Hunter Biden’s Ass Is Grass

Billy Barf is desperate to keep us job and stay out of prison? :sleeping-smiley-015:

Well if Hunter is guilty he will pay. But let’s not compare his crimes to those of the Trump Devil Spawn
Billy Barf is desperate to keep us job and stay out of prison? :sleeping-smiley-015:

Well if Hunter is guilty he will pay. But let’s not compare his crimes to those of the Trump Devil Spawn
yeah those trumps with their hotels golf courses and shoes are more dangerous that working for communist china to buy american assets,,,
And the IRS has frozen his assets....

The progs are not going to waste any time getting rid of Joe...they are already at it...the FBI had this info before the election and just now it gets released?....fishy as hell....the left and the China spies in the dem party and the FBI want Harris and who the hell knows for VP.....
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Has anyone ever seen any Leftists with TDS actually explain a single reason they despise him so much?

I've asked for a long time and they just point to CNN and go "Orange Man Bad.....Orange Man Bad". Zombies?

I'm convinced they have no clue why.....except they were told to.

Yup. But we find that the typical Trumpist has such an over buildup of earwax from being plugged into Trump for so long, that they can't hear anymore. Sadly, this forces them to gestulate and mouth memorized talking points.

Thank you for yet again definitively proving my point.....the challenge remains.
Well...we'll see...he's not been the most above board business person.
Hunter is not a 'business person' in the first place. He failed at everything he did including being kicked out of the military, being a drug addict and getting a job at Burisma because his daddy was VP.
That doesn't mean he's not a business person, he's just a bad business person.

As to getting a job because of his daddy? Every job the Trump kids had is due to their daddy.

Well, at least Trump's sons didn't get on their knees and give China a lip service happy ending and sell out their country to get theirs like Joe Biden did with hunter.

Subtle, but significant difference.
Nothing to see here....poor Joe...he may get a week in the west wing...if he is lucky....don't bother bringing your pillow Joe.....
Man that was fast...I thought the progs would give old Joe at least a year...but no here we go...
I've been switching back and forth from CNN to MSNBC over the last half hour. CNN briefly mentioned the Hunter Biden story for one minute before 8PM. Rachael Maddow on MSNBC rambled on about coronavirus deaths and vaccinations, before briefly mentioning that CNN mentioned it.

They know.
Federal criminal investigation has started into Hunter Biden focusing on his business dealings in China

From what I hear there's A LOT more going on than that. Word is don't be shocked Trump wins 2020. The fun begins afterwards while Demonicrats are prosecuted. It's all fun and games until the Communists circumvent the POTUS position followed by election fraud.
Federal criminal investigation has started into Hunter Biden focusing on his business dealings in China

who gives a shit whether hunter biden, daughter-wife ivanka or donald thug jr go to jail!!! what matters is Biden is president and pussygrabber is not....

Federal criminal investigation has started into Hunter Biden focusing on his business dealings in China

who gives a shit whether hunter biden, daughter-wife ivanka or donald thug jr go to jail!!! what matters is Biden is president and pussygrabber is not....

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This is more like it right PROG? One thing about PROGS is actions speak softer than words huh? Trump says grab a pussy while PROGS support pedophiles.
