How will companies who rely on parts from China expect to get back on track?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Yes, bring manufacturing back to USA. I hope Canada does the same. We may not have a choice, especially in regards to critical production.

At the very least, we may see a big shift out of China, something that was already happening before this virus. When this virus passes it really could be a big boon to the West as companies decide that the risk of being in Communist China is finally being acknowledged.
I regularly buy parts from China for my hobby projects. Electronics, processors, sensors, motors, and other parts. So far, all are still being shipped as soon as I order them.

In fact, as the spread of the virus continues to fall in China, I believe their economy will rebound much faster than ours.
Maybe China should just fuck off.

OK, China stopped the USA's #1 export to China, garbage. The commie bastards know damn well that their people will no longer continue to let the West use China and the rest of the 3rd world as a fucking garbage dumpster.

They are morally outraged by it and it has come to a head. Kinda like when people in the USA were morally outraged at the Democratic party and formed the Republican party.

When a kazillion ships bring stuff from China to the USA, eventually those cargo ships need to return to their home port. For efficient trade, those ships need to carry something, back to China, our garbage.

That sucks. I thought trading iphones for plastic bottles and waste paper was a good deal for us. And it was for a long time.
Now those Chinese people realized that we have been fucking them for a long time.
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I regularly buy parts from China for my hobby projects. Electronics, processors, sensors, motors, and other parts. So far, all are still being shipped as soon as I order them.

In fact, as the spread of the virus continues to fall in China, I believe their economy will rebound much faster than ours.

I can't imagine there won't be slowdown. Some have claimed that there is no way the Chinese data is accurate, might not have been for 2 weeks. Hence, their quick desire to throw out Western media.

Also, the "hospitals" they apparently build in a week, were really sick/death wards. Just what I have read online, absent any media reporting.
Yes, bring manufacturing back to USA. I hope Canada does the same. We may not have a choice, especially in regards to critical production.

At the very least, we may see a big shift out of China, something that was already happening before this virus. When this virus passes it really could be a big boon to the West as companies decide that the risk of being in Communist China is finally being acknowledged.
A bigger problem will be the loss of their domestic market. China is coming out of the crisis. The west is going into it. We wont be short of anything.
I regularly buy parts from China for my hobby projects. Electronics, processors, sensors, motors, and other parts. So far, all are still being shipped as soon as I order them.

In fact, as the spread of the virus continues to fall in China, I believe their economy will rebound much faster than ours.

I can't imagine there won't be slowdown. Some have claimed that there is no way the Chinese data is accurate, might not have been for 2 weeks. Hence, their quick desire to throw out Western media.

Also, the "hospitals" they apparently build in a week, were really sick/death wards. Just what I have read online, absent any media reporting.

The epicenter of the outbreak has moved from China to Europe. The number of new cases in China began to level off a couple of weeks ago. Nearly half of the reported cases have already been reported as recovered.

So far, the number of deaths from CV represent only 4% of total infected cases.

The Chinese may very well be faking their own numbers, but they aren't faking the rest of the world's data who are showing the same mortality and recovery data as the Chinese.
Yes, bring manufacturing back to USA. I hope Canada does the same. We may not have a choice, especially in regards to critical production.

At the very least, we may see a big shift out of China, something that was already happening before this virus. When this virus passes it really could be a big boon to the West as companies decide that the risk of being in Communist China is finally being acknowledged.
A bigger problem will be the loss of their domestic market. China is coming out of the crisis. The west is going into it. We wont be short of anything.

That's a valid point. However, consumption is going to be down for certain, will the West still accept the Status Quo especially on critical items?

This may be the shift the world needed. As Trump was forcing it before, it's forced again. Be it on trade with China or your southern border. Especially with their rhetoric, secrecy, threats to with hold vital medicine to harm America. All centralized systems get nervous when problems occur because they are inefficient and rely on optics to fool the public. Canada does the same, supporting a covert apparatus that destroys our economy and civil liberties. Diverse, free markets don't have this problem.

Someone posted that over 30% believe Chinas activities are an act of war and distrust of China has been rampant in Canada for about a year now. Citizens are going to be honest even when politicians and businesses are not. Anti-Communism is going to be revived. Maybe not to the level of the 1950's or 80s, but it is going to rise. With good reason.
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Yes, bring manufacturing back to USA. I hope Canada does the same. We may not have a choice, especially in regards to critical production.

At the very least, we may see a big shift out of China, something that was already happening before this virus. When this virus passes it really could be a big boon to the West as companies decide that the risk of being in Communist China is finally being acknowledged.
A bigger problem will be the loss of their domestic market. China is coming out of the crisis. The west is going into it. We wont be short of anything.

That's a valid point. However, consumption is going to be down for certain, will the West still accept the Status Quo especially on critical items?

This may be the shift the world needed. As Trump was forcing it before, it's forced again. Be it on trade with China or your southern border.

Someone posted that over 30% believe Chinas activities are an act of war and distrust of China has been rampant in Canada for about a year now. Citizens are going to be honest even when politicians and businesses are not. Anti-Communism is going to be revived. Maybe not to the level of the 1950's or 80s, but it is going to rise. With good reason.
Chinese products underpin the western standard of living. They havent stolen our trade, we sent it there . As their population gets wealthier they will stop working for peanuts and the work will shift to Vietnam and India and Africa.
These jobs really arent coming back and its crass to assume they are.

China is not the problem.Our desire for cheap shit is.
Yes, bring manufacturing back to USA. I hope Canada does the same. We may not have a choice, especially in regards to critical production.

At the very least, we may see a big shift out of China, something that was already happening before this virus. When this virus passes it really could be a big boon to the West as companies decide that the risk of being in Communist China is finally being acknowledged.
A bigger problem will be the loss of their domestic market. China is coming out of the crisis. The west is going into it. We wont be short of anything.

That's a valid point. However, consumption is going to be down for certain, will the West still accept the Status Quo especially on critical items?

This may be the shift the world needed. As Trump was forcing it before, it's forced again. Be it on trade with China or your southern border.

Someone posted that over 30% believe Chinas activities are an act of war and distrust of China has been rampant in Canada for about a year now. Citizens are going to be honest even when politicians and businesses are not. Anti-Communism is going to be revived. Maybe not to the level of the 1950's or 80s, but it is going to rise. With good reason.
Chinese products underpin the western standard of living. They havent stolen our trade, we sent it there . As their population gets wealthier they will stop working for peanuts and the work will shift to Vietnam and India and Africa.
These jobs really arent coming back and its crass to assume they are.

China is not the problem.Our desire for cheap shit is.

Yes, it will be moved out of China to other areas. I've suggested it should already. Governments which one supports matter.

Also, I don't think it's a matter of just wanting cheap stuff, it's also a matter of company profits. The "greed is good" mantra is fine, but, it comes at a cost.

Importing socks, underwear and pencils is one thing, but medical supplies, military applications et al? That's an entirely different ballgame.
Yes, bring manufacturing back to USA. I hope Canada does the same. We may not have a choice, especially in regards to critical production.

At the very least, we may see a big shift out of China, something that was already happening before this virus. When this virus passes it really could be a big boon to the West as companies decide that the risk of being in Communist China is finally being acknowledged.
A bigger problem will be the loss of their domestic market. China is coming out of the crisis. The west is going into it. We wont be short of anything.

That's a valid point. However, consumption is going to be down for certain, will the West still accept the Status Quo especially on critical items?

This may be the shift the world needed. As Trump was forcing it before, it's forced again. Be it on trade with China or your southern border.

Someone posted that over 30% believe Chinas activities are an act of war and distrust of China has been rampant in Canada for about a year now. Citizens are going to be honest even when politicians and businesses are not. Anti-Communism is going to be revived. Maybe not to the level of the 1950's or 80s, but it is going to rise. With good reason.
Chinese products underpin the western standard of living. They havent stolen our trade, we sent it there . As their population gets wealthier they will stop working for peanuts and the work will shift to Vietnam and India and Africa.
These jobs really arent coming back and its crass to assume they are.

China is not the problem.Our desire for cheap shit is.

Yes, it will be moved out of China to other areas. I've suggested it should already. Governments which one supports matter.

Also, I don't think it's a matter of just wanting cheap stuff, it's also a matter of company profits. The "greed is good" mantra is fine, but, it comes at a cost.

Importing socks, underwear and pencils is one thing, but medical supplies, military applications et al? That's an entirely different ballgame.
People will very rarely pay a penny extra for something made locally. And being honest about it. Why shouldnt these countries have their own industrial revolution ? In the long run it creates a new market for our stuff as well as contributing to the general good.

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