How much do believe Melinda Gates should inherit from the Gates fortune? And more importantly why?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
If you read Melinda Gates bio, you will find that she caught Bill Gates eye at a trade fair in 1987. That was also the year she graduated. She was promptly hired at Microsoft and made a manager of multi-media products, a very high profile position for someone fresh out of college with no work experience. Prior to being hired at Microsoft she had not done anything of significance other than her impressive academic career. She married Bill Gates in 1994. They are now divorcing 27 years later.

So here is the 64 BILLION DOLLAR question: How much do you believe Melinda Gates should receive in the divorce settlement and why?

I believe she should receive no more than $1 billion from the Gates fortune because she did nothing to significantly build or add to it. That is a staggering sum of money but it represents a very small percentage of the estate which is all I believe she is entitled to.

What do you think and why?
If there was a pre-nuptial agreement signed, then she should receive no more than what was agreed upon in the pre-nuptial agreement. After all, a contract is a contract.
Of course, in this day and age, where young people believe that the government should pay off their debts, even though they signed a contract, who knows how it will work out.
Personally, I have no respect for those that sign on to pay a loan then get someone else to do it. It means their signature, which is their word, means nothing.
If there was a pre-nuptial agreement signed, then she should receive no more than what was agreed upon in the pre-nuptial agreement. After all, a contract is a contract.

No pre-nup has been offered up at this point in time.
If you read Melinda Gates bio, you will find that she caught Bill Gates eye at a trade fair in 1987. That was also the year she graduated. She was promptly hired at Microsoft and made a manager of multi-media products, a very high profile position for someone fresh out of college with no work experience. Prior to being hired at Microsoft she had not done anything of significance other than her impressive academic career. She married Bill Gates in 1994. They are now divorcing 27 years later.

So here is the 64 BILLION DOLLAR question: How much do you believe Melinda Gates should receive in the divorce settlement and why?

I believe she should receive no more than $1 billion from the Gates fortune because she did nothing to significantly build or add to it. That is a staggering sum of money but it represents a very small percentage of the estate which is all I believe she is entitled to.

What do you think and why?
Washington is a community property state. That means by law, the marital assets get split 50/50 unless there is a pre-nuptual agreement
Half of what they built together in 27 years, including either's contribution, not just financial, to the birthing and raising of their children. Of a couple with children, the one who goes out into the world to make money can only do so if the other one sees to the care and feeding of the couple's children, i.e. feeding, diapering, bathing, toilet training, washing, teaching, and taking on the other tasks involved in bringing the children from newborns to adulthood. The person who takes on these tasks, hands on, sacrifices her/his own chance to make money, so the split is half and half.

Remember that there have been people in this world who have clearly stated, if not bragged, that they never saw to the needs of the children whom they created. And they have done so as a matter of pride, although this clearly is a matter of disgrace.
If you read Melinda Gates bio, you will find that she caught Bill Gates eye at a trade fair in 1987. That was also the year she graduated. She was promptly hired at Microsoft and made a manager of multi-media products, a very high profile position for someone fresh out of college with no work experience. Prior to being hired at Microsoft she had not done anything of significance other than her impressive academic career. She married Bill Gates in 1994. They are now divorcing 27 years later.

So here is the 64 BILLION DOLLAR question: How much do you believe Melinda Gates should receive in the divorce settlement and why?

I believe she should receive no more than $1 billion from the Gates fortune because she did nothing to significantly build or add to it. That is a staggering sum of money but it represents a very small percentage of the estate which is all I believe she is entitled to.

What do you think and why?
She should take all to insure that the children will benefit since they are first. He knows how to make a killing from the ideas of others, so he won't starve. :muahaha:
The only thing simple about a divorce like that is the simple mind that generated the question.
I see I have to simplify it for you. I am not discussing divorce law, which is a hot mess. I asked for your OPINION. I don't even know why I bother trying to communicate with pompous boneheads like you, but I thought I would try one more time.

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