How to Handle the Marxist Marching in Our Cities


May 23, 2014
Snipers need to take out the most vocal or the clear leaders of the March.
It's funny you support the very same people who oppose removing the Lenin statues in Ukraine.

You probably support the Communist Syriza bastards from Greece.

You probably like Milos Zeman, leftist Social Democrat and Putin supporter, as well as infamous drunk.

I wouldn't be surprised if you like Corbyn, a known Marxist.

And of course you have nothing against former Soviet KGB agents.

The real HW was not a commie bastard like you.
It's funny you support the very same people who oppose removing the Lenin statues in Ukraine.

You probably support the Communist Syriza bastards from Greece.

You probably like Milos Zeman, leftist Social Democrat and Putin supporter, as well as infamous drunk.

I wouldn't be surprised if you like Corbyn, a known Marxist.

And of course you have nothing against former Soviet KGB agents.

The real HW was not a commie bastard like you.
I support their police action with regards to protesters. Sweep the anti-American scum off the streets. The have now become a subversive movement and no longer deserve the protection of the 1st Amendment.

Snipers are much too draconian.

Simple water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, mounted police with truncheons, and the occasional police or National Guard phalanx or testudo will do nicely.

Oh, and special Bitch-Slap and Spank the Little Wankers squads, back at the police stations.

Snipers are much too draconian.

Simple water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, mounted police with truncheons, and the occasional police or National Guard phalanx or testudo will do nicely.
True..but I like the idea of snipers putting the zap on some heads.

Snipers are much too draconian.

Simple water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, mounted police with truncheons, and the occasional police or National Guard phalanx or testudo will do nicely.
True..but I like the idea of snipers putting the zap on some heads.
Nahhhhh... save that in case it's ever truly needed... like swatting a mosquito with a battleship... these are just petty little LibTard pissants, whining...

Snipers are much too draconian.

Simple water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, mounted police with truncheons, and the occasional police or National Guard phalanx or testudo will do nicely.

Oh, and special Bitch-Slap and Spank the Little Wankers squads, back at the police stations.
Maybe noise torture would also work.

Snipers are much too draconian.

Simple water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, mounted police with truncheons, and the occasional police or National Guard phalanx or testudo will do nicely.

Oh, and special Bitch-Slap and Spank the Little Wankers squads, back at the police stations.
Maybe noise torture would also work.
You mean Rap Music?

Snipers are much too draconian.

Simple water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, mounted police with truncheons, and the occasional police or National Guard phalanx or testudo will do nicely.
True..but I like the idea of snipers putting the zap on some heads.
Nahhhhh... save that in case it's ever truly needed... like swatting a mosquito with a battleship... these are just petty little LibTard pissants, whining...
Smash them early. They will carry the lesson with them for the next 4 years.

Snipers are much too draconian.

Simple water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, mounted police with truncheons, and the occasional police or National Guard phalanx or testudo will do nicely.

Oh, and special Bitch-Slap and Spank the Little Wankers squads, back at the police stations.
Maybe noise torture would also work.
You mean Rap Music?
Nah, more like patriotic music, 100's of songs at top decibels. But better get the mental wards prepared.
Who knows, maybe even the morgue ready if they are near any bridges at the time...

Snipers are much too draconian.

Simple water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, mounted police with truncheons, and the occasional police or National Guard phalanx or testudo will do nicely.
True..but I like the idea of snipers putting the zap on some heads.
Nahhhhh... save that in case it's ever truly needed... like swatting a mosquito with a battleship... these are just petty little LibTard pissants, whining...
Smash them early. They will carry the lesson with them for the next 4 years.
Smash them? Only if they persist in disrupting public life and destroying property and endangering lives.

Kill them? No. At least not until they force the issue, to an extreme that I do not believe they intend to pursue.

Remember. These may be LibTards. These may be whiny little bitches. But they're mostly young people. And our fellow countrymen.They pose no existential threat.
Chicago police run Marxist carrying enemy colors off the Phil Sheridan statue in Grant Park 1968. Still say they should of just shot the cocksuckers.
You call these protestors Marxist and in the same breath you think snipers need to take them out. I think you are confused about what country you are in. You must think you are in Russia where they kill and jail their opponents.

Snipers are much too draconian.

Simple water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, mounted police with truncheons, and the occasional police or National Guard phalanx or testudo will do nicely.

Oh, and special Bitch-Slap and Spank the Little Wankers squads, back at the police stations.
Maybe noise torture would also work.
You mean Rap Music?
Nah, more like patriotic music, 100's of songs at top decibels. But better get the mental wards prepared.
Country & Western songs should do the trick.. especially the older cowboy stuff from the 1930s and 1940s... or...

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Snipers are much too draconian.

Simple water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, mounted police with truncheons, and the occasional police or National Guard phalanx or testudo will do nicely.
True..but I like the idea of snipers putting the zap on some heads.
Nahhhhh... save that in case it's ever truly needed... like swatting a mosquito with a battleship... these are just petty little LibTard pissants, whining...
Smash them early. They will carry the lesson with them for the next 4 years.
Smash them? Only if they persist in disrupting public life and destroying property and endangering lives.

Kill them? No. At least not until they force the issue, to an extreme that I do not believe they intend to pursue.

Remember. These may be LibTards. These may be whiny little bitches. But they're mostly young people. And our fellow countrymen.They pose no existential threat.
They are a threat. They are advocating violence. They are advocating intimidating members of the electoral college. They are subversives.

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