Human Trafficking, Fentanyl, and a 'Parallel Government' at the Border


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Human Trafficking, Fentanyl, and a 'Parallel Government' at the Border
Human Trafficking, Fentanyl, and a 'Parallel Government' at the Border – PJ Media
12 Mar 2021 ~~ By Stacey Lennox
Reports from the border indicate a crisis is looming. Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security asked for volunteers from senior staff to support border agents, warning they expect high numbers of border crossings to continue for months. ICE has asked officers to deploy as soon as this weekend. A record number of unaccompanied minors have also arrived. Internal memos show 3,500 children were waiting in border control stations in addition to the 8,500 already housed in HHS shelters awaiting placement. Yes, this means the Biden administration has children in the “cages” the Obama administration built.
While these flows at the border are a significant concern, a pressing question is who is profiting and how it increases their power. According to Jaeson Jones, retired captain of the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division, the beneficiaries are cartels. He now runs an organization called Tripwires and Triggers that seeks to bring media attention to the border risks that do not receive sufficient coverage.
It was never about the human trafficking that was taking over at our border. Or the human smuggling issue. Fentanyl pouring into the country which we knew was going to be a killer. But there is also the fact that the cartels themselves had gone through a quantum leap and change from originally organized crime into what we see now as a parallel government.​
In his description, it is clear that these are not unsophisticated gangs that may operate in a territory but don’t control it. They are disciplined, militarized, transnational organizations that wield power over local and national governments to the south of our border. Cartels are not just a U.S.-Mexico problem. Sinaloa is in 54 nations globally, and Carte Jalisco in over 48 countries.
Cartels control the entire 2,000 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. They have strong links to China to procure the raw materials required to manufacture crystal meth and fentanyl to traffic into the United States. Their ties go so deep with China that there is intermarriage between them. One cartel has hired chemists to find a formulation of fentanyl that has precursors readily available in Mexico to diversify their supply chain.

In 2018, The Federalist’s Ben Domenech warned of the threat of a failed state to our south after the cartels had murdered 113 candidates for political office and their staff members. He said at that time that he didn’t think Congress had the will to grasp the seriousness of the situation and do what was required. Listening to Jones, the threat of a failed state is now on our doorstep, and it is almost sure the Biden administration will not address it.

WATCH the full interview with Jaeson Jones on American Thought Leaders.

Meanwhile, Chyna Joey Xi and those that control him have opened the border to illegal immigration, Human trafficking and increased drug smuggling of Chinese Manufacrured Fentanyl and Methamphetamine.
Their decision to rescind Trump's border Executive Orders are stupid beyond mere ignorance, demented, incompetent and vindictive to America's National Security and has put all Americans in eminent danger.
Follow the money and If you dig deep enough you will find connections between the cartels and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Party. It is a coordinated operation.
The situation is more, much much more than just human trafficking., and of course, and as expected, the Quisling dishonest media, does not inform the American public.
According to the Qusling Media there is no crisis at the border and Antifa and BLM are peaceful protesters, the border wall racist and immoral, deny immigration crisis

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I could be wrong, but either Beijing Biden doesn't seem to understand the ramifications he has caused about the border crisis. Or he just doesn't seem to quell to the fact, bringing all these illegal immigrants are only hurting their chances to come here. Yeah, I get that, he wants to "build the future" for the Democrats by implementing new voters for 2024 and beyond. But he doesn't seem to even take to consideration, that he is only making this harder on himself. Not only are they bringing human trafficking, Fentanyl, not to mention COVID across the border....but at the same time, he wants every American to be vaccinated by May. Huh? :icon_rolleyes:

These cartel and gangbangers don't give a rats butt if these people bring this crap into our country. As long as they get the money, they just drop them at the border and leave. And these folks are left to defend for themselves. In most cases, they don't even make it that far. But Beijing Biden doesn't seem to care about if they made it to the border, or not. Just as long as when they get here, it's more future voters for the Democrats. They thank the Democrats for practically saving their lives, in return for their votes.

It's down-right dirty and wrong!
The rapes, the drugs, the gang members, the lawlessness, the chaos, the caged children and the very real possibility of a COVID spike are all back thanks to Joe Biden and his ignorant party. Everything Trump did to solve the border problem has officially been discarded by Joe in favor of his America last agenda. Joe really needs to call Trump and find out how to represent the American people.
Human Trafficking, Fentanyl, and a 'Parallel Government' at the Border-TopicTitle

*Vomits bad press on the President, in a mixture of random words and topics together*
Why did AOC stop protesting children in cages?

I could be wrong, but either Beijing Biden doesn't seem to understand the ramifications he has caused about the border crisis. Or he just doesn't seem to quell to the fact, bringing all these illegal immigrants are only hurting their chances to come here. Yeah, I get that, he wants to "build the future" for the Democrats by implementing new voters for 2024 and beyond. But he doesn't seem to even take to consideration, that he is only making this harder on himself. Not only are they bringing human trafficking, Fentanyl, not to mention COVID across the border....but at the same time, he wants every American to be vaccinated by May. Huh? :icon_rolleyes:

These cartel and gangbangers don't give a rats butt if these people bring this crap into our country. As long as they get the money, they just drop them at the border and leave. And these folks are left to defend for themselves. In most cases, they don't even make it that far. But Beijing Biden doesn't seem to care about if they made it to the border, or not. Just as long as when they get here, it's more future voters for the Democrats. They thank the Democrats for practically saving their lives, in return for their votes.

It's down-right dirty and wrong!
It all makes perfect sense. Let me splain

1. Corporations want cheap labor as corporations have sold their souls to the DNC to achieve it. The country started with indentured servants, and then moved on to slavery, and now today illegal aliens. So corporations ensure that illegals keep coming over, so corporations today censor conservative speech and will boycott those like Mike Lindell who let their voices be heard on conservative issues. They are all also behind the global initiatives on climate change. So the government will continue to provide corporations with their slave labor coming across the border

2. Drug cartels own the Mexican government and pretty much all governments south of the border. Why? Cuz they have all the money. Why would the US government be exempt from this again? No, they are getting money from these drug cartels as well by half assing drug enforcement and allowing a porous border to let them in.. I'm sure that what comes with it is a fear of pissing them off and winding up dead for going after the Drug Lords like what we see South of the border.

3. Most people coming to the US will vote for democrats. These people will continue to vote for the same Leftist ilk they voted for South of the border, which caused them to flee and run to America. It's a combination of ignorance and stupidity. It is no different from those in California fleeing their state because of the Left wing policies that have destroyed their state. However, when they move to places Texas, they will continue to vote the same till that state is destroyed as well. You might even say Leftism is a metastasis. It will just continue to spread until it destroys everything.

4. Globalists want to tear down borders. The goal is for some sort of one world government where corporations can do business easier and more efficiently across borders. The goal is more profit and control.

5. Globalists are also transfixed on subduing population levels. From the minds of a globalist, if the goal is control and power then uncontrolled anything is a threat, which is why they want population control. It is seen as a way to preserve their limited natural resources to do with as they please. So the more people who die from trying to come across the border, which will never be reported accurately because it is almost impossible to know and would be bad PR for an open border policy, and those dying from drug overdoses and human trafficking, etc., are all a win/win for those who want population reduction. This is also why such things as abortion and gay sex and gender confusion is promoted by the US government and by corporations all around the world. They just want less of us.

So as we can see, the vast array of global power is against you.

Good luck with that.
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Has Joe Biden Sold America Out to the Mexican Drug Cartels?
Has Joe Biden Sold America Out to the Mexican Drug Cartels? by Wayne Allyn Root (
14 Mar 2021 ~~ By Wayne Allyn Root

I told you so. It's become crystal clear I was right on the money. I've said for two years now on my national radio show that the best thing that could ever happen for the Mexican drug cartels would be a Democratic presidential victory.
Mexican drug kingpins have waited their entire lives for this fantasy. They must be singing, dancing and toasting champagne right now, because President Joe Biden is the greatest gift ever bestowed upon the Mexican cartels.
Experts estimated the money made on drug trafficking by the cartels at around $500 billion a year. That's half a trillion dollars a year -- "trillion" with a T.
Who quotes that figure? Republican senators. See what Georgia Sen. David Purdue said in 2019: "At half a trillion dollars -- $500 billion -- that makes the cartel business and the drug traffic just in Mexico alone coming across to the United States bigger than Walmart, to put it in perspective. So this is larger than our largest companies."
But that figure is bipartisan. Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein quotes a figure in a similar range: "The illicit drug trade is a business, valued at anywhere between $426 and $652 billion."
That was all before Joe Biden's lax open-borders policies.
But that's just drugs. What about human trafficking? Nearly 100,000 migrants crossed the U.S. border in just the past month. Multiply 100,000 migrants times 10,000 ($10,000 is a common going rate for smuggling humans). That's $1 billion for human trafficking in a month. Now add in child sex trafficking.
Don't take my word for it. Just days ago, a U.K. Daily Mail headline read, "Even Mexico thinks Biden is too lax on asylum. Mexican leader fears 'Migrant President' Biden will spark boom time for cartels ..."
A Border Patrol agent reports that illegal immigration this year has already surpassed that of 2018 and is on track to surpass that of 2018, 2019 and 2020 combined.
Obviously, someone's getting filthy rich on this scam to destroy America. We know the Mexican drug cartels are making hundreds of billions. This is the dream of a lifetime for them. Who's getting bribed inside the USA to allow this to happen? Who would you pay if you were a Mexican drug cartel kingpin?
I'm guessing it's the same guy who sold America out to the Ukrainian mob and the Chinese communists. And the same group that sold Uranium One to the Russians. And the same group that sold us out to Iran with the world-class terrible Iran treaty.
It's Biden, the Biden family and the Democratic Party.

Once again the democrats have ushered in an era of more crime, more racism, more hate, and more division. Dementia Joe is the best thing that has happened to the cartels in four years. Now they can make even more money off of American pedofiels, dopers, and criminal activities. Follow the money from south of the border to Washington and south again as the left profits from illegal aliens and cartel support.
Crime is really going to escalate is when Chyna Joe bgins dropping all the illegals and migrants in republicans states and cities. Not one illegal or migrant will set foot in a Blue Plantation state and crime in America will make Russian crime look like a "Birthday Party". Everyone now say "Thanks Joey".
All republican controlled states should
All republican controlled states should deny any immigrants into their states, their is no law in the Constitution, that says they have to accept illegal aliens in their state, pick up and ship them out, charge it to the feds, DOJ tie it up in the courts.any EO that is not constitutional just ignore, executive branch does not make law. they are suppose to enforce the law, which they don't.then when complain sue them..
Red states can begin exporting illegal aliens to Blue Plantation states similar to Mayor Deblasio's shipping homeless to other states.
Indeed, isn't it amazing that we 'elected' a government that has labeled its largest
demographic a domestic enemy while simultaneously erasing any benefit of citizenship. Illegals are now not illegal, can murder to be released at the border, yet get free healthcare with thousands of dollars per family just to be here. This is the tail wagging the dog.
For years I have suspected elected Democrats are being paid kickbacks by the Mexican Cartels. The D.C. Swamp is corrupt to the core.

Since the FBI works for the Democratic Party we will never know for sure.
Human Trafficking, Fentanyl, and a 'Parallel Government' at the Border
Human Trafficking, Fentanyl, and a 'Parallel Government' at the Border – PJ Media
12 Mar 2021 ~~ By Stacey Lennox
Reports from the border indicate a crisis is looming. Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security asked for volunteers from senior staff to support border agents, warning they expect high numbers of border crossings to continue for months. ICE has asked officers to deploy as soon as this weekend. A record number of unaccompanied minors have also arrived. Internal memos show 3,500 children were waiting in border control stations in addition to the 8,500 already housed in HHS shelters awaiting placement. Yes, this means the Biden administration has children in the “cages” the Obama administration built.
While these flows at the border are a significant concern, a pressing question is who is profiting and how it increases their power. According to Jaeson Jones, retired captain of the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division, the beneficiaries are cartels. He now runs an organization called Tripwires and Triggers that seeks to bring media attention to the border risks that do not receive sufficient coverage.
It was never about the human trafficking that was taking over at our border. Or the human smuggling issue. Fentanyl pouring into the country which we knew was going to be a killer. But there is also the fact that the cartels themselves had gone through a quantum leap and change from originally organized crime into what we see now as a parallel government.​
In his description, it is clear that these are not unsophisticated gangs that may operate in a territory but don’t control it. They are disciplined, militarized, transnational organizations that wield power over local and national governments to the south of our border. Cartels are not just a U.S.-Mexico problem. Sinaloa is in 54 nations globally, and Carte Jalisco in over 48 countries.
Cartels control the entire 2,000 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. They have strong links to China to procure the raw materials required to manufacture crystal meth and fentanyl to traffic into the United States. Their ties go so deep with China that there is intermarriage between them. One cartel has hired chemists to find a formulation of fentanyl that has precursors readily available in Mexico to diversify their supply chain.

In 2018, The Federalist’s Ben Domenech warned of the threat of a failed state to our south after the cartels had murdered 113 candidates for political office and their staff members. He said at that time that he didn’t think Congress had the will to grasp the seriousness of the situation and do what was required. Listening to Jones, the threat of a failed state is now on our doorstep, and it is almost sure the Biden administration will not address it.

WATCH the full interview with Jaeson Jones on American Thought Leaders.

Meanwhile, Chyna Joey Xi and those that control him have opened the border to illegal immigration, Human trafficking and increased drug smuggling of Chinese Manufacrured Fentanyl and Methamphetamine.
Their decision to rescind Trump's border Executive Orders are stupid beyond mere ignorance, demented, incompetent and vindictive to America's National Security and has put all Americans in eminent danger.
Follow the money and If you dig deep enough you will find connections between the cartels and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Party. It is a coordinated operation.
The situation is more, much much more than just human trafficking., and of course, and as expected, the Quisling dishonest media, does not inform the American public.
According to the Qusling Media there is no crisis at the border and Antifa and BLM are peaceful protesters, the border wall racist and immoral, deny immigration crisis

Yes, Trump made all that stop, not.
Yes, Trump made all that stop, not.

Actually, he did stop a large part of the smuggling and crossing of illegal aliens into America. He did complete 452 miles of border wall, made a deal with Mexico to keep the illegals on their side of the border and slowed the smuggling of drugs by allowing Customs and border guards to concentrate on smuggling rather than being caretakers of the illegals.

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