How Woud We Survive Without Them?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Who would cook our burgers and fries? Or take-out Chinese food? Or Tacos?

Who would bus the tables or wash the dishes?

Who would keep the public and private gardens neat?

Who would own and operate all the 24 hour convenience stores?

Who would stand around outside the Home Depots or Lowe's, available to do all those dirty little jobs nobody else wants?

Think about that the next time you complain about "the dirty greasers" or the Indians or Sikhs in the local 7-11,

How many of the food stamp vultures or welfare kings and queens do you see doing these things?

Oh yeah - and like it or not, they DO pay taxes. Untold millions withheld from pay checks to go into phony accounts that nobody claims. The same with FICA and state and local withholdings. And, who pays sales taxes, property taxes, and all the rest while getting no benefits from paying them?

Think about it!!!
Who would cook our burgers and fries? Or take-out Chinese food? Or Tacos?

Who would bus the tables or wash the dishes?

Who would keep the public and private gardens neat?

Who would own and operate all the 24 hour convenience stores?

Who would stand around outside the Home Depots or Lowe's, available to do all those dirty little jobs nobody else wants?

Think about that the next time you complain about "the dirty greasers" or the Indians or Sikhs in the local 7-11,

How many of the food stamp vultures or welfare kings and queens do you see doing these things?

Oh yeah - and like it or not, they DO pay taxes. Untold millions withheld from pay checks to go into phony accounts that nobody claims. The same with FICA and state and local withholdings. And, who pays sales taxes, property taxes, and all the rest while getting no benefits from paying them?

Think about it!!!

Yes, illegals should be deported. Even the ones who do the things you list above.
Cut off welfare and you would see the labor market value plunge....

No, I don't think so. The illegal immigrants have helped to create a two tier wage system. If they were deported, and the welfare programs ended, I think the overall wage situation would increase. If a worker isn't paid enough they won't do the job. And if you get enough people refusing to work for shit wages the wages must increase. So long as you keep the illegals out of the country.
Cut off welfare and you would see the labor market value plunge....

No, I don't think so. The illegal immigrants have helped to create a two tier wage system. If they were deported, and the welfare programs ended, I think the overall wage situation would increase. If a worker isn't paid enough they won't do the job. And if you get enough people refusing to work for shit wages the wages must increase. So long as you keep the illegals out of the country.
I was referring to the citizens in the USA...And labor markets contract when you have many available for work, too few and wages increase, what we need is another plague to thin the herd...or another world war...
Cut off welfare and you would see the labor market value plunge....

No, I don't think so. The illegal immigrants have helped to create a two tier wage system. If they were deported, and the welfare programs ended, I think the overall wage situation would increase. If a worker isn't paid enough they won't do the job. And if you get enough people refusing to work for shit wages the wages must increase. So long as you keep the illegals out of the country.
I was referring to the citizens in the USA...And labor markets contract when you have many available for work, too few and wages increase, what we need is another plague to thin the herd...or another world war...

We really don't. But there is one coming anyway sad to say...
Cut off welfare and you would see the labor market value plunge....

No, I don't think so. The illegal immigrants have helped to create a two tier wage system. If they were deported, and the welfare programs ended, I think the overall wage situation would increase. If a worker isn't paid enough they won't do the job. And if you get enough people refusing to work for shit wages the wages must increase. So long as you keep the illegals out of the country.
I was referring to the citizens in the USA...And labor markets contract when you have many available for work, too few and wages increase, what we need is another plague to thin the herd...or another world war...

We really don't. But there is one coming anyway sad to say...
It's really past due according to historical trends....
Cut off welfare and you would see the labor market value plunge....

No, I don't think so. The illegal immigrants have helped to create a two tier wage system. If they were deported, and the welfare programs ended, I think the overall wage situation would increase. If a worker isn't paid enough they won't do the job. And if you get enough people refusing to work for shit wages the wages must increase. So long as you keep the illegals out of the country.
I was referring to the citizens in the USA...And labor markets contract when you have many available for work, too few and wages increase, what we need is another plague to thin the herd...or another world war...

No, we need to organize whole communities around a school system for managing jobs, education, services and management
just like how campus communities operate and develop mini cities for the population they serve. All communities can get organized
similarly, so all incoming students and workers get registered, just like enrolling in schools. If people are at varying levels of
social dependence or independence, the school system can manage that through programs designed to help people at each level to move upwards.
Cut off welfare and you would see the labor market value plunge....

No, I don't think so. The illegal immigrants have helped to create a two tier wage system. If they were deported, and the welfare programs ended, I think the overall wage situation would increase. If a worker isn't paid enough they won't do the job. And if you get enough people refusing to work for shit wages the wages must increase. So long as you keep the illegals out of the country.
I was referring to the citizens in the USA...And labor markets contract when you have many available for work, too few and wages increase, what we need is another plague to thin the herd...or another world war...

No, we need to organize whole communities around a school system for managing jobs, education, services and management
just like how campus communities operate and develop mini cities for the population they serve. All communities can get organized
similarly, so all incoming students and workers get registered, just like enrolling in schools. If people are at varying levels of
social dependence or independence, the school system can manage that through programs designed to help people at each level to move upwards.
Unfortunately corporate business tells the schools what they want taught for future employment, but nothing helps when those same corporations want to hire foreign peoples that will work for less.....What I found that works is having multiple trades..Yet vo-tech classes in many schools have ceased...
Who would cook our burgers and fries? Or take-out Chinese food? Or Tacos?

Who would bus the tables or wash the dishes?

Who would keep the public and private gardens neat?

Who would own and operate all the 24 hour convenience stores?

Who would stand around outside the Home Depots or Lowe's, available to do all those dirty little jobs nobody else wants?

Think about that the next time you complain about "the dirty greasers" or the Indians or Sikhs in the local 7-11,

How many of the food stamp vultures or welfare kings and queens do you see doing these things?

Oh yeah - and like it or not, they DO pay taxes. Untold millions withheld from pay checks to go into phony accounts that nobody claims. The same with FICA and state and local withholdings. And, who pays sales taxes, property taxes, and all the rest while getting no benefits from paying them?

Think about it!!!

I'm sure there are plenty of Americans who could use these jobs! I don't get what your point is. Is this sarcasm?
Cut off welfare and you would see the labor market value plunge....

No, I don't think so. The illegal immigrants have helped to create a two tier wage system. If they were deported, and the welfare programs ended, I think the overall wage situation would increase. If a worker isn't paid enough they won't do the job. And if you get enough people refusing to work for shit wages the wages must increase. So long as you keep the illegals out of the country.
I was referring to the citizens in the USA...And labor markets contract when you have many available for work, too few and wages increase, what we need is another plague to thin the herd...or another world war...

No, we need to organize whole communities around a school system for managing jobs, education, services and management
just like how campus communities operate and develop mini cities for the population they serve. All communities can get organized
similarly, so all incoming students and workers get registered, just like enrolling in schools. If people are at varying levels of
social dependence or independence, the school system can manage that through programs designed to help people at each level to move upwards.
Unfortunately corporate business tells the schools what they want taught for future employment, but nothing helps when those same corporations want to hire foreign peoples that will work for less.....What I found that works is having multiple trades..Yet vo-tech classes in many schools have ceased...

I attended four years of Vocational Agriculture at Redlands High School in southern California. It served a whole lot of my fellow classmates extremely well.

(I went into the Army upon graduation)
Who would cook our burgers and fries? Or take-out Chinese food? Or Tacos?

Who would bus the tables or wash the dishes?

Who would keep the public and private gardens neat?

Who would own and operate all the 24 hour convenience stores?

Who would stand around outside the Home Depots or Lowe's, available to do all those dirty little jobs nobody else wants?

Think about that the next time you complain about "the dirty greasers" or the Indians or Sikhs in the local 7-11,

How many of the food stamp vultures or welfare kings and queens do you see doing these things?

Oh yeah - and like it or not, they DO pay taxes. Untold millions withheld from pay checks to go into phony accounts that nobody claims. The same with FICA and state and local withholdings. And, who pays sales taxes, property taxes, and all the rest while getting no benefits from paying them?

Think about it!!!

I'm sure there are plenty of Americans who could use these jobs! I don't get what your point is. Is this sarcasm?

There was no sarcasm meant. It is a simple observation about what I see around me on a daily basis.

I ate breakfast at Denny's where all the cooks were Hispanic, along with the bussers/dishwashers.

I went to a casino where every one of the porters were Hispanics.

I passed a Lowe's and Home Depot where Hispanics stood in the parking lot seeking work.

Just a statement of fact.
Who would cook our burgers and fries? Or take-out Chinese food? Or Tacos?

Who would bus the tables or wash the dishes?

Who would keep the public and private gardens neat?

Who would own and operate all the 24 hour convenience stores?

Who would stand around outside the Home Depots or Lowe's, available to do all those dirty little jobs nobody else wants?

Think about that the next time you complain about "the dirty greasers" or the Indians or Sikhs in the local 7-11,

How many of the food stamp vultures or welfare kings and queens do you see doing these things?

Oh yeah - and like it or not, they DO pay taxes. Untold millions withheld from pay checks to go into phony accounts that nobody claims. The same with FICA and state and local withholdings. And, who pays sales taxes, property taxes, and all the rest while getting no benefits from paying them?

Think about it!!!

I'm sure there are plenty of Americans who could use these jobs! I don't get what your point is. Is this sarcasm?

There was no sarcasm meant. It is a simple observation about what I see around me on a daily basis.

I ate breakfast at Denny's where all the cooks were Hispanic, along with the bussers/dishwashers.

I went to a casino where every one of the porters were Hispanics.

I passed a Lowe's and Home Depot where Hispanics stood in the parking lot seeking work.

Just a statement of fact.

I have a big dream, I want to become an cheap-worker in the US. I'm cheap worker in my own country, now. I work for a US company's subsidiary in Hungary (CTDI). I get wage is approximately 600 HUF per hour ( aprox. 2 $ ). Similar factory jobs pay aprox. 7-9 dollars in the US.
Who would cook our burgers and fries? Or take-out Chinese food? Or Tacos?

Who would bus the tables or wash the dishes?

Who would keep the public and private gardens neat?

Who would own and operate all the 24 hour convenience stores?

Who would stand around outside the Home Depots or Lowe's, available to do all those dirty little jobs nobody else wants?

Think about that the next time you complain about "the dirty greasers" or the Indians or Sikhs in the local 7-11,

How many of the food stamp vultures or welfare kings and queens do you see doing these things?

Oh yeah - and like it or not, they DO pay taxes. Untold millions withheld from pay checks to go into phony accounts that nobody claims. The same with FICA and state and local withholdings. And, who pays sales taxes, property taxes, and all the rest while getting no benefits from paying them?

Think about it!!!
Thinking about it .... and 50 years ago, before all this extra market immigration, all these jobs you mention paid a living wage that white people worked at. And people achieved survival without 24 hour stores and junk food. Even women had better shapes without these conveniences. Think about it ....
Who would cook our burgers and fries? Or take-out Chinese food? Or Tacos?

Who would bus the tables or wash the dishes?

Who would keep the public and private gardens neat?

Who would own and operate all the 24 hour convenience stores?

Who would stand around outside the Home Depots or Lowe's, available to do all those dirty little jobs nobody else wants?

Think about that the next time you complain about "the dirty greasers" or the Indians or Sikhs in the local 7-11,

How many of the food stamp vultures or welfare kings and queens do you see doing these things?

Oh yeah - and like it or not, they DO pay taxes. Untold millions withheld from pay checks to go into phony accounts that nobody claims. The same with FICA and state and local withholdings. And, who pays sales taxes, property taxes, and all the rest while getting no benefits from paying them?

Think about it!!!

I'm sure there are plenty of Americans who could use these jobs! I don't get what your point is. Is this sarcasm?

There was no sarcasm meant. It is a simple observation about what I see around me on a daily basis.

I ate breakfast at Denny's where all the cooks were Hispanic, along with the bussers/dishwashers.

I went to a casino where every one of the porters were Hispanics.

I passed a Lowe's and Home Depot where Hispanics stood in the parking lot seeking work.

Just a statement of fact.

Some areas have a large Hispanic population.
Who would cook our burgers and fries? Or take-out Chinese food? Or Tacos?

Who would bus the tables or wash the dishes?

Who would keep the public and private gardens neat?

Who would own and operate all the 24 hour convenience stores?

Who would stand around outside the Home Depots or Lowe's, available to do all those dirty little jobs nobody else wants?

Think about that the next time you complain about "the dirty greasers" or the Indians or Sikhs in the local 7-11,

How many of the food stamp vultures or welfare kings and queens do you see doing these things?

Oh yeah - and like it or not, they DO pay taxes. Untold millions withheld from pay checks to go into phony accounts that nobody claims. The same with FICA and state and local withholdings. And, who pays sales taxes, property taxes, and all the rest while getting no benefits from paying them?

Think about it!!!

All of those jobs were done by Americans at one point.
And what really pisses me off? A lot of them were jobs that taught our children the value of a dollar and hard work.
Who would cook our burgers and fries? Or take-out Chinese food? Or Tacos?

Who would bus the tables or wash the dishes?

Who would keep the public and private gardens neat?

Who would own and operate all the 24 hour convenience stores?

Who would stand around outside the Home Depots or Lowe's, available to do all those dirty little jobs nobody else wants?

Think about that the next time you complain about "the dirty greasers" or the Indians or Sikhs in the local 7-11,

How many of the food stamp vultures or welfare kings and queens do you see doing these things?

Oh yeah - and like it or not, they DO pay taxes. Untold millions withheld from pay checks to go into phony accounts that nobody claims. The same with FICA and state and local withholdings. And, who pays sales taxes, property taxes, and all the rest while getting no benefits from paying them?

Think about it!!!

All of those jobs were done by Americans at one point.
And what really pisses me off? A lot of them were jobs that taught our children the value of a dollar and hard work.

That's true, but in some areas there are large pockets of LEGAL immigrants. The OP does not know if these people are "illegal immigrants." Unless he goes around asking people for proof of their citizenship? I don't know. I suppose anything is possible.
Who would cook our burgers and fries? Or take-out Chinese food? Or Tacos?

Who would bus the tables or wash the dishes?

Who would keep the public and private gardens neat?

Who would own and operate all the 24 hour convenience stores?

Who would stand around outside the Home Depots or Lowe's, available to do all those dirty little jobs nobody else wants?

Think about that the next time you complain about "the dirty greasers" or the Indians or Sikhs in the local 7-11,

How many of the food stamp vultures or welfare kings and queens do you see doing these things?

Oh yeah - and like it or not, they DO pay taxes. Untold millions withheld from pay checks to go into phony accounts that nobody claims. The same with FICA and state and local withholdings. And, who pays sales taxes, property taxes, and all the rest while getting no benefits from paying them?

Think about it!!!

I'm sure there are plenty of Americans who could use these jobs! I don't get what your point is. Is this sarcasm?

There was no sarcasm meant. It is a simple observation about what I see around me on a daily basis.

I ate breakfast at Denny's where all the cooks were Hispanic, along with the bussers/dishwashers.

I went to a casino where every one of the porters were Hispanics.

I passed a Lowe's and Home Depot where Hispanics stood in the parking lot seeking work.

Just a statement of fact.

I live in a city that has so far only a small illegal community.

The cooks and bussers and washers are Americans.

The casino workers are Americans.

The local contractors and sub-contractors are Americans.

WHat you are observing is the end result of Americans having their jobs taken away by immigrants willing to do the job for less.
Of course if they are illegal, then those employers should be in big trouble. Notice that nothing changes in regards to this kind of thing? I thought that we were going to be cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants?? When is this supposed to start happening? Why don't all companies have to use E verify?

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