Hungary is building a border fence-- See how effective it is

"Hungary is building a border fence"
Is Hungary the only country around there to recognize the real issue?
They have the same problem we do..... no armed guards sitting there waiting to shoot those who do come over/under the wall.

The only kind of border fence that you mentioned is in North and South Korea.
If you watch the video there are 2 guards just walking and not even attempting to catch them. The fence will not stop the flow of refugees.
At 0.08 that dingbat reporter said they cut a hole on the Hungarian/Syrian border fence.That's pretty bad.
I saw that.. it's supposed to be Serbian border... what fucking moron... the guards did not do anything...probably under order not to beat the fuck out of anybody on "tv"
The countries with liberal refugee policies are to blame. We know what's making these people flee these countries which we have little control of. We also know what sucking them in. Germany and Sweden are creating havoc for the rest of the EU.
At 0.08 that dingbat reporter said they cut a hole on the Hungarian/Syrian border fence.That's pretty bad.
I saw that.. it's supposed to be Serbian border... what fucking moron... the guards did not do anything...probably under order not to beat the fuck out of anybody on "tv"
What is the point of beating or shooting at these helpless refugees? Do you think they will scare or make them stop after all the ordeal they went thru? They are getting butchered where they came from so what is the point.
At 0.08 that dingbat reporter said they cut a hole on the Hungarian/Syrian border fence.That's pretty bad.
I saw that.. it's supposed to be Serbian border... what fucking moron... the guards did not do anything...probably under order not to beat the fuck out of anybody on "tv"
What is the point of beating or shooting at these helpless refugees? Do you think they will scare or make them stop after all the ordeal they went thru? They are getting butchered where they came from so what is the point.
Who's shooting them?
What is the point of beating or shooting at these helpless refugees? Do you think they will scare or make them stop after all the ordeal they went thru? They are getting butchered where they came from so what is the point.
Who finances their "travel?" They have to eat... Either you bought into the propaganda or you are a disseminating the propaganda... I believe it is not spontaneous migration...
The borders of Europe are being smashed by islamo nuts.

See how effective the border fences are...

It said in the video that it is not completed yet and that is where they are crossing, where it is not completely built and fortified yet.
Did you notice the completed one? Bars and barbed wire top and bottom.
Not completed, just fence not secured yet without bars and complete barbed wire at the top and bottom.
What is the point of beating or shooting at these helpless refugees? Do you think they will scare or make them stop after all the ordeal they went thru? They are getting butchered where they came from so what is the point.
Who finances their "travel?" They have to eat... Either you bought into the propaganda or you are a disseminating the propaganda... I believe it is not spontaneous migration...
So you're saying they are just doing this as an excursion.
At 0.08 that dingbat reporter said they cut a hole on the Hungarian/Syrian border fence.That's pretty bad.
I saw that.. it's supposed to be Serbian border... what fucking moron... the guards did not do anything...probably under order not to beat the fuck out of anybody on "tv"
What is the point of beating or shooting at these helpless refugees? Do you think they will scare or make them stop after all the ordeal they went thru? They are getting butchered where they came from so what is the point.
Who's shooting them?

Shooting? See post #7.
At 0.08 that dingbat reporter said they cut a hole on the Hungarian/Syrian border fence.That's pretty bad.
I saw that.. it's supposed to be Serbian border... what fucking moron... the guards did not do anything...probably under order not to beat the fuck out of anybody on "tv"
What is the point of beating or shooting at these helpless refugees? Do you think they will scare or make them stop after all the ordeal they went thru? They are getting butchered where they came from so what is the point.
Who's shooting them?

Shooting? See post #7.
Again, who's shooting them?
What is the point of beating or shooting at these helpless refugees? Do you think they will scare or make them stop after all the ordeal they went thru? They are getting butchered where they came from so what is the point.
Who finances their "travel?" They have to eat... Either you bought into the propaganda or you are a disseminating the propaganda... I believe it is not spontaneous migration...
So you're saying they are just doing this as an excursion.
Don't be silly…. there is an organized effort to get those people to the heart of Europe. They could have stayed in Turkey refugee camps.. they could have gone to other neighboring countries…They are pawns on the chess board of the puppet masters behind the scenes..

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