How would you define someone that puts their political agenda over the best interests of America?


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
They cannot use ignorance as an excuse as most of them well understand that Biden is not competent to be President....they are of course stupid to say the least but it goes beyond even stupidity....woids dat come to mind--traitors, intense hatred of Trump that has driven them into the realms of insanity aka TDS --and even worse than all of that....followers of Satan--I am convinced.

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They cannot use ignorance as an excuse as most of them well understand that Biden is not competent to be President....they are of course stupid to say the least but it goes beyond even stupidity....woids dat come to mind--traitors, intense hatred of Trump that has driven them into the realms of insanity aka TDS --and even worse than all of that....followers of Satan--I am convinced.
Still trying to sell that load that no on believes? Biden is no more incompetent, senile or bedridden than Trump which makes it a perfectly even race as far as nursing home rules are concerned. We do enjoy your BDS on TDS...
Biden is no more incompetent, senile or bedridden than Trump

Trump says things you may not agree with and he sometimes says them in a non-PC fashion. Biden says non-sensible things. He puts words together that don't even go together. In all seriousness, he has dementia. It is really sad and I am not making fun of him, but those that stick up for him and act as if they don't see it are just fools.

'No one thinks much about the Devil anymore. In fact, words like witchcraft and black magic have a strangely medieval ring to our ears. Many people even think of Satan as somehow comic -- and therefore harmless. Yet amidst the tragedy and corruption of our own century, it is ironic that many people doubt whether an active, evil force really exists. But Satan is not dead, says author Hal Lindsey; he has simply adopted a more modern style. Spiritualism, astrology, "new age" religion -- all of these and more are signs of the creeping influence of the Father of Lies in our time.' In this book, Hal Lindsey, well-known speaker and author of the best-selling Late Great Planet Earth
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Biden is no more incompetent, senile or bedridden than Trump

Trump says things you may not agree with and he sometimes says them in a non-PC fashion. Biden says non-sensible things. He puts words together that don't even go together. In all seriousness, he has dementia. It is really sad and I am not making fun of him, but those that stick up for him and act as if they don't see it are just fools.

Much worse than fools .....they are the embodiment of evil and thus followers of Satan.
They cannot use ignorance as an excuse as most of them well understand that Biden is not competent to be President....they are of course stupid to say the least but it goes beyond even stupidity....woids dat come to mind--traitors, intense hatred of Trump that has driven them into the realms of insanity aka TDS --and even worse than all of that....followers of Satan--I am convinced.

This is a no brainer .....

Only Leftist participate in said behavior.

Either through Ignorance or pure Hatred for America.

So of course .... they would be defined as LEFTIST !!!!
Those self centered people can be called traitors, POS, assholes, scumbags or robber barons. Most of them are Democrats or neocons. They're more dangerous to this country than those dog eating communist bastards in Red China.
The OP HAS done a great job of providing strong reasons to toss both parties aside because that is PRECISELY what they BOTH do. Party over america.
They cannot use ignorance as an excuse as most of them well understand that Biden is not competent to be President....they are of course stupid to say the least but it goes beyond even stupidity....woids dat come to mind--traitors, intense hatred of Trump that has driven them into the realms of insanity aka TDS --and even worse than all of that....followers of Satan--I am convinced.

This is a no brainer .....

Only Leftist participate in said behavior.

Either through Ignorance or pure Hatred for America.

So of course .... they would be defined as LEFTIST !!!!
Again unlike the people who consider themselves "Leftists" here are the facts.
Another reason for considering "LEFTIST" as evil is in my 2 years of high school Latin (Also known as the progenitor of 5 languages)
the Latin word for the noun.. "LEFT" is "sinistra" which is the basis for the word "sinister".
They cannot use ignorance as an excuse as most of them well understand that Biden is not competent to be President....they are of course stupid to say the least but it goes beyond even stupidity....woids dat come to mind--traitors, intense hatred of Trump that has driven them into the realms of insanity aka TDS --and even worse than all of that....followers of Satan--I am convinced.

Simple, republicans and Tramp!!
They cannot use ignorance as an excuse as most of them well understand that Biden is not competent to be President....they are of course stupid to say the least but it goes beyond even stupidity....woids dat come to mind--traitors, intense hatred of Trump that has driven them into the realms of insanity aka TDS --and even worse than all of that....followers of Satan--I am convinced.

Right wing practitioners of the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God) while alleging Any moral (majority) values.

The "King of the Right Wing" got elected by You not the left.

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Your Lord is Satan not the Jesus the Christ.
They cannot use ignorance as an excuse as most of them well understand that Biden is not competent to be President....they are of course stupid to say the least but it goes beyond even stupidity....woids dat come to mind--traitors, intense hatred of Trump that has driven them into the realms of insanity aka TDS --and even worse than all of that....followers of Satan--I am convinced.

you are describing trump and his cronies and fox news

and yourself

trump is not fit nor competent to be president of this country
They cannot use ignorance as an excuse as most of them well understand that Biden is not competent to be President....they are of course stupid to say the least but it goes beyond even stupidity....woids dat come to mind--traitors, intense hatred of Trump that has driven them into the realms of insanity aka TDS --and even worse than all of that....followers of Satan--I am convinced.

Got news for you,you just described every president from Reagan all the way up to Obama down to the tee.Lol

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