Huffington Post to Steve Bannon: "GOY, BYE!"


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
What a racist headline! More proof the left is Anti-White as well as Anti-American. They will never destroy Trumps base, the silent White majority.


HuffPo Sparks Backlash With Bizarre ‘Goy’ Headline For Bannon - The Daily Caller
Yeah he's just celebrated in the white supremacist community and pushes for legislation sought by white supremacists out of coincidence

Still no evidence.

The KKK donate to Hillary. So what?

If Bannon is a White Supremacist he is the worst one in history

We never said he was competent
You also never proved he was a white supremacist...then again, snowflakes have never been big on providing 'evidence'. :p
Yeah he's just celebrated in the white supremacist community and pushes for legislation sought by white supremacists out of coincidence
yea, how much difference is there between your beliefs and Stalin, statist? Are we to assume you are a stalinist?

What stupid fucking logic.
If Bannon is a White Supremacist he is the worst one in history

We never said he was competent
You also never proved he was a white supremacist...then again, snowflakes have never been big on providing 'evidence'. :p
Yeah he's just celebrated in the white supremacist community and pushes for legislation sought by white supremacists out of coincidence
yea, how much difference is there between your beliefs and Stalin, statist? Are we to assume you are a stalinist?

What stupid fucking logic.
What? :cuckoo:
Okay, I'm confused. At first about what in the heck is Goy? But after seeing the article this new confusion is about the OP photo and wondering what make/model vehicle is Bannon standing in front of? Now if it was a 1950's or 60's American car, to identify it I probably would need a lot less than what's in this photo.

Not sorry to see Bannon go, I think a lot of Trump's troubles just went away. At least I that's what I hope. Not for Trump's sake but for America's sake.
If Bannon is a White Supremacist he is the worst one in history

We never said he was competent
You also never proved he was a white supremacist...then again, snowflakes have never been big on providing 'evidence'. :p
Yeah he's just celebrated in the white supremacist community and pushes for legislation sought by white supremacists out of coincidence
yea, how much difference is there between your beliefs and Stalin, statist? Are we to assume you are a stalinist?

What stupid fucking logic.
What? :cuckoo:
That response isnt a surprise at all. At least one thing about you is consistent.. Your dishonesty.
A "Goy" is what so-called Jewish people call non-so-called Jewish people. It is short for "cattle."
If Bannon is a White Supremacist he is the worst one in history

We never said he was competent
You also never proved he was a white supremacist...then again, snowflakes have never been big on providing 'evidence'. :p
Check out some of Breitbart's headlines when Bannon was there. Since you're a devoted reader of the racist rag I'm sure you saw them then you come here and lie about it.
Your MO.
informal derogatory
  1. a Jewish name for a non-Jew.
If Bannon is a White Supremacist he is the worst one in history

We never said he was competent
You also never proved he was a white supremacist...then again, snowflakes have never been big on providing 'evidence'. :p
Check out some of Breitbart's headlines when Bannon was there. Since you're a devoted reader of the racist rag I'm sure you saw them then you come here and lie about it.
Your MO.

Mr alt right giving directions in the WH.

dogs sleep with dogs .

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