Hugo Chavez endorses John Edwards


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
Okay, not really, but close. Actually it's Danny Glover, fan and business partner of Hugo Chavez. It seems that Edwards and Glover have been/will be traveling the country together discussing Edwards' vision for the poor. According to Glover, Edwards understands the needs of the working poor and that the campaign is telling their story. "This is a campaign about real democracy," Glover said. Um...forgive my skepticism, but I don't think Edwards understands the first damn thing about the working poor, $400 haircuts? Twenty eight thousand square foot homes? Yeah, uh huh, riiight. I doubt that any of the candidates from either side understand the needs of the working poor. Maybe a few of them did at one time, but by now they are so far removed from the average American and their own, possible, humble roots that they would be lying if they said otherwise.

Back on topic...

I'm not sure that teaming up with Danny Glover is the best idea Edwards has ever had. I am of the opinion, based on the things he's said, that Glover is as far left as a person can be. Socialist would apply, communist would probably be appropriate as well. Is Edwards a socialist? A communist?

Somehow I don't think that Glover will be an asset for Edwards, but then again, I don't think he has a chance to win the nomination.
Do you really hate your fellow Americans that much for simply disagreeing with your politics?
John Edwards has either gone off the deep end, or he thinks that no one is paying attention. What in the world does he expect to gain by connecting with a extreme leftist nut like Danny Glover? Glover actually made me root for the Predator in Predator II. If by some miracle Edwards wins the Demo nomination, he will have moved so far left that he will have zero chance in the general election. Before he went to the left of looney left, I thought Edwards would probably be the toughest of the Demos for the Republicans to beat in 11/08. But now if I was a Republican candidate, I would be praying Edwards wins the nomination. Left of Left. The Edwards campaign slogan.
Do you really hate your fellow Americans that much for simply disagreeing with your politics?

I don't hate anyone (well, maybe my ex-wife, but that's not political). I'd go see Glover's movies, but I wouldn't vote for him, and I would question anyone seeking his endorsement. How is that or anything I posted originally hateful?

I'm just not sure that Danny Glover's endorsement is a good thing and I don't think that Edwards, or any other candidate, Republican or Democrat, knows the thing about what it's like to be among the wotking poor in America.
I think calling people names which are not representative of their views is being hateful.

When has Danny Glover ever said he was a communist?
I think calling people names which are not representative of their views is being hateful.

When has Danny Glover ever said he was a communist?

Geez, you'd think I had used the "N" word, LOL. I did say that it was my opinion.

I am of the opinion, based on the things he's said, that Glover is as far left as a person can be. Socialist would apply, communist would probably be appropriate as well. Is Edwards a socialist? A communist?

I would say that his support of Hugo Chavez could lead a person to question his politics. That, in turn, makes me question the John Edwards decision to accept his endorsement.

Danny Glover has done a lot of very good things, supporting Hugo Chavez just isn't one of them.
You can work with people from other countries without beig a communist
This is disturbing:


Edwards' embracing an endorsement from a guy who embraces a socialist dictator is as dense as calling the War on Terror a bumper sticker. Who is Edwards' campaign advisor?
You can work with people from other countries without beig a communist

You are absolutely correct. I'm simply asking questions trying to generate a discussion, about whether or not it is wise of Edwards to accept the endorsement of a man whose politics many people may question, people who may in turn question just how far left Edwards leans.

And just so you don't think I'm some neo-con jerk I truly do not lean that far right, I'm so in the middle that I dodge trucks), I also question Fred Thompson's accepting some of Bush's crew into his campaign. Talk about tying a stone around your neck. I want Fred to run, but I do not want any of Bush's gangs influence anywhere near the man.
May be under what kind of question?'

He is an American adn many people have lots of respect for the good works he does.

The only people who will take any exception to it are people who would never vote Dem anyway.
I think calling people names which are not representative of their views is being hateful.

They often refer to white nationalists as "white supremacists," but I've never met a white nationalist who wanted to be "supreme" over another race, just live apart.

But I doubt you'd worry about that distinction, so who's the real hater?

Danny Glover and Hugo Chavez, speaking of accuracy, don't really mean "the poor." If they did, they'd be hanging out in the mountains and coal country with poor whites. They mean BLACKS and HISPANICS and anyone who isn't white. And I also seriously doubt they'd exclude RICH blacks and Hispanics from their company!
If you want to live in a white only country why do you stay here?

What you want will NEVER happen here.
If you truely thought that other races were equal to you there would be no reason to separate from them.
If you truely thought that other races were equal to you there would be no reason to separate from them.

I don't think races are equal. They aren't, in fact. The biggest lie of the 20th Century, and now, is that races are equal.

But you've inadvertently hit upon a curious contradiction of the liberal view of race. If YOU GUYS truly thought races were equal, there would be no need for affirmative action, "civil rights" laws, etc. But it's not "racial equality" you believe in, it's robbing from whites to give to blacks.

Moreover, if races were truly "all equal," then it wouldn't matter who lived where or with whom, really. We'd all be free to go our separate ways and nobody could bitch. But the truth is that if blacks and whites went their separate ways - Hispanics, too - blacks and Hispanics would slide into Third-World conditions in a matter of MONTHS. That's because they can't by themselves maintain good societies like whites can. They sponge off us. You know this is the painful truth.
I think calling people names which are not representative of their views is being hateful.

When has Danny Glover ever said he was a communist?

Then I would say you're the hater truth of many people on this board. You have mischaracterized my views and many others on this board on several occasions. Most recently in this very thread.
Is Edwards a socialist? A communist?

You'd either have to be several bricks short of a load to even remotely believe that Edwards is a communist, or be utterly clueless to what communism is.

Having said that, Edwards hasn't got a chance. Too much class antagonism, and too far to the Left.
You'd either have to be several bricks short of a load to even remotely believe that Edwards is a communist, or be utterly clueless to what communism is.

Having said that, Edwards hasn't got a chance. Too much class antagonism, and too far to the Left.

Gee that made sense. First you say Edwards is far from a communist, then state he's to far to the left? Last I checked communism was a ways to left also on the political spectrum.
Gee that made sense. First you say Edwards is far from a communist, then state he's to far to the left? Last I checked communism was a ways to left also on the political spectrum.

Perhaps if you're in the John Birch Society, everything "Left" seems communist.

He's too far left to be elected President of the United States.

That does not make him a Communist.

I cannot believe I have to explain this.

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