Zone1 Hunt them to extinction.....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Polar bears far from going extinct are thriving and have hit a population surplus higher than anything that was previously counted in the past three decades. While they've become the poster child for cute and cuddly they are actually very dangerous animals capable of killing and eating the biggest, strongest man alive quite effortlessly. If every single polar beer disappeared tomorrow there would be no impact to the environment one way or another. They're very unsuccessful hunters and usually make only one out of eight successful attempts. Their main food is seals and beluga whales. They do not do well hunting these animals and many polar bears actually starve to death without any human interference. In short it's really not a successful species. It is a very dangerous one though to human beings. Get rid of them all. There are scores of species of bears...they will not be missed and the world will be safer.

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Polar bears far from going extinct are thriving and have hit a population surplus higher than anything that was previously counted in the past three decades. Well they've become the poster child for cute and cuddly they are actually very dangerous animals capable of killing and eating the biggest, strongest man alive quite effortlessly. If every single pile of beer disappeared tomorrow they would be no impact to the environment one way or another. They're very unsuccessful hunters and usually make only one out of eight successful attempts. The main food is seals and beluga whales. They do not do well hunting these animals and many polar bears actually stop to death without any human interference. In short it's really not a successful species. It is a very dangerous one though to human beings. Get rid of them all. There are scores of species of bears they will not be missed in the world will be safer.

If you eliminate one component of the ecosystem it could have broad consequences. Live and let live, isolated tragedies shouldn't result in zero tolerance for a species, or humans for that matter.
Polar bears far from going extinct are thriving and have hit a population surplus higher than anything that was previously counted in the past three decades. Well they've become the poster child for cute and cuddly they are actually very dangerous animals capable of killing and eating the biggest, strongest man alive quite effortlessly. If every single pile of beer disappeared tomorrow they would be no impact to the environment one way or another. They're very unsuccessful hunters and usually make only one out of eight successful attempts. The main food is seals and beluga whales. They do not do well hunting these animals and many polar bears actually stop to death without any human interference. In short it's really not a successful species. It is a very dangerous one though to human beings. Get rid of them all. There are scores of species of bears they will not be missed in the world will be safer.


The panda bear should have been extinct long ago and would have been if not for human intervention.
We're encroaching on their habitat- why should they be slaughtered to extinction simply for being what they are and doing what's their nature to do?

Surely, there are better solutions.
If you eliminate one component of the ecosystem it could have broad consequences. Live and let live, isolated tragedies shouldn't result in zero tolerance for a species, or humans for that matter.
I'm afraid these tragedies are not exactly isolated.
We're encroaching on their habitat- why should they be slaughtered to extinction simply for being what they are and doing what's their nature to do?

Surely, there are better solutions.
Im not an advocate for hunting anything to extinction but why is it "their habitat" any more that it's ours?
Polar bear attacks aren't all that common. I think in the last couple hundred years, there have been less than 100. Of course we can lament that one is too many and while that's true- it's also true that too many humans are way too stupid, careless, reckless and ignorant when it comes to any type of bear. I've seen people do such asinine things in regards to wildlife, that I'm sometimes amazed they didn't get their face mauled off.

There are many species of bear. Some are responsible for a lot more deaths than the polar bear. Like the brown bear. Should we just make sure they're all extinct?

What about other creatures that harm humans or even threaten our safety? Huge list of those...
Hunting permits? To polar bears? To hunt humans? Okay............. :dunno:

No, permits for humans to hunt polar bears. If they ain't endangered and their numbers are causing them to interact too much in populated areas, issue them permits.
Same argument goes for American Settlers in the 1600s

The other thing with people from back then is that they likely had no understanding that it was even possible to hunt something to extinction. Secondly it's a luxury to worry about such things as well. Lions dont worry about hunting zebras to extinction because they need to eat. A lion would 100% kill the last zebra without thinking.

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