How We Know Republicans Are Responsible For The Shutdown

Now, now, now... You folks quit calling it a penalty.

It's a tax


What is a TAX but a penalty for living your life>? Gubmint has to get their pound of flesh out of it as to allow YOU to exist...:eusa_whistle:

It's a collective contribution we agree to submit to a government body to improve the lives of all citizens.

If you don't want to pay any taxes...there's this place called Somalia...
KEY WORD...We are NOT borg...or anything of the sort. WE are individuals...high time you Statist Progressive freaks learn this.
On Fox News last night, Rep. Michele Bachmann confirmed that Republicans were happy about the government shutting down, telling Sean Hannity "this is about the happiest I've seen members in a long time."
On Fox News last night, Rep. Michele Bachmann confirmed that Republicans were happy about the government shutting down, telling Sean Hannity "this is about the happiest I've seen members in a long time."
And why wouldn't they be? It gives Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the entire Progressive party the chance to expose themselves in front of GOD and the people so WE know who they really are and where their interests in controlling the people lie.

Truth has NO agenda...Truth is being shown finally by none other than the Progressive Democrats.

GOOD JOB!:clap2:
I think g is one of the most balanced posters on this mostly partisan site. It's a little sad that you think you're even in his league.

(smile) You know.....opinions are like assholes.....

g thinks he is gods gift...he isn't.

His weakness is that he simply lies.

He is no more a Republican than Obama is.

He toes the progressive line and that is an EASILY dispatched require no real intelligence to demand everybody pay for everything for everybody else.....but that is beyond you...I get it.

Anyone who says anyone else is a Gov leech because he wants to keep more of the money he earns i simply not real bright.

Forgive this repost. I just replied to another thread and it seems to apply to your perspective.

You're not alone in your perspective. Most businesses would prefer to externalize their expenses and one easy way to do that is by outsourcing overseas. What many business people fail to realize is what they get for their tax dollars. In many cases, the fundamental technologies they base their businesses upon were developed by government entities. Then there's defense and infrastructure, an educated workforce, etc. And completely outside the realm of implied responsibility is the existence of a market that can afford to buy the end product. And since no individual business owner wants to put themselves at a disadvantage to other business owners, the downward spiral continues unabated without government intervention. That's why I believe tariffs are necessary.

Nobody I know is advocating NOT paying any taxes....but there DOES come a point where it goes over board.
On Fox News last night, Rep. Michele Bachmann confirmed that Republicans were happy about the government shutting down, telling Sean Hannity "this is about the happiest I've seen members in a long time."

A couple of years ago she wanted to see a default, too, so no surprise there.
Not that this is any kind of new revelation, but...

Over the past few years, Republicans have terrified their most fervent followers about Obamacare in order to disguise the fact that they no longer knew what to say about their old bête noir, entitlements. Now they can’t turn the temperature down.

Let’s review. Not so very long ago, worrying about entitlements was central to Republican identity. Then, they began to notice that the folks at their rallies looked like the audience for “Matlock” reruns. The base was aging, and didn’t want to change Social Security or Medicare. The base didn’t even want to be reminded that Social Security and Medicare were federal programs…

All over the nation, Tea Party politicians have been telling their most fervid constituents that Obamacare will bring the federal government into the nation’s health system, thus wrecking the wonderful coverage they now enjoy with Medicare. Which comes into their homes through the chimney, where it is dropped by free-enterprise storks.

Representative John Culberson of Texas called Obamacare “a violation of our most sacred right as Americans to be left alone.” This was during an interview with Salon, in which Culberson waxed wroth about the whole idea of any government intervention into health care.

The interviewer, Josh Eidelson, asked, “What does that mean for Medicare, then?”

“What does that mean for Medicare? What does that have to do with anything?” Culberson demanded.

So there you are. It’s not easy leading a political movement that believes the federal government is at the core of all our problems while depending heavily on the votes of citizens who get both their retirement money and health care from the federal government…
Not that this is any kind of new revelation, but...

Over the past few years, Republicans have terrified their most fervent followers about Obamacare in order to disguise the fact that they no longer knew what to say about their old bête noir, entitlements. Now they can’t turn the temperature down.

Let’s review. Not so very long ago, worrying about entitlements was central to Republican identity. Then, they began to notice that the folks at their rallies looked like the audience for “Matlock” reruns. The base was aging, and didn’t want to change Social Security or Medicare. The base didn’t even want to be reminded that Social Security and Medicare were federal programs…

All over the nation, Tea Party politicians have been telling their most fervid constituents that Obamacare will bring the federal government into the nation’s health system, thus wrecking the wonderful coverage they now enjoy with Medicare. Which comes into their homes through the chimney, where it is dropped by free-enterprise storks.

Representative John Culberson of Texas called Obamacare “a violation of our most sacred right as Americans to be left alone.” This was during an interview with Salon, in which Culberson waxed wroth about the whole idea of any government intervention into health care.

The interviewer, Josh Eidelson, asked, “What does that mean for Medicare, then?”

“What does that mean for Medicare? What does that have to do with anything?” Culberson demanded.

So there you are. It’s not easy leading a political movement that believes the federal government is at the core of all our problems while depending heavily on the votes of citizens who get both their retirement money and health care from the federal government…

that author needs a course in critical thinking, unless he thinks this is some cute
partisan googa playing to the crowd.... hes right, medicare is paid for ahead, via fica, what does that have to do with the aca? Unless of course the author is drawing a forward analogy, as to paying ahead ( ala the young and healthy) for care that they probably won't get on anywhere near the terms they have been told they will, and not in terms today either, as in keeping a doctor or plan they have now......;)
Not that this is any kind of new revelation, but...

Over the past few years, Republicans have terrified their most fervent followers about Obamacare in order to disguise the fact that they no longer knew what to say about their old bête noir, entitlements. Now they can’t turn the temperature down.

Let’s review. Not so very long ago, worrying about entitlements was central to Republican identity. Then, they began to notice that the folks at their rallies looked like the audience for “Matlock” reruns. The base was aging, and didn’t want to change Social Security or Medicare. The base didn’t even want to be reminded that Social Security and Medicare were federal programs…

All over the nation, Tea Party politicians have been telling their most fervid constituents that Obamacare will bring the federal government into the nation’s health system, thus wrecking the wonderful coverage they now enjoy with Medicare. Which comes into their homes through the chimney, where it is dropped by free-enterprise storks.

Representative John Culberson of Texas called Obamacare “a violation of our most sacred right as Americans to be left alone.” This was during an interview with Salon, in which Culberson waxed wroth about the whole idea of any government intervention into health care.

The interviewer, Josh Eidelson, asked, “What does that mean for Medicare, then?”

“What does that mean for Medicare? What does that have to do with anything?” Culberson demanded.

So there you are. It’s not easy leading a political movement that believes the federal government is at the core of all our problems while depending heavily on the votes of citizens who get both their retirement money and health care from the federal government…

that author needs a course in critical thinking, unless he thinks this is some cute
partisan googa playing to the crowd.... hes right, medicare is paid for ahead, via fica, what does that have to do with the aca? Unless of course the author is drawing a forward analogy, as to paying ahead ( ala the young and healthy) for care that they probably won't get on anywhere near the terms they have been told they will, and not in terms today either, as in keeping a doctor or plan they have now......;)

Everyone needs medical care at one time or another. Your arguing for a free ride is precious. :lol:

It appears you posses critical thinking skills -- critical thinking skiils so flawed as to be a bigger handucap than having none at all.
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.
A continuing resolution is a type of appropriations legislation used by the United States Congress to fund government agencies if a formal appropriations bill has not been signed into law by the end of the Congressional fiscal year. The legislation takes the form of a joint resolution, and provides funding for existing federal programs at current, reduced, or expanded levels.
Continuing resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tying the PPACA/Obamacare to the CR/continuining resolution is nothing but politics pure and simple.

The Tea Party has confused politics with governing.

Simple, see?
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

NOBODY knows that, not even you oh omniscient one, but thanks for all of that speculation.

Of coarse this is exactly what is going to happen otherwise the Republicans wouldn't be having such a shit fit.

I also feel that America is held hostage by the Big-Pharma . Something needs to be done badly.
Once I was in line behind a very elderly man and his needed prescription went way up yet he was on a monthly income, he probably choose to not eat or not take the needed drugs.

We know the politicians have their hand in the cookie jar because Viagra is affordable ...:lol:

Actually, since Viagra is not covered by Medicare the concepts of supply and demand work. It's affordable because demand his high but barriers to entry for competitors is low. Elective medications and procedures get relatively cheap pretty quick and continue to get cheaper. Boob jobs, Lasik, Rogaine, and Viagra are all much less expensive now than they were just a few years ago.
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.

The only people in American who think Obama and the Dems are to blame are the radical right wing nutters who support this political move by the Republicans.
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.

The only people in American who think Obama and the Dems are to blame are the radical right wing nutters who support this political move by the Republicans.

That's false.


Government Shutdown Blame? Poll Fingers Republicans And Democrats
The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

NOBODY knows that, not even you oh omniscient one, but thanks for all of that speculation.

No, nobody "knows" that, but even before this bill was passed, prominent conservatives voiced that very fear and that's what's motivating them now.

And that's why they can piss up a rope when it comes to getting a delay.
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.

The only people in American who think Obama and the Dems are to blame are the radical right wing nutters who support this political move by the Republicans.

That's false.


Government Shutdown Blame? Poll Fingers Republicans And Democrats


Despite the hyperbole, though, polls still suggest that the majority blame the Republicans. Which is appropriate, considering they ARE the minority nationwide.
You really haven't done any research on government run healthcare, rather you are just going off all the hype that the Democrats and Obama are trying to create. When you look at consequences that are a direct result of government stepping in and taking control, exactly what part of this is more beneficial to people when you look at the results many have to now live with as a consequence?


Massachusetts Senate proposal MA 2170. This bill stipulates that physicians must participate in government run programs (Medicare, Medicaid, Massachusetts' state plan) in order to maintain state medical licensure. Furthermore, the bill states that physicians "must accept payment at the lowest of the statutory 20 reimbursement rate." Reimbursement rates would be set at 110% of Medicare billing, leaving physicians with very little to pay the general business expenses necessary to run a practice.

More than 70% of physicians polled indicated that the passage of such a law would encourage them to leave the state or retire early. They also expressed concern regarding the lower reimbursement rates, which would simply not allow them to earn enough income to stay in practice.

70% of Physicians Polled Would Consider Leaving Medicine if the Bill MA 2170,... -- CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 28 /PRNewswire/ --

Remarkable the extent to which you and other partisan rightists just don’t get it.

The issue isn’t whether or not the ACA is ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ or how the law is perceived in public opinion polls.

The issue is the right’s untenable and unreasonable position that the president ‘must negotiate’ concerning provisions of Federal law in existence for three years that are solely the purview of Congress.

That the partisan right in Congress has failed to amend or repeal the ACA is not the responsibility or fault of the president, the president can’t be compelled to ‘negotiate’ concerning an existing Federal law passed by both Houses of Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court. And Congressional republicans have no grounds whatsoever to justify shutting down the government and jeopardizing the Nation’s economic well being because the president is acting in an appropriate, lawful, and Constitutional manner.

Moreover, the president is not the entity with whom the partisan right must negotiate, that entity is Congressional democrats.

To deal with a health care bill that is having a negative effect on the economy is not an unreasonable position. The House does in fact handle the purse strings, even though a government system divided in accountability by three branches is not respected by some. Republicans in the House were elected to represent their constituents, unlike the Democrats who prevented blue dog democrats from doing so and threatened re-election support. If it WAS all about public opinion the there would be nothing wrong with a party of blue dog Congressmen speaking with those they represent. Public support was certainly not in the Democrats favor when they bogged down Congress for months to ram this legislation down people's throats. Those in support of free health care, who can't afford it, also have no comprehension of COST (as the liberals in support of a government run program) because THEY are not the ones expected to pay for the additional costs to our debt. Rather let's just push that responsibility onto someone else ... so of course THEY would support such a "big government" bill.

Still others are willing to look beyond the pretty gift wrap and the bows, to really look at how such a bill will effect our nation's debt (just look at the rationing with NHS or the sub quality care and wait times in Canada) as well as the effect on full time employment with the economy. When you look past all the great "goose bump" speeches and begin to look deeper and educate yourself, you realize you may be better off having THIS particular gift returned. Perhaps go for a better gift exchange. Only THIS President would put the American people (particularly any in Congress who question his figures with the increasing CBO projections) aboard a Titanic and take away all the lifeboats of those seeking other possible options.
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You really haven't done any research on government run healthcare, rather you are just going off all the hype that the Democrats and Obama are trying to create. When you look at consequences that are a direct result of government stepping in and taking control, exactly what part of this is more beneficial to people when you look at the results many have to now live with as a consequence?


Remarkable the extent to which you and other partisan rightists just don’t get it.

The issue isn’t whether or not the ACA is ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ or how the law is perceived in public opinion polls.

The issue is the right’s untenable and unreasonable position that the president ‘must negotiate’ concerning provisions of Federal law in existence for three years that are solely the purview of Congress.

That the partisan right in Congress has failed to amend or repeal the ACA is not the responsibility or fault of the president, the president can’t be compelled to ‘negotiate’ concerning an existing Federal law passed by both Houses of Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court. And Congressional republicans have no grounds whatsoever to justify shutting down the government and jeopardizing the Nation’s economic well being because the president is acting in an appropriate, lawful, and Constitutional manner.

Moreover, the president is not the entity with whom the partisan right must negotiate, that entity is Congressional democrats.

To deal with a health care bill that is having a negative effect on the economy is not an unreasonable position. The House does in fact handle the purse strings, even though a government system divided in accountability by three branches is not respected by some. Republicans in the House were elected to represent their constituents, unlike the Democrats who prevented blue dog democrats from doing so and threatened re-election support. If it WAS all about public opinion the there would be nothing wrong with a party of blue dog Congressmen speaking with those they represent. Public support was certainly not in the Democrats favor when they bogged down Congress for months to ram this legislation down people's throats. Those in support of free health care, who can't afford it, also have no comprehension of COST (as the liberals in support of a government run program) because THEY are not the ones expected to pay for the additional costs to our debt. Rather let's just push that responsibility onto someone else ... so of course THEY would support such a "big government" bill.

Still others are willing to look beyond the pretty gift wrap ad the bows, to reall look at how such a bill will effect our nation's debt (just look at the ratinioning with NHS or the sub quality care and wait times in Canada) as well as the effect on full time employment with the economy. When you look past all the great "goose bump" speeches and begin to look deeper and educate yourself, you realize you may be better off having THIS particular gift returned. Perhaps go for a better gift exchange. Only THIS President would put the American people (particularly any in Congress who question his figures with hr chafing CBO projections) aboard a Titanic and take away all the lifeboats of those seeking other possible options.

Indeed. ObamaCare is an affront to liberty.
The Republican congresspeople have excellent healthcare insurance, and they want to deny it to the rest of us.
The fight over funding the ACA only serves as a foil to a larger purpose, which is the desire of a dwindling, increasingly marginalized faction to seize power through extortion which they cannot obtain through the ballot box.
Our President should NEVER negotiate with these domestic terrorists.
The Republican congresspeople have excellent healthcare insurance, and they want to deny it to the rest of us.
The fight over funding the ACA only serves as a foil to a larger purpose, which is the desire of a dwindling, increasingly marginalized faction to seize power through extortion which they cannot obtain through the ballot box.
Our President should NEVER negotiate with these domestic terrorists.

Is that why the IRS and other government employees don't want any part of this plan, and are BEGGING Obama for an exemption? Push that propoganda somewhere else, as the reality of all these exemptions don't match your rhetoric.

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