How’s the far left going to handle freedom of speech now?

Do you know what "freedom of speech" is? It's not taken away or infringed upon by people "launching attacks". It's when the government stops you from expressing your opinion, like, by locking you up if you criticize them.

That's not the case.
We certainly have freedom of speech within our household and in a number of settings in this country. To your point. So the fact of the matter is we don’t have the same freedom of speech though in 2022 that we did 10 years ago. The government is playing a role in influencing people to believe that Republicans and Trump supporters are Nazis. That’s the problem. It’s a problem that we have leading Democrats who are for silencing free-speech.

We all know that Twitter, YouTube Facebook have selectively silenced conservatives. To your point that is a slippery slope that is dangerous. It’s the kind of garbage we see in Third World countries.

It’s blatantly obvious with Twitter for example they allow the ayatollah of Iran but prevent Donald Trump from his freedom of speech. These are for all intents and purposes political platform you might called him private companies which they are they also serve as major political platform.

Now the government influences employers all over the country. We see this with far left Democrats influencing racism with regards to propping up companies that hire people based on their skin color not their skill set. We need a government that influences or even fines companies that openly admit to hiring people based on race. Whether it’s companies or universities for example. Like Harvard for example openly admits to accepting some applicants based on their skin color. None of this is acceptable in a civilized society.

What is also another form of intimidation or preventing freedom of speech/freedom of expression is the destruction of statues of Christopher Columbus which is an afferent to Italian Americans. Those statues represent Italian Americans. And there’s no logic to it because the statues of African figures of history like Mansa Musa who owns thousands of slaves …remain untouched and standing.

These midterms should be viewed as an opportunity for Democrats to once and for all go back to their traditional ways. Helping out the middle class, helping the workingman, fight for universal healthcare. Bring up the minimum wage , being proud of American history, and this would include standing up to and criticizing Black Lives Matter. BLM has no part of democratic history. They are an insult to not just America but to African history. It is vital that the leading democrats stand up for freedom of speech, freedom of expression. They’re not doing that right now and they have an opportunity to do so.
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IN case Augustine missed it. Obama will monitor what we hear and see for our own good.
April 21, 2022

‘Regulation has to be part of the answer’ to combating online disinformation, Barack Obama said at Stanford event.​

Ears should shut up and hang around bath houses. What a queen
Why just leftists? Can’t find any instances of the opposite? :rolleyes-41:
Show me one Conservative who stops Liberals from shouting.
Show me one Liberal who allows Conservatives to speak.

Check out the universities across the US who are banning Conservatives speech.
After the midterms that is.

I had to say as someone who voted mostly Republican… I felt a gut punch. I wonder based on the election results how will freedom of speech be treated in going forward? Will the Democrats continue to embrace anti-freedom of speech people like BLM ? Will the Democrats continue to support cancel culture? Or will Democrats take this opportunity to fix the economy and figure out how to gain even more voters while at the same time standing up to BLM and the far left.

For the past two years the far left has unleashed attacks on all sorts of conservatives and Republicans. Starting in the summer of 2020 with the BLM riots all over the country. This was the attack on democracy. The past two years saw groups like BLM tear down and destroy statues of history. There was no committee about this no committee about the over 20 murders by BLM rioters. The wanton destruction of historical statues could also be viewed as racially motivated. …again nothing about this from the far left or even leading Democrats. All they could talk about was how bad Donald Trump was and the January 6 supporters.

It’s all about how bad “ maga “ is. That was the Democrat message. So we will see how inflation in the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden. I am a democrat btw but I voted practically for all Republicans on the ticket with exception to one local….So we will see how inflation and the economy goes my hope is that our economy gets better I am rooting for President Biden.

It would’ve been nice to see a republican become governor of New York but that did not happen. I voted for Lee Zeldin I was very upset to see him not become governor of York but it’s not too much of a surprise considering the state has been blue for the past few decades….Zeldin had a great showing to watch out for him in the future..

In any event back to the point right now the economy is brutal looking at grocery store items we are seeing a 50 to 100% increase in some of the items. When politicians say that there is no inflation like some Democrats have said that is very much upsetting people.

We can say what we want about the election results…. the bottom line is our Economy is not in a good state. The gas price is high , prices at the grocery stores makes things unbearable for working class people. So the hope is that These issues get resolved. Will the new government fix the economy will they actually bring the solutions forth? or are they going keep talking about race , keep talking about nonsense like January 6 when they do nothing about the violence of the far left?

After these midterms will we see more shut downs on freedom of speech ? Will we see left politicians urging Elon musk and Twitter to keep Trump off of Twitter?
Which party is it which has banned books in libraries, again?

Which party is it that punished Disney for being supportive of gays again?

If you really want to remove the cancel culture mote from the Democrats' eye, you need to remove the beam from your own eye first.
Which party is it which has banned books in libraries, again?

Which party is it that punished Disney for being supportive of gays again?

If you really want to remove the cancel culture mote from the Democrats' eye, you need to remove the beam from your own eye first.
Banning books? Democrats.
Practicing Capitalism? Republicans.
Not watching politically correct movies or TV shows? Everyone.

Care to take another tact?
Banning books? Democrats.
Practicing Capitalism? Republicans.
Not watching politically correct movies or TV shows? Everyone.

Care to take another tact?
Nice try.

And what was done to Disney was not capitalism. It was government abuse. You are truly an idiot.
The Dems frightened a lot of baby killer advocates. is all; that upped the turnout for their scumbaggery. Taking persona responsibility is way out of fashion, and Inconvenience is a giant taboo in BurbBrat land, worthy of a death sentence.
Nice try.

And what was done to Disney was not capitalism. It was government abuse. You are truly an idiot.
One whole Texas lawmaker while universities all across the US want to ban Conservatives from even attending.
Which party is it which has banned books in libraries, again?

Which party is it that punished Disney for being supportive of gays again?

If you really want to remove the cancel culture mote from the Democrats' eye, you need to remove the beam from your own eye first.
No one said you couldn't sell those books in a porn shop, just not in a kindergarten class...

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