How’s the far left going to handle freedom of speech now?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
After the midterms that is.

I had to say as someone who voted mostly Republican… I felt a gut punch. I wonder based on the election results how will freedom of speech be treated in going forward? Will the Democrats continue to embrace anti-freedom of speech people like BLM ? Will the Democrats continue to support cancel culture? Or will Democrats take this opportunity to fix the economy and figure out how to gain even more voters while at the same time standing up to BLM and the far left.

For the past two years the far left has unleashed attacks on all sorts of conservatives and Republicans. Starting in the summer of 2020 with the BLM riots all over the country. This was the attack on democracy. The past two years saw groups like BLM tear down and destroy statues of history. There was no committee about this no committee about the over 20 murders by BLM rioters. The wanton destruction of historical statues could also be viewed as racially motivated. …again nothing about this from the far left or even leading Democrats. All they could talk about was how bad Donald Trump was and the January 6 supporters.

It’s all about how bad “ maga “ is. That was the Democrat message. So we will see how inflation in the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden. I am a democrat btw but I voted practically for all Republicans on the ticket with exception to one local….So we will see how inflation and the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden.

It would’ve been nice to see a republican become governor of New York but that did not happen. I voted for Lee Zeldin I was very upset to see him not become governor of York but it’s not too much of a surprise considering the state has been blue for the past few decades….Zeldin had a great showing to watch out for him in the future..

In any event back to the point right now the economy is brutal looking at grocery store items we are seeing a 50 to 100% increase in some of the items. When politicians say that there is no inflation like some Democrats have said that is very much upsetting people.

We can say what we want about the election results…. the bottom line is our Economy is not in a good state. The gas price is high , prices at the grocery stores makes things unbearable for working class people. So the hope is that These issues get resolved. Will the new government fix the economy will they actually bring the solutions forth? or are they going keep talking about race , keep talking about nonsense like January 6 when they do nothing about the violence of the far left?

After these midterms will we see more shut downs on freedom of speech ? Will we see left politicians urging Elon musk and Twitter to keep Trump off of Twitter?
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The dems think they have some kind of retarded mandate....They will double down on stupid....As usual.
I wonder what they’re going to do about cancel culture? And things like affirmative action as we go forward.

In 2022 we should have a society based on mutual respect. One were statues of Christopher Columbus are not torn down by far left mobs. And where one’s race is not a determining factor when it comes to getting into a college or getting a job.
freedom of speech is a Gift from God. anyone who takes it away is an enemy of God
After the midterms that is.

I had to say as someone who voted mostly Republican… I felt a gut punch. I wonder based on the election results how will freedom of speech be treated in going forward? Will the Democrats continue to embrace anti-freedom of speech people like BLM ? Will the Democrats continue to support cancel culture? Or will Democrats take this opportunity to fix the economy and figure out how to gain even more voters while at the same time standing up to BLM and the far left.

For the past two years the far left has unleashed attacks on all sorts of conservatives and Republicans. Starting in the summer of 2020 with the BLM riots all over the country. This was the attack on democracy. The past two years saw groups like BLM tear down and destroy statues of history. There was no committee about this no committee about the over 20 murders by BLM rioters. The wanton destruction of historical statues could also be viewed as racially motivated. …again nothing about this from the far left or even leading Democrats. All they could talk about was how bad Donald Trump was and the January 6 supporters.

It’s all about how bad “ maga “ is. That was the Democrat message. So we will see how inflation in the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden. I am a democrat btw but I voted practically for all Republicans on the ticket with exception to one local….So we will see how inflation and the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden.

It would’ve been nice to see a republican become governor of New York but that did not happen. I voted for Lee Zeldin I was very upset to see him not become governor of York but it’s not too much of a surprise considering the state has been blue for the past few decades….Zeldin had a great showing to watch out for him in the future..

In any event back to the point right now the economy is brutal looking at grocery store items we are seeing a 50 to 100% increase in some of the items. When politicians say that there is no inflation like some Democrats have said that is very much upsetting people.

We can say what we want about the election results…. the bottom line is our Economy is not in a good state. The gas price is high , prices at the grocery stores makes things unbearable for working class people. So the hope is that These issues get resolved. Will the new government fix the economy will they actually bring the solutions forth? or are they going keep talking about race , keep talking about nonsense like January 6 when they do nothing about the violence of the far left?

After these midterms will we see more shut downs on freedom of speech ? Will we see left politicians urging Elon musk and Twitter to keep Trump off of Twitter?
TL;DR. The election’s over, time for gloating and moping. :itsok:
After the midterms that is.

I had to say as someone who voted mostly Republican… I felt a gut punch. I wonder based on the election results how will freedom of speech be treated in going forward? Will the Democrats continue to embrace anti-freedom of speech people like BLM ? Will the Democrats continue to support cancel culture? Or will Democrats take this opportunity to fix the economy and figure out how to gain even more voters while at the same time standing up to BLM and the far left.

For the past two years the far left has unleashed attacks on all sorts of conservatives and Republicans. Starting in the summer of 2020 with the BLM riots all over the country. This was the attack on democracy. The past two years saw groups like BLM tear down and destroy statues of history. There was no committee about this no committee about the over 20 murders by BLM rioters. The wanton destruction of historical statues could also be viewed as racially motivated. …again nothing about this from the far left or even leading Democrats. All they could talk about was how bad Donald Trump was and the January 6 supporters.

It’s all about how bad “ maga “ is. That was the Democrat message. So we will see how inflation in the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden. I am a democrat btw but I voted practically for all Republicans on the ticket with exception to one local….So we will see how inflation and the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden.

It would’ve been nice to see a republican become governor of New York but that did not happen. I voted for Lee Zeldin I was very upset to see him not become governor of York but it’s not too much of a surprise considering the state has been blue for the past few decades….Zeldin had a great showing to watch out for him in the future..

In any event back to the point right now the economy is brutal looking at grocery store items we are seeing a 50 to 100% increase in some of the items. When politicians say that there is no inflation like some Democrats have said that is very much upsetting people.

We can say what we want about the election results…. the bottom line is our Economy is not in a good state. The gas price is high , prices at the grocery stores makes things unbearable for working class people. So the hope is that These issues get resolved. Will the new government fix the economy will they actually bring the solutions forth? or are they going keep talking about race , keep talking about nonsense like January 6 when they do nothing about the violence of the far left?

After these midterms will we see more shut downs on freedom of speech ? Will we see left politicians urging Elon musk and Twitter to keep Trump off of Twitter?
THe election was a rejection of populist Trump politics.
THe election was a rejection of populist Trump politics.

Actually Trump won bigly.

Both Houses of Congress.

Democrats lost. All over the country. But especially in Florida.

And Trump is still the Republican frontrunner with an unsurpassed record of 200-19 for endorsements, that's a 10:1 ratio. No one has that. Not one single Dem has that.

Nothing has changed. More total fucking lies from the leftards. Any time a leftard opens its mouth, it's lying.
TL;DR. The election’s over, time for gloating and moping. :itsok:
Kill each other. Maim and torutr each other. When the worst happens, no men will follow prog women. Just like the ghettos. Only they know there uis a current stream of money sent to them by taxpayers.
They will handle it the same way North Korea handles it. Obama already told us that he is going to determine what we hear and read and what we don't, then told us they were doing it for our own good...
We used to be able to decide that for ourselves...
Decide for yourself?!?! Trump makes all the decisions. Did you check in first? IMO, don’t see him agreeing with someone that far off the reservation.
After the midterms that is.

I had to say as someone who voted mostly Republican… I felt a gut punch. I wonder based on the election results how will freedom of speech be treated in going forward? Will the Democrats continue to embrace anti-freedom of speech people like BLM ? Will the Democrats continue to support cancel culture? Or will Democrats take this opportunity to fix the economy and figure out how to gain even more voters while at the same time standing up to BLM and the far left.

For the past two years the far left has unleashed attacks on all sorts of conservatives and Republicans. Starting in the summer of 2020 with the BLM riots all over the country. This was the attack on democracy. The past two years saw groups like BLM tear down and destroy statues of history. There was no committee about this no committee about the over 20 murders by BLM rioters. The wanton destruction of historical statues could also be viewed as racially motivated. …again nothing about this from the far left or even leading Democrats. All they could talk about was how bad Donald Trump was and the January 6 supporters.

It’s all about how bad “ maga “ is. That was the Democrat message. So we will see how inflation in the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden. I am a democrat btw but I voted practically for all Republicans on the ticket with exception to one local….So we will see how inflation and the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden.

It would’ve been nice to see a republican become governor of New York but that did not happen. I voted for Lee Zeldin I was very upset to see him not become governor of York but it’s not too much of a surprise considering the state has been blue for the past few decades….Zeldin had a great showing to watch out for him in the future..

In any event back to the point right now the economy is brutal looking at grocery store items we are seeing a 50 to 100% increase in some of the items. When politicians say that there is no inflation like some Democrats have said that is very much upsetting people.

We can say what we want about the election results…. the bottom line is our Economy is not in a good state. The gas price is high , prices at the grocery stores makes things unbearable for working class people. So the hope is that These issues get resolved. Will the new government fix the economy will they actually bring the solutions forth? or are they going keep talking about race , keep talking about nonsense like January 6 when they do nothing about the violence of the far left?

After these midterms will we see more shut downs on freedom of speech ? Will we see left politicians urging Elon musk and Twitter to keep Trump off of Twitter?
When will dipshit Republicans learn what their Free Speech Rights actually entails? 😄
After the midterms that is.

I had to say as someone who voted mostly Republican… I felt a gut punch. I wonder based on the election results how will freedom of speech be treated in going forward? Will the Democrats continue to embrace anti-freedom of speech people like BLM ? Will the Democrats continue to support cancel culture? Or will Democrats take this opportunity to fix the economy and figure out how to gain even more voters while at the same time standing up to BLM and the far left.

For the past two years the far left has unleashed attacks on all sorts of conservatives and Republicans. Starting in the summer of 2020 with the BLM riots all over the country. This was the attack on democracy. The past two years saw groups like BLM tear down and destroy statues of history. There was no committee about this no committee about the over 20 murders by BLM rioters. The wanton destruction of historical statues could also be viewed as racially motivated. …again nothing about this from the far left or even leading Democrats. All they could talk about was how bad Donald Trump was and the January 6 supporters.

It’s all about how bad “ maga “ is. That was the Democrat message. So we will see how inflation in the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden. I am a democrat btw but I voted practically for all Republicans on the ticket with exception to one local….So we will see how inflation and the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden.

It would’ve been nice to see a republican become governor of New York but that did not happen. I voted for Lee Zeldin I was very upset to see him not become governor of York but it’s not too much of a surprise considering the state has been blue for the past few decades….Zeldin had a great showing to watch out for him in the future..

In any event back to the point right now the economy is brutal looking at grocery store items we are seeing a 50 to 100% increase in some of the items. When politicians say that there is no inflation like some Democrats have said that is very much upsetting people.

We can say what we want about the election results…. the bottom line is our Economy is not in a good state. The gas price is high , prices at the grocery stores makes things unbearable for working class people. So the hope is that These issues get resolved. Will the new government fix the economy will they actually bring the solutions forth? or are they going keep talking about race , keep talking about nonsense like January 6 when they do nothing about the violence of the far left?

After these midterms will we see more shut downs on freedom of speech ? Will we see left politicians urging Elon musk and Twitter to keep Trump off of Twitter?

Do you know what "freedom of speech" is? It's not taken away or infringed upon by people "launching attacks". It's when the government stops you from expressing your opinion, like, by locking you up if you criticize them.

That's not the case.
After the midterms that is.

I had to say as someone who voted mostly Republican… I felt a gut punch. I wonder based on the election results how will freedom of speech be treated in going forward? Will the Democrats continue to embrace anti-freedom of speech people like BLM ? Will the Democrats continue to support cancel culture? Or will Democrats take this opportunity to fix the economy and figure out how to gain even more voters while at the same time standing up to BLM and the far left.

For the past two years the far left has unleashed attacks on all sorts of conservatives and Republicans. Starting in the summer of 2020 with the BLM riots all over the country. This was the attack on democracy. The past two years saw groups like BLM tear down and destroy statues of history. There was no committee about this no committee about the over 20 murders by BLM rioters. The wanton destruction of historical statues could also be viewed as racially motivated. …again nothing about this from the far left or even leading Democrats. All they could talk about was how bad Donald Trump was and the January 6 supporters.

It’s all about how bad “ maga “ is. That was the Democrat message. So we will see how inflation in the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden. I am a democrat btw but I voted practically for all Republicans on the ticket with exception to one local….So we will see how inflation and the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden.

It would’ve been nice to see a republican become governor of New York but that did not happen. I voted for Lee Zeldin I was very upset to see him not become governor of York but it’s not too much of a surprise considering the state has been blue for the past few decades….Zeldin had a great showing to watch out for him in the future..

In any event back to the point right now the economy is brutal looking at grocery store items we are seeing a 50 to 100% increase in some of the items. When politicians say that there is no inflation like some Democrats have said that is very much upsetting people.

We can say what we want about the election results…. the bottom line is our Economy is not in a good state. The gas price is high , prices at the grocery stores makes things unbearable for working class people. So the hope is that These issues get resolved. Will the new government fix the economy will they actually bring the solutions forth? or are they going keep talking about race , keep talking about nonsense like January 6 when they do nothing about the violence of the far left?

After these midterms will we see more shut downs on freedom of speech ? Will we see left politicians urging Elon musk and Twitter to keep Trump off of Twitter?
That you think the Democrats are far left completely invalidates your claims.

Democrats would silence every leftist in the country if they could, along with every conservative.
Do you know what "freedom of speech" is? It's not taken away or infringed upon by people "launching attacks". It's when the government stops you from expressing your opinion, like, by locking you up if you criticize them.

That's not the case.

Do you know what a WEASEL is?

A weasel is someone who, even though the First Amendment says THOU SHALT NOT, finds a backdoor way to do it anyway.

YES, the government has locked people up for criticizing their lies about the Covid vaccines. That is illegal, unconstitutional, and completely un-American.

If they're going to be going down that path they really WILL get an armed revolution, and it won't take long either.

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