How will America ultimately deal with its radical Marxist problem?


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Originally I was going to post this in Israel/Palestine, but it really isnā€™t about Israel, I am just using them as an example for a greater question. Basically, how will America deal with the radical left Marxists that have taken over the Democratic Party.

Check out this MSM story on Israel forcefully relocating Palestinians to claim back more neighborhoods for their own settlers.

Now, I think youā€™ll see the same theme we get from lefties about Israel, how horrified they are by the nationalist Israelis refusing to incorporate Palestinians into their nation as citizens. They want Israel to roll over and surrender, to never push back against the ever multiplying Palestinians, and for them to stop expanding and growing as a nation of ethnic Jews/Israelis.

Here in the states, the left advocate for open borders, amnesty for illegals, and rampant legal and illegal immigration, all in the hopes that Americans get replaced by brown skinned third worlders, especially those with different values than ā€œtraditional Americansā€.

I think the lefties are afraid that maybe Israel is setting a standard on how to maintain a nation. A real nation of one people, one ethnic background, one religion, one culture. This terrifies the radical left Marxists and globalists.

Multiculturalism divides nations, fractures them, and ultimately destroys them. If this nation is to be saved, itā€™s quite clear we need to remain American. Now America is quite different than Israel, Iā€™m not saying we all need to be one ethnicity and one religion, America has always been about traditional American values and we accept any people that wish to adopt those values.

The Marxist Democrats on the other hand, have declared war on traditional American values. They hate our history, they hate Christian conservatism that built this country. Weā€™ve had our darker moments, especially when Democrats were empowered to exert their tyranny, such as slavery, the Confederacy, Jim Crow laws, radical feminism, and the adoption of Marxism. Unfortunately we havenā€™t overcome the latter two, and Marxism especially may take us to a civil war someday.

This last year especially has exposed just how far the left will go to divide us in order to bring this nation down. Theyā€™ll vilify police, burn down cities, censor and silence free speech, get us fired from our jobs, take away our right to open our businesses, take away our right to travel, take away our right to congregate for a church service.....and they do all these things by any means necessary: through government mandates, through Corporate policy, social media bullying, or lynch mob riots and attacks.

Perhaps weā€™ll realize there is no compromising with the radical left, just as there is no compromising between Israelis and Palestinians. Our only real hope is to contain them, and expunge them from our nation just as the Israelis have to Palestinians.

So I guess the real question is how do we do this moving forward, if we are to remain ā€œOne Nation, under Godā€?
So I guess the real question is how do we do this moving forward, if we are to remain ā€œOne Nation, under Godā€?
the 'real' Q might be, is God a nationalist to begin with Hawk , if so i doubt we're high on HIS list......

So I guess the real question is how do we do this moving forward, if we are to remain ā€œOne Nation, under Godā€?
the 'real' Q might be, is God a nationalist to begin with Hawk , if so i doubt we're high on HIS list......


Considering he commanded the Hebrews to form their own nation, Iā€™d say yes. He certainly didnā€™t command them to disband and be erased from history.
So I guess the real question is how do we do this moving forward, if we are to remain ā€œOne Nation, under Godā€?
the 'real' Q might be, is God a nationalist to begin with Hawk , if so i doubt we're high on HIS list......


Considering he commanded the Hebrews to form their own nation, Iā€™d say yes. He certainly didnā€™t command them to disband and be erased from history.

Jesus you are lost, God never said Hebrews form your own nation. And the Jews are taking the Palestinian's homes.
Capitalism has never been stronger than today. You just believe in low labor costs. That's anti american. Fact.
Marxist Democrats on the other hand, have declared war on traditional American values. They hate our history, they hate Christian conservatism that built this country. Weā€™ve had our darker moments, especially when Democrats were empowered to exert their tyranny, such as slavery, the Confederacy, Jim Crow laws, radical feminism, and the adoption of Marxism. Unfortunately we havenā€™t overcome the latter two, and Marxism especially may take us to a civil war someday.
What are these values? And what does Christian conservatism mean, which you so adore? Does it include hundreds of unnamed graves of the Natives' children in residential schools?
What are these values? And what does Christian conservatism mean, which you so adore? Does it include hundreds of unnamed graves of the Natives' children in residential schools?
White trash vaccines and other medieval European medical scams.
USA is becoming the new Soviet Union right before our eyes
The Dems are far more evil than any Soviets or Chinese
Here we go again. Radical Marxist problem. What a load of shit.
Get some medication.

Apparently it only surfaced upon the election if Biden. How convenient. If that were the case it's because ex republicans voted him in.
Here we go again. Radical Marxist problem. What a load of shit.
Get some medication.

Apparently it only surfaced upon the election if Biden. How convenient. If that were the case it's because ex republicans voted him in.
The nation has not been balanced for many decades. Even with Repubs having control time to time. The media and entertainment is constantly pushing extreme left leaning agendas. You are not on the receiving end of this. What is real and not real has been blurred.
Originally I was going to post this in Israel/Palestine, but it really isnā€™t about Israel, I am just using them as an example for a greater question. Basically, how will America deal with the radical left Marxists that have taken over the Democratic Party.

Check out this MSM story on Israel forcefully relocating Palestinians to claim back more neighborhoods for their own settlers.

Now, I think youā€™ll see the same theme we get from lefties about Israel, how horrified they are by the nationalist Israelis refusing to incorporate Palestinians into their nation as citizens. They want Israel to roll over and surrender, to never push back against the ever multiplying Palestinians, and for them to stop expanding and growing as a nation of ethnic Jews/Israelis.

Here in the states, the left advocate for open borders, amnesty for illegals, and rampant legal and illegal immigration, all in the hopes that Americans get replaced by brown skinned third worlders, especially those with different values than ā€œtraditional Americansā€.

I think the lefties are afraid that maybe Israel is setting a standard on how to maintain a nation. A real nation of one people, one ethnic background, one religion, one culture. This terrifies the radical left Marxists and globalists.

Multiculturalism divides nations, fractures them, and ultimately destroys them. If this nation is to be saved, itā€™s quite clear we need to remain American. Now America is quite different than Israel, Iā€™m not saying we all need to be one ethnicity and one religion, America has always been about traditional American values and we accept any people that wish to adopt those values.

The Marxist Democrats on the other hand, have declared war on traditional American values. They hate our history, they hate Christian conservatism that built this country. Weā€™ve had our darker moments, especially when Democrats were empowered to exert their tyranny, such as slavery, the Confederacy, Jim Crow laws, radical feminism, and the adoption of Marxism. Unfortunately we havenā€™t overcome the latter two, and Marxism especially may take us to a civil war someday.

This last year especially has exposed just how far the left will go to divide us in order to bring this nation down. Theyā€™ll vilify police, burn down cities, censor and silence free speech, get us fired from our jobs, take away our right to open our businesses, take away our right to travel, take away our right to congregate for a church service.....and they do all these things by any means necessary: through government mandates, through Corporate policy, social media bullying, or lynch mob riots and attacks.

Perhaps weā€™ll realize there is no compromising with the radical left, just as there is no compromising between Israelis and Palestinians. Our only real hope is to contain them, and expunge them from our nation just as the Israelis have to Palestinians.

So I guess the real question is how do we do this moving forward, if we are to remain ā€œOne Nation, under Godā€?

Jesus.. you are an idiot.
Marxist Democrats on the other hand, have declared war on traditional American values. They hate our history, they hate Christian conservatism that built this country. Weā€™ve had our darker moments, especially when Democrats were empowered to exert their tyranny, such as slavery, the Confederacy, Jim Crow laws, radical feminism, and the adoption of Marxism. Unfortunately we havenā€™t overcome the latter two, and Marxism especially may take us to a civil war someday.
What are these values? And what does Christian conservatism mean, which you so adore? Does it include hundreds of unnamed graves of the Natives' children in residential schools?
What does burying dead children in Canada have to do with Christians in America? Youā€™d prefer if they werenā€™t buried?
USA is becoming the new Soviet Union right before our eyes
The Dems are far more evil than any Soviets or Chinese
This is true. The same thing is happening in Israel and Europe, as well. People are too "civilized" etc. and they don't mind their own business or respect gun rights or private property anymore.
Originally I was going to post this in Israel/Palestine, but it really isnā€™t about Israel, I am just using them as an example for a greater question. Basically, how will America deal with the radical left Marxists that have taken over the Democratic Party.

Check out this MSM story on Israel forcefully relocating Palestinians to claim back more neighborhoods for their own settlers.

Now, I think youā€™ll see the same theme we get from lefties about Israel, how horrified they are by the nationalist Israelis refusing to incorporate Palestinians into their nation as citizens. They want Israel to roll over and surrender, to never push back against the ever multiplying Palestinians, and for them to stop expanding and growing as a nation of ethnic Jews/Israelis.

Here in the states, the left advocate for open borders, amnesty for illegals, and rampant legal and illegal immigration, all in the hopes that Americans get replaced by brown skinned third worlders, especially those with different values than ā€œtraditional Americansā€.

I think the lefties are afraid that maybe Israel is setting a standard on how to maintain a nation. A real nation of one people, one ethnic background, one religion, one culture. This terrifies the radical left Marxists and globalists.

Multiculturalism divides nations, fractures them, and ultimately destroys them. If this nation is to be saved, itā€™s quite clear we need to remain American. Now America is quite different than Israel, Iā€™m not saying we all need to be one ethnicity and one religion, America has always been about traditional American values and we accept any people that wish to adopt those values.

The Marxist Democrats on the other hand, have declared war on traditional American values. They hate our history, they hate Christian conservatism that built this country. Weā€™ve had our darker moments, especially when Democrats were empowered to exert their tyranny, such as slavery, the Confederacy, Jim Crow laws, radical feminism, and the adoption of Marxism. Unfortunately we havenā€™t overcome the latter two, and Marxism especially may take us to a civil war someday.

This last year especially has exposed just how far the left will go to divide us in order to bring this nation down. Theyā€™ll vilify police, burn down cities, censor and silence free speech, get us fired from our jobs, take away our right to open our businesses, take away our right to travel, take away our right to congregate for a church service.....and they do all these things by any means necessary: through government mandates, through Corporate policy, social media bullying, or lynch mob riots and attacks.

Perhaps weā€™ll realize there is no compromising with the radical left, just as there is no compromising between Israelis and Palestinians. Our only real hope is to contain them, and expunge them from our nation just as the Israelis have to Palestinians.

So I guess the real question is how do we do this moving forward, if we are to remain ā€œOne Nation, under Godā€?

Marxists go onto a gargantuan killing spree as a history of their ultimate communist state as soon as it is achieved. Communist China: 100 million in and a few years after WWII. Communist Russia: 20 to 100 million due to secrecy and the confusion it created. Nazi Germany went Marxist, and they killed millions of their enemies and with the aid of antisemetic sympathasizers and took a toll on bombing and burning London in their take-no-survivors blitz from Africa to the arctic circle.

If we don't stop the Universities' SocioCommunistic push and shove game, we will lose a third of our population to their Chinese and Russian sociopathic warmongers.
Marxist Democrats on the other hand, have declared war on traditional American values. They hate our history, they hate Christian conservatism that built this country. Weā€™ve had our darker moments, especially when Democrats were empowered to exert their tyranny, such as slavery, the Confederacy, Jim Crow laws, radical feminism, and the adoption of Marxism. Unfortunately we havenā€™t overcome the latter two, and Marxism especially may take us to a civil war someday.
What are these values? And what does Christian conservatism mean, which you so adore? Does it include hundreds of unnamed graves of the Natives' children in residential schools?
What does burying dead children in Canada have to do with Christians in America? Youā€™d prefer if they werenā€™t buried?
I would prefer the schools without graves in their backyard at all.

Why didn't you answer about the values? Do they include a personal freedom?
You're paranoid. There is no radical Marxist. A Democrat only has to fart and you interpret it as a communist takeover.
There is no movement interfering with govetmm events. There's no training camps like ISIS. Nothing.
.It's you republicans who invent that upon defeat. It's bullshit and you know it.
Marxist Democrats on the other hand, have declared war on traditional American values. They hate our history, they hate Christian conservatism that built this country. Weā€™ve had our darker moments, especially when Democrats were empowered to exert their tyranny, such as slavery, the Confederacy, Jim Crow laws, radical feminism, and the adoption of Marxism. Unfortunately we havenā€™t overcome the latter two, and Marxism especially may take us to a civil war someday.
What are these values? And what does Christian conservatism mean, which you so adore? Does it include hundreds of unnamed graves of the Natives' children in residential schools?
What does burying dead children in Canada have to do with Christians in America? Youā€™d prefer if they werenā€™t buried?
I would prefer the schools without graves in their backyard at all.

Why didn't you answer about the values? Do they include a personal freedom?
I made those values pretty clear: standing against the evil Democrats and their abhorrent policies like slavery, racism, Marxism and any form of their tyranny.
Marxist Democrats on the other hand, have declared war on traditional American values. They hate our history, they hate Christian conservatism that built this country. Weā€™ve had our darker moments, especially when Democrats were empowered to exert their tyranny, such as slavery, the Confederacy, Jim Crow laws, radical feminism, and the adoption of Marxism. Unfortunately we havenā€™t overcome the latter two, and Marxism especially may take us to a civil war someday.
What are these values? And what does Christian conservatism mean, which you so adore? Does it include hundreds of unnamed graves of the Natives' children in residential schools?
What does burying dead children in Canada have to do with Christians in America? Youā€™d prefer if they werenā€™t buried?
I would prefer the schools without graves in their backyard at all.

Why didn't you answer about the values? Do they include a personal freedom?
I made those values pretty clear: standing against the evil Democrats and their abhorrent policies like slavery, racism, Marxism and any form of their tyranny.
Tyranny you say. It seems you want to change tyranny by another form of tyranny. Surely, making some views as a 'state religion' definitely fells in this category.

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