Which obviously is no longer a question but hard fact.
Which of course was Barack Obama's ,main mission.He said as mush.
Another hardened fact.Ever notice { How can't one } that the News
is almost an entire day of negatives.Starting with After Obama left office.
Definately all throughout the Trump years,and now as much or more
in the Biden years.What Gives.Is it what those chomping at the bit { like wild horses
being broken } act like when they can't have their way.Being used to living
as they please like in Clark Gable and Marily Monroes last movie ...
- The Misfits - { 1962 } where grown adults exist to be carefree as if the
wild horses Clark manages with slight difficulty to round-up and hogtie.
Is that what the Sadist' of the New World Order have in store for We the
People.I say ... You bet yer bippy.Why else is our news a constant drumbeat
of Hate and Change and Unamericanism.Name-calling and making up names
and terms.So then George Orwell was onto something with his term
" Newspeak " and simplistic sadistic view c/o - Animal Farm -.
Where most anything can be changed and not for the better.Starting with
the News and of course actual Biology.
Where Big Brother is Watching You.
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
" All issues are political issues,and politics itself is a mass of lies,
evasions,folly,hatred and schizophreniaa. " -- ne Eric Blair { George Orwell }
Ask yerself { If one is allowed even in private or the bathroom }
When was the last time you heard the Name ... Norman Rockwell or
saw one his cheery and loving Paintings depicting American culture.
If only in ones dream.
If Only!
Which of course was Barack Obama's ,main mission.He said as mush.
Another hardened fact.Ever notice { How can't one } that the News
is almost an entire day of negatives.Starting with After Obama left office.
Definately all throughout the Trump years,and now as much or more
in the Biden years.What Gives.Is it what those chomping at the bit { like wild horses
being broken } act like when they can't have their way.Being used to living
as they please like in Clark Gable and Marily Monroes last movie ...
- The Misfits - { 1962 } where grown adults exist to be carefree as if the
wild horses Clark manages with slight difficulty to round-up and hogtie.
Is that what the Sadist' of the New World Order have in store for We the
People.I say ... You bet yer bippy.Why else is our news a constant drumbeat
of Hate and Change and Unamericanism.Name-calling and making up names
and terms.So then George Orwell was onto something with his term
" Newspeak " and simplistic sadistic view c/o - Animal Farm -.
Where most anything can be changed and not for the better.Starting with
the News and of course actual Biology.
Where Big Brother is Watching You.
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
" All issues are political issues,and politics itself is a mass of lies,
evasions,folly,hatred and schizophreniaa. " -- ne Eric Blair { George Orwell }
Ask yerself { If one is allowed even in private or the bathroom }
When was the last time you heard the Name ... Norman Rockwell or
saw one his cheery and loving Paintings depicting American culture.
If only in ones dream.
If Only!
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