I wasn’t allowed in the house.”
Then Hunter says that the woman threw his gun away and the police, FBI and Secret Service got involved. The woman claimed she did this because she was afraid Hunter would harm himself or the kids!
In the final segment of his text, Hunter complains that others think he is an unfit uncle who can’t be trusted alone with children, but then he claims that he is a better father and uncle than anyone he knows.
What a mess. These series of text messages and confessions show Hunter Biden and his entire family are very sick and shockingly dysfunctional. As was noted previously, former Vice President Joe Biden knew about Hunter’s abuse and addictions and protected Hunter rather than focus on his victims.
Now finally some of this is getting the attention it deserves.

Thanks to the Daily Mail the truth is being exposed.
Obviously these documents and information within are far, far devestating to Chyna Joey Xi, his family and his administration.
Whomever it was that ordered this information hidden is complicit in the stolen election.
Had this information not been withheld from the public surely Joey Xi would never have been elected.
As it stands now the release is being done at this point for Joey Xi to step down and Kamaltoe Harris to take over.
BTW, we all know the mystery woman is his brothers widow Hallie... and the minor is his neice.
In the end the entire Quisling MSM is the enemy of America. They've hidden the truth, propped-up their favorites, lied for them, hidden information from the public, spread disinformation and worked to destroy conservatives.
They have not been the "Fourth Estate" for years but actually have turned out to the the "Fifth Column".
Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Finally In the News
Hunter Biden's Laptop Is Finally In the News - Our Reporting from October Is Making a Splash (
8 Apr 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
After covering for the Bidens before the 2020 Election, the media is finally touching upon the Hunter Biden saga.
Kyle Becker at Trending Politics notes today:
The mainstream news media covered for future president Joe Biden during his election campaign by referring to the Hunter Biden laptop scandal as likely “Russian disinformation.” Twitter even went so far as to block the New York Post’s story on its account, despite the evidence that the report was authentic.​
Now, the Daily Mail has come forward with a forensic audit that shows the “Hunter Biden laptop” is indeed Hunter Biden’s. The Daily Mail has authenticated that the “103,000 text messages, 154,000 emails, more than 2,000 photos and dozens of videos” belong to the president’s son. This is its summary overview:​
  • How he begged his father to run for president in 2019 to salvage Hunter’s own reputation
  • How he repeatedly dodged police action against him, despite constantly dealing with drug pushers and prostitutes and having multiple run-ins with law enforcement
  • Hunter was guarded by a Secret Service agent while on a 2018 drug and prostitute binge in Hollywood, despite not being entitled to protection at the time and amid denials from the federal agency
  • Joe Biden was afraid his text conversations with Hunter were being hacked even as they discussed his White House bid
  • How Hunter’s laptop is brimming with evidence of apparent criminal activity by Hunter and his associates including drug trafficking and prostitution
This reporting finally is coming out nearly six months since we first reported on Hunter’s collection of texts and photos found on his laptop that he left with a computer repairman.
In late October only a week before the 2020 election, we reported on many disturbing files, pictures, and videos found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
We reported on very disturbing videos of Hunter Biden doing drugs while having sex which were published on an Asian website.
The photos and video were from Hunter Biden’s computer that was abandoned in a computer shop in 2019.
In the first few paragraphs of the very long text message, Hunter claims he loves a certain person and that he and she have problems staying sober:
The person claims Hunter got her hooked on drugs and then Hunter says: “She has told people that I was sexually inappropriate with xxxx and that’s why I wasn’t allowed in the house.”
Then Hunter says that the woman threw his gun away and the police, FBI and Secret Service got involved. The woman claimed she did this because she was afraid Hunter would harm himself or the kids!
In the final segment of his text, Hunter complains that others think he is an unfit uncle who can’t be trusted alone with children, but then he claims that he is a better father and uncle than anyone he knows.
What a mess. These series of text messages and confessions show Hunter Biden and his entire family are very sick and shockingly dysfunctional. As was noted previously, former Vice President Joe Biden knew about Hunter’s abuse and addictions and protected Hunter rather than focus on his victims.
Now finally some of this is getting the attention it deserves.

Thanks to the Daily Mail the truth is being exposed.
Obviously these documents and information within are far, far devestating to Chyna Joey Xi, his family and his administration.
Whomever it was that ordered this information hidden is complicit in the stolen election.
Had this information not been withheld from the public surely Joey Xi would never have been elected.
As it stands now the release is being done at this point for Joey Xi to step down and Kamaltoe Harris to take over.
BTW, we all know the mystery woman is his brothers widow Hallie... and the minor is his neice.
In the end the entire Quisling MSM is the enemy of America. They've hidden the truth, propped-up their favorites, lied for them, hidden information from the public, spread disinformation and worked to destroy conservatives.
They have not been the "Fourth Estate" for years but actually have turned out to the the "Fifth Column".
So what else is new, the MSM as President Donald J. Trump claimed all the enemy of the people. As are the democrats. Wait for the spin from the usual liars.
I appears that the DoJ and FBI have done a bang up job to cover for Chyna Joey Xi and his family. Mean time they continue with their disinformation regarding Trump and continue to hide the truth surrounding Seth Rich's death..

BOMBSHELL: The Dirty Secrets on Hunter Biden's Laptop Have Been Revealed
The Dirty Secrets on Hunter Biden's Laptop Revealed – PJ Media
8 Apr 2021 ~~ By Matt Margolis
An expert authenticated the laptop for the Daily Mail, the newspaper reported. The outlet found a total of 103,000 text messages, 154,000 emails and more than 2,000 photos on the laptop. Here are the key findings from the forensic examination:

  • The Daily Mail found emails for multiple accounts on the laptop dating back to 2009, and other data which “appears to be related to Mr. Biden” between 2016 and 2019.
  • The report’s findings were consistent with the known timeline for the hard drive. A Wilmington, Delaware, computer store work order with Hunter’s signature shows he left his 2017 MacBook Pro laptop there on April 12, 2019.
  • Hunter’s iCloud email address was added to the laptop’s system on October 21, 2018, as well as his work email at his firm Rosemont Seneca on February 2, 2019.
  • The same day, a Gmail address he used to log onto sex cam sites and another personal Gmail address belonging to Hunter were also added.
  • Beau Biden’s old Gmail account was added on February 7, 2019.
  • Emails addressed to Hunter’s various email addresses dating from December 2009 to December 2020 were found on the system.
  • An iPad with the name “Hunter’s iPad” — and three email addresses associated with the Biden family — was backed up on the laptop and on iCloud in January 2019 and again a month later.
“The operating system timestamps appear to be authentic, and no evidence was found to suggest that the timestamps or data were altered or manufactured,” the report says. “No indications were found that would suggest the data was manufactured.”
What Hunter Biden left OUT of his 'tell-all' memoir revealed | Daily Mail Online

Unfortunately, for decades we have not had Free, Objective reporting from the 'Fourth Estate'.
Our forefathers never envisioned journalism as a Quisling Fifth Column used by usurpers of American Democracy, the Constitution and Bill of Rights created to protect the very instrument now being used to destroy the Republic and this country down.
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I appears that the DoJ and FBI have done a bang up job to cover for Chyna Joey Xi and his family. Mean time they continue with their disinformation regarding Trump and continue to hide the truth surrounding Seth Rich's death..

Given that the FBI has been implicated as the likely source of the weapon used and thusly also likely that they would be the HILLIARY HITMEN---I am not surprised that they dont' want to release any information.

I appears that the DoJ and FBI have done a bang up job to cover for Chyna Joey Xi and his family. Mean time they continue with their disinformation regarding Trump and continue to hide the truth surrounding Seth Rich's death..

Given that the FBI has been implicated as the likely source of the weapon used and thusly also likely that they would be the HILLIARY HITMEN---I am not surprised that they dont' want to release any information.

I lost all respect for the entire FBI. If I were an agent putting my life on the line and Comey, were the criminals leading the organization, I'd either quit or there would be serious workplace violence at HQ.

This is why I believe the entire organization needs to be eliminated
‘Huge Debts:’ Millions in Earnings Failed to Satiate Hunter Biden’s Hunger for Crack, Prostitutes, Luxury Cars
Millions Fail to Satiate Hunter Biden's Hunger for Drugs, Prostitutes (
11 Apr 2021 ~~ By Edwin Mora

Hunter Biden owes massive credit card debt after living like a high roller with access to millions of dollars linked to business dealings overseas that proved insufficient to satisfy his ravenous appetite for drugs, prostitutes, and luxury cars, the Daily Mail reported Friday.
The Daily Mail published a bombshell report surrounding the potentially incriminating contents of a laptop purportedly owned by Hunter that was dropped off at a Delaware repair shop and eventually given to the FBI.
The Daily Mail summarized its long bombshell report, noting:
  • Hunter Biden’s wild spending left him with huge debts to credit card companies and desperate to avoid jail for unpaid taxes, can reveal
  • Pictures, documents, emails and texts obtained by from Hunter’s laptop reveal he spent thousands of dollars on strippers and prostitutes
  • Biden even threatened to take $20,000 out of his daughter’s education savings account
  • Pictures found on the laptop show what appears to be thousands of dollars worth of crack bagged up on a scale, and Hunter naked and in bed with women
  • The numerous expenses left him strapped for cash when it came to supporting his new family
  • In an April 2017 email, [Hunter’s company] Rosemont Seneca Vice President wrote to Hunter detailing how he faced total bills of $476,231.60, including $60,467 on three credit cards and $320,417.85 in unpaid federal taxes
In 2019, the FBI seized the laptop in connection to a money-laundering scheme. Last December, Hunter and his then-president-elect father admitted that the U.S. Attorney in Delaware was investigating the younger Biden over his federal taxes.
The Daily Mail noted:
The bombshell cache of 103,000 text messages, 154,000 emails, more than 2,000 photos, and dozens of videos from Hunter’s laptop and authenticated by experts retained by are packed with revelations conveniently missing from his newly published memoir, Beautiful Things.​
The pictures, documents, emails, and texts reveal that despite reporting more than $6 million of income from 2013 to 2016, Hunter’s bacchanalian expenses left him with huge debts to credit card companies and the tax man.​

During a softball interview earlier this month, Hunter told CBS News that the laptop “certainly” could be his, but he denied dropping it off at the repair shop.

If not yet, Chyna Joey Xi and his family have been paid by the Chinese, making the Bidens a wholly owned subsidiary of the CCP.
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I appears that the DoJ and FBI have done a bang up job to cover for Chyna Joey Xi and his family. Mean time they continue with their disinformation regarding Trump and continue to hide the truth surrounding Seth Rich's death..

Given that the FBI has been implicated as the likely source of the weapon used and thusly also likely that they would be the HILLIARY HITMEN---I am not surprised that they dont' want to release any information.

Wow. Just wow.
BOMBSHELL: The Dirty Secrets on Hunter Biden's Laptop Have Been Revealed
The Dirty Secrets on Hunter Biden's Laptop Revealed – PJ Media
8 Apr 2021 ~~ By Matt Margolis
An expert authenticated the laptop for the Daily Mail, the newspaper reported. The outlet found a total of 103,000 text messages, 154,000 emails and more than 2,000 photos on the laptop. Here are the key findings from the forensic examination:

  • The Daily Mail found emails for multiple accounts on the laptop dating back to 2009, and other data which “appears to be related to Mr. Biden” between 2016 and 2019.
  • The report’s findings were consistent with the known timeline for the hard drive. A Wilmington, Delaware, computer store work order with Hunter’s signature shows he left his 2017 MacBook Pro laptop there on April 12, 2019.
  • Hunter’s iCloud email address was added to the laptop’s system on October 21, 2018, as well as his work email at his firm Rosemont Seneca on February 2, 2019.
  • The same day, a Gmail address he used to log onto sex cam sites and another personal Gmail address belonging to Hunter were also added.
  • Beau Biden’s old Gmail account was added on February 7, 2019.
  • Emails addressed to Hunter’s various email addresses dating from December 2009 to December 2020 were found on the system.
  • An iPad with the name “Hunter’s iPad” — and three email addresses associated with the Biden family — was backed up on the laptop and on iCloud in January 2019 and again a month later.
“The operating system timestamps appear to be authentic, and no evidence was found to suggest that the timestamps or data were altered or manufactured,” the report says. “No indications were found that would suggest the data was manufactured.”
What Hunter Biden left OUT of his 'tell-all' memoir revealed | Daily Mail Online

Unfortunately, for decades we have not had Free, Objective reporting from the 'Fourth Estate'.
Our forefathers never envisioned journalism as a Quisling Fifth Column used by usurpers of American Democracy, the Constitution and Bill of Rights created to protect the very instrument now being used to destroy the Republic and this country down.
Seems now is the time that the DNC has decided to begin to throwing Gropey Joe under the bus.
Media ‘can’t turn away’ from the Hunter Biden
Sky News host Sharri Markson says the media can’t “turn away” from the Hunter Biden laptop scandal any longer, after the story was “censored”.
“Biden escaped scrutiny entirely from the whole of the American media – with the exception of the New York Post and Fox News,” Ms Markson said.
“How far have we fallen that tech giants run by woke billionaires and their fake fact-checkers now decide what is real, genuine news and what is not? The same companies that donate to the Democrats and are far from impartial.
“Why aren’t they being held to account now?
“No apology … by them or by Twitter or the New York Times or Facebook or any of the numerous fact-checkers for mainstream media outlets who insisted this was fake news, that there was nothing to see here, as long as you don’t create waves for Joe Biden ahead of the election.”

Too bad we in have to get our honest news from Australia. No one trusts the Quisling Media here anymore.
Since 2019 the Quisling Media and internet sites like FaceBook, Twitter, and Google have told us unequivocally that Hunter international exploits were Russian disinformation and lies. Even Joey Xi Bai dung claimed in the second debate with Trump that it was disinformation and a lie.
The clip from the second debate where Trump is calling out Joey's corruption and Chris Wallace keeps saying “we’re focusing on race” really say it all about Democrats.
Disregard corruption. But want you to get riled about someone’s skin color.
When asked, Joey even went further claiming he never spoke to Hunter about his business.
The next questions to be asked is, "FIFTY ONE INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS", that signed statements calling the laptop, "RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION"??? The laptop was in their possession since late 2019! What did they know, when did they know it, and how much was their perjury part of the cover-up?
Question? Has the time come that Maoist Democrat take out Biden forcing him to resign. since he has become a liability.

Establishment Media Ignore Alleged Payouts to Biden Family, Detailed in Hunter’s Texts

4 Apr 2022 ~~ By Wendell Husebo
The establishment media has reported on Hunter Biden’s $4.8 million received in payments from a Chinese energy company, but not the alleged payout mechanism by which the Biden family likely profited from peddling influence.
“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter texted his daughter, Naomi, in 2019, the New York Post reported in 2021.
“It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary,” the text string continued as reported.

Hunter’s reported texts indicate Joe Biden received 50 percent of his relative’s “salary” for a 30-year period. The reported texts do not reveal when the 30 years began or ended and whether Joe Biden is still a part of the payment scheme as president.
The establishment media has ignored the reported string of Hunter’s text messages. Nowhere in the New York Times’s report in March about its authentication of Hunter’s laptop were the text messages mentioned.
Alternatively, the Times story focused on a grand jury’s probe into Hunter’s “tax affairs” and corruption while his father was at the top levels of government:
People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails between Mr. Biden, Mr. Archer and others about Burisma and other foreign business activity. Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.

Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley believes a special counsel should be appointed to probe Hunter’s corruption, because Joe Biden has denied any wrongdoing by Hunter and may have influenced the ongoing investigation.

It absolutely, without question proves what we’ve been saying for some time. The media is no longer the 'Fourth Estate". It has become the Progressive Maoist Democrats 'Fifth Column'. The enemy of America.
CNN, NY Slimes, Washington Post. Facebook and Twitter are prime examples of purveyors of Maoist Democrat disinformation and censorship of the truth.

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