How to reduce gun deaths in US

Nor do knives, clubs, poison, tanks, bombs, missiles, explosives.

Notably though, few nations go to war without knives. Or bombs. Or clubs. Or explosives.

Or, for that matter....guns.
Yep it ain’t the object. Gun grabbers want to blame the inanimate object. Of course, guns are ok if you’re using them to keep the populace unarmed.
To be fair, couldn't you have also said something more profound? For example, have you noticed the trend where the right only cares about gun violence when it's dark skinned people carrying the guns?
Have you noticed the trend where Libs are terrified of discussing a problem because they know the bulk of the problem lies with their pet human dark people?
To show directly that a reduced number of guns available to the general population DOES reduce gun deaths....duh! :) Gun control measures in other countries, do by far, work.
Without resorting to a post-hoc fallacy - demonstrate this to be true.
But these comparisons do tend to highlight the resistance to sensible gun laws...
Laws which violate the constitution are anything but sensible.
Statistics have proven that more guns in a society doesn’t make society safer. Do with that what you will.
Gun rights advocate John Lott says otherwise

Taking my guns away does not make me safer
To be fair, couldn't you have also said something more profound? For example, have you noticed the trend where the right only cares about gun violence when it's dark skinned people carrying the guns?

The left doesn't care about it at all. You cheered when Hunter Biden got away with breaking multiple federal gun laws.
What's the firearm-related murder rate in each of the states?
What number would you like me to present?

The chart is about Deaths
Not all deaths are murder

Do you believe it ( murder) rate varies greatly or not so much, from just the phrase “firearm deaths”

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