How to fix Human Caused Global Warming.

Really? California has enjoyed multiple droughts over the last 1200 years that lasted for 300 YEARS or more.

Good example. How do you think LA and SD would fare if SoCal fell into another 300 year long drought? Any ideas?

No? I'll tell you: it would be a disaster as millions and millions of people desperately try to get out and move into areas that aren't prepared for millions of new people coming into their towns.

This is why AGW is a real problem. I don't think anyone seriously thinks it will wipe out humanity. But you can be guaranteed that it will pose a SERIOUS danger to our economy and possibly to our society if it is expansive enough.

Right now California represents an outsized fraction of our agricultural infrastructure (artificially put there because of longer growing seasons, but with a LOT less water than is needed). If California went into a multi-century drought it would collapse that ag industry VERY quickly. And then you thought prices were high now? Imagine if you couldn't get lettuce at the grocery store or it cost 10X more. Those are real things that can happen with AGW.

If you create "climate change migrants" it will stress the economies of towns where those people end up.

Now what if AGW is also causing sea level rise (it is, we can measure it) and the East Coast gets involved in the fun? Now you are dealing with climate migrants on the left and right coasts of the US. Millions upon millions of people uprooted and moving around.

It's beyond stupid to assume that these things won't rock our economy. And with enough rocking even worse things happen.

Now imagine what happens if our primary trading partners are also suffering?

The Bigger the Jolly Green Giant Comes, the Harder He Falls

The tipping point against the Gaiaists has already been reached. With their Lethal Lockdown followed by shutting off new energy drilling, we must get rid of them or suffer collapse.
I'm leaning on wanting to watch them get their wish and suffer the predictable surprises.
Are you also a Coronavirus Conspiracy theorist as well?
Do I believe this is a disease of the endothelial that typically uses the respiratory system to gain entry but attacks the lining of the organs? Yes. Do I believe it disproportionately affects the elderly and the immunological impaired? Yes. Do I believe that fatality is the risk the non-elderly and non-immunological impaired should be concerned with? No. The risk they should be concerned with is damage to their organs and a reduction in their life span which has a much greater likelihood of occurring.

Any questions?
Good example. How do you think LA and SD would fare if SoCal fell into another 300 year long drought? Any ideas?

No? I'll tell you: it would be a disaster as millions and millions of people desperately try to get out and move into areas that aren't prepared for millions of new people coming into their towns.

This is why AGW is a real problem. I don't think anyone seriously thinks it will wipe out humanity. But you can be guaranteed that it will pose a SERIOUS danger to our economy and possibly to our society if it is expansive enough.

Right now California represents an outsized fraction of our agricultural infrastructure (artificially put there because of longer growing seasons, but with a LOT less water than is needed). If California went into a multi-century drought it would collapse that ag industry VERY quickly. And then you thought prices were high now? Imagine if you couldn't get lettuce at the grocery store or it cost 10X more. Those are real things that can happen with AGW.

If you create "climate change migrants" it will stress the economies of towns where those people end up.

Now what if AGW is also causing sea level rise (it is, we can measure it) and the East Coast gets involved in the fun? Now you are dealing with climate migrants on the left and right coasts of the US. Millions upon millions of people uprooted and moving around.

It's beyond stupid to assume that these things won't rock our economy. And with enough rocking even worse things happen.

Now imagine what happens if our primary trading partners are also suffering?

They will do real poorly because they are led by an incompetent political party that is intent on enriching itself, rather than take care of the people who supposedly (that is now very much in question) elected them. Has nothing to do with global warming, but EVERYTHING to do with corrupt government leaders.
They will do real poorly because they are led by an incompetent political party

You're funny. I love how EVERYTHING is politics for you. LOL.

that is intent on enriching itself,

C'mon, Trump is no longer President.

rather than take care of the people who supposedly (that is now very much in question) elected them. Has nothing to do with global warming, but EVERYTHING to do with corrupt government leaders.

LOL. Qanon-types are funny but kind of sad that you got sucked into so many conspiracy theories that you can no longer think.
Do I believe that fatality is the risk the non-elderly and non-immunological impaired should be concerned with? No.

You should keep your crackpot musing to yourself rather than run the risk someone might read them and act on them.

Totally irresponsible of you. But you don't like science and you don't understand a LOT of things you have "opinions" on.

Any questions?

Why do you think people will buy your claims of education when you show almost no signs of any?
You should keep your crackpot musing to yourself rather than run the risk someone might read them and act on them.

Totally irresponsible of you. But you don't like science and you don't understand a LOT of things you have "opinions" on.

Why do you think people will buy your claims of education when you show almost no signs of any?

Stop projecting, loser.
They are called facts. You should look them up.

Ahhhh hahahahahaha! Qanuts want me to look up facts! Good one!

Ohhhhhh, riiiiight. You don't know how.

Well, I don't go seeking the most clearly biased and stupid sources like you do. But I do know how to look things up.

You are merely a parrot.

LOL. Another claim YOU CAN'T BACK UP!

That's the funniest thing about YOUR particular "trollgame". You do it so badly because you keep making accusations you can't back up. Everyone can see you can't back them up (you run away in fact).

I know this is how you get your jollies (because you're pretty stupid) but do try to improve the trollgame. Even some anencephalic incel like yourself can probably do better at it.
Naaaah, you are still living in the trailer park.

Oh COME ON! You can do better than that. BE ORIGINAL! Don't just take the most offensive word I typed and turn it around to make it sound like YOU said it! That's just lazy!

Surely you can do better. Geez. Do you need some help?
You should keep your crackpot musing to yourself rather than run the risk someone might read them and act on them. Totally irresponsible of you. But you don't like science and you don't understand a LOT of things you have "opinions" on. Why do you think people will buy your claims of education when you show almost no signs of any?

It is hard to fix a problem that so many think doesn't exist. But when things start getting bad enough that not even they can deny it, that will change. Human caused global warming is possible to fix. The problem is that the cure is almost as bad as the disease. I can think of two fixes for human caused global warming. And seeing how those making money from causing it are the least likely to suffer, that makes it even more likely to happen.

One fix would be to set off a super volcano. Such as the one under Yellowstone. (But not necessarily that one) The other option would be a nuclear war. Causing a nuclear winter. Though it doesn't necessarily have to be a war. Just nuke the hell out of some desert area. I have heard that it would take 7 hydrogen bombs going off at once to alter the earth weather. I don't know how many it would take to actually cause a nuclear winter.

Though the nuclear option would cause a lot of radiation. But I have seen that in radioactive areas, larger animals have been doing surprisingly well. Even so, I would still prefer to stay away from anything like that. So I guess it would have to be the super volcano approach. What do you think.

There is a third option though. One that deals with the next worse problem to the world. Overpopulation. Obviously, humans are to blame for human caused global warming. So the third option would be genocide. Megadeath. When it comes to that option, who should be the ones to go. Obviously it would be those who are the most responsible for it. "Racist" or not, the FACT is that White people aren't responsible for overpopulation. The population levels of Whites isn't rising. In fact, in some areas it is even going down a bit. So in any genocide, in any megadeath, it shouldn't be Whites who need to be eliminated. I wonder if anybody around here is capable of seeing the logic in that.
You are absolutely insane, and should not be allowed within 100 yards of children or firearms. Do you hear yourself? You are probably on an FBI watchlist after this post.

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