Humorous video destroys Global Whiners

Yep, all the predictions flopped, but you don't dare say so, you'll be labeled anti science, when it was the so called science that failed in the first place.
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Yep, all the predictions flopped, but you don't dare say so, you'll be labeled anti science, when it was the so called science that failed in the first place.

It's one of my favorite moonbat lines, "the science is settled" when they cannot refute the data that proves beyond a doubt the science is not actually on their side. Their predictions didn't come true. There are more polar bears now than since they've been counted, there's more ice than ever and the promoters of the hoax are richer than ever.

One thing that wasn't brought up in the video is the fact that 1000 years ago it was WARMER than it is now. There were viking settlements on Greenland and in Newfoundland. Last I looked no one was refining crude oil into gasoline, lighting up entire continents with coal fired generators or running their AC's on full blast.

The moonbats aren't even content with a debate any longer because they've lost any credibility (assuming they had any to begin with) so now they want to start using law enforcement to stifle dissent.

Yep, all the predictions flopped, but you don't dare say so, you'll be labeled anti science, when it was the so called science that failed in the first place.

Actually I label global warming deniers as corporate bitches.
Mind listing the five myths?

I watched through five minutes and he kept using strawman, meandering, and false premises.
Yep, all the predictions flopped, but you don't dare say so, you'll be labeled anti science, when it was the so called science that failed in the first place.

Actually I label global warming deniers as corporate bitches.

And you'll never admit that all their models were WRONG! Much less admit that the data has been manipulated to fit the conclusion instead of drawing a conclusion form that data as actual scientist would do.
And you'll never admit that all their models were WRONG! Much less admit that the data has been manipulated to fit the conclusion instead of drawing a conclusion form that data as actual scientist would do.

What models? What data? What conclusions?

Time to stop strawmanning others positions.
And you'll never admit that all their models were WRONG! Much less admit that the data has been manipulated to fit the conclusion instead of drawing a conclusion form that data as actual scientist would do.

What models? What data? What conclusions?

Time to stop strawmanning others positions.

No, it's time for you freaks to stop ignoring reality. How about you provide a list of predictions made by your side that have actually come to pass in the time frames they predicted.
And you'll never admit that all their models were WRONG! Much less admit that the data has been manipulated to fit the conclusion instead of drawing a conclusion form that data as actual scientist would do.

What models? What data? What conclusions?

Time to stop strawmanning others positions.

It's all laid out there in the video bed wetter, if you don't want to watch it and discuss it, grab a rainbow dildo and go fuck yourself.

Climate Impact of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
J. Hansen,
D. Johnson,
A. Lacis,
S. Lebedeff
P. Lee,
D. Rind,
G. Russell

Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

This study, published in 1981, predicted the opening of the Northwest Passage in this century. What it got wrong, was it happened in the beginning of the 21st Century, 2007, rather than the latter part of the 21st Century. The predictions of the climate scientists came to pass much more quickly than they thought possible.
The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change
There is an overwhelming level of scientific consensus on human-caused climate change. Over 95% of actively publishing climate scientists agree that the earth is warming and that human activity is the cause. In spite of this agreement, only about 50% the general public think that scientists have reached a consensus on human-caused climate change. Two sources of the discrepancy are the unbalanced portrayal of the situation in the media, and the Manufactured Doubt Industry.

Scientific Consensus on Global Warming

Virtually all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.
And you'll never admit that all their models were WRONG! Much less admit that the data has been manipulated to fit the conclusion instead of drawing a conclusion form that data as actual scientist would do.

What models? What data? What conclusions?

Time to stop strawmanning others positions.

Let this "corporate bitch" explain this to you. GW theory is not just about whether the planet is warming a bit or if mankind has a contribution to that. The CORE theories of AGW are built on SPECULATION about accelerations and positive feedbacks which will result in runaway warming and irreversible doom.

It's those parts of AGW theory that most folks who have studied the topic --- are "skeptical" about.

In the past 30 years ALL projected forecasts for warming have been revised drastically downward. Partly because of new REAL science about how the climate ACTUALLY works --- and partly because most ALL of the predictive models using these accelerations and positive feedbacks HAVE FAILED in less then 20 years since they were run. So the SCIENCE is maturing and moderating --- but the RHETORIC and the FEAR are the ONLY things accelerating in the GW movement.

YOU --- must believe that this planet will commit suicide if a "trigger temp" of even 2 degrees were to happen. VERY FEW scientists will stick their necks out anymore to PICK a trigger temp or even make temperature predictions 50 or 100 years into the future. That early APOCALYPTIC version of GW is dead. But the movement struggles on..

It's actually over and the skeptics have prevailed and better science is being done. YOU just don't know that because you never really followed the story.. The science was never settled. And STILL is not settled.

If you took the time to watch the OP vid --- you'd know a few reasons why that is true. But you're apparently lazy and want to call me a "corporate bitch" instead of investing time to understand what YOUR theory actually says and what the REAL questions are...
And you'll never admit that all their models were WRONG! Much less admit that the data has been manipulated to fit the conclusion instead of drawing a conclusion form that data as actual scientist would do.

What models? What data? What conclusions?

Time to stop strawmanning others positions.

Let this "corporate bitch" explain this to you. GW theory is not just about whether the planet is warming a bit or if mankind has a contribution to that. The CORE theories of AGW are built on SPECULATION about accelerations and positive feedbacks which will result in runaway warming and irreversible doom.

It's those parts of AGW theory that most folks who have studied the topic --- are "skeptical" about.

In the past 30 years ALL projected forecasts for warming have been revised drastically downward. Partly because of new REAL science about how the climate ACTUALLY works --- and partly because most ALL of the predictive models using these accelerations and positive feedbacks HAVE FAILED in less then 20 years since they were run. So the SCIENCE is maturing and moderating --- but the RHETORIC and the FEAR are the ONLY things accelerating in the GW movement.

YOU --- must believe that this planet will commit suicide if a "trigger temp" of even 2 degrees were to happen. VERY FEW scientists will stick their necks out anymore to PICK a trigger temp or even make temperature predictions 50 or 100 years into the future. That early APOCALYPTIC version of GW is dead. But the movement struggles on..

It's actually over and the skeptics have prevailed and better science is being done. YOU just don't know that because you never really followed the story.. The science was never settled. And STILL is not settled.

If you took the time to watch the OP vid --- you'd know a few reasons why that is true. But you're apparently lazy and want to call me a "corporate bitch" instead of investing time to understand what YOUR theory actually says and what the REAL questions are...

most people who actually study climate are not "skeptical" about climate change.

and why would anyone "take the time" to watch a video by a science denying comedian who has absolutely no knowledge about the subject?

just saying/
Oddly, in reading the scientific papers concerning AGW, I have not seen the doomsday predictions you proclaim that most of the climate scientists are supposed to be making. What I have seen is often conservative predictions of the climate scientists happening sooner than expected. What is being said in most of the predictions is that we are giving our children a world that is less than we should be giving them. Even a foot more of sea level rise by 2100 is going to cost us. Should that end up as 3 feet, then the cost will be astronomical. We pretty much know that we will reach the one foot level, and 3 feet is possible.

In 1981, Dr. Hansen made some bold predictions for that time. All have come to pass, and sooner than expected.
And you'll never admit that all their models were WRONG! Much less admit that the data has been manipulated to fit the conclusion instead of drawing a conclusion form that data as actual scientist would do.

What models? What data? What conclusions?

Time to stop strawmanning others positions.

Let this "corporate bitch" explain this to you. GW theory is not just about whether the planet is warming a bit or if mankind has a contribution to that. The CORE theories of AGW are built on SPECULATION about accelerations and positive feedbacks which will result in runaway warming and irreversible doom.

It's those parts of AGW theory that most folks who have studied the topic --- are "skeptical" about.

In the past 30 years ALL projected forecasts for warming have been revised drastically downward. Partly because of new REAL science about how the climate ACTUALLY works --- and partly because most ALL of the predictive models using these accelerations and positive feedbacks HAVE FAILED in less then 20 years since they were run. So the SCIENCE is maturing and moderating --- but the RHETORIC and the FEAR are the ONLY things accelerating in the GW movement.

YOU --- must believe that this planet will commit suicide if a "trigger temp" of even 2 degrees were to happen. VERY FEW scientists will stick their necks out anymore to PICK a trigger temp or even make temperature predictions 50 or 100 years into the future. That early APOCALYPTIC version of GW is dead. But the movement struggles on..

It's actually over and the skeptics have prevailed and better science is being done. YOU just don't know that because you never really followed the story.. The science was never settled. And STILL is not settled.

If you took the time to watch the OP vid --- you'd know a few reasons why that is true. But you're apparently lazy and want to call me a "corporate bitch" instead of investing time to understand what YOUR theory actually says and what the REAL questions are...

Damn, you gave that piece of crap a lot more attention than he deserved.

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