How To Spot A Disinformation Agent


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
Posted by: Clare Swinney ⋅ March 11, 2009

LINK: Uncensored Magazine | How To Spot A Disinformation Agent

“Information warfare” is being waged throughout the cybersphere. Whether they are CENTCOM disinfo government employees or ill-informed know-it-alls, there has been an ugly battle raging on the Internet for the minds of the public. As any 9/11 truth activist who uses the web regularly can tell you, truth obfuscaters are crawling around message boards like locusts, referring to 9/11 truthers as “fringe nutcases,” “ridiculous,” “…fucking conspiracy theorists” and the like, while simultaeously hijacking rational discussions by planting bogus information. And no, jet fuel fires can not melt steel.

Naturally, it is not just information about what really happened on 9/11 that is under attack, the infowar is evident in relation to other topics that governments have a vested interest in lying about, such as chemtrails, mercury in vaccines leading to autism, AIDS/HIV being man-made, “man-made global warming” and the health effects of fluoride and depleted uranium (DU).

The disinfo artists who work on the Internet, referred to as “trolls,” use a number of tried and tested means to mislead those who are trying to learn the truth about controversial issues, while attempting to make those disseminating the truth feel reluctant to continue. Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress The Truth -The Rules of Disinformation by H. Micheal Sweeney covers their methods in some detail.

Their dirty work does have some positive spin-offs for those who care about the truth however. For one thing, if they argue incessantly about a particular topic, they are waving a flag and telling you indirectly that this is an issue you should be particularly concerned about. And secondly, when they quarrel about a little-known area, they are often helping those they engage with gain more knowledge. Not because of the misleading information they post, but because arguing with them can lead people to do far more research than they would have done otherwise.

Short YouTube Clip about Disinformation Agents
yeah sure
troofers really want to tell the truth
then why do they use quotes out of context and lie all the time?
Disinformation propaganda has been so very effective that the government doesn't need to PAY people to swear to the lies, folks.

The true believers are more than willing to do that for free.
Posted by: Clare Swinney ⋅ March 11, 2009

LINK: Uncensored Magazine | How To Spot A Disinformation Agent

“Information warfare” is being waged throughout the cybersphere. Whether they are CENTCOM disinfo government employees or ill-informed know-it-alls, there has been an ugly battle raging on the Internet for the minds of the public. As any 9/11 truth activist who uses the web regularly can tell you, truth obfuscaters are crawling around message boards like locusts, referring to 9/11 truthers as “fringe nutcases,” “ridiculous,” “…fucking conspiracy theorists” and the like, while simultaeously hijacking rational discussions by planting bogus information. And no, jet fuel fires can not melt steel.

Naturally, it is not just information about what really happened on 9/11 that is under attack, the infowar is evident in relation to other topics that governments have a vested interest in lying about, such as chemtrails, mercury in vaccines leading to autism, AIDS/HIV being man-made, “man-made global warming” and the health effects of fluoride and depleted uranium (DU).

The disinfo artists who work on the Internet, referred to as “trolls,” use a number of tried and tested means to mislead those who are trying to learn the truth about controversial issues, while attempting to make those disseminating the truth feel reluctant to continue. Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress The Truth -The Rules of Disinformation by H. Micheal Sweeney covers their methods in some detail.

Their dirty work does have some positive spin-offs for those who care about the truth however. For one thing, if they argue incessantly about a particular topic, they are waving a flag and telling you indirectly that this is an issue you should be particularly concerned about. And secondly, when they quarrel about a little-known area, they are often helping those they engage with gain more knowledge. Not because of the misleading information they post, but because arguing with them can lead people to do far more research than they would have done otherwise.

Short YouTube Clip about Disinformation Agents

And they call it a liberal media when we know that if those media's were REALLY liberal, they would be exposing much much more than they do now.

Air America even tossed off their best Progressive, Randi Rhodes. She was Rush only she wasn't full of bullshit!!!!

Today we have Bill Press, Ed Schultz, Stephanie Miller? Fun, but not really asking the hard questions. Good people, interesting, liberal like I want, but not going far enough.

Rachel Maddow is pretty good, but they put her on MSNBC so now she can only go so far. The station controls what she talks about, not her. It's part of her contract.

Thom Hartmann is MONEY.

The solution to all our country financial problems is the Federal Reserve. Talking about anything else is just a distraction.
Hi Octoldit:

Thank you for starting this Disinformation Topic where these readers can learn better ways to spot DoD field operatives working this USMessageBoard. I just finished writing a post exposing the most notable field op working this site (here) and he just happens to be the same guy responding to your Opening Post in Post #2. I have years of experience dealing with DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA field ops running diversion for the Official Bush/Obama Administration/DoD/FBI/Etc. Cover Story LIE and can post my findings on your thread to assist these readers to recognize these inside-job bad guys very quickly; but first I will respond to some of what appears in your OP itself:
Posted by: Clare Swinney [FONT=&quot]⋅[/FONT] March 11, 2009

LINK: Uncensored Magazine | How To Spot A Disinformation Agent

“Information warfare” is being waged throughout the cybersphere. Whether they are CENTCOM disinfo government employees or ill-informed know-it-alls, there has been an ugly battle raging on the Internet for the minds of the public. As any 9/11 truth activist who uses the web regularly can tell you, truth obfuscaters are crawling around message boards like locusts, referring to 9/11 truthers as “fringe nutcases,” “ridiculous,” “…fucking conspiracy theorists” and the like, while simultaeously hijacking rational discussions by planting bogus information. And no, jet fuel fires can not melt steel.

This description of DoD/FBI/CIA/NAS field ops working these Boards seems very limited in scope at best. I was accused of being a Disinfo Agent by a group of DoD Op retards working the LooseChange Board on this thread (link) back in October of 2007; which I quite frankly found hilarious. :0) The LC member posing as “Pentagon Reality Check” (this guy) is none other than ‘Caustic Logic’ a.k.a “The Frustrating Fraud” (blog) a.k.a “Adam Larson” that I know very well. You can read Adam Larson’s criticisms of my ‘two attack’ 9:32 AM Pentagon Explanation on his blog (here) where he posts a link to my debate with “Honway” (another DoD field op) here*. A listing of Adam’s rants against my Pentagon Explanations are here if anybody is interested. I wrote a quick ‘comment’ against his nonsense to receive this reply:


Fraud (Mark Larson) >> Eh, whatever. Guess I was wrong, huh?
Of course he is wrong like every other DoD Op running diversion for the DoD Cover Story. Honway ran away for a long time over our 9:38 AM Versus 9:32 AM First Explosion debate at the link above* ‘and’ Mark Larson went into retirement after our debate on this Pentagon Topic on this new Loose Change Board:

Mark Larson’s Final LC Post Thread

The 'deleted user' is “PentagonRC” who I write to and said, “The Official Cover Story guys (heh) have a very difficult job of selling that story, when they must take these opportunities to talk about ‘hole’ sizes in light of the missing 100-Ton Jetliner. :0) Mark’s final words were “Huh. . . Yeah, hadn’t thought about it like that. Thanks. I am #27 on Mark’s “Master List” (here) BTW. Anyone wanting to see how a real DoD Counterintelligence/Disinformation Operative really works these Boards can go through all of Pentagon Reality Check’s posts from ‘both’ of these Loose Change Boards ‘and’ search for everything written by “Frustrating Fraud” under the names of Caustic Logic and Mark Larson. This is just one of dozens of examples I can point out working all over the internet to help others learn to recognize their handiwork. The DoD Ops working this USMessageBoard are not nearly as well-trained as Mark Larson, or Michael Anderson (“Painter” = pilots for truth) or Russell Pickering (from LC Board) or Gravy (Mark Roberts = my thread = JREF retard), or Killtown (911Movement field op = my thread), because (no offense, but) the typical USMessageBoard member/writer is really not that sophisticated and up-to-date on the details surrounding these related 9/11 Inside-job Attacks.

The DoD assigns these cartoon characters according to the ‘threat assessment status’ of the contributing writer/members, as well as the sophistication of the 911Truth Format itself. This place has one little room for ‘all’ conspiracies and I cannot even find one serious thesis paper on this Pentagon attack anywhere in the archives, so the DoD has no reason to send the big hired guns to spread Counterintelligence Disinformation Trash on this Board; which is the reason that you see the one and two-liner distraction stupidity coming from the few DoD Ops working this Board that merely throws dust in the air.

Naturally, it is not just information about what really happened on 9/11 that is under attack, the infowar is evident in relation to other topics that governments have a vested interest in lying about, such as chemtrails, mercury in vaccines leading to autism, AIDS/HIV being man-made, “man-made global warming” and the health effects of fluoride and depleted uranium (DU).

We agree. The difference is that We The People still have ‘time’ to backtrack and ‘solve’ these related 9/11 Inside-job Attacks, BEFORE the Inside-job Bad Guys have time to carry out the remainder of their New World Order “Plan,” so keeping field ops in these vital 911Truth locations is important to perpetuating the 9/11 LIES that keep a vast majority of Americans sound asleep. The DoD Counterintelligence/Disinformation Construct for this USMessageBoard Website is based upon ‘diversionary trickery’ more than actual ‘Disinformation’ disguised as ‘the’ 911Truth. Why send your 175 I.Q. ‘three-dimensional-thinking’ DoD Field Op to razzle dazzle everybody, when all you need is a 90 I.Q. zombie/troll willing to simply throw tons of dust in the air? In short: I have seen tons of these guys working these Discussion Boards and the cartoon characters around here represent the very bottom of the DoD Op barrel. :0) Those among these members and readers DUPED by these guys are not even paying attention . . .

The disinfo artists who work on the Internet, referred to as “trolls,” use a number of tried and tested means to mislead those who are trying to learn the truth about controversial issues, while attempting to make those disseminating the truth feel reluctant to continue. Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress The Truth -The Rules of Disinformation by H. Micheal Sweeney covers their methods in some detail.

No!! The bottom rungs of the DoD Counterintelligence/Disinformation Ladder include your ‘trolls’ who could not make a real 911Truth case using ‘the evidence’ if their life depended on it. There is a very wide spectrum of DoD Ops including the ‘troll-types’ and the highly sophisticated-types assigned to Boards like LooseChange, 911Movement,, PilotsForTruth, JREF and so forth. You cannot toss all DoD Ops into the same little pot, because these DoD assets are ‘tools’ for a variety of different environments and objectives. If nobody on a particular Board is presenting ‘the’ 911Truth, then the DoD handler has no reason to pull out and deploy a sophisticated tool. :0)

Their dirty work does have some positive spin-offs for those who care about the truth however. For one thing, if they argue incessantly about a particular topic, they are waving a flag and telling you indirectly that this is an issue you should be particularly concerned about.

I have learned many things about ‘the’ 911Truth from DoD field ops that never crossed my mind until our heated debating encounters. The DoD ops to teach me the most about the Pentagon Case in the shortest time was a combination of Russell Pickering and YCHTT on my LC Thread here (link) and starting at this very post (link). YouCantHandleTheTruth is an Arlington County Firefighter who opened up my eyes to ‘the’ truth that a real Jet ‘did’ in fact strike the Pentagon, which changed me from being a “No-planer” during this debate. Note that “Russell Pickering” (link = from = now shut down ) is the DoD field op who became the ‘unregistered user’ in this case. Russell Pickering is the DoD ‘hander’ (some releated info) who started the LooseChange Brats off in the beginning and now runs the show from behind the scenes . . .

And secondly, when they quarrel about a little-known area, they are often helping those they engage with gain more knowledge. Not because of the misleading information they post, but because arguing with them can lead people to do far more research than they would have done otherwise.

The ‘sophisticated’ DoD field op oftentimes helps the ‘trained’ 911Truther locate that difficult-to-find information to connect all the dots, but the seemingly stupid DoD bottom-of-the-barrel types simply do not have enough 911Truth knowledge to make any intelligent contributions one way or the other. The highly sophisticated DoD field ops like the CIT retards (their website = my pic) are in the business of creating a myriad of ‘rabbit holes’ leading everywhere and ‘nowhere,’ as they care only about what ‘did not’ hit the Pentagon and throwing hundreds of theories around to confuse everybody. These CIT guys work under Michael Anderson ('Painter' from Pilots for truth) who was a registered member at with me and Russell Pickering where I got to know these clowns very well indeed. You can see how a real DoD handler supports his field ops and their assets by simply reading my debate with Aldo and Craig (CIT retards) on this thread here.

And lastly, I highlight 12 things that a real Disinformation Agent ‘will’ do and 10 things that a real Disinformation Agent ‘will not’ do in this LS Post (link*) to help these readers sharpen their Disinfo Agent-recognizing skills. :0)

PS. Mr. Gullible from that post* is Craig Ranke from CIT.
Twelve Things A Disinfo Agent 'Will' Do:

1. Drill the 9:38 AM and 9:43 AM crash times into your head like there is no tomorrow.
2. Point to the ACAAR and content like that is the Bible.
3. Push the loyalty and credibility of ‘firemen’ in support of the false ACAAR testimony.
4. Generally refer to 911Truthers as “Conspiracy Theorists” or “CT’ers or 'trofers/troffers.'
5. Discredits witness testimony intimating a ‘pre-9:38 AM’ Pentagon attack.
6. Supports the Official Government Cover Stories divided by average member perceptions. That means if most everyone on a Board accepts one explanation (missile, flyover, A-3 Jet, etc.), then his programming says to adopt a version along those lines to develop a strategy backtracking to the Official Cover Story.
7. Prefer to ask leading questions rather than offer real arguments.
8. Avoids in-depth debates that will expose his position.
9. Spread disinformation without defending anything.
10. Offers common sense explanations towards his position rather than produce technically-sound arguments.
11. Present many Post-collapse E-Ring wall images.
12. Connect all references to the ‘explosion’ to Flight 77 and the 9:38 AM event.

Ten Things A Disinfo Agent Will NOT Do:

1. Make references to 9:31 AM and 9:32 AM evidence in this Pentagon case. The ACAAR never mentions these times even once.
2. Support any missile theory at all. That happened at 9:31:39 AM and his job is to hide that fact.
3. Connect engine debris to anything other than a Boeing 757-200 Jetliner.
4. Present many Pre-collapse Pentagon E-Ring wall images.
5. Stand toe to toe with any well-organized 911Truther and debate these topics.
6. Support theories opposing the Official DoD Cover Story.
7. Give verbal support to any member opposing the Official DoD Cover Story.
8. Use the term ‘explosions’ (plural) in his work. This term does not appear in the ACAAR or the 911Commission Report even once.
9. Speak derogatorily about the DoD, federal officers or any ‘authority’ over these Pentagon events.
10. Show any support for Conspiracy Theories in general.

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For someone on the OUTSIDE to try to unravel the mysteries of things like the Kennedy assassination or 911 is, I think, a waste of one's time.

Inevitably these debates end up with one group believeing one "expert" and the others's believe their own "experts"

Since few of us are qualified to judge which "expert" is on the level, we end up simply believing what we WANT to believe.

That's no way to solve mysteries, folks.
Hi Editec:

For someone on the OUTSIDE to try to unravel the mysteries of things like the Kennedy assassination or 911 is, I think, a waste of one's time.

That is perhaps the most ridiculous statement these eyes have ever seen, because we are talking about getting ‘9/11 right.’ The answer for everybody here has been the same from the very beginning: Everybody is responsible for running his or her own 911Truth Investigation to separate ‘fact’ from ‘fiction.’ The 911Truth says exactly what ‘all’ the real evidence says ‘and’ without creating a single contradiction.

Inevitably these debates end up with one group believeing one "expert" and the others's believe their own "experts"

No! Never allow anyone to discourage your efforts or willingness to uncover ‘the’ 911Truth!!! Editec’s statement is comparable to people seeking ‘the truth’ of God’s Living Word ‘and’ because there are thousands of ‘interpretations’ then nobody knows ‘the truth.’ Bullony! Again, ‘the truth’ says exactly what ALL the evidence says ‘and’ without creating a single contradiction. Scriptures says that there ‘MUST’ be factions/divisions/sects among us so that those who ‘are approved’ may become evident among us. 1Corinthians 11:19. That means everybody with an ‘interpretation’ of the evidence gives his or her side of the story, THEN everyone else decides if anybody is approved or not. Finding ‘your’ 911Truth tutor means locating the guy with ‘the’ testimony that matches THE EVIDENCE. Period! You treat this Pentagon case like a murder mystery, because obviously ‘somebody’ is responsible for the 184 deaths related to this attack. Everybody wades through the testimony of each professing 911Truther, until you realize that somebody ‘is’ actually telling ‘the truth’ told by THE EVIDENCE.

Since few of us are qualified to judge which "expert" is on the level, we end up simply believing what we WANT to believe.

“We” NOTHING. Each individual is responsible for getting 9/11 right from the facts told by THE EVIDENCE. If you want to preach that a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this empty hole in this empty Shanksville field (pic = my thread), or this standing E-ring wall (pic = my thread), then by golly show us YOUR EVIDENCE. :0)

That's no way to solve mysteries, folks.

We finally agree on something! :0) At some point, obtaining ‘the’ 911Truth requires each person to conduct his own 911Truth Investigation, OR at the very least compare the testimony of everyone to decide who is approved and who is full of hot air. The only other option is to continue representing Loyal Bushie DUPES (pic) in preparation for the second round of 9/11-like attacks now on the horizon.

Recognizing the DoD field ops running diversion for the Official Cover Story can do wonders to open your eyes to 'the 911Truth,' because then you 'can' begin separating 'fact' from their Official Cover Story fiction.


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I stumbled across this discussion while I was doing a Google search on disinformation and the agents thereof. It looked like a good one so I thought I would register and post, give some input, and ask some questions.

First of all, my background is (VERY long and complicated story short) as a survivor of familial/community ritual abuse and govt. mind control. I've been out of captivity to this network for 5 yrs now and am in recovery from all that has happened to me through my life.

I am involved in the survivor community and run a podcast station for a national conference (SMART) where I post the talks online at Podomatic.

There is a LOT I could say about covert agents and govt. sneaky doings in the underground network of this country. There is a lot I would be wiser to keep quiet about too.

One thing we in the recovering RA/MC survivor community have noticed is that when we enter into recovery and go into escape mode from the network, (especially if we are vocal and activist oriented, which I am) right away we are targeted by govt. agents posing as "helpers" and "deprogrammers", or Christian "prayer ministers". We only find out that this is the case later on, if ever. These creeps use our own dissociation and amnesia to hide behind and further exploit us. It has happened so many times, it is almost a classic ploy.

Through the years there have been several well known figures writing and speaking within the conspiracy oriented community who later admitted (at least to us survivors) that they were govt. agents. I am unsure whether they have admitted it in writing or not, or if there is other evidence. I would really appreciate some solid links to material on this topic.

One of the reasons I am looking for solid info regarding this topic is because I am pretty vocal about my background and the fact that the govt. has agents running all over the underground in this country and online. My main point to the average Joe is this:

Disinformation campaigns are classified under the realm of psychological warfare. Psychological warfare conducted by paid govt. agents is supposed to happen concerning an enemy of state. What business do govt. agents have in conducting psychological warfare on THEIR OWN PEOPLE?! This should not happen in a free republic. But I am sure everyone here knows that the days of a free republic are long gone. People like me have known this our entire lives.

When people I know poo poo "conspiracy theories", I would like to show them solid evidence, or at least really good evidence of agents conducting these kinds of activities. Heresay on message boards the average Joe just won't read, I'm afraid. Can anyone help me with this?
I know these aren't imaginary conspiracies because I've lived it and witnessed it.


how to spot a disinfo agent:

say something really retarded with absolutely no facts to back it up.

when someone points out the fact its retarded and has no facts to back it up call them a disinfo agent.
Posted by: Clare Swinney ⋅ March 11, 2009

LINK: Uncensored Magazine | How To Spot A Disinformation Agent

“Information warfare” is being waged throughout the cybersphere. Whether they are CENTCOM disinfo government employees or ill-informed know-it-alls, there has been an ugly battle raging on the Internet for the minds of the public. As any 9/11 truth activist who uses the web regularly can tell you, truth obfuscaters are crawling around message boards like locusts, referring to 9/11 truthers as “fringe nutcases,” “ridiculous,” “…fucking conspiracy theorists” and the like, while simultaeously hijacking rational discussions by planting bogus information. And no, jet fuel fires can not melt steel.

Naturally, it is not just information about what really happened on 9/11 that is under attack, the infowar is evident in relation to other topics that governments have a vested interest in lying about, such as chemtrails, mercury in vaccines leading to autism, AIDS/HIV being man-made, “man-made global warming” and the health effects of fluoride and depleted uranium (DU).

The disinfo artists who work on the Internet, referred to as “trolls,” use a number of tried and tested means to mislead those who are trying to learn the truth about controversial issues, while attempting to make those disseminating the truth feel reluctant to continue. Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress The Truth -The Rules of Disinformation by H. Micheal Sweeney covers their methods in some detail.

Their dirty work does have some positive spin-offs for those who care about the truth however. For one thing, if they argue incessantly about a particular topic, they are waving a flag and telling you indirectly that this is an issue you should be particularly concerned about. And secondly, when they quarrel about a little-known area, they are often helping those they engage with gain more knowledge. Not because of the misleading information they post, but because arguing with them can lead people to do far more research than they would have done otherwise.

Short YouTube Clip about Disinformation Agents
As Minister of Agitprop, I give the above a C-

The point is to not sound insane.
Posted by: Clare Swinney ? March 11, 2009

LINK: Uncensored Magazine | How To Spot A Disinformation Agent

" the infowar is evident in relation to other topics that governments have a vested interest in lying about, such as chemtrails, mercury in vaccines leading to autism, AIDS/HIV being man-made, “man-made global warming” and the health effects of fluoride and depleted uranium (DU)."

The disinfo artists who work on the Internet, referred to as “trolls,” use a number of tried and tested means to mislead those who are trying to learn the truth about controversial issues, while attempting to make those disseminating the truth feel reluctant to continue.

I've noticed 2 primary types of information that end up effecting disinformation.

Misinformation-people use this and become frustrated because it does not work and is debunked quicky. Eventually they are burnt out and no longer want to associate with the information as it explains nothing they thought it did.

Over information-The chafe which creates confusion in priorities, distracts from real and useful information for creating the needed accountability while serving as a vehicle for diluting the discussional enviornment by false social groups. Essentially it looks like people are paying attention to important things when the things really do not have that level of importance.

Their dirty work does have some positive spin-offs for those who care about the truth however. For one thing, if they argue incessantly about a particular topic, they are waving a flag and telling you indirectly that this is an issue you should be particularly concerned about. And secondly, when they quarrel about a little-known area, they are often helping those they engage with gain more knowledge.'

My activism has definitely benefited from disinfos trying to debunk the truth I know and can evidence, with evidence proving the opposite of what they try to spread. Many people have noticed that there is far too much opposition to the suggestion that there was a concrete core. One poster here said, "Thoust doth complain too loudly." which says it.

stannrodd who has been stalking me for 6 years along with gamolon posted this expecting it to be accepted as showing steel core columns. It shows the beginning of concrete forms and many dark vertical bars, rebar.


it shows only the very large interior box columns that surrounded the concrete core and does not look into the core.
BTW, stann is in NZ and so is the article linked in the OP author, Swinny. Swinny has a link at that page to ae911 which is headed by gage who has lied in public to me that he had images of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 and would send them to me. He never has.

Since there is no evidence other than the misrepresentations, misinformation of steel core columns that the misleaders of the truth movement inserted into the information base at the beginning of 9-11 activism, gamolon had to try and exploit a collateral issue that might discredit the assertion that the Twin Towers had a concrete core.
gam chose to try and assert that because there were elevators entering the lobby, the concrete core walls would be impossible because the elevator doors would have to open through the wall.
gam did not count on the fact that I know only one tower had elevators opening on the lobby, WTC 2. William Rodriguez is suspiciously absent with this and will not respond to my emails. gam or his support network amongst the infiltrators of the US government who are the perpetrators photoshopped a WTC 2 lobby photo with WTC 1 exterior features, primarily the footbridge.
There was a blunder. They used a transparency level too great on the layer with the WTC 2 lobby, rather than going to very large scale and masking the exterio features on a lower layer. The footbridge windows can be seen through the WYC 2 perimeter columns in this zoom of the original.


So disinfos can expose themselves as well as bring evidence proving exactly the opposite of what they intend.

The original of this image was posted by disinfos years ago trying to say that because light was seen through the core, there was no concrete. Actually the light shows that there were no continuous columns and disproves steel core columns. this one has been annotated to identify the features.

Only if they push it past a reasonable point and have no evidence for their position.

Exclusive uses of cognitive distortions is also an indicator.
For someone on the OUTSIDE to try to unravel the mysteries of things like the Kennedy assassination or 911 is, I think, a waste of one's time.

Inevitably these debates end up with one group believeing one "expert" and the others's believe their own "experts"

Since few of us are qualified to judge which "expert" is on the level, we end up simply believing what we WANT to believe.

That's no way to solve mysteries, folks.

Well, on the side of the government, the experts are telling their stories and setting them selves up for unbelieveable amounts of errant sniping from the peanut gallery. All for free.

On the side of those who don't believe the government, the "experts" are selling their stories and often times changing them to sell more stories or to retract either known or unknown lies in the previous versions.

How many different editions of Loose Change were there?

Obviously the only "disinformation agents" are the ones who don't believe the government story.
I stumbled across this discussion while I was doing a Google search on disinformation and the agents thereof. It looked like a good one so I thought I would register and post, give some input, and ask some questions.

First of all, my background is (VERY long and complicated story short) as a survivor of familial/community ritual abuse and govt. mind control. I've been out of captivity to this network for 5 yrs now and am in recovery from all that has happened to me through my life.

I am involved in the survivor community and run a podcast station for a national conference (SMART) where I post the talks online at Podomatic.

There is a LOT I could say about covert agents and govt. sneaky doings in the underground network of this country. There is a lot I would be wiser to keep quiet about too.

One thing we in the recovering RA/MC survivor community have noticed is that when we enter into recovery and go into escape mode from the network, (especially if we are vocal and activist oriented, which I am) right away we are targeted by govt. agents posing as "helpers" and "deprogrammers", or Christian "prayer ministers". We only find out that this is the case later on, if ever. These creeps use our own dissociation and amnesia to hide behind and further exploit us. It has happened so many times, it is almost a classic ploy.

Through the years there have been several well known figures writing and speaking within the conspiracy oriented community who later admitted (at least to us survivors) that they were govt. agents. I am unsure whether they have admitted it in writing or not, or if there is other evidence. I would really appreciate some solid links to material on this topic.

One of the reasons I am looking for solid info regarding this topic is because I am pretty vocal about my background and the fact that the govt. has agents running all over the underground in this country and online. My main point to the average Joe is this:

Disinformation campaigns are classified under the realm of psychological warfare. Psychological warfare conducted by paid govt. agents is supposed to happen concerning an enemy of state. What business do govt. agents have in conducting psychological warfare on THEIR OWN PEOPLE?! This should not happen in a free republic. But I am sure everyone here knows that the days of a free republic are long gone. People like me have known this our entire lives.

When people I know poo poo "conspiracy theories", I would like to show them solid evidence, or at least really good evidence of agents conducting these kinds of activities. Heresay on message boards the average Joe just won't read, I'm afraid. Can anyone help me with this?
I know these aren't imaginary conspiracies because I've lived it and witnessed it.



Hi Eliana,Octobolt and Terral hit the nail right on the head,government disinformation agents have penetrated this site,Fizz,Divecon, and Candycorn are three well known ones that troll these boards like Octobolt talked about.
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I stumbled across this discussion while I was doing a Google search on disinformation and the agents thereof. It looked like a good one so I thought I would register and post, give some input, and ask some questions.

First of all, my background is (VERY long and complicated story short) as a survivor of familial/community ritual abuse and govt. mind control. I've been out of captivity to this network for 5 yrs now and am in recovery from all that has happened to me through my life.

I am involved in the survivor community and run a podcast station for a national conference (SMART) where I post the talks online at Podomatic.

There is a LOT I could say about covert agents and govt. sneaky doings in the underground network of this country. There is a lot I would be wiser to keep quiet about too.

One thing we in the recovering RA/MC survivor community have noticed is that when we enter into recovery and go into escape mode from the network, (especially if we are vocal and activist oriented, which I am) right away we are targeted by govt. agents posing as "helpers" and "deprogrammers", or Christian "prayer ministers". We only find out that this is the case later on, if ever. These creeps use our own dissociation and amnesia to hide behind and further exploit us. It has happened so many times, it is almost a classic ploy.

Through the years there have been several well known figures writing and speaking within the conspiracy oriented community who later admitted (at least to us survivors) that they were govt. agents. I am unsure whether they have admitted it in writing or not, or if there is other evidence. I would really appreciate some solid links to material on this topic.

One of the reasons I am looking for solid info regarding this topic is because I am pretty vocal about my background and the fact that the govt. has agents running all over the underground in this country and online. My main point to the average Joe is this:

Disinformation campaigns are classified under the realm of psychological warfare. Psychological warfare conducted by paid govt. agents is supposed to happen concerning an enemy of state. What business do govt. agents have in conducting psychological warfare on THEIR OWN PEOPLE?! This should not happen in a free republic. But I am sure everyone here knows that the days of a free republic are long gone. People like me have known this our entire lives.

When people I know poo poo "conspiracy theories", I would like to show them solid evidence, or at least really good evidence of agents conducting these kinds of activities. Heresay on message boards the average Joe just won't read, I'm afraid. Can anyone help me with this?
I know these aren't imaginary conspiracies because I've lived it and witnessed it.



Hi Eliana,Octobolt and Terral hit the nail right on the head,government disinformation agents have penetrated this site,Fizz,Divecon, and Candycorn are two well known ones that troll these boards like Octobolt talked about.
thanks for showing the n00b you are the moron we all know you are

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